(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Vinwee... How to massage bb if she dun poo every day ah? Eh...if type in words is it diff to describe? Hee

mine on Bm but tiz daes from every day poo once become now poo on 2nd or 3rd dae onli...


Angel : Massage yr bb tummy clockwise. Take the belly button as a guide, massage the surrounding in clockwise n try to apply a little pressure on the lower abdominal. Then lie baby on her back, lift both legs n do like cycling. Thats wat my PD taught me la... Cos Cherish got once nvr poo for 5 days... but PD says she probably absorb most of the nutrients frm my bm. Usually breast fed babies if dun poo for 1 or 2 days is fine, but too many days then might be a problem. My gal now poos only on alternate days or maybe 2 days once. N when she poos, its a BIG one...

bbin : wat r u doing up at 3.33am????? Pumping? or feeding yr gal?? I think I also jiat lat alr. Next Mon going bk to work. My routine now still haywire... I am still pumping at 1am in the morning... i did a fix time table to pump. But somehow i cannot adhere to the time table... haiz...

kath : Yr boy after drinking milk puke alot? Or only come out with burp??? After he empty the bottle does he still show signs of "sucking", like not stopping? I hv a book thats says if after baby empty bottle but still sucking, its a sign to increase the milk...


u mean increasing BM?


gal today back to 'normal' although she still didn finish her milk!! argh! yup, my routine is i'll pump after feeding her... so ter i was pumping n surfing @ the same time...

aiyo, here getting dark again... don tell me gg to rain?!


But am sure u feel very satisfied in completing everything, right? :p

Well in tat case, try to squeeze in some time to rest if possible!

Bathing n wiping>

thkz happi, woofy, pet!! ;)

looks like juz make sure room is 'wind proof' den agar okok la.. Hehe...

Happi> I cmi leh... last nite on air con but set 26deg n quickly cover blanket la... On fan at 1st but bb can sweat wif me somemore lor... Bth bth .. Last nit room temp wif fan was 31deg..!

N guess wat..? Ard 4 she woke up for milk I find me forehead beating wif sweat ... Haha

Hi Mummies,

I have over-stocked on Desitin Rapid Relief Cream for my baby, looking to clear @$10 each. Expiry : April 2011.

PM me if interested.

Happi> oicic thkq! Shall try try later hee..

Tink our gals similar poo pattern leh!! N when she poo on the 2nd dae ir 3rd dae rite my gal can poo 2-3x! Like machiam making up fir the past daes which she din poo like ta.. :D

Bbin> ya ask her opinion if got chance still to increase bm?

Huh?? Where's the rain?? I juz bath Jasielle I sweat like rain lor.. Dripping on her face.. The weather here is SUPER HOT lor...! Amk nearer orchard.. Maybe weather there same hot hot lor..heee

Oh i Noe y like raining there liao

ur upstairs KLK neighbour splash h2o again??!?

Oh ya btw keep 4getting wanna ask abt ur gal chi name wat chi characters u chose for her? U got go ask shifu 1 or u pibk urself?

mine oso call zi xuan is written like tiz 林芷萱

bbin : my side very dark. dun dare put out laundry. Oh I cannot meet u girls today le.. need to bring my MC go gynae endorse cos she spelt my name wrongly on MC. Must bring today cos she wil be away frm tmr till next week. N I m starting work on Monday so hv to get it done... haiz... must go all the way to AMK... last time with bb in me, dun mind the long journey cos can "see" bb. Nw very mind the journey lor... arrrghhh..

Angel : U also perspire alot ar??? Anutie Yani say its good. Cos blood circulating well n yr body is "expelling" the water out.

My gal fart alot too... yr gal also??? Like sunday hor, in the early afternoon she gek sai until face red red but only tiny weeny bit come out... Then evening time, i let her sit on my lap watch tv, then i heard "PRRROOOOTTT"... she look at me and smile... i let her lie dwn abit n tickle her, then felt something warm warm coming dwn her back.. lift her up... wah lau, her shit lor... carry her up notice my shirt n shorts kena. She shit so much that the diaper cannot hold, leak out somemore...

Angel : WAHAHAHAHA yr remarks to bbin... make me laugh out loud... upstairs neighbour splash h2o... i almost forgot abt her neighbour until u mention...

Wah so many Zi Xuan (s) here... Think Christine's gal also Zi Xuan...

happiness: just managed to log in and read yr yest msg... no i wont be joining the gathering today.. having serious pain on my wrist... went to tui na yest now still pain.. hope to rest and avoid carry bb too much...sigh.


aiyo, she splash water oso wont cos sky to become dark rite?? so powerful meh...

eh, ur gal's name shd be pronounced as zhi rite..? my gal's 子瑄 chosen from hwa xia opp tmc...


bryest oso not confirm gg...

called mdm yani twice, oso nvr switch on hp....

Cloh : i also hv this wrist pain... during preg n now.... i went to a doc that told me i hv Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.. apparantly will go away after delivery... but NO, its still with me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] My ML massage me last week n help me massage my wrist as well... its better now. I guess cos Cherish is now with babysitter during daytime n i hv time to rest my hands n wrist...

bbin : next time when all mummies go bk to work, maybe can arrange brunch meet up on Sat ... then all mummies can meet with their babies again... hehe..

gyan/happiness: the 推拿师 told me yest tat my right wrist joint alrd like "发炎", due to carry bb. He said very common for those who always need to carry bb. When he tui for me it is really painful & killing me[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] No choice but hv to go back again for another 1-2 session n see how. Now i will put on the wrist guard whenever carry Chloe.... the first time i hear abt Carpal Tunnel Syndrome...so is not related to carry bb?

