(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

june programmes at JG are just short termed prog. each theme lasts a week. i read that week 1 and 3 share the same theme while week 2 has another. week 1 and 3 will be going to jacob ballas either on wed or thu for week 1 and 3 while week 2 prog will be gg to changi airport. i used to bring my #1 for these holiday programmes. he has gone to sentosa to see pink dolphines and zoo. i usu join week 2's cos i have meetings in week 1.



I am also looking at Evan road Bilingual Playgroup on weekends, weekday is difficult for me as #1 class is too short. Our babies can join term 3 for babies 18mths to 3 yo in sept. I thought we need to pay registration fee first to be in the waiting list, quite confusing for me too. I called the 2 branches and seemed like Evan's CS is better.

this thread jus runs so fast....cant catch up!!


No.2 is out of question for me!! definite NO NO NO!!

Really cannot handle and in bad financial crisis as my hubby n dad both lost their jobs for few mths already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

if u can see fm WTS, have been selling so many things as much as i could to make ends meet...haiz..

BTW, any mummies or yr frens interested in getting the Delphin waterbase vacuum cleaner pls let me know...need to sell in order to service the remaining instalments...thanks in advance [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Also have 2 DOM and 1 Eu Yan Sang Ginger wine if any preggie mummy need for your upcoming confinement,can PM me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i tink when my boy can walk even worse ah!!!

i will be running around the whole house like mad cos he is very active! hahaha

but yes i do miss the time when i get to carry him whenever i wan and for as long as i like. now he stay in my arms for less than a min then wan to wriggle down to start his "piak piak piak (the sound when he crawls very fast and his hands and knees hitting the floor) round trips" hahaha

Jenny, i find KKH not very good either when it comes to my boy. I always end up going back to his PD at Bukit Timah Plaza. She's good and her fees are reasonable. I think when i move to my parents' at Sengkang in a few months, i might still stick to her. Hang in there!

skysilver, i think its best to check with her PD? A couple of months back, my boy broke out in fever. Went up and down. Then rashes broke out EVERYWHERE. Turns out to be roseola ie. false measles. When you say cough and flu, then rash, it sounds like her respiratory system needs a check. My boy has sinus so he gets coughs too. His PD and my GP both told me the same thing. Prolonged coughs can lead to bronchitis. I'm bringing my boy to tcm soon. Cannot bear to see him cough so often like this.

bebechan, a hugh pat on your back for you from me for being so strong and positive! Will ask my preggie friends if they need any DOM or Eu Yan San ginger wine.

Thanks for the tip, Cherli! will check out Bibinogs.

icy, yes have to pay to be on the waiting list. I am still contemplating...

bw, i also adore Dr Dorothy. She's so jovial and good with babies. Plus her receptionist cum pharmist is very efficient! not like tmc...8 ppl at counter but we still have to wait for 30mins just to pay and get our med.

bebechan, hope your hub finds a job soon. I think I am not ready for #2 either. I am already thinking to start saving for her education.

Speed read..

I went for JG last min trial class yesterday. I liked it better than My little gym, kindermusik and JWT. The class program as such:

1) 5 minutes of free play. Theres lots of toys on the mat for all to play and interact before the class starts

2) Ratio is like 3 teachers to 10 toddlers

3) Story telling with this huge book

4) Singing session with a train passed around for them to feel & touch

5) Art time.. Nic paints!!!! I love their little chairs

6) Water Play...

7) Snack time. Biscuits & tea for all

8) Music time

9) bye bye ...

but like some of you say, the waiting list is long and its on weekdays!! shucks. I'm considering the bilingual playgroup on weekend as well.

Jules, Timy.. now then i realise for the june holi programs, need to take a week off work leh.. duno can or not.. think think think..

bebe, be strong k! hope ur hub n dad will get jobs soon.


sounds a bit like growing up gifted. do they have phonics in their class? oh and is it bilingual?

So busy at work.. Finally have time to come to e forum...

Can ur baby drink fr straw? Mine only want to drink via spoon. Magmag all stages I have but she refuse to suck. She bites n lick. How to make her drink??

Timy, the bilingual class is for >18mths.

The one i went yest is playnest which is for <18mths which is 2 x a week. I am not sure if the program is the same every lesson. yet to find out more. Dont think got phonics.

GUG good??


ok maybe go for jg trial. i cant compare both since i only know gug. gug is similar as with wat u mentioned for jg. the difference is gug has zoophonics n mandarin. well my initial impression of gug was not too good but after awhile it kinda settles n too bad


I've considered this before and have emailed to ask but the locations are quite out of the way for me, especially since i take public transport 99% of the time. It's not cheap but i find that Bibinogs has pretty good reviews. I won't bring my boy to try such programmes as everyday at ifc, he's already doing similar stuff but of cos, the teachers are not pro lar. Hahaha...

