(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Freesia : dream feeding is feed bb when mummy is abt to go to bed when bb is sleeping in hope becos of the extra mms fed bb will last a longer time.

Apple n Christine: I always wanted to have 2 babies. Now w my difficult bb boy v disheartened and prob no energy to have 1 more Liao. Seriously scare Liao

to make matters worst, he needs us to spend 40mins each nite to coax him to sleep. Wonder when will he be able to self soothe. Prob to wait till he 4 months old then I use the cry it out method. Arghh motherhood....

Angel : I din train her lei. I just follow what the lactation consultant tells me. Finish all feed by 12am n so I did. She just stop waking up for her nite feed since 7 weeks. But then her last feed is usually FM. N I will increase her last feed "dosage" to either 160-170ml. Depending on what time is her last feed b4 the really "last feed" at 11pm...

- My gal is on BM during day n last feed is FM... how does a "banana" body looks like?? Hahaha... but Cherish is outgrowing her S size diapers alr... Thats the reason y i m trying to sell off a brand new pack of Drypers at damn low price. Cos its too tight for her, especially at her "thunder" thighs area.

- I hv facebook, but hor i think only got 1 pic of my gal.... Lazy to upload la.... hahaha... when i got time i upload then "inform" u... hahaha..

cloh : i remember i ask Dr Koh this qns when my gal always overshot her feeding time. Dr Koh told me must wake them up by the 4th hr for milk. Cos they need to grow at this stage.

i_shy : my gal sleeps frm 12am till 6am ... looks /sounds good. But when she decides to fuss... i tell u, tak boleh tahan ahh... Got once she fuss till 4am then sleep ar..

- my BM cannot keep up with her appetite alr... she is like drinking 5-6 pkts of 150ml ebm daily.... n nowadays the 150ml only can last her 2.5hrs... if she is in good mood, can last 3 hrs nia... I "foresee" need to increase "dosage" very soon... How to pump so much??? I no MOO MOO lei... especially after i start work next week, lagi difficult to pump so often... and the thing with it is, she is so use to bm that when i give fm she dun like n will take quite long to finish the bottke... haiz...

Amanda : good luck... i nvr suceed in my dreamfeeding... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] my gal when sleep, is simply too "knock out" to knw that the nipple/teat is at her mouth...

My gal also needs me to coax her to sleep.Sometimes takes 1 hr plus... i lost temper at her a few times...cos sometimes rock her, dance with her, pat her etc all cannot... either she will cry or she will be whining...super tired wan lor...but i just console myself that she will outgrow la... just like she outgrow the stage whereby she needs to wakeup for her nite feed...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angel / Christine : my gal's name is choose frm the list that You Long Zi gave. We gave him her birth date etc then he will give us a list... We did not name her any chinese name till we got the list. Cos both mummy n daddy cannot even read chinese characters properly , how to name??? haha...

Apple : how old is yr bb now? She might be going thru growth spurt....

hey bbin

i was thinking. if you still want to try to increase your supply, let your daughter latch on for a while- until you achieve one let down- everytime she wants to feed, before you give her the bottle. Maybe that can help stimulate some milk production?

Lovie: Re nappy rash, hv u try using the desitin original..it shd help...

Happiness: I remember u mentioned abt the 4hr feed thing but when wants to sleep means totally KO, eventhough we manage to wake her up she will keep her mouth tight close so also bo bian... hv to wait for her own timing" to feed....

btw.. i managed to get the Fitti from Carrefour but yet to try on bb....

Christine: Will let u know once i try the Fitti[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Amanda: Ya, it is so difficult to take care especially our baby feed time is so short. Somemore my baby gal not easy to burp, need to take at least half hr of our time, it can take us more than 1 hr.. My gal sometimes also dun wan sleep even she feel sleepy.. So motherhood is tiring. But i will try for no 2 definately cos i dun wan my gal to be alone at least have siblings to care for.

Happiness: She now 6 weeks plus. Grow spurt, wah, she already so big liao. :/


we all park outside lor...

LOVIE!! u don wan the Nan HA liao ah?? any mummies wan an opened half tin Nan HA?? i don wan it to go to waste..... i'm switching back to similac so tats y still got Nan left...

amanda: pls dun try the crying out method. If you want, try the gradual withdrawing method instead. I strongly recommend this book call the science of parenting which is very good. Had borrowed it from the library, it highlight some of the things that we overlook. For example: when we go to restaurant, the kids tend to play with the utensils and stuff. And it piss us off cos we actually expect them to behave like adults - to sit still and not move about. They are bored and trying to entertain themselves so its not their fault. After reading i was like ya hor...

About the crying out method, this book strongly recommend not to leave baby cry cos it doesnt teach them to sleep themselves, it teaches them that no point crying, cos nobody will care about them. Most sleep books does recommend this and this method will work. However, in the long term you child may become less responsive and will keep things to themselves.

