(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

bbin>you're welcome. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Think xin/febie will recheck the pricing before they send.

hmm, just realised donno forward the $ for extra orders to who. :p


Mstan> zoo tickets

Collection from ME only n no senior rates. Pls check online if they provide better rates !

We meet outside zoo entrance at 10am on 23dec !!

Need to confirm n transfer money to me latest by 22dec noon time!

little bhubu tees>FYI: no need to add extra $1 for tees from category C as all tees in the category are customised. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

to make the costs clear for everyone, please use the pricing below.

For tee colour with solid / metalic design colour Price S$13

For tee colour with glitter design colour Price S$14

For white tee with solid / metalic design colour Price S$12

For white tee with glitter design colour Price S$13

(We need a certain number of clothes qty to get the above price, so treasure the chance to save a few dollars a shirt. )

For Category C, you need not add in a dollar for the customized of Name!!!

a)Personalised/customised with name,add S$1

b)Personalised your own design,only top up S$2

for payments for the tees, please transfer to the same account you transferred $ for the baby bash. please post your nick/details here when you transfer so we can account for the $.

UOB ACCOUNT: 3631022047

POSB SAV ACC: 009-83525-3

OCBC ACC: 553-8-078857


Hi xin,

can u pls pm me on how to make payment for my orders?

sorry.. i could not cut n paste the format as required, it just went out of alignments.


horsey>we haven't worked out postage details yet. but max add $1-$2 for it if arrangements for mass collection doesn't work out. Think that can be done later after the tees have arrived.

i prefer the tees to be mailed.. will add $2 on top of my order. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how do i cut n paste the format u mommies want here? i tried.. but all out of alignments. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sorry, just trying my luck.. can my baby still be 'squeezed' into the party? ;p

horsey>just copy the table into excel and make your amendments there. to paste excel into the thread, follow the instructions below.

You can paste in tables from tab-delimited spreadsheets such as Microsoft Excel. To paste a table, do the following:

Open your spreadsheet using Excel.

Select the range that you wish to paste as a table using Excel.

Choose Edit and then Copy.

Bring up your WWW browser.

Enter an "empty" table tag (such as or ) in your message. Do not put in any Table Items at this time.

Click the mouse between the curly braces in that tag.

Select Edit and then Paste.

or refer to http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/discus1.cgi?pg=formatting#tables

for the bash attendence, I'm not sure.

Hi Mummies,

Haven't log in for some time. How's everyone?

Anyone keen on Little Tikes items?

There is a 40% discount for on-shelf items at

Aprisin Singapore @ 50, Tagore Lane Unit #B1-01, Entrepreneur Centre.

Too bad i am working and cannot join the zoo outing..


I am looking for:



Please email me if you have 2nd hand jumperoo & Brill kids flash cards for sale. thanks.

Hiya mummies

So silent ....

How've you been, ladies?

Xin must be enjoying her hols now... :p

I'm not sure if I can join the playdate yet. if i can, I'll definitely let you know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello mummies, I'm back from Taiwan! Had lots of fun shopping and eating. Surprisingly, didn't miss the gals much when I was away. Maybe because I did all the 'missing' while I was in Sg and I told myself since pay so much to travel, must enjoy myself and don't think about home liao. kekeke.

Too busy the two days after coming back from Taiwan so never post in forum. Also, because too busy trying to watch online the Taiwanese drama series that I was watching in Taiwan. I posted about Taiwan in my blog if anyone is keen to read.

I walked past Caesar Park Hotel, very nice, told hubby next time if we bring the gals, I want to stay there. Cosmos Hotel is very good in location but I find the rooms a bit small and got no wifi. :p

YL, what spree/BP are you doing?

Yem, I'm keen on Little tikes playhouses, when does the sale end?

pauline>welcome back! Did you enjoy the food in Taiwan? what drama were u watching? :p

we're ordering little bhubu tees for the bbs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@LSnTYL : ok, np.. i let u know when i tfr the dollar balance. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks!