toray, high 5^! She's great and i appreciate her recep too. Her recep very young hor? But everytime i see her, she's preg leh. Dont know now her current preg is # what? My husband says he thinks its her #3 liao! Super fertile hehe. No wonder now has another recep cos her original recep is getting pregnant regularly. I've stopped my pill and am considering #2. Alot things to consider so i'm really thinking hard about it first. Don't wish to jump in then realised i cannot cope ah. It would have nice to have #2 but the thought of having another teenager....errrr. Sounds really difficult to me. What we spend on our boy now is also alot. His insurance & savings plan alone can kill. Add on his ifc fees, milk, diapers, clothes, medication, woohoo! Must think twice..thrice...I've only started to reconsider #2 because of the way i see my boy reacts whenever there are other kids around. Be it older or younger, he's always real excited when he's with other children and always want to join in. His teachers have commented that whenever others cry, he will give them toys and pat their hands. Really cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Maybe you can reconsider too, keke.

bw, glad to know you are considering #2. Yes her recep is on maternity leave again! When I first started seeing Dr Ong, she just came back from maternity...then now off again! haha...Heidi's currently more happy to see a dog than another kid. Her jiejie at home kept fighting toys with her. Siblings rivarly among the cousins. 4 yrs old vs 1 yr old.

Think we will just get a pet. :p

Cher Li, serene centre sounds good. After that can go for island creamary. haha.

Timy, thanks for feedback. maybe i'll try GUG as well to compare.

Nic has been sticky. Think its hightime i must let him go socialise around.

hihi mummies... gatecrashing ur forum...

I'm a July mummy... gg back to work soon and sourcing for a good Infant care. Would really appreciate if any can recommend? PM me can?

Looking for one in the East / Thomson / Raffles Place... Tks vm in advance!

Hi Claudia, i heard the childcare at church Moriah in Simei is good. not too ex too and very clean and secure environment. 2 of my colleagues placed their kids there with very good feedback.


My baby only recently start drinking from straw. Same issue as yours, only drink via spoon and reject all the stages of mag mag cup like teats and sprout.

Will also bite or play with straw instead of drinking. If he sucks then will suck in alot of water and get choke.

I then switch to those packet drinks straw as it is narrower so he can't suck so much and now he is getting better. So now I give him back the mag mag straw bottle. He still plays with it at times and can control his sucking speed better.

It take times to slowly train them to use straw, at least for mine. So be patient. I m now taking care of him full time so it's easier to train him. I used to let him practice on small straw every hour to encourage him to suck and at same time let him drink more water too.

Hope it helps

Hi Bw,

Thanks, michelle alway have false measle after a sickness so was bit worried. Maybe will send her to pd if the rash still have subsided.

Hi bebe,

Hope your hubby n father will get a job soon.

toray, i guess its because my boy has been exposed to being with other children since very young so it's abit different! But don't think he knows how to share lar. His teachers complained that he bit this older kid who was blocking his view. Goodness. He was quite sad when he tried to join other older kids at the pool because he wanted to play with the beachball as well. But the rest ignored him and he pointed at them, looked at me and went eh eh eh. Very sad lar. At that time i wished it wasn't not just me and him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1727, i think its normal for them to cling now! My boy very clingy too. I think this phase will pass. I cannot be out of his sight at all, he will wail very badly but i try to let my husband takes over. But can tell my husband is very hurt. He tries to help but always face rejection from my boy. It makes things very difficult for him. I cannot even bathe with the door close. He'll pound on the door so bad he will fall backwards and hit his head. A few times already. We really surrender.

skysilver, always have false measles after fever???? Roseola is extremely contagious. Yeah, better check with PD. I rem my boy's PD mentioned that its a virus that causes the fever, the fever causes the rashes. Hope she'll be well soon.

BW, torayme, CC, timtam,skysilver

thanks...hubby has sent many job applications and been to few interviews but no reply so far...sianz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] today n tmr got interview, really pray tt he get a job soon...im so stressed up till i cant sleep every nite when i tink of the piling bills haiz

sorry for ranting...


Hi, I jz read that you need the Denstin (Blue), I've one think is 4.8oz. Let me kn if you need and I can also give you some of the zine for yr bb bottom ya.

Bebe, jia you... M sure your hb's as stress as you are. I'm sure both of you can ride thru this storm in no time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Or meantime hb look after Leglas while you go back as RT or Adjunct?

Hi BW,

PD say will not spread to others de. Her is just rash after sickness known as false measles, I also ask gp and was told not willnot spread to other. I think is run in the family cause my sil also have. I will check with poly again cause I am sure willnot spread to other de. Cause two pd say. Will update u all again. Thanks BW.

Hi bebe,

Dun worry! All the problem willbe solved once it come.

Mt sorry missed ur post. I have a purple desitin. U want? Open n used twice. Super effective. Pm me keen. I snail mail u or pick up town mrt

bebe, hang in there...i'm sure your hubby will be able to secure a job soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Have faith ok. I've asked a couple of my preggie friends already, i will PM you. I mean, about the DOM *wink*

skysilver, if the PDs say its not contagious, then i think its alright bah. For my boy's, she said its contagious and my boy should have caught the virus in the centre because a child is contagious before the rash starts *oops* I'm not sure if there is more than a type of false measles. The centre is so worried they call me everyday and they want a letter from the PD, saying that my boy can return to the centre, sigh.

