(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

can book online. for those interested, quick book! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi Mommies,

I have tried Gina Ford's lamb recipe today. More for myself coz' I am still not comfy with offering sultanas to Nat. It's called the Fruity Lamb Tagine. Cooking method is almost like stewing meat. For those of you moms who are interested in introducing mutton to your LOs, you can consider trying. But I have sorta halved the portion of recipe coz' I think it really works out to be quite a lot.

So if you think your LO can handle, you can increase on your own.

Ingredients :

- 200g lean lamb (i bought from the butchery at PP, they call it the boneless lamb leg or something, just tell the person u need the meat for stewing),

- 1 carrot,

- half a white onion,

- 25g sultanas,

- 100g dried apricot (if you wanna let your LO try, I strongly suggest organic non-sulphur apricots),

- vegetable stock enough to cover the meats and veg (let me know if you wanna know how to prepare veg stock)

- 1/2 tbsp of plain flour (for coating the mutton, optional as I didn't use)

- 1/2 oz of unsalted butter

- 200gm of tomatoes (deseeded and peeled, I used fresh tomatoes, you can use canned tomatoes too)


1. Melt the butter, add onion and cook for 2 to 3 mins, then add the lamb and cook for a further 3 to 4 mins until the meat is browned all over.

2. Add carrots, tomatoes, dried fruit and veg stock and bring to boil, the simmer for an hour.


It was rather sweet i guess due to the sultanas, so maybe if you dun want it too sweet for your LO, you can half the portion of sultanas even further. The lamb simply melted in my mouth because it was so tender. I paid about S$10 for 200gms of lamb meat. Prior to cooking the lamb, the smell was rather strong so I was a bit hesitant. Much to my surprise, I hardly tasted the mutton smell at all.

So if you're open to the idea of eating mutton, can try it out.

Cheerieheart, tyl,

Which session are you going? I wanna go for the 2.30pm session on 17 nov but the tickets are left with single seat only. Will be going for the 12.15pm session on 17 nov instead. I'm buying the tickets online.

Whoa, it's really quiet today.

Thks mummies for e concern. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

I'm well. Mattias no more fever. But I feel like cough more n mucus thickens. Hope wont nd to start on antibiotics. :p

Bigfoot- then ur leave how? Can't clear?

Bryest-guess they'll meet on 17 nov. Coz I also bought e 1215pm session. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Littlelamb- e recipe sounds interesting. I also thinkg of introducing lamb. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Btw, y nd to peel n seed e tomatoes? Baby can eat e skin n tomatoes rite?


My MIL & me very scare of handling red meat-beef/mutton..etc so far only touch on chicken /fish only...scare mah...


Mil keep bringing Joey dwn to the playgorund area zone ..she's like a boy once she reach the slide will transfrom herself to move like a caterpillar..struggle to be FREE frm our control...headache !!! and she 'll $%$%$^%&%$$#@$ bb language nag all the way back home, when comes to feeding porridge she's not very co-operative at times once i scolded her NAUGHTY will use the damp napkin to throw rite to my face --Joey is an angel with mini horn and teeth now !!!

We definitely cant make it for 1215, i m looking at vip or the bk seats. Shld i just take the vip seats? I havnt been to esplanade b4 for concert

bryest/tyl: I got tickets for the 17 Nov 2.30pm performance.

Firipy: Did you get the tickets for 12.15pm or 2.30pm? I'm going 2.30pm, coz my boy usually naps between 11+ to 1+pm. Anyway, by the time I book online, the $25 only left with stall seats on the extreme left, or the VIP box seats. From what i recall, VIP seats are quite good. So I took the VIP seats (they won't be called VIP for nothing right? hehe..). The $20 seats are the last row of the stall seats which I think are too far.

xin - Oh, peeling the tomatoes skin is an individual preference. I mean if you're able to get organic tomatoes, then perhaps no need to peel the skin. When I prepared it for myself yesterday, I didn't peel also.

koonie - Errrr, why scared? What's the rationale?

cheerieheart>hee, I always prefer stall seats. Xin and I both got tickets for the 1215 performance. 10.30 too early as Ayden prob napping and 230 too late cos Ayden sometimes wants to nap then so only left 1215 for us.

Personally, I don't like the VIP seats cos its in the box. Feels v far from the action. :p

lamb>your recipe sounds interesting. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Maybe I'll try over the weekend...

lamb>hee, must see if got time to go shopping at the supermarkets. Think I'll change the lamb to beef though.

