(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

haha babybear,

interested in getting one?

For now is $7.50, price gets lower when we have more quantity [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


babyL, my fren after 3 gals finally got a boy after much careful planning. the 'how to get a boy' manual works! hee... so happy for her.


hehe C will not appreciate this bird one... among soo many plush & soft toys at home,she only has eyes for her pooh..


jia you![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


is enzo napping too much in the day that's why he is waking up at night? what happens if he sleeps at 10pm instead?


I want to up the milk intake but he refuse. Doesn't seem like a phrase cos it has been a month! To make up I sneak pediasure into his foods. When he turned 11 months old, he reduce his milk intake to 3 times a day. And when he turned 12, he reduce to twice. And now at 13 months one, ONCE!? That fairy baby is making me freak out.


Dyl wears pediped.

Dyl's Schedule

7/8am: 220ml milk

9+am: medical hall red rice cereal+2 scoops milk powder

10+am: morning nap

12pm: porridge lunch

2+pm: snack (cheese/bread/cracker etc)

3+pm: afternoon nap

5.30pm: porridge dinner

7+pm: oats+2 scoops milk powder

8+pm: bed


i asked my PD if there's a minimal milk intake for toddler at 1yo, he said - no, some even wean off milk completely but i'm still not comfortable to wean her off milk.

milk intake

my bb also take less milk. pd advices try to give at least 400ml/day as its where they get calcium from. put into cereals. can give cheese, yogurt. try fresh milk. asked if is due to brand, she says most likely not.


how much is Selene drinking now, still full BM ??

is ur hb working hours fixed ? how abt put in cc near his working place instead ? not sure abt nanny agencies but i saw in community centre have this service, maybe u can chk.....

cc, thanks for the link. i think this joey tham is talking abt me, i've replied on the thread.

z's schedule is still the same:

6am - 210ml milk

7+am - nap

9am - bath and 210ml milk

12noon - porridge

3pm - 210ml milk n nap

5pm - wake

6pm - porridge

8pm - zzzzzzz...

feels like stretching to feed 4 hrly. y is he still feeding like a baby 3hrly???

here's belle's schedule

7ish am - milk

11 ish am - cereal with one whole boiled egg

2 ish pm - porridge at IFC

5 ish pm - tea at IFC (sometimes milk/cereal/pancake/cake/sweet potatoes) depends

8 ish pm - milk

now her milk intake dropped, after 2 weeks of nappy rash and on/off diarrhea.. hopefully it'll pick up again. her stools are still rather creamy and soft..

bought Babylife from GNC, giving her one or two doses everyday, hopefully that'll help!

babee, i have to stop reading.. im afraid i might vomit blood or get internal injuiry if i go on. buay tahan... haiz... anyway, up to individual to believe lah, i cant be bothered liao.

MT, still got diaper rash. better dun give egg, will get worse. i have eczema, doc always advise not to take chicken n egg.


Selene takes more than 400ml of BM. Yes, full BM.

<edit> plus 2 porridge and biscuits as snacks or "food tasting" along with our meals. It's impossible to starve her these days, it'll be a meltdown!

Hubby working hours is more fixed BUT it's quite impossible for him to lug Selene from Bedok to Whampoa area via public transport and he could be taking evening classes soon.

Wooo.. saw that thread posted by CC...

V drama... for $1.90!


Mai chup better. Make oneself more tension.


Woah... You're still pumping!

Eh please don't mind me asking... Will there come a day that Selene will finally accept FM?


You know the truth will prevail - don't take heart k. Be angry and let go. Best you go tell her "it's ok, I forgive you - I'm not as petty nor as manipulative. My time better spend productively and honestly, I sleep good everynight"

BabeE, CC,

Actually when i was away in Hatyai, my FBM wasn't sufficient, so she was on FM (Similac 2), she's OK with it. And yes, i pump and throw BM to maintain the supply. SHOP SHOP EAT EAT, go hotel PUMP, SHOP SHOP EAT EAT, go hotel pump :p

Now, she's with me everyday, i can give her BM everyday. Sometimes FBM just to use up the stock lor.

