(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

I have a brand new Medela Nipple Shield to sell at $22. Still in original packaging.

Retail price $26.90.

Please PM me if interested.



Hi bbIn2010 & Pauline

Ya I like to eat kokamee but seldom eat it now cos Bfing n not healthy to eat such food...

Which day your baby is born ? my boy is 9.66kg n PD say he's a big baby n his weight now is the age of a one year old. Can't carry him for too long we all "peng San" !! He was only 3.11kg when born not extremely big dun know why grow so big...


wow, u muz've luv kokamee so much tat u chose it to be ur nick here... haha...

my gal's born on 28th... was 2.9kg @ birth n nw only 7.8kg @ 9mth mark... ur boy's on total bf? if so, ur bm muz b very nutritious... ;)

Welcome kokamee. All e sacrifices we make for breastfeeding. :p

today mattias had his first bout of flu. Was coughing since fri nite but today developed fever n runny nose too. Doc say mayb viral fever. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. Doc took his wt too. Abt 8kg.

Me leh, got flu-like symptoms in morn so shun bian got med in e morn. Now got blocked ducts. Dunno is it mastitis agn? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. Sad.

Think tis thu won't b gg peek-a-boo. Let mattias rest more.

Touching textured stuff- mattias don't even dare touch e 'hay' in his touch n feel bk. :p.


oh no... the weather nwadays damn jialat... do take care otherwise u'll hv a tiring time taking care of mattias...

juz nw went for a trial lesson @ GUG n the teacher was showing quail egg n getting the LOs to touch n feel... surprised my gal willing to touch.. haha...

Err, kokamee, I eat instant noodles once or twice a week leh even though BF. Drink tea/coffee once or twice a day too. :p No. 2 liao, not so strict. But I do take high calcium milo. kekeke.

Hi Bbin2010

Haha...ya I also like Korean instant noodles thick n springy !! Esp wif kimchi ! Wah feel like eating now but can't leh wait eat too spicy bb get rashes on his skin....my fren who BF ate so much chilli tat her bb got really bad skin n rashes till doctor had to warn her to stop eating chilli !

My boy Born on 13th n total BF n I try to eat healthy food so tat my boy get healthy milk too ! Esp if u eat beef during preg ur bb will come out strong n healthy which is true n now I also try to eat beef so my boy will stay strong. I also take a lot of fish lor.... Whenever I drink black chicken soup or drink soy milk I tend to hv a lot more milk n now got oversupply which is a happy problem.

hi xin

Yes tell me abt e sacrifices we made for breastfeeding !! But this is a once In a lifetime opp n the best gift for our bb so no matter wat also must endure !! ;-)

Hi Pauline

My boy also my no. 2 and I also more relax n sometimes also eat kokamee once in a while too ;-) but I dun drink coffee or tea as caffeine is bad for the bb n keep them awake ! I drink annum lacta milk everyday lor...

Any baby born on 13th here ?

kokamum, I used to abstain from tea n coffee when bfing my no. 1 cos she is a very poor napper. Until now, still cannot sleep through. but for no. 2, I drink tea or coffee and she sleeps through most nights. so my conclusion is, it depends on the nature of the child. No. 1 just doesn't like to sleep. :p

littlelamb, andie, tried making potato cakes again on Sunday. mashed it this time but no. 1 refused to eat n hubby said too oily better dun give to no. 2 to eat. End up hubby n I ate so much potato cakes in 2 days. ;p

pauline - Hhehehe, no worries, to each his own. I am thinking of trying out this new lamb recipe this week also by Gina Ford. Will share with you gals on how to prepare it if it's successful! :D

Pauline, i also made the potato cakes, but i modify TYL's method, just mash the potato and salmon together and then i tried frying, but my pan is no good for frying, end up i ate those fried portion, but they taste very good!!!! The rest of them, i bake it.. But maybe its abit too dry, my boy only eat like 3 patties, the rest went to my dogs.. They simply gobbled up everything...

Hi I have just attended a company function last night. Afann was my make up artist and i am very impressed by her skills. Thanks Afann for making me look so lovely last night.


I love the potato cakes! And so did Aly! I ended up baking them instead of pan-frying them cuz thought might b less oily this way. Anyway, Aly loved them so much that she treated them like finger food!