Apple open hse ah? U stay yishun is it? I jolly love to go leh.. Cos my mum stay yishun.. haha

bbin hmm.. Ur gal every time latch den cry or juz sometimes ah? Make me rem tat time u mention on ur nipple shape or size thing... Hee.. Aiya get tat aunty yani c oso since she gonna c all ur body.. So arrange appt le? Me juz call her oso no ans... No reply to my SMS yet oso... Hmmmm

Oh ya.. Ask her more qs make ur 50buvks worth ..wahaha

oh ur Nan ha when open 1? Cannot keep more den 1 mth leh.. U giving away free? My gal drinking oso.. Hmm

Happi> wah 2am so long post? U insomnia ah? Hee

hey! My bleeding super alot since last nite leh.. Pretty worried.. Hubby ask me wanna go hospital? Me tinking if they look like clots which Aunty yani mentioned on mon.. Sigh...

Wah.. So many daes at hone n nvr upload fotos? Mon u return work lagi no time lor...

Banana is lean type lor.. Aiya.. How to describe ? U dunno how banana look like meh? :D :D

eh... U so fast return work? Nvr fully use 4mths in 1shot ah?

Happi> haha.. Ur chi oso sucks? But tink still better den me la .. :D

oh ya.. Mon very fast coming.. Wish u good luck n all the bat 1st.. 1st time working mum feel~~~ wohoo

gonna bring any of bb thing to work? So can sniff her smell when u miss her??

happi: so fast gg back to work ar? sigh... i'm gg back to work in last than 1 mth's time, and i'm already a little she bu de my ger le.. sigh.. i wonder how u gonna cope with it... and i'm also wondering how i'm gonna cope with the feeling of only able to see her after work sia..


tat time always scream wen i tried to latch her... she'll spit out my nipple n scream... den kept tilting her head backwards wanto reject when i force her... tink my nipple size/shape is ok... tat time the nurse gave wrong judgement... hv arranged wif mdm yani on tis sat oso...3pm... hopefully she wont be too late... u oso feeding Nan HA? u wan? i giving coz its oredi opened... ya, cant keep for long.. left half tin so faster if anybody wan, get it from me!! don waste it!

mini, wat time is ur appt wif mdm yani?

bbin: Haha, paisei la, I think i prefer going out.. But then right now, i'm not metally prepared with my baby..

Angel: Nah, my mum hse is at yishun, but my hse is at eunos. No open hse la.

Hi mummies..

Haven't come in for quite some time.. Missing out on quite a lot of the posts here..

Have been having some difficulties feeding my baby n I suspect my boy has nipple confusion.. These days I realised that he suckles at my breasts like taking a bottle n doesn't want to open his mouth wide to latch on.. My let down is quite fast n flow quite forceful so he gulps happily.. n after the let-down, he doesn't stimulate the milk to flow n he gets frustrated.. After struggling with him for 10 mins, I still feel my boobs still not emptied properly.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Any mummies experience this? Angel/Happiness, that time u gals mentioned that u use bottle n also latch on, does ur babies have any problems latching after taking the bottle?

I'm quite sad now cos I think my baby prefers the constant flow of the bottle.. Every feed is like fighting a war with him.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bbin> oic.. tat nurse oso farnie.. gave such judgement.. where u stay ah? u juz open tiz few daes? later I ask my hubby bah. Cos he lazy to go too far 1.. haha

tam> so far she ok wif both la

everytime like to open mouth big big n search for nipple when she SMELL IT...

gyan>oh ya hor.. tat was her previous nick hor :D wahahhaa..

anyway now kiefer so many nice clothes to wear n wash.. watz more wif more cloth napkins rite? :p

apple> huh? no open hse ah.. aiya..

helo mommies..

so many things to read up in here... hahahaaa.. think I reali falling behind liaoz.. so much to catch up

Jolie's schedule also went hay wire lately..

Day time hardly wanna sleep after feeding.. eyes wide open, keep making "woooo.. ahhh... gooooo" sounds.. wonder if she' singing cos I always on the nursery ryhmes CD once she's awake..

Her appetite also funny.. especially in the evening.. Jus yesterday, we fed her 130ml @4pm, 130ml @ 645pm, 130ml @ 9pm and she was crying again by 1015pm.. so fed her another 100ml den she falls asleep till tis morning 7am den drink again...

Jolie only poo once in 2-3days.. and each time she poo.. it's reali reali alot ! Definitely overflow out, staining her shorts and even tops lor !! I wonder if it's normal !!!

Jmi :

Nice photo !!! Think reali must organise an outing whereby all of us can come.. den it will be reali "EYE Catchy" hahahaaa..

Lovie :

I totally agree wif u on the jelly thing from Drypers !! As we r now trying to exhaust out all those free diapers samples.. these few days let Jolie wears Drypers .. alamak.. when I change her, there's jelly beads everywhere.. lucky thing I remember reading one of the mommies mentioning in here abt Drypers, otherwise I sure panic and wonder wat issit ! Tis is not the worse.. the tape keep fallin off and after a few hrs of wearing, we realise tat the tape got loose and diaper was actually dangling cos the tape was stick to Jolie's waist !

