(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

hi all,

another sleepless nite for me yest. he fed almost non-stop from 2-4. stopped then he will poo then must feed him again after cleaning diapers. made my nipples so sore. lucky got breast pads to reduce the chaffing.


oops, brain not working. forgot to say nice fotos to c.yang n liverpool. I didn't take much fotos of ayden but hubby did. But I find v leceh to upload here due to the size restrictions


My girl also always leaves her mittens in her swaddle as she wriggles her hands out. I bought a couple more mittens coz I recall my #1 boy wore mittens till abt 2 -3 mths. But it seems my girl hasn't really scratched herself.

Looks like both of us were in the same boat yesterday night with our #1s...


You were SO LUCKY yesterday night!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope the cycle repeats itself today. My girl was not so bad lah but my #1 was down with stuffy nose, so he kept waking up, asking for me. I only slept at 1.45 am, of course wake up for night feeds.

Wanted to send #2 to my mom's place but she said she preferred to take care of #1 as nervous abt handling BM (been so long since #1 times) and I guess quite ma fan to bathe a newborn etc.


It's like that with DSLR rite. Must snap snap a lot, then pick out the good ones.

Re : Poo

Haha, that's funny abt poo being sweet smelling. But I think at least it's NOT foul smelling ...and BF babies' poo i think don't smell as bad as FM poo... is that true mummies? that's what I read.

My #2 poo stinks , worse than #1 when he was newborn- I hope it's not coz of what i ate.


When I just delivered #2, I latched her on, but the nurse observed and said I had short nipples.

A few days later I thought about it. For my #1, no one told me I had short nipples, but I managed to BF till he was abt 2 yrs old.

I realised that if someone had told me for #1 I had short nipples, I probably would believe in that due to my inexperience, and most likely wouldn't BF as well, not even thru pumping! So you're quite lucky you can still pump out & BF [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

meganlee - Your LO is more than a month old already right? Yeah ... so can slowly lengthen the time. As for me, I still put her on the strict 3 hrly schedule because I want her to keep drinking. And I suspect my gal sometimes hor, can let her sleep overcome her hunger one. So I always need to test and test before I allow her back into her slumberland. So for me, everyday is still about 7 to 8 feeds lor. Maybe at the next check-up, after we weigh her, we'll guage if I can stretch her for longer hours. Coz' I eventually wanna train her to tahan longer.

c yang - My gal has a very strong neckbone too. She can turn and turn as I try to place her near my breasts. I always am amused when she opens her mouth to latch yet her head turns away from the nipples. I'll tease her for being blur. Hhehehe.

smalldreams, talking about breastfeeding, mine also short nipples and i finally managed to latch on mine to suckle for a good 5 mins at 1 breast.. The time seems short, but to me, its a good start, i am soooo happy.. but hor, how do i know whether he is drinking any milk from the breast? I can feel him suckling, but dunno whether he is drinking milk?


Can you see some milk in his mouth after he latches off? If yes, then that means your nipples are good enough for him! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

smalldreams, ya, little bit milk around his mouth, but i will always spray alittle milk around his mouth for him to suck, so sometimes i can't differeniate also.. Then like 15 mins later, he will want his milk liao, but i will keep on trying.. hehe.. hope he will suckle longer..

Cyang, Liverpool,

those are all v nice & heart warming shots!!!


mus trim or file the nails, cos too long, they will scratch themselves....the saving grace is...bb skin heal v fast...

me just back fm clinic...bring LO for Hep B jab...doc say she din put on enough...shd put on at least 1 kg but she put on only 800gm...need to feed her at least 90ml now...aiyoh not enough BM, really need to supplement wt FM...she cry so loud when doc jab...come back think think still cry...now manja want us to cry her till she sound asleep...

Lin, the Lee n Tan clinic at blk 72 not bad leh...can go to him, he did all the check for bb...

lil lamb, she is 33days...

smalldreams, i pray her tis cycle will cont...

smalldreams: i knew the short nipples thinggy all along even for my #1. And no. 1 I was so insistent on TBF that I overstressed and there was no milk but blood. hahaha... and tears.

that's why i was resistent to any comments this time round.. like if i dun latch there will not be sufficient production. I am only trying my best, so if really cant meet his demand, i will give fm. it used to be that if i dun latch then the LC says that the milk will dwindle and die off.. so i get insufficient sleep and lesser milk. haha.. this time, i dun bf at night at all. Told the CL i want my rest and she can give fm for the last feed at night and midnight feed. I will start mooing when dawn breaks. haha.. so, i am a lot happier. and less stressed.

hi mommies.. Jus popping in to c how's everyone.


