(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Mummies - Sorry, never post my boy photos before...this is th first time he is showing himself...hehe

Baby Jace




haha, i think babies look very cute when they press their lips together, don't ya?


Wah, so hemsem lah your little boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya, Aifah set up her own company - Baby Movers. She can only move her own toys. hehehe. She was very happy last weekend, crawling & checking what were in the unsealed boxes. Yups, that's the estate Michelle_Ong & I will be moving into. Small leh. Your place bigger than flats there?

smalldreams>my place is bigger but it is much older wor. Yours is new mah. N so convenient.

When you free to come visit Ayden and I? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TYL, hopefully once we settle down, I can join you gals & the babes if work doesn't get to me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So good if place is big - more space for pple. I joked with hb's friend who's also big sized - that if both he & hb stand in my new place, the kids & I got no space liao. hehhe, evil wife.

bride>finally get to see your son's photo. so handsome. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how's your work place now? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bride 09> wahhh finally i get to see baby Jace! Handsome boy must show us mah.. hehehehe

smalldreams> yeah, they look innocent when they do that

bebecraze> i got it from SKP.. it comes with the wing, a wand and a wrap skirt hahaha.. and its only $18

smalldreams>but hubby and I were just commenting yesterday that my place feels too big for the 3 of us. Guess we're more used to having more people under the same roof. Grass is always greener elsewhere. :p


is yrs a 5-rm? I can imagine you'd miss the hustle-bustle of having yr parents & BIl there :p More hands for Ayden too!

Mine is a 4-rm with 3 bedrm. Now we have 1 extra rm compared to my old place & i appreciate that space. maybe later when you have #2, you'll appreciate the bigger space [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wei & sherry - Very cute and pretty gals there. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The other day, when we were at the zoo, I saw this little gal with a harness that was fairy wings. So pretty! I wanted to ask her dad where he got it from. Then DH say so malu, dun ask lah. Coz' they were foreigners, so maybe didn't buy it from here.

lsntyl - Yeah, back already and managed to sell all my Similac! Thanks to you! *big big hugs*

steph - Has it been 4 months already? Amazing! 4 weeks without DH I already cannot tahan, what more 4 months! Again ... I am still so amazed.

applegal - I know it's hard not to worry when our LOs are not eating well. If she's currently on milk strike, maybe try to introduce her some dairy products to her solids? Like cheese, yoghurt etc?

smalldreams - Hhehee, yeah, mom spent quite a bit of time playing with her yesterday. Yesterday she was queen lah, all her uncles, gramps all wanted to play with her. LOL. Your #1 is so cheery! And I simply love little Aifah! Hhahaha.

sherry - Nat has been giving me sleeping woes too. Lately, just wants to skip her morning nap. I dunno if it's because she's ready to drop 1 nap already. But 1 nap during the whole day for their age where got enough?! Then by the end of the day, she just gets super cranky. Like today, skipped her morning nap and then by lunch, no mood to eat liao. *sigh*

smalldreams>yep, mine is a 5-room. Old style so quite a bit of space. It feels v empty when its just us lor. n yes, definitely appreciate the extra helping hands at my mom's. Even my brother helps look after Ayden at times.

Donno if will have #2 yet. If we don't start trying soon, think I won't have le. But these days, always too tired to try or no privacy. :p

lamb>you're welcome. Glad you managed to clear the Similac. Enjoy your stay, ya?

bride>yay for you. glad you found a place you like. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bride 09> ah u changed again.. hahaha.. guess i shld start looking out soon too!

But glad that u found something u like

Little lamb> yeah for the past one week, she only had less than 2hrs of nap.. but out of a sudden, she started sleeping 3 hrs from 12 to 3pm..

yes little_lamb. 4 months this Fri...tough scraping through.

Just like to ask, how else can I make porridge more interesting? Caleb would always give a few tries and then gagged [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i tried so many flavors, chicken stock, veg stock, pumpkin, corn, carrot, spinach, potatoes, red dates, 'huai san' etc. until both my MIL and myself gave up cos he preferred cereal still and he can eat up 1 box in less than 1 week.

