(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Hi mommies!

To those going to the picnic, have fun!

Aifah is slightly feverish, I hope it clears by tomorrow. Can see 2 more lower teeth sprouting out.

Re : Botanic Gardens

Jacob Ballas is really a totally different place & entrance from the main Botanics area. You really have to walk a long way or drive.


Hahaa, Xyii enjoying her "me" time at your twin peaks. A will also park herself on me & wait. haha!


How's yr new job?


Thanks for organising the spree again. I've gotten the package & Firipy & Megan also collected liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


opps. just realised i called cyang, renee. no wonder i feel somethg wrong. :p

effects of sleeping at 2am.

smalldreams> we lunch tog next wk ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

breastfeeding> been wanting to wean mattias but whenever he sees me he'll do the milk sign and whine. once he latch, he wont stop. if i unlatch, he'll cry n cry. i set a cut off date on sat when he turns 15 mths.

but when i see cyang and cheerieheart's accts, feel so she bu de too.


is there a reason to wean? If M is happy, and you are fine with it, you may want to let it be?

Could be now that you are back to work and less time with him, he misses you and enjoys the bonding

picnic> shall we meet at the jaccob ballards carpark then walk into botanical gardens for the picnic. i see some hexagonal shapes on the map. not sure if they mean pavilions.

furby> ya, i think so too. one reason, i want to wean is that, i want to start storing resources for my second child. recently did a health check and my fat only 17%. normal female should be 20% i think.


You are very tall & slim! I think my fat content is probably 77% instead of 17% like yours. Everyday drink bubble tea :p

Next week, we'll be in touch. For sure monday i won't be in, probably work from home. What happened to your whatsapp?


I think we'll be in the same boat. Just feed lor, until maybe she's 2 yrs old. For #1, i cont BF even when I was preggy with #2. But I stopped around first trimester. Didn't want to risk it. Plus I also didn't reveal to my gynae coz I think he might advise to stop.

Does your girl still latch to sleep? I recall last time wheN I weaned #1 off, he cried for 1-2 nights before he slept, after that, totally slept through! I enjoyed restful sleep at night (but shortlived) until A was born.


Though I am tired and impatient with BF, but just tahan till she wants to wean off lor. Then, i can officially retire my hardworking peaks. Plus, i don't spend lots of time with her, guess it s the least i can do for her. She still latch to sleep, that't the problem becasue I am usually very busy at night, sometimes only able to come to her at 10pm. No one else can put her to sleep when i am around. At night, she will occassionaly sputter (like creaky engine) and look for me for comfort. But I know in time to come, i will she bu de too.

Actually, there is no need to stop when preg if no complications, but of course, still listen to docs safer lah. So many mummy planning for bunny/dragon. How about you No. 3 hee...?

Smalldreams, my new job is boring n challenging. No chance eat snake cos it's so open. I feel like I m working in 3rd world ctry as compared to last time I was working in new n developing world. Colleagues do things slow n stay bk. I do things very fast n when I m eng I feel bad cos I m nt trained yet n has no access. Just try n see how la.

Xin, my fats shld b ard 80% I tink. Haha! I upsize 2 size up after wedding n post natal.... I m so sad when I see my old photos

Firipy n smalldreams> fat content can't b so high lah. Too low also no good. Moderate is e best. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

furby> xyii really attached to you. Nowadays I also have to b e one to put mattias to slp.

Hi mommies,

Hope you all have been enjoying your long weekend so far. And to all Christians and Catholic moms in the thread, Happy Easter. No wonder yesterday as I logged onto my MSN, i was wondering how come nobody's hardly online. It's been a rather tiring week for me. DH was out of town but the tiring bit was not so much of him not being around but more so of Nat climbing up and down, doing funny stuff around the house. It's mentally taxing.

Every evening, I look forward to slumping in my couch, have my dinner and watch my TV. End up, after dinner, I doze off on the couch with TV on. Some days, it can be as early as 8.30pm! I wonder if you moms are equally tired. Hence, you didn't get to see much of me here as well. I was really looking forward to my DH traveling coz' I really wanted to take time to catch up on my drama serials and not forgetting that I can take a break from cooking dinner.

Hhehehe. Quite a series of small happenings this week also. The other day, I was in the kitchen preparing Nat's dinner and then I heard some cling clang-ing in the living room. I was thinking ... Nat must be playing with the coke cans that just got delivered. She enjoys taking things out of the delivery box these days. And then shortly after, I heard her sniggering and clapping her hands.

As I walked out of the kitchen, I saw 6 nicely stacked cans of coke in a tower, much to my pleasant surprise! She had actually been stacking the coke in the living room, hence all the sound, coz' she probably had to try many times to get to that height of 6! And to think that all this while, I have been practicing stacking blocks with her and she has refused?! Then the other day, I caught her 'stealing' a Hock Hua plastic bags from the area where I stash all my paper bags. I dunno how she did it but she put her 2 arms around the 2 handles and made it into a haversack. And then went walking around the house with her 'bag'.