TYL: I think the VIP seats at the concert hall are quite gd [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I would prefer that than sitting right at the last few rows of the stall seats any time! Can't see when so far [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Firipy: You can click on the concert hall photos and see the VIP box seats on the link below [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Xin: glad to hear you and Matthias are ok! So it wasn't blocked duct ya? Are you going peekaboo tmrw then?

cheerieheart>hee, donno leh. I just don't like to be on top. Prefer to be down in the stalls. Personal pref bah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Are you going for the pre-concert activities? Maybe our babies can meet for informal play. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lamb>hee, will see how. If got chance and it turns out nice, will take photos. :p

Cheerieheart, no more vip seats n the $20 ones really far lo. Am giving it a miss....sad tot i can go watch something at esplanade for 1st time. My boy naps ard 12-1. So the 1215 one is out for us

My boy fell off the bed this morning. Luckily, there's a foot massage machines by the side of the bed but he fell down with his face landing on the massage machine. I just went to wash my hands and heard a loud sound. He cried immediately. Not sure where he hurts himself but there's a red patch near his eyebrow area. I cried when I see his face landed on the massage machine. My hands still trembling after I carry him. So heartpain. Sob

bryest,my boy always fall down nowadays cos he pants abit slippery on the flooring when he crawl. Estovan shld be fine if its nt fr very high area since the foot massage blk the velocity off, jus monitor him.

U all enjoy ur peekaboo session, I have a ps which I almost forgot n had to book way in adv. Who else oso going Sean Lau on thurs ah?

bryest>hugs. I'm sure Estovan will be ok. Monitor him, k?

firipy>I think $20 tix are ok lah. We're listening to a performance, not watching mah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bryest: Sorry to hear that, Estovan's a brave boy, I'm sure he'll be fine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] See you guys tomorrow!

elynn: Heh, that's true, you never know what lies beneath all that sand. Probably will wait till she can walk comfortably, wouldn't want to have her crawling in the sand.

cheerieheart: I got the 2.30pm tickets too. Gonna be seated in the 3rd row, but on the side.

xin: glad mattias is better now.

Btw, like lamb, I would normally remove the seeds from tomatoes before cooking. The seeds add some sourness to the dish, so if you are leaving the seeds in you'll need to take that into account and season it accordingly. Also, seeds may be a tad difficult for LOs to digest, so at this stage it's better to de-seed.

What I'll normally do is to remove the seeds and use it as part of the salad dressing, adding some balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper, herbs, and voila! Healthy salad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bryest: Hope estovan is ok now. Rachael also fell down from the bed yesterday. My heart almost stopped. She was sleeping, and she can fell off with pillow surrounded. Lucky, she landed on the pillow, but the head is slightly touched the ground. I been checking if there is any bump, or any unusal behaviour, so far she still play like normal.

hiya moms.


Oh no, hope Rachael is OK now. I guess it happens. I get very nervous when I put A on the bed while she's sleeping. Never know leh. They crawl very fast, so I sometimes risk having her wake up when I transfer her into the cot. I'm thinking of buying a cheap foldable mattress to put on the floor. Either put baby on mattress or, at least it can be used to cushion the fall.

smalldream: I think Rachael is ok, she still drinking and eating well. Yes, now i already got the probia, as long she is on my bed, my eyes will never leave her.. I already bought one foldable mattress, but have not used yet. I agree, they crawl very fast, we are too slow to react.

Andie: you going on 17 Nov? I'm seated at the side too - the VIP seats. Mine's at row C, how about yours? We may be sitting very near each other! Maybe we can meet up before the concert starts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TYL: the review sounds gd! That's why SSO baby prom always sold out. i started going SSO in sec sch, wanna share the experience with my boy and hope he grows to love music [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bryest: hope Estovan is ok. Monitor him for 2 days - if nothing unusual, no vomitting, not drowsy, eat, sleep, play like normal, then he should be ok.

Apple gal: Thank God Rachel landed on the pillow! Our LOs are getting very mobile now, so must really watch them closely, can't take for granted.

cheerieheart: Indeed it was a huge relief that she landed on the pillow, if not i will be mad at myself for being so releckless not watching her at this few seconds.

smalldreams>I agree. Ayden seems to be learning to break his falls, esp when he's crawling. N he's learnt to be more careful and makes sure he is holding on to something firm when he tries to stand. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How is Aifah and Adam?

I jus got the tix only last 2 left else all single seats, he was clapping his hands jus nw. He learnt fr his GUG class over the weekend n enjoyed it very much


That's so cute of Ayden.

Thanks for asking, my 2 kiddos are fine.

Aifah has become like the big sister instead of the little one. Adam really likes to cry very loudly and when that happens, Aifah will look at him and make some comforting sounds. Sometimes she'll reach out to him and pat pat him. When Adam cries also he'll go find his sister to 'manja'. Hahaha. My mother always says that actually Aifah is the big sister while Adam is the younger bro.