Any cheaper option and fresher ingredients to fill this little tummy?

bebecraze,we din wait after our turn, but b4 we went on stage, we waited cos the judge was late!When I was there, I suddenly got this urge to just forget it, dowan to go, but cos of face,I had to tahan cos if I dun go, my hb sure niam at me!

tyl, b4 we had bb, we felt our hse like so empty cos 1 4rm flat to just 2 of us. When bb arrived,i felt just rite hahaha but with his toys accumulating, I felt with #2 it mite be too cramp ald....I must get a new job then can try for #2,it jus dun feel the same anymore lei, we dunno how to go back to yester yrs...or cos we all together too long *sigh* I dunno...

bride, ur boy so cute!!! Ya agree with poofy, if he super gd boy sit in 1 corner, u gonna worry.

My mum just told me last week, my long distance cousin's 3 yr old boy, fell n become super "kwai" cos he damage part of his brain when he was 2 yrs old. He used to be able to greet ppl, wave etc,nw he only sits there n stare.Very sad, the grandma tot it was normal cos kids fall everytime, tot he after the fall abit tired n slp, she din really monitor him n he went into coma n woke up after 1 day became the current state.

sherry, got any job lobangs for me or nt heheh

stepy, issit cos the texture of the porridge tat he doesnt like? Cos my boy hates super watery kind, too thick he can't swallow well oso, trial n error then realise which he prefers.

steph - Maybe Caleb just isn't into porridge. Some LOs I know just aren't the porridge sorta kids. You can try some of Annabel Karmel's recipes. Her recipes are more 'ang mor' per se. But you can try them out and see if Caleb takes to them. I mean, for their age, you don't necessarily have to stick to porridge for him.

sherry - Maybe they're readjusting their nap times.

lsntyl - Yeap, we're enjoying quality time together as a family coz' DH travels so much. So this has been a great holiday so far. And especially for me! Coz' I get to do my own stuff like go for pap smear, dentals, bring my doggie for his vaccination while DH watches Nat. Hhehe.

Hi Mommies,

Here is the link for your consideration to order some cupcakes for the Jan BB bash.

http://ybake.blogspot .com

Have a gd day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


So did my michellin bb got into final? she is so cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

firipy> i got a lot of contact roles at banks now le.. hahah u keen?

Stephy> i added dark soya sauce last sat and she finished the whole bowl of fish mee sua. Was told not to put soy sauce but mum say me and bro also grew up healthy eating it.. hahaha..i think a lot of trial and error ba.. but sometimes its really frustrating when u spend $$ and effort to prepare and she dun even wanna finish..

TYL> thanks babe, i browse thru.. but i am more of a recruiter role so L & D is something new to me.. doubt they will consider me lor..

Bebecraze08> its a shop selling party supplies.. www.skp.com.sg I dun even know of this place till some mummies shared it on my FB hahaha

sherry>ah, then if got anything else turn up in a recruiter role, then I inform u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

skp is good for stocking up on plasticbags, disposable utensils and other sundry goods too. I go there to buy tissue, plastic cups, bowls, etc if I've function at my place and need them.

Firipy, i agree w wat ur hb said.. come to think of it, ther were totally 5 awards - Overall winner, best costume ss, fastest bb, olympian bb and obedient bb. out of these 5 awards, only the overall winner goes to the 6month old mixed-blood bb gal.. the rest all goes to older bb between 13mth to 24mth... the rule is for the bb all to crawl towards the finishing lines then qualified but the younger ones can't crawl n the older ones only wanna walk.. n in the end, it's the older bb who got the awards... kinda unfair..


That's damn scary lor. Although my #1 is a terror now, i would prefer him this way than any other way [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Did you taste it after adding the soy sauce? was the saltiness acceptable to you? I think shernise would have the time of her life enjoying that tasty dish!


Yeah it's easier to use disposies & I've been brainwashed to it by my hb's side too (they freq hold gatherings) but my mom is horrified. She wants to lend me her plates for the housewarming & scolded me for wanting to use disposables [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Firipy, wei

nehmind, when your babies are older, can join more of those contests. hehe, but I think I'll be very shy to let my kids join the contest.


very scary indeed, abt ur cousin's kid.. Sharlyn fell & hit on e back of her head at fidgets & I was already worried sick & paranoid..

smalldreams> seriously, its definitely more tasty. I try to sweeten the porridge by adding sweet corn, sweet potato, carrots and etc but she din like it wo..

firipy> no la.. admin, secretarial, bank officer (VP/SVP) accts etc

All the dress-up babies so lovely.


your LO like very strong and funny little boy

re: baby food

I have stopped blending the food into puree nowadays. Giving cooked rice, meat or vege (cut into small pieces) so that there is more texture and biting. will try bovril in her porridge too.

