(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

1727, it is near the AMK library. I heard there's a big MacDonald there. I have seen photos but I haven't seen it. Maybe next weekend I go search for it and let you know the exact location. Hehe...wahh...Heidi also love the song! She will turn her head in a rush to face the tv whenever the song is playing too! And watched quite intently when Mingming was scolding Junjie...LOL



Nic has Ayden!!! Ai start - stare!!! Middle of shouting match with sister can pause - stare! Muaajaaahaaa

baby class

back from a good 45mins work out! Champion babies n mommies!!

Hope mommies n babes enjoyed themselves :D! Thank you for joining [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes, I mentioned of the hippyseat carrier. I've used it but I don't find the seat of any use. Maybe I'm wrong, besides, my daughter was well over 18kgs at 20months - maybe weight played an important role to function as well.

Used for 5 days and sold, just like my pupsik - doctors fees to rectify problem higher than buying something to slove carrying baby problem.


if I were vilo(fatty) I'd do the same and sure can't stand the heat and beg to close the episode. Now her Nick and deeds are plastered all over this forum and www. All anyone needs is to google and it will lead them back here. It's gonna take awhile for threads to be deleted - enjoy the ride Vilo, hope it's worth helping your all so innocent friend find justice in bullying one of us.

Toray, oh i know where already. Will check it out too. Think its link to the standalone McD.

CC, really??!! think the show not only capture the eldery but also babies. I always make use that golden time to stuff food into him. Easier to feed. Luckily the show is forever, else duno how man..


heeheeee... Ayden watch! Pop 3 spoons in :p

yes, I never watch Chinese channels but when CL came I indulge her so eventually the whole family is watching. Use to wait whole week for updates, now everyday!!!


peace for commercial breaks :D!

Awhhh... I think Z would had enjoyed the class, all our lil champions did! Xioah Hubby took pics, maybe she'd update and you can see ;)

Chloe, subscribe to Xinmsn. Can watch the whole series in one go.. then your niece will have no time to cry. Muahahaha.

1727, I've been away from AMK for too long. Didn't know theres a standalone McDonald. :D I sure hope to bring Heidi there...say 2 months later? :D


haha, nvm let jj tell when the time is ripe..

Argh. Sorry mummies, I need to rant! can I? Thanks for reading..

I am so frustrated! I just can't seem to feed ell a proper meal these 3 days! I just threw away his dinner after a few spoonful. He just simply leave it in his mouth, spit it out, put his finger in, or just EH.. and the food spill is everywhere, so darn messy ! i give him water, he drinks and spit the food on the spout and he has the tendency to throw down his cup after he drinks, so the food is over the floor! Plus, him being so fussy at mealtimes makes it all the more frustrating!

Just 3 days ago, i fed him butternut, sweet potato,apples blend and he liked it, he finished it without having to deal with any fussiness. I thought i finally found the food he likes, i cooked it since, but add in different ingredients every day, like porridge or spinach or tofu today. And he simply just refused to eat! Argh.. either he's sick of the taste or he's just being difficult.; Sometimes it's really easy to feed, but like these 3 days, oh my gosh am pulling out my hair! Plus he's very very sticky and fuss to be carried, or crawl or pull my shirt just to want to be carried! even at midnight!

Argh. any mummies have some delicious recipes to share? I am really so frustrated that i feel like not even feeding him solids tomorrow!

hi mommies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jj,I'm curious to know who's the lady..if it's someone you know guess it's more hurting...

positive class: hello again,so nice to know u mommies n lil ones![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] enjoyed e activities although my yang fall asleep! sorry I didn't get to know e names of some mommies n lil ones..hope to meet up more![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I just reached home...after the class we went BK for makan then went mustafa shopping... think all the babies enjoy the class. Thank you Carol for organising the session 4 us.

After today, think looking more forward to play dates... I think my gal likes the company of baby friends... hahaha...

wf, i am also facing issues with giving Heidi solid. i think the only solution is to drop one milk feed and replace with solid. But she might still refuse to eat and the jumble up the rest of her feed schedule. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

my gal also like the 'Ai' song very much ...somehow it just catch her attention and she will glue to the tv till the song ends... so cute...

btw, will upload the pics here later...

WF, try mixing puree into cereal... my gal does not like eating pure puree... but when I mixed with cereal, she can finish all...