Have u taken any package w d doc? Or jus hepatitis B jab?

Hope ur girl's doing well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hot weather today.. Mi still waiting, HB had hope it'll b today tho.


haven't decide on which package to take the 5 in 1 or 6 in 1...anyway the jab is on bb's 3rd mth...still got time to decide...i just pay for the Hep B jab 1st...but the doc is really nice...i see a lot of ppl bring their bb there to see him...ya hot day today...i walk there like so far away...nvr been to tat block


U mean ur girl didn't take her 1st hepatitis B shot @ d hospital?

Glad tt d doc is good.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm not v sure where's Blk 72 actually but think it's quite a distance away.. shall ask HB.

Recently BB is super active inside during d middle of d night, so end up I slp v late. HB was saying she'll prob arrive @ night. Hah..

Liverpool, c.yang

Thanks 4 d BB pix.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] v heartwarming.


did doc advise how to increase bb's weight??...but her kor kor is healthy & big...so shouldn't be a problem yah??

u feeding them the same brand of formula?


Icic.. Thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Haha.. Dunno, HB's like v relax..

fat babe...he just say after 1 mth shd increase at least 1 kg...kor kor last time oso vy slow in increasing weight...he was like at 50 percentile n below till 1 yrs old...last time kor kor was on similac...now mei mei din really take a lot of formula lah...one day prob 1-2oz nia


then dun worry...cos the kids hor..sometimes similar in traits one...maybe your kiddos "spurt" only after 1 year....but as long as she thriving & active shouldn't be a concern yah...


yes..i think BF mums most impt muz relax, it muz be damn painful for you last time...hope you find a good helper soon!....

ya fat babe...me not so worry lah...as long healthy can liao...i think kor kor drinks a lot of pediasure tat's y put on so fast n so much...last time he vy skinny, we keep feeding him wt pediasure...haha now he overweight liao

TYL, congrats, glad to hear that Ayden is home. Hope today's jaundice check is ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sigh, my boy has been fussing since 2. after feeding, won's sleep then cry for milk agan. Donno if its cos visiting relatives r too loud. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pauline>we cheated. Din bring him to Poly 2day. Bring on Mon. then try to sun him these 2 days. :p


Seems you got a great system going on there, good for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yah, better not to be stressed over this. your well being is most important.


Ya I agree, today's weather was warm! I didn't on aircon though when I napped with the kids - coz #1 got stuffed nose.


Am sure you heard of those chinese herbs that can help to clear jaundice....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] have you tried those?


Hahaha... i think night time even if she sleeps 3 hrs, it feels short. Coz we super sleepy. I took a nap just now, to brace myself for another "exciting" night.


Today never go out uh? hehe. I got green light to go for lunch next wed, yey!

Re : nose dirt

I used a small cotton bud to clean off the dirt from baby's nose, and boy, cleared quite a bit! Hope she can breathe better now hehehe....

Re : wet wipes

Luvbabe, I agree with you that I wouldn't use Angel wipes, carlson, or something not like J & J on baby at this stage. But I've used Pureen - good & moist. Feels very clean [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I bought a whole lot of Pigeon wet wipes at Isetan! The 3 pack ones were at $10.50 (standard price), but the Big Pack of 6 was going for $19.50 I think. My mom was shocked when I told her I bought so many!

Fyi in case anyone looking for wet wipes deals.

LSnTYL, my boy also like this.. he is only 14 days old.. n i think there are more than 5 days that he is being grumpy.. dont wanna sleep after milk.. eyes open big big look here n look there.. n wanna pple carry and walk him around.. if not will cough cough n cry..

also dun noe wat to do with him but to carry him till 2hrs later n feed him again.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mindy/Tyl: Same leh, the past 24 hours, Arwen like very restless, drink milk liao still dun sleep. Eye big big looking everywhere also. I think she is really growing as in she dun need so much sleep liao. But it is fun to watch her observe her surrounding, still.. it is going to be a long night!

I let my CL give her FM for her 4 am feed liao. Seriously, the lack of sleep is making me very grouchy soon. So it was nice to have 4 hours stretch of sleep!

