(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Mindy : So sorry to hear Isaiah choke. Very serious ok, if me, I won't blow up but find alternative liao. They don't understand how bad it can be for the baby. Also teach the maid abit of first aid, if choke, sit, straighten leg and put baby on lap and use palm to hit the middle of the shoulder hard a few times. Don't use finger to try to get the food out, it will only push it further in.

I let Arwen nanny go for first aid to learn all these. Even tho I have a super nanny, I am always on high alert cos in the end, anything happen, I am the one to blame. Not that I care about the blame part but I know I will blame myself forever. Lamb's right, for the sake of the babies, have to be firm . But be smart about it and not to destroy the relationship in the long run. i think the suggestion to make your own stock is really good . Even if eating sweet potato everyday,at least you can control the stock [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am glad in the end I did not get my mum or in laws to help take care of A, they did offer many times but I know they are just not up to date or the energy level is just so different, they won't be able to cope.

Lamb: I bought the walker, the one you saw at Andrea's when Arwen was 10 months old to teach her how to walk. Not so much to push her but to let her have another way of getting around. Of course she dun like it at first but now she is walking around with it , even turning here and there on her own.

I think really up to you. In the end, the results are the same. Maybe.... you should let her be cos can walk = sibei tiring following her around!!! LOL


Lsntyl : Thanks for the link! Think will pack lesser stuff and take either the train or bus. I so sian to do so but the cab fare is ridiculous!

Febie : Yah, one thing I am happy about is that I don't have relatives to deal with here but I am known to be very fierce , so I think even if my relatives try anything funny, they will think twice. I think you have to be very firm, like FIRM and look at them deep in the end and say NO. How can not giving sweets at this age = ill treat? DUHZ!


Yah, I'm considering between that or the FP ride-on for now. The one that you bought has a braking system I heard, which is pretty good. Actually, even when Nat is crawling or cruising around now, i just leave her be as long as she is within my sight. Not too sure if it's gonna be the case if it walks. Ha! And btw, for the life of me, I have finally figured taobao!

So ... DH is gonna have to watch over me like a hawk over the things I buy. Hhahaha. As it is, already a lot of things in my shopping cart, just haven't pressed 'pay' yet. Eh, tomorrow's gonna snow leh! But gonna be damn cold. I dunno if I wanna bring Nat downstairs just to experience it.


lamb>remember a few months ago when u were worried why Nat wasn't flipping and before you knew it, she was sitting up straight and now crawling? They grow too fast as it is. Personally, I would leave her be. She'll walk when she wants to. Just give her more chances to have floor time and if you want, put some chairs/tables, etc that can help with cruising when she is ready for it. Before you know it, she'll be walking and running and you'll be tired out from chasing her.

mindy>that sounds really scary. maybe you can cook food in batches and freeze them too? then they can take them and feed that to Isaiah? or prepare porridge in a tiger jar? can put in 2 feeds.


I am not sure what Arwen is trying to do but she these days like to put things on her head and when I try to the new knit hat for her,she promptly pull it over her face and continue to play like that for like 3 mins, weird... The other picture is her having fun in her ball pit. I am GLAD to say she loves it now and will flop around like a fish in it!

This is her new Christmas gift from my MIL, told my MIL to buy Arwen's first doll as a kind of traditional. Arwen lick the box for a while, smash her fist in it a few times, throw it on the floor and finally decide she like her books better. Keke

mindy> i guess if you really cannot do the other options that u've listed above, then the only solution is to cook the porridge yourself. 1 type can already for 2 meals can already, unless isaiah super picky which doesn't seem like it to me from your postings. of cos, the stock idea is good but like if they use fish etc then the bones thing may still happen. it's good to make sure that you've done everything you could cos life is fragile, so we don't want to feel any guilt if anything really happens that we could have prevented.

cocomama> aiyo so sayang. wow u mean there's an infant cpr course? when i attended my school's first aid course, my colleague also asked what to do if an infant choke. seems like only can put the infant on our laps then stroke frontwards.

lamb> heh same here, i peek inside to read but nothing to post. anyway, i intend to let en xi walk by her own initiative also cos once she starts walking, i'll be so busy! anyway, to me, i'm not v worried that she won't walk cos she's been crawling and cruising etc at a good age and very active now, so i don't think i want myself to have to be busy so fast. think now's still early for them to walk. maybe if at 17 mths still don't show signs of walking, then can start "worrying".