Cloh : it's not related to carry bb, my fren got it juz before giving birth... they say it's related to pregnancy or sthg

Wah lau, my gal really milk monster. This morning she woke up very hungry... Feed her 150ml of milk, finish alr still scream for more milk. Give her another 30ml and she finishes then kept quiet. She drank in total 180ml of milk at 7.30am this morning. Just call babysitter n she is feeding Cherish milk now. Babysitter stop to answer the phone, can hear Cherish screaming in the background unhappy that she was "stop" frm drinking her milk...

Cloh : u see this website on an explanation of CTS. I hv another website that explains y preg women hv CTS. The below is copied frm the website. The link is for common CTS.

"It is ironic that just as a woman needs her hands the most to prepare for the birth and care for a new born child, her hand use is often inhibited by hand pain and numbness of the fingers and thumb associated with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Up to Twenty percent of pregnant women will experience this debilitating syndrome at some point during their pregnancy.

Women often experience their first episode with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome when they are pregnant due to hormonal changes and water retention which are common during pregnancy. Although the nagging Carpal Tunnel Symptoms can appear at any time, they usually occur during the second half of pregnancy. Sometimes Carpal Tunnel Symptoms go into remission after pregnancy and other times the pain and numbness continues for months or even years.

The most common symptoms are hand pain, hand numbness, tingling sensations in the fingers, hand and thumbs and pain shooting up the forearm. It can even translate to shoulder and neck pain following the nerve path back to the brain. Often these symptoms are most intense at night and result in routine sleep disturbance. The last thing an expecting mother needs is another cause of routine sleep interruption. Restful sleep is an important element of good health for all of us, but it is especially important for an expectant mother and the developing baby."


Cloh : oops, wrong info, she say it's during confinement... she say her 推拿师 say it's due to ligament tear n tt her 推拿师 is very good, if u still never recover after ur sessions can try hers:-

CHA HENG CHOY 6284 7953

tues, thurs, fri: 10-12.30pm, 2-5pm, 6.30-8.30pm

wed, sat, sun: 10-12.30pm, 2-5pm only

Gyan : Yr frd might hv the same condition as me... If u read my post above (the extract), my CTS was related to my preg. However, the doc did mention that some after deliver the condition will go away but for some the condition will stay. well, mine decided to be "friend" with me till now... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Happiness : yah, sometimes dunno y they request for so much milk, a few nights Alfonse finish 150ml den after 1 hr later request for milk again n he finish 120ml...

minime : just 1 towel to cover yr body... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] then a di lam for the massage. But remember put a cloth over yr di lam, cos the massage oil might stain yr di lam...

Gyan : yah lor... she drank 170ml last nite at 11pm then went to bed. I woke her up at 7am this morning to feed her. N she end up drinking 180ml... wah lau... abt 3 hrs later after the 180ml, she is feeding again... if she con't drinking like that my bm cannot keep up le... tak boleh tahan...


hw u managed to get her??!! i juz called again n still no response wor... i wanted tis sat oso!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Qn to ask..

usu wat time ur last feed ur bb?how much do ur bb drink now?mine still drinking like 100ml every 2hrs..so little..any one same as mine?and how many hrs do ur bb sleep a day?n how many hrs do ur bb nap?

Her last feed is usu ard 12.30am,1am..then she will wake up at 7plus,8am for another feed..then sleep again till noon time..i will bathe her at noon..after tat she will awake for milk every 2 hrs,then rest play awhile then nap for 30mins or 1hr then milk again. her naps were never deep sleep like nitetime..was wondering how to get her have quality naps?

then now she develop bad habit left last 10ml of milk she stop drinking..every time force her finish the last bit n she end up vomit out the milk..

Happiness : haha, not enuff nvm... take from jaspire... she got tonnes... n she say if u all need she can donate cos her fridge no more space to store liao... wahahahahaha

i shy : my gal's last feed will be ard 11pm... then she will sleep till her feed at 6plus to 7am... her last feed is uaually 160-170ml of fm... daytime her feeding is 150ml of ebm every 3 hrs...

if yr bb usually hv 10ml left then u reduce yr volume by 10ml to minimise wastage... babies usually will stop when they hv enuf...

bbin: i call her her hp got ring leh. you got call wrong number anot?

happiness: the bench not totally flat la, got a bit bumpy cushion kind. just that my legs will be dangling out a little. so not sure what kind of stunt (position)she will use.

Thanks Gyan,Happiness..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happiness: gd leh..ur baby sleep at 11pm to 6am..i have been trying to get my baby sleep at 11pm but failed.yest i gave her a feed at 10.30pm hope she can sleep early till morning but till 12.30am she toss n turn havent deep sleep so i gave her 1 more feed (last feed) after tat she sleep all the way till 7am..

Happiness: ur bb on total bm?u can pump frequent to increase the bm supply..even though no milk come out oso continue pump..the supply will increase.



I realise tat i do have the Carpal Tunnel Symptoms tat u guys talked about! I have that during pregnancy and tat i will often wake up feeling pain in the joints of my fingers. Cant even move them swiftly as will end up in great pain! Even as the pain subside, i still couldnt move much as i will be suffering from great pain from movements! After pregnancy, i also do have tat but i rem i only have it for a period of time and now, not feeling pain/sore anymore. It muz have been very painful and torturous for u to suffer from it till now! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