Hi Mummies,

long time never log in.. i managed to get SSO tickets for the 230pm slot on 17 nov this morning.

firipy, my gal attended the GUG trial in Oct and she enjoyed the class too!

Wah this thread move very fast ....


Ya I agreed wif u tat it depends on the nature of the child on the sleeping part but I think it's also important to train them to hv gd sleeping habit (its really tough) but all hard work will b paid off if we endure n stick to bed time rules. My no.1 now will auto go to bed near 8pm and no. 2 sleep by 7pm.

No. 1 is the toughest to train ! Sometimes really vomit blood but I begin to see my fruits now after all my hard work...


U all meeting this Thursday at 2.30pm at peekaboo, all of u not working n are stay at home mummies ?


Hope Rachel is feeling fine now. My boy still very active and talkative now. I'm observing whether he vomits or becomes more drowsy.

Cheerieheart, tyl, andie and firipy,

Thanks. He's still as active. Will observe him.

smalldreams: I think for crawling, she kind of careful, cos there is one time, she crawling, and use her head to bang on the floor. I think she thought was bed.. Haha. She cry and scream hard at that time. :/

I've been to baby proms last year n it's really good, kids get to go on stage to take a closer look at the instructments n the concert is interacting n stimulating for our babies.

Hi little lamb,

U follow Gina Ford's recipes, are the other recipes good n easy to cook ? I follow her baby routines book n it work well for my baby. She's really a baby guru ! I follow mostly Annabel karmel's recipes which are quite easy.

All mummies here so encouraging n cook for your babies ;-)

Bryest: Glad that he is active. He will be fine, dun worry. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


So your LO is also a GF baby. Hehhee. Can share tips and pointers here. I've forever been having sleeping woes with Nat over her nap times. So much so these days, during her noon nap, I cannot take her out for my lunch o/w she'll get distracted and not wanna take her nap in the stroller. *sigh* Yeah, I must say some of G Ford's recipes are easy to prepare.

AK too. I explore here and there and also asian recipes from FIRST FOODS. While GF is a baby guru to us, there are also a lot there who cannot agree with her ways. For me, GF is a life saver. At least I know why Nat fusses. Nat occasionally still wakes up in the middle of the nite and just a few nites back, she was awake from 2.30am to 5.30am refusing to sleep and just wanted to stand in her cot!

Any tips to get them to sleep well?

Busy these days but glad to see the posts!

big foot (elynntan) : Arwen loves Petit Miam! She was already taking DH's yoghurt ( about 10 teaspoons) so I was happy to find them here. I ask my MIL and she said "poof, no biggie for less than 1 year old " so I give.

Koonie : Me too, I don't know why but I won't let Arwen try beef or lamb yet, maybe after 1 year old but I am sure it is ok for now.

Bryest : I hope Estovan is ok, Arwen also fall more these days but as time goes by she can balance herself much better. Hurts me to see her cry but I felt she must learn that if she keeps going head first, it would be painful!

Arwen nowadays seems to be refusing more than 150ml milk, we are wondering why but she is still very greedy, always licking her lips when she saw us eat. So I told her nanny maybe it is time to feed her rice liao, so we do so and she likes it . Hmmm...I was still wondering what food to prepare but I guess maybe now she can share our food liao. Hope so ! Then it would be more fun to bring her restaurants!

She also can say "mama" quite well today and I just... nearly teared abit.. so nice to hear eh!

Poofy: I think Aifah is a leader type, a go getter and I think she is so cute! Can comfort older brother somemore!

kokamee: some of us are, some took leave, others are WAHMs, like myself. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cheerieheart: I'm at row C too, but stall seats. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Free to join in at peekaboo again tomorrow?


So far, he seems fine but I've to monitor him. He also learnt how to call "mama" but he usually will call when he wants me to carry or when he wants milk and sleep. He can call "papa" much earlier. He just started saying "nana" but I don't know what it means. Hee


Was just thinking about you and smalldreams today. Haven't seen you mommies around for a while. I think Arwen's showing ready-ness to take in more solids than milk which is good! Self-wean from milk. Hhehee. Then you won't have to worry about her wanting to drink more milk than eat solids.

I gave Nat rice too. Steamed them in the steamer for her, mixed with some peas and cheese and she loved them. But somehow gave her pretty hard stools next day. Our LOs grow really fast eh? Just today ... I observed that Nat was able to read my expressions really well. I was bending down picking the food that dropped and she thought i was playing peekaboo with her and happily laughed until she saw my angry face as I sat back up and her face immediately changed!