Hhahaa, yeah, I think now's the right time to introduce ball pit to Arwen. Coz' it's only now, they start pouncing etc. Nat too ... Yeah, during those few days, I was taking Nat out a lot. But I figure she's better at someone's place than outside at a restaurant or something. I mean, when outside, she can only be confined to her stroller, unless there's a play area there. But then again, I am skeptical about how 'clean' their play area is.

She's at this stage where she's curious about everything. That's why I enjoy plonking her on the floor to see what she's up to. Hhaha, I loved the way Arwen helped herself to the doll. It's so interesting these days, eh? They get so interactive. Earlier, I was carrying her and then I was talking to DH over the phone and I was saying something about shake your head and then there she was shaking her head.

She thought I asked her to shake her head. LOL. And the other day, she was on webcam with my mom and my mom said BYE and she did the bye bye sign. And another day, she was watching Grover shaking his head and then she too, shaked her head. But for some reason, she just refuses to clap her hands! No matter how much we do it in front of her, guide her etc.

lsntyl - I dun think worry is the word to describe my current state of mind. But more so of ... what should I do, hence asking the mommies here to hear their opinions about walking. Nat's cruising and crawling quite a fair bit, in fact, attempting to climb up sofas if she's got something to step on. Ha! I guess as a mom, even more so a full-time mom, i do set a certain expectation of myself.

melissa - Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

jessie - Oh, i must ask u something! I notice Arwen dresses a few layers at home hor. Do you turn on the heater? I let nat just wear long sleeve onesies with long pants and socks only leh. Coz' this gal perspire quite a bit. And at nite right, she's still wearing those cotton sleepsuit. But her bedsheet is fleece and that's it leh. I am now wondering if I should buy her those terrycloth sleepsuits for her or not. What is arwen wearing to sleep?

Lamb: Play area is a no no for me. Gross lor, how clean can they be? I mean until A is about 4 or 5, it is ok lah. Now cannot lah.

Me I kia si about the cold here cos I notice there is draft coming from my balcony, my main door and my back door. To adults, cos we are tall, can't feel it but I scare A , cos she crawls alot and at their low level might feel the draft so I let her wear long onesie, tights and a sweater.

She is quite sensitive to the central heating so we cannot put it on. We use a small radiator tho but still can be cold , so I let her wear those Uniqlo fleece onesie and another fleece sweater. I love those cos cover here feet nicely BUT changing diaper is a pain cos it is those zip type . When I change , have to make sure her top is cover with a blanket first.

Lamb: Come to think of it. In Oct when Arwen was 10 months old, I bought the walker also because I want A to learn how to walk fast and also improve her balance. To me, the faster she learn how to walk, the better I feel for me and her nanny cos we dun have to carry her so much and it is more fun to explore places with her walking! Now her balancing is really good and I can even not bother when she go around with the walker. I feel it is a good buy because it helps to coordinate her balance.

I think I was worried cos my neighbor kid, she was 13 months and always fall down one cos she was so pampered and hardly ever crawl much so when she progress to walking, it was really slow for her!

jessie - Hhaha, so we share the same sentiments about play area. Anyway ... I did think about radiator. But Nat keeps wanting to play with the radiator around even when it's off. I mean, if I on, lagi worse, she'll probably push it around and burn herself! So I've been using only central heating. Wah, speaking about uniqlo, I alos love their fleece leh. I bought the fleece top for her, but i think still a bit too big. :p My KS mom ask me buy bigger size. Their leggings also very nice leh, 39rmb only! But fleece are really life savers man!