CC, yalor... maybe i should do dat. let go n be merry. thks cc... u are such an angel. i can be a bitch when im being provoked.

ladyk, i felt a pinch when i saw u write "pump and throw, pump and throw" Mega leh u. i never stop hoping dat i will have more, u throw!! ouch!!


great to hear that u still bfeeding [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ur supply is v gd, still close to 1L :p


no choice leh, it's a big hassle to transport FBM back from overseas and a nightmare to communicate to the hotel staff to freeze the BM and to purchase dry ice to transport the EBM throughout the flight back. so gotta pump n throw [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i felt the pinch too.


hey, r u the one who worked somewhere ard Suntec also ah? Which IFC u sending your girl?

I was enquiring Josiah Montessori at Millenia Walk... CC cost $1.2K after subsidies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

frankly my supply dropped alot (outta no reasons) when Selene was turning 1yr old. It seems like the body knows that baby are transiting to solids, i'm still struggling la with 4-5 pumps a day in order to generate that amount.

Selene's schedule

6am Wake up, PLAY

7am Milk - 150ml

9am Morning nap

11am Porridge

1-2pm Milk - 150ml

3pm Nap

4pm Porridge

6pm Milk - 150ml

8pm Milk - 100ml

9pm+ Wind down and knock out

On the good days, we make her drink ard 500ml milk plus 2 solids.


i read your post regarding the buyer pulling a nice coach purse and claims that she's $2 short!

I had similar experience, that buyer wanted to buy a Kate Spade bag and try asking for discount but i said no.

But she TT $8 lesser than the agree price, luckily i checked the amount against my email and asked her to top up before the collection took place.

can't help thinking that she was trying her luck!

Can afford few hundred bucks to buy a Kate Spade bag yet wanna be cheapskate about that few more dollars....


nope.....my girl is at IFC near my place.

Josiah Montessori is gd but ex...just my view hope you dont mind, i think is not advisable to bring her to work after school when u need to OT as she in sch for almost 12hrs, tired already. better to bring her back for a quick shower and spend some time with her before going to sleep. perhaps u and hb could discuss and work out something ? maybe put her in a cc near the gramps or a relative who can help fetch her to and fr sch everyday ?

kudos to u for persisting with bfeeding. Selene drinks lesser compared to last time so your body will customise to change accordingly....

i have stopped pumping 1 month ago, only latching and now finally to once a day now. she is on 1/2 BM & 1/2 FM now, will be on full FM fr June onwards when the fbm is used up.....its a relief to keep the pump and pump parts in cold storage, got back freedom heheee.....


Yea.. Read your post earlier somewhile back. Lucky you got your $$. Others not so lucky, give free and found floating on numerous WTS their items at a not price but higher price!

CC, Ayden is so protective of jiejie, very good! Its always nice to see good siblings bond!

Winnie, yeah lor... Just let nature takes its course though i can tell u i am pretty obsess to have a boy so i can close factory.

Jules, what manual ur friend using? Can share? Hehehe... So far i only know diet and ovulation timing plays a part.

Xihui, thanks!


This Ziman person is online karang guni huh? Pity can't open the document from my mobile.

She goes... 收旧衣服,卖为新衣服... hmmm... all sorts of ppl everywhere

CC, i just read the thread too... Sooo drama!

Chloe, glad justice is done and u are "cleared". Its so funny that she asked ppl not to twist the facts n she was the one who twist it.

BabeE, such ppl also have, take pple free things n sell. Gosh... Now i so scared to sell my things, wait such thngs happen..

Ok, i better dun comment much in case i kena from "stalker"... Nite mummies!


i was assuming so.. actually stumble on the thread.


yes.. i have the number too, maybe soon id post all my findings into a weblog just like ziman's for our stalker.

nite nite sweet dreams!


no lar..i stay at tanjong pagar, pinnacle@duxton hee

e price is slightly negotiable if yr fren is keen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks for comforting...so far no job offer.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


long time no "see", congratulations!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

karang guni also pays me 5 cents/kg for newspapers. This one doesn't even!

I'll just stick to the good old way of donating my unused items to salvation army [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wa last night started reading that drama thread and only finish at 1am! OMG, some pp's character can be so rotten. Wonder how they can sleep well at night pui! Always have a mentality to "eat" others, guard own welfare tight tight, beware of retribution man!

Chloe, hugz! That siao za-bo, let her bark la, join in only lower your "sheng jia".

thks cc, babyl, jj and babee, not forgetting elise and joelle who msn me... was so agitated yesterday. yalor... luckily roz stand out. haiz... feel better now.

wow...so much drama in SMH!