Dunno if you gals can imagine ... but the funny things kids can do!!! And just yesterday, after feeding her lunch, she started rubbing her whole face and developed rashes all over! I realized the only thing different I did for her lunch was that I added fresh thyme. I suspect she's got thyme allergies! And this is such a rare allergy! I dun believe she actually has it.

Now I'm concerned about giving her pasta when outside. I recalled she was ok with dried thyme in mixed herbs but not fresh thyme I guess. *sigh* Just glad this week is almost ending, I badly need some rest!!!

You know ... time and again, I just can't believe how time flies ... I relook at photos of Nat a year ago, where she hasn't even learnt to flip and all she did was lie down and coo till today when she's climbing all over the house. I re-read posts that I posted a year back and then realized how those issues and challenges faced back then seemed so trivial compared to now. Hhahaa, but of course back then, to us, it really seemed challenging. I just cannot imagine another year from now ... what other challenges we'll be facing. Ha!

happy holidays to all!

Am having monday blues ald cos back to work tmr, can't wait for the other long weekend to come again.

Lamb, Nat's so cute! A love to stack things too, coke cans in pack of 6s, he can stack 2 packs in the kitchen dragging them ard the hse. I dunno hw he can have so much strength to do it. His fav hobby is to wear adult shoes n parade ard the hse,he can slip into his feet correctly to each sides of the shoes 90% of the time. We are so tired getting him away fr the shoes n clearing after his mess... But I miss the time when both of us wld jus do nothing n watch his fav tv programs. I got very emo few weeks ago when I wet my hp n was so worried abt losing the photos n data. I was looking thru 1 of the video which I took of A n hb having a "chat" when A was 3 mths n 1 week old. My hb was so happy cos his son "talked" to him for the 1st time cos prior to that A wld either cry, sleep or poop n occasional be awake n smile,play for awhile. We cld just put him on the bed n play without worrying abt him rolling off the bed....flip when doing diaper change or hiding things from him...So miss my baby's baby days!

Hi mommies,

Hope everyone had a good Easter weekend! Sorry I couldn't join in the gathering, found out that there's gonna be a children's mass at 11.30am on Good Friday hence decided to go for it.

Anyho, here's the Easter dress I made for Emma. Not so much of a dress, rather a bubble skirt and a hand-stitched fabric bunny with cross straps (so that the skirt is at her "waist" rather than under her tummy).


lamb: yes time really flies. Every night before I sleep I'd put my mac on screensaver mode for a few minutes and look at the photos on random. Once in a while I'll see her baby photos and go "awww man..." Our kiddos are toddlers already.

The amazing thing about kids, I realise, is that they don't seem to pay attention to us when we are trying to teach them stuff, but they really are absorbing. So we really gotta watch what we do.

I used to pepper my sentences with "crap", "shit", "what the hell?!" whenever I'm pissed. Until I read this book that wrote about a mother's experience:

Both my husband and I have rather colourful vocabularies. We never swear at our dear daughter, and try to watch our language around her, but we're obviously failing miserably--My mom asked her what her baby's name is, and she responded,"Asshole."

I was like,Oops! Better watch my tongue.

callalily: Aly's so bright! Emma only repeats what we say for now, can't do "Q&A" yet.

She likes to "chant" though. And her words come out muffled, like flower will be "wow-wer", book="bok", ball="bawl", sit="sik", dog="dok", shoes="seuss".

Her favourite chant for now is "wo wo wo wo wo" (like a dog's bark) when we brought our dog to the vet 2wks ago. She saw all the dogs there and pointed at them, going "dok, dok, dok, wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo..."

xin: I'm getting Emma weaned in 2 days' time, cuz she'll be 15mths and that's my final deadline. Oooo...I look forward to sleeping in on weekends when DH can just give her milk without ME [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Muhahahaha

andie>Emma looks so pretty in the dress. You're really talented. Love the cute rabbit

lamb>Nat is so clever, ya? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Firipy>tahan for 5 more days. Next week is 4 day week :D


The dress u made for Emma is so cute! Cant remember when is the last time i sewed something!!! Aly's bright??? Oh please! She can ONLY do Q&As! Cant say anything resembling coherent words for nuts!!! Wow! Emma's developing fast in the speech dept! She has spoken so many more words since the last time we have met! We had a hectic Easter wkend. Decided to be brave & bring Aly for 8pm Gd Friday night service & she surprised us by sleeping throughout the service & tolerated 3 transfers from her carseat!


nat is so cute. So creative with the plastic bag. About being tired, think most mummy are having lack of sleep. Like everynight i put baby to sleep at 10pm, always intend to wake up after that to do my personal stuff, but never do so as too tired.


you are indeed talented, can design and sew clothes. Maybe Can start home business when emma slightly older? or you intending to go back to work?

2 more days to wean, it has been a memorable journey hasn't it?

Friday Outing

How did the outing go? Hope all had a good time. Any pics to post?