Sigh. Headache right! My MIL had to use various means to distract him. I dropped a afternoon milk feed before feeding him his dinner, not intentionally but he just wanted to sleep. So anyway he is such a handful. I accidentally lost my cool in the presence of my MIL. she said," let me feed la" then I simply shrugged her off and threw the food away saying he doesn't want to eat anyway. Now she's giving me the silent treatment. I hope tmr will be a better day! Have to start cracking and see what he would eat. Fruits- happy feeding. Mains- messy & frustration feeding. I want to make feeding as positive & happy. I need new recipes! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, just wondering.. Does ur baby knows how to read emotions already? I donno if ell was reading mine just now. He was so serious & kept sort of studying my face. Cos' after the meal saga, I was ranting here & my mil carried him. Thereafter she left him on the highchair beside me. I just ignored him.. Then he sort of fussed. I still ignored, looked at him & looked away. He fussed again, and this time wasn't a normal fussing. He kinda studied my emotion & sort of wonders why am ignoring him and then his face started to wrinkle to a second cry. It was like tt for a while till I carried him. Even carrying him, he faced to look at me and was so serious, as if still studying. Till I said I love him & he started acting normal. Something new I discovered today!

WF, think bb does know n hv emotions. Cay more sa jiao when I m at home. Give Ell more time as bb needs to coax sometimes.


I feel that they read our emotion.Maybe is the bonding that we have with our LO.


Thank for organising the class. Have great fun there.


I had issues wif mal at the food dept too. I just "complaint" y'day on how he feed... Take him very long to accept one food type and even though after many tries, he still give me the look as if I feeding him poison, he will whined, scream n make himself puke...

Yes, baby can sense emotions. So maybe ell sense yr emotions and anxiousness during feeding. Try to relax ya.

Chloe, u make me laugh again. 2 pigs & a cow. No la, Z is not slow in development. He is jus a cool kid. Maybe like wat torayme said, Z need more stimulation? I think maybe Z is bored ya. U said Z dun smile but remember dat day mal giggled when u played with him? Z also laugh right? I think Z jus need more stimulation n maybe "competition" to keep him active...That shows maybe he need challenges to keep him going... Cool dude

"hint hint... Maybe I can "park" mal with u so dat Z got some challenges? *wink wink* "

I wish mal would feed properly n make me stop tearing my hair... Not even wishing he feed more but just hoping he feed properly....


tried. doesn't work. he is quite a fussy eater i would say. sometimes good, sometimes i would go mad.

reen, sharon

yeah i think they kinda know our emotions. I mean, just now i completely blocked him out (know am very mean, but i needed time-out) and he sort of knows! he really gave me a look i never seen in him before, like as though telling me.. "mama, why are u ignoring me, did i do something wrong? i don't understand.." So i gave in and gave him kisses. Funny really, only after i reassured him by loving and kissing him then his facial expression was back to normal playful mode. How sweet is the bond isn't it?


Out of 10 times, 2 times would be successful! haha.. i know i shouldn't be stressed up over feeds since he's of good weight. He's 9kg as of today, 7.5 months and 73cm. But it's the process that made me frustrated. Like, how all the food goes all over the chair, his toys and he throws it onto the floor, and the floor is dirty and he put his fingers into his mouth and his hands would be so dirty and he touches whatever..i mean, it's so dirty! So I get frustrated and hopes he just feeds properly and not mess up so much. This all happens cos' he just don't want to eat! He clamps his mouth shut and i or others have to distract him and the spoon unknowingly to him gets into the mouth. Haha..

When he is out, or when its the food he likes, fruits or whatever not, he opens his mouth big big and that's what i like! hee..

Anyway today, i went to the PD and told him about Ell's fall last week and PD actually associated his sudden manjaness/frequent night waking just to be carried to separation anxiety as in separation of safety for that matter. PD said, he probably had a shock and needs time to recover. Hmm..interesting!

WF, understand yr frustration.

Ya lor, why can't they just feed PROPERLY???

Ell is of good size [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] haven't seen him since the last airport gathering. Miss his big eyes n smile


I am still facing the same problem as u. Everytime just when I thought the princess like the food, 3 days later, she will refuse to open her mouth.

All of us have to just tolerate a bit, seemed like quite a lot of the march babies are more of fussy eater. lol

WF, i know i know how u feed.. very frustrating when they start to fuss and make a mess..

Perhaps u want to stick to one food a day + cereal or porridge. Dun give him too much variety. I just bot quinoa, millet and brown rice to try on enzo.. Everyday eat the same cereal and porridge i guess i will get very sick of it too.

talking abt feeding, I'm giving K one feed of cereal, 1 feed of porridge abt 200ml, a fruit and 3 feeds of milk 180ml.

