(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

UPDATE - Payment due by Sunday morning to secure class. Pls PM for details.

Per pax $18 normal trial is $42

Pls advise if opting out - close to confirm date with JWT and discount structure. Thank you ;)!

JTW UE Square - 207 River Valley Road, 1-2PM on 23/04/2011

1. Winnie

2. BabeE - Paid

3. Cc

4. cherli

5. Reenren


7. BW

8. LadyK - paid

9. Wish

10. Jules

11. mirthy

12. Joelle


Hey CC. Thanks for informing. Pity I can't make it on the 23rd.

JJ, pigeon has Y teat.

MT, my PD gives LactoGG. Smith Pharmacy sells it for $1.60 per capsule. Off the shelf will be lacetol forte from guardian/watsons.

And I'm really slow but CONGRATS TO WISH!!!

mm..wats all these list about?? im lost, haha

BTW who are the mummies currently preggie huh? I only know MT is...

Mirthy, no worries ;)

UPDATE - Payment due by Sunday morning to secure class.

NOW Per pax $18!!

normal trial is $42, anything less than 12pax the trial class reverts back to $42!

Pls advise if opting out - close to confirm date with JWT and discount structure. Thank you ;)!

JTW UE Square - 207 River Valley Road, 1-2PM on 23/04/2011

1. Winnie

2. BabeE - Paid

3. Cc

4. cherli

5. Reenren

6. Chloe

7. BW

8. LadyK - paid

9. Wish

10. Jules

11. sky

12. Joelle

Hi MT... Not so tired since am in second tri nw, but juz like the first time, I hv to go to bed really early or I can't get up for work next day

heh, we had sneak preview 3 weeks ago. Prob able to recycle Isaac's clothes ;)


Good good, can save $$[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2 boys good then they can really play tog [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] then 3rd one gal, just like me lol!!

I totally lost, u mommies so on for all the classes, I can't catch up at kindermusik, old Liao, too tiring for me :p

Xihui/ Seren ,

Is Y teat bigger than L? Tot Y is just variable flow. Really must di Wat cc say, poke hole. Kiddy palace sells special needle to poke hole??


no wor, L is bigger than Y. Y is between M & L. Ya, kiddy palace sells the puncher, a few sizes in that small carry box... maybe u can go straight to the staff and ask them.. then dun need to hunt so long.

JJ, i think Y, M den L. i saw it somewhere b4. Z has been on L for a long time already.

CC, ur account no. please.

Thx CC

JJ, yea... Save money, tho I did hope it's a gal. ;) no. 3 ah... Gotta wait n see these 2 we can cope or nt first

babybear, I oso had impression tt Y is bigger than L. Juz bot one pair! Think I gotta go get the punch too

BW, m happy to hear that u r open for #2 now. good for ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mirthy, congrats [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_biggrin.gif]

JTW UE Square - 207 River Valley Road, 1-2PM on 23/04/2011

1. Winnie

2. BabeE

3. Cc - paid

4. cherli - paid

5. Reenren - paid

6. Chloe - paid

7. BW - paid

8. LadyK - paid

9. Wish - paid

10. Jules

11. sky

12. Joelle

click hereINFO Page - JWT GYM.

Singapore - Central

81 Clemenceau Avenue

UE Square, #02-12

Singapore 239917

Tel : (65) 6333-8511

Fax : (65) 6333-8501

[email protected]


Sky, no worries [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JTW UE Square - 207 River Valley Road, 1-2PM on 23/04/2011

1. Winnie

2. BabeE

3. Cc - paid

4. cherli - paid

5. Reenren - paid

6. Chloe - paid

7. BW - paid

8. LadyK - paid

9. Wish - paid

10. Jules - paid

11. sky

12. Joelle

CC, is it? Haven't been to cinema for ages. Just happen to saw the promo from Cathay. The newly released movie "Rio" caught my attention.

Still wondering if my little bundle would be able to take the dark environment with the powerful sound system or would I be booted out even before they finish running the commercial/trailers.