YL, I didn't trade in the iphone3 cos I was hoping to convince hubby to use it since his current hp is so old. But he only wanted to use it to surf net and play apps. The warranty expires in Dec so in the end, I decided to sell it lor. Cos if the hp is spoilt after warranty expires then no resale value, don't dare to risk it. :p

cocomama, so sad to hear about the poor kid who choked on apple n died. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Should have done baby hemlich manoveure but I can understand the panic ESP the old folks.

mindy, we boil the kid's porridge using lean pork slices n threadfin slices (buy the boneless cut) so definitely no bones. Choking is very serious, better play safe n prevent such incidents to happen in the first place. No point quarreling with mum or sis cos to be frank, that one not your maid n ultimately u dun pay her salary n your sis has her own kids so she may 'Bo chap' u. My MIL told me before that her friend was looking after 3 grandkids at home with one of the son's maid. The maid refuse to do anything for the other grandchild (even when the grandma is busy in the kitchen) cos that one is not her employer's child. They are very 现实.

Yah lor I agreed with all of you., if anything happened to him I will just have to be responsible as he is my baby..

My bro-in-law say no more bones for baby food n u all know what my mom wanna buy?!?! Soft bones!!! Almost fainted when my BIL told me.. But my BIL thinks is not his maid fault when I told him again just Now to warn the maid..

But he say he talk to my mom n maid again..

Nothing bad happened to Isaiah yet n they don't their lesson n think that he will always be so lucky.. Haiz

but m like having balls stuck in my mouth n cannot say anything abt it coz they help me take care of Isaiah.. N o have no say..

Once I get my boxes n I will do freezing stocks this weekend Liao.. Just worry my mom don't wanna use it..


I am reading it correctly right? As in ... it's your mom and not MIL right? I would imagine it's easier to talk to ur mom? But that's my opinion lah. I do have conflicts with my mom over raising Nat as well but at the end of the day, I do get myself heard and I still make the final call when it comes to how I wanna raise Nat. Probably it's also easier for me coz' I'm the SAHM.

When my mom was in SH helping me to look after Nat as well, my mom too disagreed with the way I handled Nat and of course wanted to do things her way. Of course I would not agree with her and tried to explain to her why I did certain things in a certain manner. And I think ultimately, my mom understood that I'm after all Nat's mom and I still have to make the final decisions. While she as a grandma, her 'duty' is to enjoy and spoil her granddaughter. Don't get yourself stuck in this situation, maybe give yourself other options like hiring a maid to take care? And Pauline made a good point about the maid thingy.

If she's your sis' maid, she might not really care two hoots about Isaiah. So it's best you entrust Isaiah with someone whom you can trust and also deploy instructions to.

Pauline.. you are right lor..

the maid will only take care of my niece...

n when my mom needs to cook and isaiah will be in the walker or the pram... but nowadays Isaiah also very naughty.. he will refuse to sit in walker n cry non-stop.. n my mom told me today that they let isaiah cry in the room lor.. I did not say much things and kept quiet.. so m also thinking that if i get a maid will it help??

but hubby thoughts that we should just close one eye..

Mindy, why your mum wanna use bones to boil porridge for Isaiah? Lean meat is a better choice leh unless got budget constraint. I use pork ribs or fish bones to boil soup for family dinner but that's cos got so many of us eating. Raelynn's porridge or soupy rice is always prepared separately with no bones so far. Frankly, it's very difficult to sieve out tiny bone fragments, even I will miss out one or two pieces myself. :p

Actually Mindy, I can understand why your sis's maid act this way. To be frank, it's 吃力不讨好 for the maid as well. Eg. she doesn't get more pay for looking after Isaiah but if anything happens to Isaiah while she is looking after him (eg. he fall down or choke on food), it will become her fault and she will get a scolding for nothing. So, they rather act blind and deaf lor, pretend not to see. :p

hi all, Jessie Arwen is so getting girlier!

Mindy, dun be too upset k, or maybe can u buy food to prepare for Isaiah instead, then ur mum can't buy soft bones, or watever? I agree with u totally cos end of the day we r the ones who take care of the baby if anything happens.

febie, I tink my relatives esp my hb side tink my boy is like a puppy,feed him this n that.I told m very fierce to those that I can be rude with but those elders hor, its very hard to tell them off.....I usually jus pretend to scold baby instead to show them I m angry. My hb usually very relax when ppl feed his son "rubbish" while I m the baddie who everything oso cannot. Damn mad when my hb says"dr tan say ok means ok,can't means can't"

keke Firipy , back when A's nanny was like feeding her bits and pieces of stuff. I kept telling her to stop , then one day, I look at her dead in the eyes and say "my baby is not a dog , when I mean don't give, means don't give " she then stop. Then she start again and I told her I will hunt her grandchildren down no matter where they are and will anyhow give them scraps too, then I think she really get I am pissed!