Hello mummies!

Lamb, great to hear that Nat is recovering well. And you have done a great job looking after her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I tried the fish pie last Sat. Duno why it turned out a little watery after baking for 30min. I used cod fish, substituted onions with carrot. I used the same amount of ingredient shared by SP and it filled 1/3 of the baking tin. The aroma was so nice that hubby stood in front of the oven waiting to try. Heheee, Chris finished half of the serving, equivalent to 3 ramekins in 15min! He loved it and kept smiling during his lunch. Hubby took the remaining and he told be to triple the portion next weekend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yuki>wah, looks good!

I tried making the patties over the weekend too. Made 1 big batch on sat. added potato, apple, sweet potato, cabbage and salmon. mashed them all together and served it for dinner. lunch used the liquid left over from boiling all the ingredients to make porridge and it was really sweet and fragrant.

on sun, I took the leftover mashed and mixed them with cheddar cheese. tried to panfry them but my wok was not hot enough so couldn't sear the patties resulting in a gloppy mess instead. But it was a v yummy mess. :p

I thought the mash with cheese tasted a bit saltish though. Is there low-salt cheddar?

SP, tried the potato pie/cake for Chris yesterday. Prepared and cooked all the ingredients at my mum's place, n when I was about to pan fry, then realised the one and only wok was used by my mum to cook fried beehoon. So ended up serving mash potato pies to Chris instead. He took it well and finished 4 pies. I think I would try baking instead of frying this Sat, hate to clean the kitchen. Oh, I added some chopped corns and gave a nice aroma.

TYL, yah I found it a bit saltish too. I bought the Kraft cheddar cheese and from the box, salt is one of the ingredients used. I felt guilty feeding Chris the Kraft cheese coz this blur mummy stared at the box only after feeding him. Hubby told me to get the non-processed cheese from Cold Storage/ Market Place instead as min salt is added. Will check out later during lunch.

yuki>hubby got for me grated cheddar. I did look at the ingredients and it didn't list salt. But donno why it tasted so saltish. Maybe I added too much cheese... :p

whoa, i must try the potato cakes soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

made ABC soup for friend on sat and saved some for mattias. pureed and froze the potatoes, corn, carrot and tomatoes. cooked with chicken bone but forgot to remove the fatty part. hope wont be too oily for him. but think i'll let mattias try only aft he gets well.

saw some interesting stuff frm the motherhood email.

books sale: http://www.todaysmotherhood.com/2010/10/edventure-books-year-end-sale/



this is near mountbatten road. maybe will go. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

work for mummy:


wow.. u mummies are fantastic..all th pics and recipes share here made me drool...

I've finally able to enjoy my sch term break holiday =p

Tried the potato cakes over the weekend too! was yummy! but i agree that it's quite oily.. shall try baking it instead the next time round as suggested by Callalily.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wanted to bake fish pies too but forgot to buy milk. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Callalily: i found the Gardenia country loaf, light wholemeal bread in Fairprice. i saw the ingredients n they didn't put sugar.. but there's salt though. i guess it can't be helped.. maybe u want to have a look at that bread. I found it quite nice to make breadcrumbs.

Tyl: did u get the mild cheddar cheese? i think cheese all has salt but maybe u try to find the mild one n don't put too much, shld be fine. the one i bought wasn't too salty. i bought a chunk n grated it myself..

xin: oh dear, hope Mattias recovers soon. You too, mommy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kokamee: welcome! Heheh funny story, DH's late grandpa used to be in the Koka management, so this brand of instant noodles has a special significance for us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Btw, you are welcome to join us at Peekaboo this thursday at 2.30pm. It's located at Kallang Leisurepark.

Pauline: Me! Coffee 2 times a day (sometimes 3), and still BF-ing. But I drown myself with loads of water too to compensate. It's a habit I cant let go of, heh.

yuki: ooo...looking good, esp the brown bits [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tyl, yuki: I bought Superfresh's Australian Mild Cheddar. It's in a block, so I shave or grate the cheese whenever I need.