My mother left today , so sad, feel like crying but told myself that I am a mother liao, cannot behave like a kid! Of cos I immediately went to have a hot shower and wash my hair! I am quite notti when my mum is not around.

Melody : keke, maybe your LO is getting into the long nights, hope it stays that way ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

smalldreams>thanks. we tried bathing him in the chinese herb thingy.didn't seem to work v well for him

mindy>my boy actually quite guai, i think. believe he just wants to sleep after feeding but keep getting passed here n there so cannot sleep. plus relatives and their kids were super noisy. my cousin kept crying. v irritating even to me. just happy my boy din join in the crying

Liverpool, Cyang: Nice pics. Keep them coming.. This thread seems quite shy in posting pics.. My other mummy thread is still posting pics of our kids even though they're almost 3! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Smalldreams/Luvbabe: What's wrong with the angel wipes that you used? I like angel wipes and have stock up loads leh. I find they are as good as pigeon wipes, and much cheaper. Actually any wipes that has no fragrance shd be fine on baby. I have some pureen that are so sweet smelling, which I think may not be that suitable.

Mittens: Besides preventing them from scratching themselves, it's supposed to keep their hands warm too. Their hands and feet get cold pretty easily due to the small surface area.

But my bbs mittens alwasy drop off too, not that the bb removes them, but could be cos the mittens are too big. :p

2As.. is not that i shy leh.. but i dunno why i cant upload attachment.. :S

something is wrong here.

Mittens: same too.. the mittens keep dropping off by themselves.. dun understand why they make such a big mittens for NB.. n normally from 2nd or 3rd month onwards seldom pple use mittens too..

hi all, can i check what's the reason behind celebrating girl bb's full month before and not after the actual birthday?

I've been receiving gifts from friends so my parents think i should return the hospitality and my husband's side insists on doing one so end up i think i may not be able to not do.

However her birthday is 16 jan which means i can only celebrate on 6/7 feb but that's two weeks away if i have to celebrate early! And I dunno what's the reason behind it. Anyone knows or can ask your old folks?

melissa, Chinese if need to celebrate birthday is always earlier, never later.

Sherry, feeding Torres is my duty at night and whenever possible in the day. Wife job is to pump BM. In that way, she get to rest as well.

I feel like a dammm fuxk dup daddy today. Was bathing both my kids in the toilet, usual stuff in getting them to brush their teeth before they bath. My gal refuse to let me help her brush after she brush on her own, so I turn to help his brother, and BANG, my gal had a bad fall. Front left teeth got knock back, 4 deep cut under her mouth and a few inside her mouth. Had to rush to A&E to examine. My only consolation, she don't need stitches but we still need to go for x-ray to check if it hinders her development of her adult tooth.

Tyl, haha it's like that. Babies get over stimulated easily, that's why I told my mum to tell relatives no need to come. Just wait for my full month if they really want to come. Hehe.


me went to mum's place to celebrate her "birthday"...nvr go shopping though....but i v tempted to go gain city expo sale..


yes...the few hours sleep is so darn essential...anyway FM is not poison...and it makes the bb fuller.,..keke..perhaps sleep longer.but dun work for tytus...quite upset...tot it would be my saviour...


old folks juz say cannot do later..but i dunno wats the rationale too...tytus was delivered 24 dec..we had full month on 17th when he's only 24 days old...but yours seem v early le...


gosh...dat muz be a scary episode...hope your dotter is OK...kids fall in the bathroom is nvr a joke...think you need "kia hong sua" yourself oso...muz calm down...i oso felt damn guilty when kids fall becoz of my negligence..

Oh dear! I hope Gerrain's wounds will heal soon, Liverpool!


Do we need to clean baby's nose? I bought the Pigeon nose cleaner (sucker) for newborn cos Renee has been going "hee hor hee hor" at times when she breathes. But haven't had the courage to try it. Thought of waiting for PD's advice when I bring her for the one month check on Wed. Once a piece of nose dirt was near her nostrils, I used a tissue and picked it out. It was huge!