She just wailed out loud. Think she knows that I'm angry with her. And yeah today, Nat was sitting on the floor and suddenly lost her balance and fell backwards and her head hit the floor! Ouch! I dunno why she still loses her balance now that she can sit well. Looks like I gotta be more careful!

Yes! They are growing so fast! Arwen loves to chew my measuring tape and I always stop her and last week she still look at me like puzzle. Today I noticed she is quietly chewing something one corner and when I saw the end of the tape, I said NO! and she quickly hide the tape between her legs! I was like..... huh? She knows what I am mad about !

I know I know they are growing but these days it is like as if every 2 days got new pattern siah!

Yah, I was kinda happy to see her enjoying the rice cos I was worried what to feed her in Tokyo!

Arwen hair now "longer" ( which means like can tie abit lah..) so we fool around again tying her hair like a siao ting tong. Then we decided to do a 如花 photo for her ,I think Arwen will hate me when she grow up but for now laugh first then say. I love it when she just laugh at the camera [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4694677.jpg][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4694678.jpg][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4694679.jpg]

Was helping a friend to get a playhouse so I also get one for Arwen, was surprised to see the size of it! Good thing Arwen like it but she keep banging her head again the window cos she thought can go out![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4694685.jpg]

Now planning a mini birthday party for her but ... really wonder where to get a decent cake here...

Lamb, you will be celebrating Nat' BD here in Jan before heading to SG for CNY?

Little lamb

Ya, my no.2 is a GF baby :) my boy nap twice a day but like yours if go outside nap time will hay wired ! outside world is too exciting for him ! Haha....

Oh I also tried FIRST FOOD recipes ! So we r quite similar ;-) yes GF is also a saver for me as the book helped me to set the routines n free us to plan things.

Nat still wakes up n not sleeping thru ? She wakes up to feed or juz to play ? If for feed, According to GF tat means she's not taking enuf solids in the day n wakes up at nite to make up for it. My boy was like tat so I increased his solids n he started sleeping thru 7pm to 6 plus or 7am. But if nat wakes up to play n stand in her cot juz ignore her n dun carry her or talk to her. Train her to go back to sleep on her own. Unless she's sick if not dun carry her.

I also noticed tat when they sleep early they tend to sleep better n longer. Wat time is nat bedtime ? GF's time is down by 7pm.

My boy now likes to throw/drop things on the floor n make us pick them up ! He likes to hear the sound effect of it !

Hi andie,

Oic....but me not able to join tmr, will wait for nx round.

jessie - Yah, we are gonna celebrate nat's birthday in SH but just a simple one at home, not doing anything fancy. What sorta cake you looking for? Got budget? Let me see if I can recommend you any. Nat wakes but goes back to sleep on her own. any time between 2 to 5am lor ... she can wake, stand in her cot, chit chat and entertain herself!

kokamee7 - Nat doesn't wake for hunger, more like to stand in her cot. So I leave her be these days until she's tired and fall asleep on her own. Thing is ... if I leave her alone, she wun get her full 12 hours of sleep also. *sigh* She goes to bed earlier than 7pm actually. Coz' last milk feed is at 6.30pm so she'll drift off to sleep after that. Sometimes, during milk feed, she'll already drift off. *sigh* Cannot even get her to finish it off!

kokamee, good for you. I spend 1-2.5hrs in the afternoon trying to make no. 1 nap from 1pm (in her room, I lie beside her cot with curtains drawn, no toys etc) and she may not nap. Then spend another 1-1.5hrs at night trying to put her to sleep from 9pm. It has been like that since I became SAHM when she was 13 months old. Imagine how much time I have wasted coaxing her to fall asleep. She is almost 3 years old and I have not seen the fruits of my labour for sleep training yet. -_-

Jessie, Arwen so cute to hide the measuring tape. Nowadays, when I say no to Raelynn or take the forbidden thing away, she'll complain and babble non stop. kekeke.


haha... can imagine u tearing when arwen says mama... nw i'm still trying to get my gal to call me mama even thou she'll mumble tat in random... best is she'll luk @ me n say papa instead! isit a mistake of identity?? lol!

haha, i like the 2nd pic... digging 'gold' in progress?? n the playhouse's huge!


wow... as early as 7pm to zz?? tats really early... my gal only zzz @ 9.30pm... n wakes up between 7-8am... but i'll feed her once @ 5+am...



my gal oso cant crawl or stand last week when she turned 9months... juz today, she started to crawl (thou clumsy looking) and able to stand with support... some feel tat by letting ur LO mix with other babies of similar age, can motivate or let ur LO 'observe' and 'learn' from the others... u can try tat... for me, i oso 'reinforce' by letting my gal hv more tummy time and standing exercises....