Hi Mommies,

we rushed Heidi to KKH A&E after she had problem coughing out her phelgm on monday morning. She was on tcm but they seem to work too slow this round. It was a very traumatic experience for her and she totally hated the heartbeat monitoring device...the xray and puffs...

Her lungs were a tad hazy but because we were early in seeking help...still not so bad. Thank God indeed...now she's on something like ventolin and antibiotic. Just when I am feeling exhausted from all this...a couple of colleagues came up to me and said the same for their kids too. I don't feel better knowing that other kids have suffered too but I guess it is all part of growing up. haiz...sorry for long post...

what happen to Heidi? I am under the impression that her cough didn't seem to go away. Is she having allergy issue?

Hope she is much better now. Hazy lung x-ray?? Need antibiotic to clear?

wa sey...drama...so far i have sold over 50 items online lucky never came across all these nonsense....worst case is only ask,haggle,agreed then say don wan or no reply...

shld consider myself very heng liao after reading tt tread...so far met with very nice buyers.mostly ask, come, pay, take, go or ask,transfer,mail. some cases if i got pass by or convenient i send personally to prevent lost mail...


so sorry to hear wat Heidi n mummy is gg thru..try not to give sweet things to her if she got phlegm problem. Hope she gets well soon


speedy recovery to Heidi.

did kkh 'pump' out her phelgm ? heard fr my colleague, her girl a lot of phelgm went kkh to 'pump' out and also xray.

my bb also coughing and runny nose for 3 weeks already. gave her medicine for 2 weeks but no improvement. pd gave a new medicine, suppose to be stronger but we didnt give her, hope that she can fight the virus away herself. not sure if we r doing the right thing. me too down with cough and runny nose for a week. haiz......

today i saw guardian has promotion for pampers active, buy 1 and get another at 50%...not sure if is cheaper than giant pamper promotion.....

thanks mommies! She's fine now with slight cough. I didn't realise how much pressure I was under until after the visit to KKH and my dad called me to check on Heidi. I broke down in tears.

CC, she was fine for a while...then cough...then fine...then cough...never ending...grr...

JJ, it was a combination of bad weather + teething + (we suspect though KKH doc say no) prevenar 4 jab aftermath. No allergies and yes need antibiotics. I think she inherited my body type. Very easy to get phelgm.

BabeE and bebe, she don't take a lot of sweet things and her milk's HA. so bitter wor...I was intending to switch to Pro for her. Guess I have to postpone my plan till she's fit and fine for a longer while.

jmmabb, no sucking out of phelgm for Heidi. Just nebuliser. Then xray and then the inhaler puffs...i only remember the doc saying 1 dose of steroids to pump up her lungs. As long as ur bb don't have fever, it is fine. Do give her warm water very often. If no improvement for say 2-3 days, then I think you have to give her the new med already. Prolonged coughing will lead to infection...so scary. I went through the first round when Heidi was just 4 months old. Gotta rent the nebuliser home. This round we were careful and sought chinese sensei help early but not strong enough to fight what was to come.

Thank God we can see improvements after the visit to KK. Still hoping to bring her to zoo on sat. Gotta postpone her gym plans though. Enclose area mah...

Her cough comes and goes. I am very jumpy around her. Just before her bday in Feb, she fall sick. Then she was fine for 1 month plus...then go for prevenar 4 jab...she got sick after 2 weeks from the date of jab. Haiz...she has fallen sick like a total of 5 times? within 13 months...which is still a reasonable number of times of getting sick for a 1 yr old. -_-

Hi mums of 2010 babies,

Excuse me for posting here but I'm doing my Phd thesis(with NTU) on the effectiveness of teachers' interactions in infant care centres, my research is under the MCYS family grant and I'm given a budget to ask any of you mums who have children in infant care centres about your end-user experience with the centre and teachers.

If you don't mind participating in a focus group (joining an email discussion giving your opinion on 5 questions relating to your experience placing your child in infant care) in return for a token of $10 Popular Book store voucher, please pm me. It shouldn't much of your time as I know most of you are busy women.

No worries, this is not a hoax as I'm a long-time member of SMH and won't risk my reputation by misleading people. I'm a 2006 mum.