Anyway...brought Emma to Botanic Gardens yesterday around 4ish in the afternoon for her first "grass" experience. Of course, true to her character, after examining the grass she plucked a blade and tried to eat it. *Faint* And feeling the grass beneath her feet for the first time wasnt quite her cup of tea. Lookin' grumpy!


andie>aiyoh she looks so cute even with the grumpy face. :p

tam/andie>hubby got me a pack of shredded cheddar cos he thought its easier and less wastage if can't finish. Think I'll just try to go easy with it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Think it seems weird to ask this question, but i wanna ask if any babies here dun put food/toys into their mouth? But will only put their finger into the mouth?


U can also cook for your LO. Trust me, there is no mommy who is a bad cook coz the food is filled with our love for our darlings [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I gave Chris a small bowl of soup whenever we cook soup for dinner. I always have the habit to trim away fats from the pork/ chicken and do not add salt to the soup. Believe in natural sweetness.


Woooo, exams over and u deserve a gd break!


Emma is obviously examining the grass, hahhhaa. She looks so cute n not so happy with the 'result'. We manage to get free tickets to the zoo and this mummy is getting excited to bring Chris out for his 1st excursion trip [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

By the way, is it safe to bring our LO to beach? I know it sounds stupid for me to ask but the sand safe for them to play at this age?

Oh, I went to check out the cheese at Cold Storage just now. Seems that the 'block' cheese has lower sodium (salt) content compared to the grated or individually wrapped cheese. Will use the block ones next time.

Tyl- dunno if can omit cheese coz mattias' still off dairy pdts. Haven't decided when to intro. :p

Andie - thks. I'm alright alr. Think mine's coz of blocked duct. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].

Emma looks like she enjoyed e picnic. So far haven't brought mattias outdoors. :p

though he sick still v active. Yesterday hb child-locked e tv console panel n he was complaining v loudly when he can't open. Still trying to squeeze his hand in through e gap. :p

koonie- congrats. Enjoy e break. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Maybe the carrots which u used instead of onions may have contributed to the pies being slightly more watery but nevertheless, still yummy right? The potato cakes r definitely not oily if u bake them.In fact, they may b a little on the dry side but it's ok, Aly treated them like finger foods. Yeah, use the unprocessed cheese cuz lower sodium content. I also use the Super Fresh mild cheddar as suggested by andie.


Thanks for sharing the info on the Gardenia bread. Saves me the trouble of looking like an idiot and looking thru all the different loaves of breaad in the supermarket! I actually went to check out a bread making machine and my goodness, it costs a bomb! Like $300!!!

Andie, where did you get the superfresh cheddar cheese from? I should have bought a block and grated. Never thought of it. I bought a pack of parmesan cheese powder instead (those included in pizza delivery) cos that's the smallest pack of cheese I can find. Cos I find cheddar cheese quite salty. :p

YL, I asked my maid to fry and she also ended with a globby mess. Think she turned too often and put too much oil. She used 1 tablespoon of oil on my non stick pan until the pan was still dripping with oil after she fried just 4 potato cakes. I only managed to salvage the last 2 potato cakes which I fried myself. Sigh.


Pauline: ooooo...looks good. With bits of spring onion? Yums! Parmesan powder is quite strong-smelling for babies though, but it stores well in the chiller.

Superfresh can be bought from cold storage or marketplace.

yuki: I'm thinking of bringing Emma to the zoo too. When we went to Perth zoo in Sept she wasnt aware of what's going on still.

Beach-wise, i'll wait till she's older, cuz I've a feeling she'll attempt to eat sand.

thanks, andie. yup cos I got lots of spring onion at home n they were going to spoil. I thought this batch was considered a success since I failed when I cooked it the first time ast fri. but my no. 1 spat it out, ultimate insult. hubby said she doesn't like mushy stuff. :p

SP> do u have a thermal cooker at home? i chanced upon a recipe to make bread using tt.

yuki> i'm a super novice cook. and super blur. yesterday was like the 2nd time i made soup? i didn't even realise got fats until my friend pointed it out. :p.

i actually took out one batch without salt for mattias. but later got more leftovers so i just froze for him. i added like half a teaspoon of salt to 1.5l of soup. quite negligible hor. (trying to console myself).

enjoy the zoo trip. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe shd ask hb to get some free tics for us too. :p

Whoa whoa ... looks like a lot of you mommies did a great cookout over the weekend! Potato cakes and fish pies! I can't wait to head back to SH to use my oven now!!!