I mean, wah liao eh, what is with these people sometimes, so fun to give food to babies meh? don't mind being the bad person lor as long as I get my way. Keke


hahaha, Dr C.Tan izzit? :p

Yesterday I saw my dad feeding A those packaged cake! He is obviously oblivious to the amt of preservatives that cake has. :S

But then again, as long as A is not being fed coke or something overly salty, sweet, spicy, oily. I won't get too mad lah.

Little lamb

ooops, do I really look like the take it easy type? I hope that doesn't equate me to bo chap, kekekeke. Anyway if you ask about how we can help encourage our LOs to walk, I think we can just guide them by holding their two hands and encourage them to walk forward.

Can Nat stand independently already? If yes, you can guide her to walk by standing in front of her and extending yr hands to hers. Or if she's stronger, you can also hold one hand and encourage her to walk beside you.

Personally I think stuff like walking wings etc are a waste of money and will eventually become clutter. Ride ons, or push walkers are still better choices as they double up as toys too.

Anyway, it's another new day, be happy okie gals!


would it help if you gave yr sister's maid an extra say, $50 and ask her to supervise Isaiah too? Is that allowed? hehehe.

little_lamb.. Yes, is my mum and not MIL.

i told her many times and she keep saying don't say me anymore or don't talk to me like that anymore.. and she got angry..

Pauline.. these old folks are so stubborn and insisted that they are right.. M fine with u wanna use bones to cook broth or stock for baby but not with the porridge.. then when i told her off she will say is the maid that preparing the food she dont care.. everytime i go to their house and the floor is so dirty n i told my mom.. she say she don't care as she dont know how to tell the maid off.. as my mom cant really speak english n malay.. i also "dun dare" to tell the maid off as u nvr know what will she do to Isaiah..

Can u imagine, there is one morning my mom saw the maid use Isaiah face towel to clean the table and she keep quiet n tell me after that! i was like what siah why dont u tell her off immediately.. then she say i dunno how to say n i feel she just dont bother.. then i complaint to my sister n she say did mom told her off.. n i say no.. then she just said why not.. n let the maid off again..

if i keep complaining abt her? how would i know if she will use toilet bowl water to make milk for Isaiah??

You know the kinda feeling.. at their mercy.. and have to close both eyes.. think abt it feeling heartache.. like nothing i can do to help my son except by keeping quiet..

My mom love Isaiah lar.. but her hygiene and attitude toward some things are horrible..


Hari Raya i gave her $50 angbao and CNY also u know.. i would not suggest to give her every month.. if she need extra money to move.. then i would rather ask my sister change a new maid..

Firipy.. my mom also like to feed the baby rubbish too but the maid will stop her from feeding my niece but i think she will let my mom feed Isaiah..

other people that do it within my sight i will stop them immediately.. n take Isaiah away.

When my MIL bring Isaiah downstairs without me i will tell her in a very serious tone.. DO NOT ALLOW ANYONE TO KISS ISAIAH ON HIS FACE, HEAD OR ANYONE..

and relatives who like to makan liao and kiss Isaiah i will stop them too.. Terence relatives i will just take Isaiah away and smile..

My sister's with makeup and lipstick i will told them off.. Don't put your face near his face and Dont kiss him.. Everytime they see him they will hug him super tight n glue their face to his face.. then i will scream.. they knew it i dont like but still will do it and say no no i nvr apply makeup today..

Jessie, hahaha i like the way to told the nanny off.. hunt her grandchildren down and do the same thing to them.. I did that with my fren too. My fren always.. come Isaiah come.. Uncle Boon feed you Baileys ice-cream or whatever nonsense.. then i will tell them.. next time you better dont let me see your child.. i will feed them with Guiness Stout.. keke :p

I bought a push walker for Isaiah too.. he can push n walk but we need to hold on to the walker.. coz the walker wheel is so smooth n it roll off so fast.. dont know why all are designed like this.. so stupid..