I am a bit down again. Having sore, cracked (I think) and blanched nipples. Something is wrong with the latching. Renee doesn't like to latch deep. Start off deep then will push her way out to a swallow suckle. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hope I can get an LC appt at KKH on Monday. Cannot decide if I wanna give her EBM for the time being to let my nips rest or if I endure the pain till Monday, will the sore nips become bloody nips? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Liverpool,Omg hope ur girl is alright [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I pray my tristan slp thru tonight,guai guai..yday he fr 12am wayang til nearly 4am [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Haiz..make my life so difficult..ever since he born,i nvr hv a good nite slp,always awake for his feed,n change his poo poo..

hi all, tink my boy over-stimulated, dowan to slp again......I n my hb had be arguing n getting frustrated....

Can I jus ask how often ur babies poop ah, my boy 1 mth old le, mil ask me y still poop so often, said my hb's cousin bb only poop thrice a day...When Ayden had s26 sample for 2 days, he only poop twice...He kek sai till he buay tahan , we switch back to mamex n he is ok ald. He is having only fm at nite or when we go out shopping.....He still poop abt almost after every feed lei...


BM haf natural laxative...so its OK if baby poop every milk feed...

me though suuplement tytus wif 1 fm feed...his poop reduce to about 3 times a day...actually i rather he poop more often like last time...7-8 times a day...now whenever her poop...look so constipated & painful...stools still mustard colour but more texturized...


check your nipples if there's cut or dryness...then it will result in crack nipples aka bloody ones...if not shd be fine...

if latching is a problem...juz give EBM...if not it end up being stressful for both you & bub..

oh re: baby making noises...tytus haf been wheezing & making the asthmatic sound everytime he dribks milk....bottle or breast alike...cos he dunno how to regulate his suckling till 2-3 mins later...sometimes he turn blue on suckling...v scary...think i will check wif doc probably 2 weeks later if it doesn't posed any big problem....


sharlyn also made e same wheezing sound during feed. I ask hospital n she said its ok.

Any bb stretches n made noises during slp.

Hi all, i've safely brought bb mattias into e world yesterday aftnn. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Juz finish feeding him. Gg to slp. Will update my birth story if I get a chance

It's realli wonderful to hold bb in my arms. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Tk care everyone. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] pray tt all ur bbs will b guai guai n heathy.

Congrats, xin!!!

Morning mummies.....just finished moo-ing and also storing the EBM and going to catch up with my very deprived sleep!!!

xin, congrats! So it is right when u mentioned that it's time in FB... Have a gd rest and hope to heard ur birth story & baby photo soon...

Me still in waiting game... 4 days of countdown to EDD...

Congrats Xin.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Liverpool: Oh no.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hope she gets better soon and all clear with the x-ray.

Cyang: Better let your nipples rest, so when you see the LC and she demos on you, the pain does not get in the way. Express using a pump in the meantime and give EBM. There's nothing wrong with EBM at all, why the hesitation to give it? The reason we store is cos we want to use it ultimately right?

Motherhood is so much more than BF, and BF is not abt suffering, ok? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melody: It's normal for NBs to make noise during their sleep. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Firipy: Very normal for NBs to poo at every feed. Actually this is how we gauge if they're taking in enough. Your bb is def having enough. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

liverpool:: hope things are okay for ur ger. my ds also had a fall and he knocked his front tooth out. th whole root came off.. so i understand ur pain... i cried for 3 - 4 days non stop just thinking about the tooth n a lady was so nice to share her experience with me via PM and that made me a lot better.

Xin: Congrats!

if give fm, baby's poo will sometimes be more texturised, so long as they can poo, then should be fine.

cyang: i find latching very tramautising for me, that's why i dun wanna latch. dun worry, baby will still bond with u. u can sing songs, carry him, even feed him from the bottle. I enjoy a smiling baby feeding more. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

fatbabe, my boy also make those asthma sound when he drinks, n he trying to "grumble" while he drinks if he was crying very madly n u feed him.

melody, my boy made alot of noise, when he stretch, when kek sai, he will make funny sounds, drink milk oso lo


Pauline>I told my parents the same thing but they said can't stop people from coming leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] 2day ILs oso coming to visit. Hope he'll be ok.

melissa>ohh, our bb' birthdays fall on same date. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I should be having his manyue on 7 Feb. Just need to confirm location b4 sending the invites.

actually, my ILs say ok to hold after the full month. But I rather not.

liverpool>oh dear. Hope your daughter will b fine.

c.yang>maybe better feed her ebm? let nipples rest a bit? My baby oso doesn't latch deep so sometimes v pain for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

xin>congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