When it comes to feeding on the highchair, gotta distract her with keys, toys, cloth book etc. I refuse to sit her in front of the TV so gotta "entertain" her with lotsa stuff. I'm like an octopus when it comes to feeding her solid if u mommies know what tat means haha.


u seem to be unhappy with how mal is feeding and yet he is 9kg!! U must be really good at stuffing food into him :p


i was so tied up with the mole and speed read most posts. Enzo takiung wagyu beef?? Did I read tat?? Still taking fresh fish every wkend?? such an indulgence man, envy!!!


wish posted tat u only know whether he likes the food after feeding 20times remember?

I always tot E is feeding very well? Perhaps another round of teething? Hang in there alright, u are definitely not alone. I have my fair share with K. Sometimes easy but sometimes wa rao!! really pull hair man.


I'm about worst on feeding for sure. I feed and bribe with more feeds to finish the initial feed!! Muaahaaahaaa

finish cereal, get apple

finish cereal, get jello

finish cereal, get biscuit ;p!

Bread is the ultimate bribe, that's left for keeping polite at the dinner table while we eat our meals! Tiring!!

JJ, CC..

No la, mal is not 9kg... It's ell... Haven't weight mal for quite sometime cos I said I will let the clinic weigh him ma... But I dun think he hit 9kg yet. He was 7.2kg a mth ago.. Dunno abt now..

I wish I can stuff mal with food n milk.. No such luck.. Most of the food/milk end up on the bib/floor rather than his mouth

so happening here ahhh.... all thanks to the MOLE!!! if not our forum has been very quiet for sooo many dayss... thank you for bringing back the forum back to live!!!.wahaha...


u are making us having sleepless nights.... wanted to sms u, but scared wake K up...hehehe... is that black MOLE in our tiga den group in fb as well? if not post there & let us know???

cc, it's a gratitude for e donation..if not for u,won't have this good feeling of doing something worthy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

e excitment in this thread is back,thanks to this vilo..

nite all mommies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u gota keep your cool... hahaha...I remembered attending philip seminar, a Dr said that babies should be happy during feeding time & do not expect babies to sit kuai kuai like an adult & finish all the food. The messier it gets, the happier the baby will be. Treat feeding as a game make your baby feel that eating is a game not a punishment.

The other day, my sil & I saw an Angmo family walking infront of us. The mother was pushing a pram & a little gal beside the pram, about 5yrs old was eating mac ice-cream. We overtake them & in the pram was a toddler eating mac ice-cream as well. The toddler ate till the mouth smeared with cream & dripping all over his hands & legs. The Angmo mummy couldn't be bother... my sil commented to me ... "aiyo..why eat until like that the mummy still can stand it"...

Maybe we are asian, that's why cannot stand messiness... hahaha....

Morning mummies

Xiaoh, hmmm... Messy baby = happy baby? Then my baby can come in 1st for being the happiest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But I think it will be the reverse for mummy ya... Cos imagine all the cleaning n coaxing / entertaining dat is required...

JJ, keke, how is e mole hunting? no more other news?

Keke.. fresh fishes everyday... Wagyu i only feed once...

WF, Ell of very good weight! i dun think Enzo is even 9kg now.


it is enough to proof, use backside think also know right <wink>

She had better lie low else I sure will whack a mole!!!


make me so curious who that mole is haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u are really good to dig her out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hello, just take half day for spa and hairdo, see ahgirl awhile then met ah lao for simple dinner.

today not working also, later go fetch ah girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lady!!! long tme no "see"!!

Wahahahaha u watch too much "ai" isit, that line always pop up in ths taiwanese soap opera leh hehe :p



no leh but my ah lao likes to sing that few opening lines =.=

actually i also tried to play detective to find out who is the mole but hor my CID skills not good. kekekekeke.

i only kept reading what u all post then v interested in who is the mole, juicy news mah. now i aunty liao, like to kpo this n that. wahhahaha.


nice nice to have couple time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] woo can go play with ur dearie liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how's her feeding now? okie or still fussy.


during the time i MIA, her feeding improved BUT hor, these 2 weeks started to chu pattern again!

i think the intake less than 100ml bah.... i didnt really keep track liao. hee hee...

she's still on the brown rice nia.

no pearlies so we didnt start her on others.

we're really taking our own sweet time to intro solids la.. hehehehe nvm slowly lor.

Oh i bot from my office canteen.. they had a small booth every mth here.

JJ, i think wont appear liao.. maybe appear with a new nick.


the part abt missing mommy, i think so leh.

on Wed morning, i went delivered milk, she fusses me to carry her the moment her eyes opened and saw me....

then yday hor, she damn sticky. (suddenly i got this very shiok feeling that she knows im her mommy even though i weekend mommy) hahahaha.