"twiddling my thumb... "

wow $18 is a real bargain! Good job, CC!

Heidi just throw up her dinner along with phelgm...hope that's the last of em! Going to do a dream feed later to fill her poor empty tum tum...

Cathay's promotion is better as you can watch any show. GV has stipulated shows and days, ie in the month of April, it's "How to train a Dragon" and "Did you hear about the Morgans" on 12 and 26 April, 11am. i really cannot imagine how i can enjoy my show with my baby. i brought my #2 once when she was about 2mths old to watch "Bedtime stories". lucky i was at the last row, so i could get up and move behind.

hi mommies,

May I ask a favour from u? Trying to gather receipts for Mothercare to join member. currently only have $120, short of $180. Anyone don want their receipts (if u have for the 3mths window)pls pass me can?

Btw, just asking anyone interested in angrybird plush toys? My sons have been bugging me to get the blue bird and I don wanna get from BP coz prize is doubled from cost. The catch is we have to order in bulk to get them cheap. If anyone interested, PM me K. (NOTE: I am not selling, WE ARE ARE ALL GETTING AT COST PRICE)


i have pm u regarding the DOM n ginger wine,pls check yr bulk mail jus in case, cos many of my mails went to other's bulk mail duno why


Yeah.. The price is good, full session and 2 instructors. Hope I'm not disappointed with their session come 23rd. Caitlyn used to do sessions at JWT, not too bad - lots of tumbling space ;)

Update: I forgot to include GST - $1.35, unless I calculated wrongly ;p! Will collect on the day itself.

Socks - not required

One parent one toddler - there's sitting area which is in full view, cold storage and deli France round the corners for shoppin.

JTW UE Square - 207 River Valley Road, 1-2PM on 23/04/2011

1. Winnie

2. BabeE

3. Cc - paid

4. cherli - paid

5. Reenren - paid

6. Chloe - paid

7. BW - paid

8. LadyK - paid

9. Wish - paid

10. Jules - paid

11. sky -paid

12. Joelle


Please prepare $1.35 for GST which I've not included. Ttl for session is $19.35

Socks - not required

One parent one toddler - there's sitting area which is in full view, cold storage and deli France round the corners for shoppin.

JTW UE Square - 207 River Valley Road, 1-2PM on 23/04/2011

1. Winnie - paid

2. BabeE

3. Cc - paid

4. cherli - paid

5. Reenren - paid

6. Chloe - paid

7. BW - paid

8. LadyK - paid

9. Wish - paid

10. Jules - paid

11. sky -paid

12. Joelle -paid

Jules, yes yes, am open to #2 now but still alot of doubts in my head so i guess i will just take it naturally. Really no energy, i'm sure you know what i mean...very 'dry' & no urge now. Jialat leh.

bebechan, i've received your mail, thanks alot! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you're from sengkang is it?

carol, i've transferred $1.35 to your account! :p

From Account DBS Savings Plus


To Account Carol POSB

Amount S$1.35

Transaction Reference 6663638262

Final update.

JTW UE Square - 207 River Valley Road, 1-2PM on 23/04/2011

1. Winnie - paid

2. BabeE -paid

3. Cc - paid

4. cherli - paid

5. Reenren - paid

6. Chloe - paid

7. BW - paid

8. LadyK - paid

9. Wish - paid

10. Jules - paid

11. sky -paid

12. Joelle -paid

7. BW - paid

8. LadyK - paid

9. Wish - paid

10. Jules - paid

11. sky -paid

12. Joelle -paid

Hi mommies,

dimpleteo: is there a size chart??

Wanted to ask about filing for income tax. What child relief are we entitled to?? Super blur now.. Thanks


Following relief are available:

1) qualifying child relief

2) working mother child relief

3) grandparent caregiver relief

4) parenthood tax rebate

Item 1) & 4) can be split between spouse in terms of percentage but I let hubby claim full due to income bracket higher

Item 2) claim by working mum only. For this I can't recall if it's 15% or 20% rebate of total taxable income. The system will auto calculate for you.