Update of the colours from Bhubu Tees as of 3rd Dec 2010

Mummy placing order for the Bhubu Tees, do take note of the colours of the Tees available.


Size M/L/XL:

Cream List Purple puff Sleeve

Purple List pink puff sleeve

Yellow Puff sleeve

Red Puff Sleeve

Brown List Pink Puff Sleeve

Green List cream puff Sleeve

Cream list Green Puff Sleeve

White girl cutting

Pink Girl Cutting (Size XL only)


Size: M

Green List White

Cream with blue Sleeve

Brown List blue

Red Unisex

Orange List White

Cream List Brown

Size L:

Orange List White

Yellow Green Sleeve

Size XL:

White Unisex

Cream List Brown

Red Unisex

Blue list White


i just sent my order to the email..

Nick (SMH) Design Font Colour Tee Colour Size Remarks Price Payment

Mindy (terrytubby) I7 Bronze Metallic Cream List Brown M ISAIAH… I’M THE BOSS $17

mindy> seriously, I think Isaiah will be better off at the infant care or with a nanny; somewhere where someone can set aside time for him. i don't know what kind of psychological impact it will have on him when he is always left crying alone in the room. i hope that i am being over-sensitive here, but wouldn't it make him feel abandoned? wouldn't he feel the double-standard in treatment between your niece and him? wouldn't this make him feel insecure? i know that it is also painful for you to have to let him go through this . there are other child care options that you can consider. don't be afraid to make a change in the best interest of Isaiah.

lamb> as i was pondering over your question yesterday, i suddenly recalled something that DH told me some time ago. a middle eastern business associates of his told him that they have this practise of giving the kids sun-time while the kids' mothers get together for their afternoon tea. and because of this frequent sun-time, the kids tend to walk very early. he claimed that most of the kids there walk by the time they are 10 months old. i guess there could be some truth in that because through the exposure to sunlight, we get Vitamin D and Vitamin D helps to absorb Calcium, which will in turn build stronger bones. i thought that is quite interesting.

smalldreams - No lah, not boh chap, but a relaxed mom. :D Oh ... Nat can stand independently but still less than a minute. She still pretty much wants to crawl and cruise. I intend to get her a ride-on cum walker, maybe the one from FP, for her to train her leg muscles a bit as well. Hehhehe.

mindy - Will Singaporeans just go up to kiss your babies? At least I didn't encounter that. I mean, even family members don't really just go up and kiss Nat, distant family that is. Over here, I can't guarantee. The other day, I was carrying Nat and walking and then brushed past this aunty who just suddenly grabbed nat's hand and hair and went oh she's cute. I was taken by surprise. I mean, over in singapore, people dun just do that. But these people are like everywhere ... waiting to 'pounce' on you. I mean, I do like the fact that they think my daughter is cute but I dunno where their hands have touched or dug (think nose). So errr ... I am a bit concerned.

cocomama - Interesting theory indeed and yeah, I somehow think Nat is too 'protected' here. Everytime we go to the garden, she is always on a stroller. That's why I hope to get her the ride on and we can take her down to use it. I still have reservations on putting her on the grass here coz' I never know when she might hit on poo or some slug! Ha!


is not all the time they will leave in alone in the room and let him cry.. whatever he cries my mom will carry him n pacify him.. that's why sometimes even till 7pm the dinner is not even ready yet.. that's when Isaiah is a super glue and refuse to sit in walker or high chair to watch tv.. n just wanna carry.. But sometimes really boh bian n she will have to let him cry in the room.. when he cries.. my niece will cry too.. then the maid will bring my niece to find Isaiah and play together..

That's something interesting about the 2 babies..

One cry their one sure cry..

If one fall down n cry.. their one will shout n cry too. haha

I just talked to my hubby last night too with regards to infant care too.. i thought of sending Isaiah to childcare next month after he turns One. He mentioned that the best is still with grandma.. infant care also one to many babies..

what kinda attention will they give Isaiah?