Hi BigFoot/Pauline,

The sale just started on 11th Dec and will end on 24th Dec.

Maybe you can call them to check the availability of the item before going down.

Err, horsey, you shld be transferring me $40 right? $13 + $13 + $14 = $40 right? Dun transfer me postage first, will let you know when the actual items are received. So u shld transfer me another $2 right?

YL, yup, yup, ate so much that my pants was tight when I came back. :p

I was watching 海派甜心 by Raine Yang and Xiaozhu. Oh little tees for babies? Cute or not? Can send me the link? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks, Yem. It's near Macritchie reservoir, got to ask hubby if he's free to drive there. hee.

pauline>found the info in xin's post further up. copy and paste from her post for you. :p


PAYMENT BY 16 DEC as the shop is closing for year end

YL, yup, it's an old show but I'm 3 years behind when it comes to TV dramas. I still remember the last Taiwanese drama I was chasing on tv before giving birth in Jan08 was 花样少男少女. kekeke... ;)

Okie, I go see the link later. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

YL, thanks, but I can't open the link cos new laptop don't have MS office yet. :p Oh ya, I went to Shihlin and Raohe night market. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

YL, no lar, my laptop I bought during Sitex cos good deal, I only need to pay $149 cos I sold my old iphone plus traded in my old HP laptop (cos it's cranky and been in and out of service centre 3 times and warranty expiring soon). Er, my hubby didn't buy the KS bag for me in the end lar cos KS website said cannot sell direct to Sg. Was tempted when I went to the airport and saw a Furla long wallet and was very gian but I resisted and never buy though it was on 20+30% off. :p

Thanks, YL, managed to open the document. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Think I'll pass cos I thought it was personalised tees. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Haha, me too, only started watching the show cos the hotel doesn't have much cable channels. hee.

Oh ya, Lawrence very sweet to you leh. That day, when we met up at Century square to pass him the Party city stuff, he told us he saw the Sakae Teppanyaki lobster set for 2 and said too bad you are not there. If not, you will love to try the food.

So sweet of him to always remember you and what you like to eat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sorry to interrupt. Any mummies here looking for stylish trendy nursing wear this festive season?


Brand New MOTHERS EN VOGUE nursing maternity wear sale 60% off

More than 20 currently still in store designs available. XS-L sizes!!

Email [email protected] or PM me for details now til 16 Dec (Thur)!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

aiyoh, why so many spam ads these days.

pauline>actually, got customise Ts. Look in Cat C. Can customise the names.

ok lah, hubby say say nia. Still haven't brought me to makan teppanyaki leh. :p

your laptop good deal. but you trade in your iphone then buy a new iphone? cos your gal likes to play with it, rite?


Ya lor, so many spam ads, it's so annoying. If we complain, they say we are mean. Tsk.

Anyway Morning all..!how's the xmas gift shopping coming along?

good morning all...

wow so many spams...

think all the mummies are now too busy to come post...

the lil one is climbing and crawling all ard...

so any mummies got good news beside Joy?

Hello all...

Febie> "wave" ya lor so busy @ work & Letty getting nottier!!

Wow dun dare to be pregnant now lah.. so siong !! Tink best is after she 18mths... wahaha...

Febie> U got gd news? *Hee

Btw, wanna ask u just saw on FB Shayne wearing M size like just nice .. Thinking shld i get L/XL .. :>

I'm super guilty today !! Lucas ate part of 1 peanut choco donut while i was in my dreamland @ 8am .. Hubby was back from bathing & saw Lucas munching e donut !! Haix! Shldn't have place it on e sidetable which is so low tt Lucas can grab e whole box!

yeah Indeed alot of advertisment..

giving me harder time to go through all archives..


For those advertisement.. to post is okay..

Maybe just brief information and your website..

interested mummies will go n check it out..

Dont need post so many things.. can be irritating lor..

I think all mummies here will appreciate that..


Missing of 1 donut .. Lucas opened e box & grab 1 of it, 5 still nicely intact in e box..


Happy Lucas after eating e donut!