Hi BW,

Oic, my gal have no contact with others kid that have that diseases. Just after fever rash or going to sick then rash

Hey mommies, tks for the offers on desitin, I've already gotten it from jmmabb.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] purple one I hv, find that it burns.. Too harsh.

Butt's looking better so far.. Hopefully no more relapse!

Thanks for all yr encouragement mummies... I feel so bad neglecting tis thread all e while n come n rant when im down so sorry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and u all so nice, always giving support...


after giving birth my whole body alwayz aching like hell, esp my backbone n knees, don tink i can handle teaching anymore cos gotta stand long period. Now i stand or walk 15 min only my knee start to sore liao so not considering rt or adjunct at e moment...Now im on forex course, hoping to carve a new career path but only at beginning stage so will need to take quite a while, can only pray tt hubby gets an offer real soon after all the interviews loh

By e way did my reply email went to yr spam folder? quite a few mummies told me my email to them all go to bulk folder and they only see it days later when clearing mail box


thanks for helping to ask ard for e Dom [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hopefully belle fully recover from the rash. I've got purple desitin to spare, you don't need to wipe off all the white stain ;). Wash clean and it's good.

skysilver, my boy kenna specifically roseola lor. I don't think yours is roseola...sounds like the rash is triggered by the fever. It's stressful like this, if the rash comes EVERYTIME after the fever. How do you cope? Apply lotion? I was so sad when i see so many spots on my boy and i had to endure countless snide comments from my MIL and BILs.

bebechan, awwww...don't feel bad ok. Not every mummy has the free time to log in so often! We are all mummies, we understand that 24 hours is not enough. I try to follow this this thread but always lost, nowadays easier as the thread doesn't move as fast liao and i finally gotten an iphone so im like, more 'in touch' now duhz. Can PM me the price you are looking at for your DOM and ginger wine? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


can anyone tell me what's the next teat size for pigeon after "L". K suck till whole teat collapse. I don think it's wise to poke holes or cut leh.

I think I must have missed out alot of postings infront.

CC I miss u, call u one day to catch up, u fill me in K <wink>

UPDATE - Payment due by Sunday morning to secure class. Pls PM for details.

Per pax $18 normal trial is $42

Pls advise if opting out - close to confirm date with JWT and discount structure. Thank you ;)!

JTW UE Square - 207 River Valley Road, 1-2PM on 23/04/2011

1. Serendipity

2. Elise

3. Cc

4. cherli

5. Reenren

6. MT

7. BW

8. LadyK

9. Wish

10. Jules

11. mirthy

12. Joelle

May I suggest an alternative Sat for the extended List?

Suggested Dates : 30th or 7th May?

Group1 can opt to swap for alternate dates incase or emergency?? - of coz payment has to be made prior to securing a slot, appreciate upmost understanding from mommies


13. Winnie

14. Sky

15. BabeE

16. chloe









Sorry i got no time to read the thread.

CC sorry i cant join on 23rd, can someone take my slot?

Elise, will update [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Calling Winnie, Sky, BabeE, Chloe - slot #2 available

UPDATE - Payment due by Sunday morning to secure class. Pls PM for details.

Per pax $18 normal trial is $42

Pls advise if opting out - close to confirm date with JWT and discount structure. Thank you ;)!

JTW UE Square - 207 River Valley Road, 1-2PM on 23/04/2011

1. Serendipity


3. Cc

4. cherli

5. Reenren

6. MT

7. BW

8. LadyK

9. Wish

10. Jules

11. mirthy

12. Joelle

May I suggest an alternative Sat for the extended List?

Suggested Dates : 30th or 7th May?

Group1 can opt to swap for alternate dates incase or emergency?? - of coz payment has to be made prior to securing a slot, appreciate upmost understanding from mommies


13. Winnie

14. Sky

15. BabeE

16. chloe









sorry, gotta give it a miss again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

cant make it at that timing, hubby ends work at 1pm on sat.. not convenient to lug belle down on my own in my state.. would be great if timing was after 3pm! hopefully can join some day

Calling Winnie, Sky, BabeE, Chloe - slot #2,6 available

UPDATE - Payment due by Sunday morning to secure class. Pls PM for details.

Per pax $18 normal trial is $42

Pls advise if opting out - close to confirm date with JWT and discount structure. Thank you ;)!

JTW UE Square - 207 River Valley Road, 1-2PM on 23/04/2011

1. Serendipity


3. Cc

4. cherli

5. Reenren


7. BW

8. LadyK

9. Wish

10. Jules

11. mirthy

12. Joelle

May I suggest an alternative Sat for the extended List?

Suggested Dates : 30th or 7th May?

Group1 can opt to swap for alternate dates incase or emergency?? - of coz payment has to be made prior to securing a slot, appreciate upmost understanding from mommies


13. Winnie

14. Sky

15. BabeE

16. chloe