sp_callalily - Glad to hear that the potato cakes encouraged Aly to use her fingers! Hhehehe. Nat was attempting to hold them but they were rather oily, so kept slipping through her fingers. :p When I'm back in SH, I'll attempt to bake them instead.

yuki - Thanks for your encouragement. It sure was tiring to watch over Nat while she was having fever but glad that she got well enough not to have to take the blood test!!!

lsntyl, sp_callalily & andie - I buy the organic mild cheddar cheese by MAINLAND. Can also be found in cold storage.

andie - That's a really cute pic of grouchy emma. She's a real cutie. You reminded me that I should let Nat get in touch more with the great outdoors. It's always so prim and proper for her.

I am not sure which mommy recently enquired about baby yoghurt. The stonyfield baby yoghurts are back on shelves. Can go Cold Storage or Marketplace to try looking for it.

SP>found these recipes. looks easy, maybe i shd try too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



michelle> he's fever has subsided. thks. but wont b gg peek-a-boo on thu. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. did u give me a miss call? coz i din receive. :p

any one got good instructor in e east to reccommend? i need to take refresher course. taking over my cousin's car tomorrow. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] (if nothing goes wrong)

Xin, I SMS u already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think I forgot to press call...Yeh let him rest more at home. Can see him another week. Take care..

Xin > Hope mattias is well now... Anyway, I can't make it for the Peekaboo for the next few weeks cos of work... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yuki, Andie > I've brought Bryan to the zoo twice (since I have corporate pass). 1st time when he was 5+ mth and 2nd time when he was abt 7 mth. He don't really understand anything then, but was still a good workout with all the walk and a nice family time together. I am hoping to bring him to the bird park next.

Andie > I don't think I will bring Bryan to the beach to play in the sand cos it just seems too dirty. I contemplated staying over at Hard Rock cos they have a man-made beach pool with sand imported from Australia. Hope the maintenance is good though.

lil_lamb > thanks for the info on the yogurt. I am looking for baby yogurt too, but can't find any. Ended up trying Yoplait Petit Miam for Bryan. He loved it! Reason - It's SWEET as sugar is added into it! I was shocked as I only realised it after he ate up like half a tub.


Thanks for the links[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Hope Mattias is recvoering fr his flu and that u r feeling better too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xin, hope Matt feels better, tink the weather is scary, so cold n sometimes so hot......

I have decided, to go bk to the workforce, long story, kinda sian but abit no choice. Anyone any lobang can let me know k, thanks ah

So many nice receipes, but my hb nt very keen to eat bb's leftovers n I usually dun eat my own cooking tat much, hahhaha but u mummies r great!!!

big foot - errrrrm, I wudn't recommend petit miam for our LOs. As the label went, for 1+ year. Surely there must be a reason for that.


You won't be bringing mattias to peekaboo this thurs. I'll be bringing my boy down this thurs. He wanna play with mattias. Hee Is mattias feeling better now?


I'll be joining you gals at peekaboo this thurs. Cancelled my driving lesson so that I can bring my boy to play with the babies.

firipy > nope, no need to bring any thing to peekaboo cos they only ask you to write down baby's age on the sign-in sheet.

lil lamb > usually I won't but cos my dear son constantly want to eat the ice cream we are eating and I can't find suitable yogurt for him, so ended up buying petit miam for him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. The sales person in the supermarket was telling me that it should be ok since he is already 9.5 mths and he had like 30ml of it. Now that I look into the ingredients used, I think I can understand why it should only be for 1+ onwards. I think I will finish the rest or will pass them to my niece who is older.

big foot - Ok ... then the salesperson also not very ethical lah i feel. How can she try to push a yoghurt tt's meant for above 1 y/o to your baby boy. I think there are ice-cream recipes that we can make for our LOs, just gotta search. I've heard of some who use FM or BM and add fruit puree to make into ice-cream. Think you can go and research.


Hi mommies!! For those who previously wanted to go SSO Baby Prom but din manage to get tickets, there's now an additional show. It's on 17 Nov @ 2.30pm at Esplanade. Tickets available at Sistic.

Anyone interested? If yes, maybe we can go together? Can any mommies help to get tickets? I don't think I'll be going to town until the weekend and by then maybe no more tickets already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