When we dine out, I give LO taste all sorts of food like hor fan, fried rice, chicken rice, zhi char etc. Am so excited for her to eat everything with us.

Hi mommies,

those who are still BF-ing, do you ladies have your period? I think my first period after birth is here, having some spotting, but am still BF-ing. Almost couldn't recognise the cramps, thought I was having tummyache.

Will it affect the milk supply?


me had it first time last week when LO 8mths

If granted a wish by fairy godmother, I wish for no period forever. Sianz...But i didn't notice milk supply issue

furby: LOL, me too. Then no more cramps! Emma turned 8mths last week, so i guess the timing is abt right. Thanks for sharing, was concerned abt the supply [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TYL: nice...when i saw spotting earlier, i was like "damn!" hopefully it remains as spotting only. *fingers crossed*

andie> i had mine 2 weeks back hahaha.. so far supply still gg strong but am stopping soon cause will be gg away for a trip in Dec.. may probably stop in Nov..

Bebecraze> yeah but i handle more of the banking sector [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

andie > am still bf-ing, and got my period when Bryan was 7.5 mths cos I cut down the amount of BM significantly (to only 2-3 pumps a day). Yup, just some mild tummy pain for me and no real cramp, so I was caught by surprise too.

melissa > Bryan is in IFC since 3.5mths, but didn't fall sick until recently (when he was about 7 mths). That's when he caught some flu bug which brought his whole immune system down and caught HFMD and then the whole bout of continuous cough and runny nose till now. I have to use Ventolin and Flixotide spray and Zyrtec oral drops for him till he stopped his cough and wheezing for a week. My sis is already asking me to seek 2nd opinion cos she kept telling me that this current PD's med is too strong and dosage is too long.

re: milk strike

To mummies who LOs are on milk strike and no longer latching for bf-ing, not sure if I will work, but maybe you want to try changing the bottle teat cos with their onset of teeting, they may want a different set of teats now. At least that is what I experienced with Bryan. He striked since early Aug, and I tried all means and ways to get him to drink. Last week, I realised that he was trying to suckle the teat real hard but nothing goes into his mouth. Pissed me off after a week and I changed teat and wah-la, it was like a miracle!

Sherry: can give soya sauce ah? hmmm i din even add salt cos i use dried scallops.

firipy: tried all consistency...didn't work..from super watery to blended to grainy.. at most entertain 3-5spoons. waste of time brewing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

little_lamb: I also think my boy is angmoh pai one. but thinking cook porridge can save a lot of work,..and can feed the whole house. anyway..end up i eat all the time.

andie: i'm expressing now and menses have been back in cycles since 2 weeks post delivery. and my milk ss will dip rock bottom each cycle but i just continue expressing.

Bebecraze08 (bebecraze08)

Hi dear, me not the Org Committee members but I just happened to come across this link which heard quite nice so just kpo n let the committee members to consider [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sherry > my mum said the same thing too, and she was like 1-2 drops won't die right and if it makes the food tastier, they would eat more right... -Duhz-

big foot> hahaha yayaya.. she say shernise is a big girl now.. always ask her to eat bland food, she also sianzz le... hahahha.. i mean seriously with the soy sauce, it tastier la.. so i went to buy those dark soya sauce with red dates.. smell really good though..

Sherry/bigfoot: i also think so...but my MIL insist the 'natural' taste leh...hard to do something in her kitchen. maybe i will smuggle into a corner and dash a couple of soya :p

steph > hahaha! Hope you do it fast enough and not get caught by your MIL. :D

Sherry > my mum always tell me to buy the good grade light soya sauce cos she says the color is not so dark, so its not so salty (but rather a bit sweet). It sells in small small bottle only, but I refused to try it for Bryan. I add to my own porridge and yes, it is MUCH nicer.


big foot> hahaha ya loh.. i only bought the dark soya sauce.. i haven try light soya sauce wo..

By the way, was thinking of making pasta for shernise.. does it has to be baby pasta or we can just give those adult pasta?