They will let him cry out his lungs too mah..

Hubby also mentioned that childcare will be additional cost too.. another $500-$600?? i dunno?

now my mom take care i only give $200 as additional on top of my monthly allowance of $500.

Plus give in-law side.. One month allowance we give more than $1k already. With childcare.. will be abit tough liao.. If $500-$600.. might as well get a maid better? Can help me iron my clothes n clean the house..

Maybe to some mummies.. the allowance i give might be too little.. but that is the best we can give at the moment.. My sister also complaint that i give my mom too little too.. But how can i afford to give $1k every month.. So my 2nd sister asked me to ignore her.. n give what i can afford.. anyway my mom nvr complain too.. hehe


oh yah.. my friends n relatives always do that..

always like to kiss Isaiah.. My good friends i will tell them off directly n they know.. no kissing and no throwing of my baby..

there was once.. i went to this studio n my fren was carrying him and they will just pass the baby to other pple who wanna carry him.. n Isaiah was like a toy pass here pass there.. then there was this stupid aunty trying to play with him by throwing him up n catch.. n my hubby is there n never stop her.. i was at the other corner of the room.. i saw that.. n i shouted very loudly "Don't throw my Baby" n everyone beside me kept quiet for awhile.. The aunty also got a shock n immediately return Isaiah back to hubby.. he was just few months old back then..

I go market those hawker aunties n uncle also always like to touch his face n hold his hands.. then i will siam in a very nice way n wave Isaiah hand n say hellooo.. hehe

Mindy, give whoever take care is the same one.. Send to grandma/maid/childcare, all have its pros and cons, the main thing is which one suits you best in terms of comfort level and affordability then just have to close half an eye and make do...

Mindy, my mum ask me not to give her allowance as my boy's infant care cost alot and she cant help to look after him.. hehe.. but i do appreciate that gesture la...


u customised on your own lor...

Isaisah is the Boss!! ?


since a tee plus your own text cost $14/$15 also....

Febie : I cannot open the spreadsheet leh, so sorry but recently change to Imac and this stupid snow leopard is not compatible with my office program. Can just help me order the bash teeshirt for 18 to 24 months? Color red or pink can liao.


I always enjoy reading yr posts cuz u always have some interesting "theory" to post and i think u r a really level headed mum. YX is so blessed to have such a wonderful mum. I mean seriously, how many mums out there actually bother to go for infant CPR course!!!I m impressed[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Outing to the Zoo on 23 Dec 2010

Time : tba

23 Dec 2010 - Meet 1000hrs Outside Zoo entrance (Near the elephants)

1 - Cy

2 - Sherry

3 - fatbabe

4 - luvbabe

5 - yuki

6 - Afann

7 - Summermama

8 - mindy

9 - tyl

10 - Xin

11 - Vinwee - paid

Mummies the rate i get from Zoo & Birdpark as below.

S$17 adults & $8.50 for child

Pm me if you wan to buy & collection @ the zoo on 23 Dec or my office @ Clarke Quay !! Sorry not able to do postage.

Cy, am I too late to join this zoo outing? But I will be alone taking care of my son. No maid. Haha.


I guess when we leave our LOs to parents, more often than not, it's outta our control. Personally, I dun think it's an issue of the amount you give to your mom big or small. More so of how much you earn and how much you're able to give. I mean, as parents, I dun think they're looking at this as a 'job'. I mean, they also get to enjoy their grandchildren. Maybe the money given is more to provide groceries and also of course for them to buy things for Isaiah.

If you like things done your way, ie. your own parenting style, the only way about getting it done, is to be a SAHM or be like jessie and cheerieheart, WAHMs and hire a helper/nanny to watch over Isaiah. Then you can control because you're paying. Given your current situation, it is really kinda helpless. You can merely do a lot of reminding but at the end of the day, you have to accept that your mom and tha maid are still the main caregivers. It was for this same situation that you're in that I feared for Nat, that's why I told DH that no matter what, one of us has gotta stay home to look after the child. But again, that's just my mindset.

I mean, there are kids who also grew up really well under their gramps care. I guess maybe DH and you go and experience what it's like in infant care or maybe child care since Isaiah's turning 1 and then make the decision. It may not be all that bad. I'm sure there are good childcare centres around.