Item 3) is if your child is under the care of their grandparents (either paternal or maternal is valid). Can only be claim by one party (u or spouse) and max claim is $3k

I believe that's all if my memory didn't failed me. I think the iras website do have more info.

Btw the dateline is mid of this month so dun procastinate in filing your tax ya.

Thanks Winnie for the info. Looks like you have done your homework well. Yes yes, i will have to go iras to find out more info. I can't even remb my singpass. Hahaha...

i just filed my income tax and only parenthood relief can be claim by spouse or ourself.

Item 1 not applicable to us unless we have annual income of less than 4,000 last year.

Grandparent relief also by working mum only.


Blur me. Forgotten that the grandparent relief is only for mother. I claimed that cos hubby ask me claim that portion and he say he will claim for item 1&4.

But I tot item 1 we can claim? The 4k income limit is does not refer to us right? It refers to our child's income right?

Will check with hubby trow to see if he claimed that part and I guess I better go read up again on the iras website. Hope I didn't claim the wrong stuff

Guess my brains really gone mushy after becoming a mum... Must up some supplements soon

Winnie sorry u r right. Qualifying child relief we can claim. I didn't claim so let hubby claim this instead.

Elise, no worry. I'm not too familiar with tax stuff too. Hubby was there to tell me what to claim when I was doing my filing. Hope that the assessment would be good and I can pay lesser tax with the rebates [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello mummies! Long time noooooooo "see"! Hope all is well, so miss all of you!

JJ/QQ, the boys clothes are cute too! I so hoping for a boy...hahaha!

Bebe, hugz....hope you are coping well and may your hubby and father find their jobs soon. Take care ya...come chat here if you can, mummies here will be able to assist whenever possible.

Mirthy, saw ur post on ur bb gender....congrats! Iz will have a sibling to play with toot toot train, balls or other boy stuffs!

MT and Wish, update us on urs too! So exciting....I hope May quickly come....Dragon dragon!

Winnie, thanks to your info on the relief and I went to refile my "Grandparent Caregiver", i didnt notice that portion! Blur me.... I claim 2 and 3 and 1 is 50% by hubby and me...ooops!

BW, long time no see u! Glad to know that you are open to #2 now! Still remember you were venting about being preggy and all...but you are so sweet to your boy now! Hope to receive your good news soon!


Parent relief and grandparent care relief is different [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wat seren means is parent relief, this relief can be claim by anyone (between siblings but only one person can claim). This relief is like you taking care of your parents, can be claimed even if you are single, no children too. Grandparent relief is for grandparents helping take care of yr kids while you work. You can claim for both if you are eligible n the conditions are met.

BabyL, can refiled the tax? I tot once click then means confirmed already?? For me, only claim the working mother part cos hubby say the deduction benefit him more

Boys clothes cute meh? Everyday only pants and tops and colour so limited. U jia you on no2.

Need to let off some steam here... Bear with me for awhile... Mal have not been napping.... He can wake up at 7am and go without nap for whole day till his next bed time at 7pm. He get very tired and cranky but still refused to nap... How???? This has been going on for almost a week.... I m not sure if it's teething, can see two of his teeth are cutting through. I hope it is due to that.... I m now getting cranky as well...



You gotta try and persuade Mal to nap. Everyday same routine, if it's not btl, pat, sarong, rocker, bed... Pacifier - you need to schedule a timing for him to nap. Examples are taking him for a walk after lunch, playtime then wind down to nap. Initially you might have to nap too, this makes it easier for Mal to associate that time of day.

Maybe mommies can share daily routine for you to have a rough idea.


6am wake, milk back to bed

8am wake

9am breakfast, playground

10.30 nap occasional milk

12.30 wake and lunch

2.30 milk and nap

5.30 wake - playground

6.30 dinner

9pm milk and bed