Kiefer has nappy rash at the anus ? Try airing him.. Or like angel says, try the cloth diaper.. use warm water and cotton balls to wipe clean each time u change the diaper..

I am using Drapolean cream on Jolie.. and so far (touch wood) she's all clean frm any nappy rash.. Huggies is a good choice.. sometimes I even find it better den mamy poko..

Apple :

No open house.. nvm.. den u must 加油 ok.. Dun let us wait too long to meet Rachael leh ...


goto finish it soon... can only @ most hv 1week+... so u wan?

re drypers,

i'm still trying to finish off the drypers which my MIL bought... i don even hv the chance to try other brands!! but so far, i didn encounter the jelly beads lei... the tape oso don fall off, but its bloody hard to take out lor! damn irritating... i still hv more than half pack of size s n 1 new pack of size m!!

Lovie : how come got jelly beads??? unless it's too full liao n not chg den de jelly will come out... like our pad like tt mah

whoofy: in order to fit into everyone's schedule I think might have to be a weekend lor. Cos some mommies have/are returning to work soon :S

Jmi :

Wkends no prob.. anyway now my hubby seems to work even on wkends.. me at home also damn boring.. Jus tat wkend there'll be more crowded .. very challenging for all the mommies.. ahhaaa

hihi... i am a new mtb...

looking around to see if any mummies got this book what to expect when you are expecting... and want to sell.. can pm me.... thx !

Gyan :

Me use Drypers on Jolie also hav jelly beads.. maybe like u say, it's too wet liaoz.. But still not good leh.. reali lots of complains on Drypers tis brand lor.. heheheee

i ever hv drypers on her for long hrs... oso don hv the jelly beads lei...

if weekend, i wont dare to take mrt liao... sure crowded... stroller cant go in... yesterday nearly couldnt get onto the train...

Gyan :

Dun think will be cheaper by a big margin since usage will be high.. I heard frm my sis before tat Drypers sucks.. tats why we din buy.. now jus trying to use up those free samples given to use lor.. =P

bbin> oic, den dun nid le.. I still haf half a tin gotta finish soon too.. tot urs can outlast longer den my current tin..

thkq [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

woofy> wah.. jolie poo pattern oso same as my gal leh.. tink yest or last 2 daes happi say her pd say its normal. Got a method to massage somemore..useful for her gal. But yest I tried she only farted.. todae still like no poo yet

cos poo 2x, both beri lil.. hmm.. maybe u wanna try

juz saw ur FB comment

wah not bad go hotel high tea.. good idea

den we will be like tai tais in hotel wif bbs ah? :D

Hi, I would like to post a question to mothers who are formula feeding their babies with Similac. My baby is 7 weeks old and he has been having greenish poop since 3 weeks ago? Does any mothers experience that? Thank you in advance if anyone could help to answer this.

any condo function room available for gathering? we can order buffet.

then we need not worry about finding a restaurant that can fit our strollers.

Tam_L, if you don't mind me being busybody. I experience the same situation as you. I developed rashes and has to take medication, so I stopped breast feeding for some time and use bottle feed. After a week, baby has problem latching on when I want to breastfeed again. In the end, I use a breast pump to pump the milk out for total bottle feed.

angel, juz nw went to check n realise i've got more than half left... haiz.. so wasted...

abt the exercise, juz nw i did once for my gal mainly the cycling one n juz nw she poo-ed big time... for info, she oso poo-ed yesterday... haha...

jesline, my gal had greenish (dark one somemore) b4... but nw she ok liao...

BBin, thanks for answering my query. I am quite worried cos the stool was yellow during the first week of feed for similac but subsequent weeks, the stool become green and lasted till now. Wonder if it is becos the formula not suitable?


My girl has greenish poo too when she was drinking Similac.. It's due to high iron & calcium frm the fm tat bb can't absorb, hence pass out as poo. Though my Pd says it's ok wof the color, but we also notice tat her poo was more watery like.. So decided to change to Mamex instead..

hi mommies, i am from March MTBs..

i would like to know if my son is normal or not.. During the night he can hardly sleep well.. He makes a lot of noise during his sleep at night.. eh eh eh, grunts, like horse sound, like engine sound.. very disturbing to my sleep cos i keep waking up to check on him! He nvr sleeps throughout for 2-3 hrs.. Every 40 mins to 1 hr, sure make noise n i need to pat him or swing him... this is soo tiring..

Angel ..

Hahahaaa yeah ! Let's be tai tais for tat day.. We all deserve it anyway !! Hahahhaaa ...

Yup.. I saw Happi mentioned abt the method to stimulate bb to poo.. Tried it yesterday, dunno if it's coincident or wat.. It works as Jolie jus poo !!! Will continue to try ...

Lois suggestion is also good.. Book a condo function room and order buffet...

