(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Gyan: Thx for the info on massage.

Happiness: Think my symptom a bit diff from CTS. I dun hv numbness at all, and fingers are all ok, just the wrist area. And it did not happenned to me until bb is 2 mths old ( one mth after I taking care of her alone).... I will apply the gel for joint & ligaments pain and monitor and see how... hopefully it will go away soon...

Question: BB is now drinking more milk 120-130ml but longer interval like 5 to 6 hrs... eventhough wake her up at 4 hrs she dun want to drink and fall back to sleep....is this ok? COs overall for 24 hrs the total consumption dropped...

Cloh : oh i think contact i gv u earlier, the shop is at dunno Upp Serangoon or Serangoon North... not sure if convenient for u

Gyan: Seragoon? oh pretty far away from my place... nvm.. will keep the contact in case really need to go..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Is Auntie Rae & Auntie Gyan playing Hide & Seek here? whaha....

Cloh : From what my PD told me, as long as bb seems to be growing well, we sldnt be too concern abt how much milk are they drinking coz different bb reacts differently. As long as she's drinking fine. It doesn't really she drink lots and longer intervals or less at longer intervals. Hope it helps. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Gyan : I bz msn-ing liao. Wahaahahahahaah

Lovie: Me staying @ Redhill.... next blk to Jgal.. but she seldom log in nowadays...

I got one opened (one week ago)S-26 FM to give away, anyone interested pls let me know. Can collect @ redhill mrt.... This tin was given by my gynae but bb's poo a bit greenish after drinking, so prefer to stick to Similac + EBM.

Lovie: Thx for the info on milk consumption.. in fact i am more happy with longer interval (lazy mummy:p) got more time to do house chores & resting

peng: I am now trying NTUC M size on my gal... think for day time use is ok, but i feel bb bum a bit hot when wearing NTUC brand compared to others.

Gyan: Yr boy wearing M size now?

Gyan: Ya, I am refering to Pampers S size[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Actually I like the Dryper cutting... but the sticky tape is so iritating...

happi> not bad tink u train ur gal well at nite liao, at least can tahan till early am for feeding.. ;)

me still need to wake up once ard 3am to feed, den 5.30 den 7.30 her eyes big to play wif me liao..

angel, happiness: yeah! bbin's ger also call zi xuan =)

ALl: how come all ur babies so obedient one ar? slp all the way de... mine slp only at 130am or sometimes at 230am until 630am for her feed..

ya happi n jasielle's poo most times leak lor.. hence initially i tot diapers like all brands dun quit her.. but not really .. cos its her poo really like huang jing 100 liang.. or 100++ liang.. :p

bbin> oh ya.. itz zhi xuam

oic u got go c n count her name la ",

chris> wah.. urs oso ?

so mani xuan xuan..

urs is got calc chi character one? Mine no.. juz choose myself wif 1 of my gal's godmama

re: Pampers.. wah Lovie.. ur buy using S size n fitting ah? my gal still cannot fit into the Newborn Pampers size lor.. tink she's really 'banana' shape bb.. hehe

happi> oh ya, u BF ur gal hor.. is her body shape like 'banana' oso?

btw u in FB? cannot find u ah.. can add me? ;)

wanna c ur gal pics leh.. hee~

Cloh : I see! But the thing is tat right now, still gotta "decipher" what they want when they started crying. AM geeting a bit bored liao!!! Heiz.. I find it okay wor but dun know whether is it becoz tat time am usin the newborn size so didnt find it to be troublesome or what. Hahahahah

wahahaha, no no, u all mixed up liao... it's my boy not Lovie's one... Lovie is trying to "ge tok" some samples from me!!!

gyan: very tiring hor~~ wanna slp early also hard ar...

angel: the inital name is yun xuan. then my mum went to count, but seems like not good, so end up with zi xuan lor. i wanted this 芷 but the stroke not good, so end up with this 梓 lor... the xuan is prefix by hb n i de.. haha...

Lovie: Huggies is good... been using Huggies at nite since born. But using one brand is a bit boring so still exploring..keke.. this mummy a bit crazy...

Christine: My gal last night 2hr feed leh.. Dunnoe why she so hungry.. Hiaz.. Last time when sleeping in the night can tahan 3hr to 4 hr..

chris> hehe.. oic, so u oso went count the chi character/strokes ah?

i juz find the name sounds nice. But when come to choosing chi characters I'm E8 O Levels in Chi lor!

her daddy chi so good dun even help me, I juz trial n error c online wat words nice for her

so in the end I choose the characters myself.. wif the 'grass ' on top

cos not sure if she's moo moo or tiger zodiac

n my MIL keep insisting she is moo moo. Den I juz try wif grass, cos it'll mean she can eat full full. N she's born in Snake time. So wif grass hope is okok .. n surname is Lin, so when writing looks neat n nice lor

tiz mummy abit Bu Tang Sai .. (in hokkien)


Gyan : Aiya, why u tell the WHOLE WORLD! Haahaahah

Cloh : Ahahahah.. Me too! I wanted to try Nepia but hb told me off saying if Kiefer is not having nappy rash when using Drypers, y i wanna change? I told him it's becoz of the irraiting "jelly" from Drypers lor! Somemore, my son's anus there got a "prolong" nappy rash!!!!

cloh: Fitti also not bad.. I dun like Pampers and Dryers thou... my ger's wee n poo leaks from the side when wearing pampers. then dryers cant seems to last long thou..

apple: maybe it's ur ger's cluster feeding time?

angel: wahahahah... same same.. i uses the website Gyan's posted last time, and they recommends tat moo moo needs 'grass' on top.. so i had quite a list of names and then from there shortlist. Then when she's born, go count the strokes and of coz we ask the master if the name we chosen ok onot, if not ok, from there we mofidy lor... eh... how u know it is a Snake time ar?

Apple n Christine: I have the same plight as u ladies. My boy also like to drink with 2hrs interval.

Last nite, I fed him w water for the 4am feed. Hoping that after a week of training he will know no milk during that time n skip a feed. But he cried every 1/2hr till 6am, think he is geninuely hungry. Felt so bad, he looked so tired today.

Maybe I will try dream feeding instead. Wish me luck!!

finally rain!

but still feel hot.. :p

chris> oh cos I rem how to count the timing for chi zodiac, hers is fall 10am++ so b/w 9-11 am is snake time lor


u wan me help u count ur bb timing is under wat?

Good evening mommies, was a good gathering with bbin, bryest, portia & shinny. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Here's the only photo we took cos we were all busy chatting/feeding/eating.


Left to right (youngest to oldest baby): Jaime & Jared(Jmi), Shin Qi & Alexis(Shinny), Jaclyn & Ethan(Portia), Wendy & Zi Xuan(bbin) & Estina & Estovan(Bryest)

apple: meaning, within a period of time, she keep on wanting her milk. like for my ger, she can ask for milk at 1pm (80ml), then 2pm (40ml), 230pm (40ml) until she slps at 3pm

Christine: Yes.. Like today, 10.15am i give her 120ml, then 11.15am cry, give her 60ml. Then slp a while, ard half an hr, she cry give her another 30ml. She din sleep long today. I dun noe what happen..

Apple.. Haha looks like Rachael beri clever dun wan tasteless milk.. Wan real milk.. Slowly la.. During intervals den feed water lor.. Mine slowly den like water oso..at most 30ml

jmi> wah veri prompt eh.. Hee..upload in fb when u free ah.. Wif the higher res pic pls.. :D

y bbin hiding behind?? Haha