We went to tree top trail for some active outing. Not for babies though.


when i lost my handphone 2 yrs back, i was also very sad to lose the children's photos. Now i make sure I download often.

Hi mummies

Hope everyone had a good weekend.

Andie, that's such a nice fabric! really cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Firipy, how's Ayden now? So who's taking care of him this time round?

Re : MMR

My little girl just recovered from fever & is still having slight cough. She's supposed to go for MMR at poly tomorrow but i'm having second thoughts now. Poor thing lah if she kena fever again. What do u girls think?

smalldreams, HW suppose to go MMR tis sat, but she just recovered fm fever and still having running nose too...will postpone her jab again!


maybe let her recover properly first. If fever so close together, poor thing

Today is also X's MMR but have to postpone as busy

Thanks gals, yeah i guess I'll postpone the appointment. I'm just so relieved she's no longer feverish. Now she's back to her cheeky self.

Smalldreams, My mum is taking care of him but on 2 evenings, mil will come while my mum goes to her class at cc. My mil will take him hm on a weekday night to stay.

Smalldreams, A lost alot of weight fr his cough n flu 3 weeks bk n had SA when I go bk to wk. I also postpone his jabs till next week n see how

after the long weekend i really zero mood to work. wish to go bk to stay home but when i look at all the good food my hb's been giving mattias and how I most probably wont do as good a job, i think I better stay on my job. :p

andie> your dress is really cute! can start your own label from UK. hee hee.

how's your weaning? mattias seems to have peeped into the forum. since my post abt weaning him, he didn't really ask for milk. occasionally he'll still pull my shirt and all but no sign of wanting to drink. v smooth weaning. but feeling a sense of loss too. :p

littlelamb> our kids never fail to amaze us right? doing new tricks everyday. and usually they dont like to use the toys in their intended purpose but will find new ways of playing with them. creativity at work! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hope all the babies who are unwell will be well soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

furby> the picnic was great fun. the kids really enjoyed the outdoors and the animals. think some photos were taken. maybe i took too. but no time to upload. :p

xin>wah, wad good stuff has your hubby been cooking for mattias? must ask mine to learn from him. :p

I rem seeing your hubby take photos.

tyl, megan> it's not really very fanciful fare lah. but much better than mummy who just boil everything together. :p

Morn peeps! I m in very bad mood. My parents very naggy abt bringing my boy to china. Kept telling me nt to, said ppl will abduct him cos got syndicate .........


oh dear. i guess they are really paranoid.

what can you do to alleviate their fears?

the only way is to strap ayden to you all the time. but that's not feasible also rite? sometimes when old folks tell this to us, we're also put in a fix hor..

maybe Jessie & lamb can share if there are any things to look out for to stay safe in china?

Smalldreams, I told them I sling him with me lo. My ils n all there. Must help me also la. My fil is worried abt the long flight... I was like.....am so piss n said I wanna bring him to USA, gd training grd! The last trip to hkg he cried all the way hm. Flight there is ok

Anyone hasn't gone for kindermusik trial yet? I havnt bring A for the trial. Mstan, I just bought the voucher, thx for sharing

firipy>oh dear. hope u can convince them. If don't bring ayden, who's going to look after him in SG? Tell them ayden will miss them if they go for so long so need to bring him along? think they're just really worried for their baobei grandchild

xin>your hubby so good. Time to try for another one. :p then he can help look after during your confinement n maternity leave :p

firipy : I hv not go for kindermusik trial yet. Was thinking of attending on Sat aftn.

U keen ?

Re : MLG trial. I shld be attending at Jurong on Sat in June.

U ?

Mstan, I maybe try n gather see can form a class for kindermusik or nt, sat pm is best . MLG , I will bring A go for the one in kovan.

Xin, tyl, my mum nt going so she say she look after.... I dowan lo, if wanna go hols, mus all go.....nt as tho we going to try for baby

firipy : yes, I prefer aftn after bb had her nap then better....;p

U try to gather to see can form a class or not ?

Wat time u looking at ?

Which location u looking at ? Tanglin or Beach Rd ?


Honestly I had that fear too. When I first had a nanny, I was so paranoid she will run away with Arwen! After knowing the local culture here , honestly, you can tell your parents/ in laws

1) How many incident of kidnapping actually happens?

2) Mostly they like local kids, not foreign kids

3) These days everyone too busy to make money and having a kid is a burden , especially boy cos they have to save a lot for the boy's future.

4) The police here very fierce one and also pretty effective so kidnappers does think 2 or 3 times.

5) Most kidnappers will do research before kidnapping. Like the baby healthy or not, the parents background etc. I mean you won't be there long enough for them to find out everything.

For me, I make sure Arwen is always always very close to me. Not so much kidnap but now she can walk , almost run, have to make sure I dun lost her. Lost her then siao liao, how to find siah!

Overall, really... not a problem. If you are heading for Shanghai, let me know yah!