Outing to the Zoo on 23 Dec 2010 - Meet 1000hrs Outside Zoo entrance (Near the elephants)

1 - Cy

2 - Sherry

3 - fatbabe

4 - luvbabe

5 - yuki

6 - Afann

7 - Summermama

8 - mindy

9 - tyl

10 - Xin

11 - Vinwee - paid

12 - Josie

13 - tobu (silent reader)

Mummies the rate i get from Zoo as below. Birdpark also same price.

S$17 adults & $8.50 for child

Pm me if you wan to buy & collection @ the zoo on 23 Dec or my office @ Clarke Quay !!

Sorry not able to do postage due to busy schedule.

Outing to the Zoo on 23 Dec 2010 - Meet 1000hrs Outside Zoo entrance (Near the elephants)

23 Dec 2010 @ e Zoo

1 - Cy

2 - Sherry

3 - Febie

4 - Sherry

5 - luvbabe

6 - yuki

7 - Afann

8 - Summermama

9 - fatbabe

10 - mindy

11 - Xin

12 - Tyl

13 - mstan8888

14 -Vinwee -paid

15 -Josie

16 -tobu (silent reader)

cy, saw some mummies missing from the list. haha.

mindy> how about getting a maid and asking ur mum to come over and take care instead? this way, u pay $600 for the maid (similar to infantcare) but do your housework etc, and still have grandma to "sayang" him, but u get to scold the maid! cos i think ur sis's maid has no duty to watch ur LO also since it's ur sis's maid. also, not easy to keep having to complain to ur sis about the maid since ur sis is so called doing u a favour even though actually the maid not good. but of cos, if finance is an issue then again, just got to bite the bullet.

lamb> i like my infantcare! they keep her fed and clean, most importantly. and tries their best to follow our instructions. of cos what helps is i bring her home as early as i can so i still can control and teach stuff.

Cy : I already emailed u to confirm that I am coming & will need 3 adult tickets (unfortunately my SIL & MIL will be tagging along too).

Will see u all on 23 Dec at 10am at Zoo entrance.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

melissa>just curious, where is your infant care?

mindy>does your company have any childcare subsidies? after all subsidies, my friend only pays 100+ for childcare. N the school is not bad too

Mstan> I replied ur email & didnt get any reply lor... Pls transfer amount to my account before 22Dec noon.

Mummies joining on 23Dec - Note meeting time will be 1000-1015am @ the zoo k.

Any delay free view of Zoo entrance n the elephants only lor... Hehee..:p

melissa> i realized that i missed replying your post earlier. i was initially searching for antenatal classes to attend, but found that there are infant first-aid/cpr course too. if you are keen, i can PM you the details.

mindy> i think you know the situation the best. as an outsider, i can only offer my opinion based on the little information that i know. for sure, i will not be able to go to work with my child's safety hanging at the back of my head. i hope that you can find a solution soon.

sp_callalily> hey...i'm happy to know that at least someone here finds my 'theories' interesting. oh! you might be surprised to learn that some mommies actually brought along their helper to attend the course. Aly is equally as blessed to have such a meticulous mummy.


@furby: hmm.. thot grapes n berries are quite sensitive for babies below a yo? indeed, u are very adventurous with food.. my boy has sensitive tummy so im not too open to try adult foods. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@mindy: hehe.. banana is good! rest of the fruits, he really puke out n not try? so far, mine still ok with the fruits i tried but considerably limited though.

sorry to hear about the choking incident but could it becos of that, that Isaiah prefers soft food like banana?

also, if u have no time to prepare food for Isaiah, perhaps u want to try out Petit Bowl @ United Square? They do home delivery too.. just warm up n can feed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The infant care I sent Lucien to cost us $800 monthly but i have no choice.. No parental supports. Pro n con though. I think he's too young to be leave alone with maid so infant care with many other teachers n children around seem a better option.

@febie: i also understand ur frustrations.. im tolerating my father (especially) when he think im underfeeding my baby n even attempted to give him ice cream, chng tng etc!! @_@

