(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Ms Tan

your baby will be fitting into M soon? wow!

I just bought a pack of Huggies Size S diapers today, coz baby seems to have outgrown Newborn Huggies. Got a bit of special offer at NTUC - $11.45 instead of $11.95 (50 cents, "big deal" hehe).

I bought Huggies Ultra XL too - this one good deal - only abt $19++ compared to $21+. If not for me still not strong enuff to carry and for bringing #1, I think I'd have bought more. Check out if they have offer for M too.


Smalldreams: 31mths is good enough. My #2 and #3 are only 16mths apart. I'm quite conscious he might get the mid-child syndrome. Have been reminding hubby abt it. But you know lah... Daddy dotes on dotters more..

Yah, floats are from jiejie.. Hehehe.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My SIL says her son got that mid-child syndrome. seriously, is there such a thing? I'll only know if i decide to have #3 :p

My sis say, Poor #2, coz gotta wear blue newborn tops, etc. hehe!

OK, gotta go now! NIte everyone


wow! he's such a big boy liao!

time really flies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u started giving ur LO massages?

me wanted to give her a massage too but dunno when to start...

ya really scary to see their heads wobble like dat hor..

& my hubby always like to give her head some "training" sessions..

which ends with me scolding him keke

think Giant's Mamy Poko having promotion now $21.35 for the Small (72pcs)

skinny babe

not me lah..smalldreams's gg off [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how's ur ss? got stabilised a not?

eh btw...

tytus wheezing oso got louder last week..now nvr tone down....but he seem to be putting on weight....most importantly, he is putting on weight & thriving....but he's not v active...like abit slow like dat....but i vaguely remember they are all "slow" during 1st 2-3 months hor...i cannot remember when they start "playing"..


your LO got strong neck le!!...my #1 was like dat..but this one hor..v limp neck le...when i dun support..the head will juz fall backwards..,,wun even hold for seconds..

skinny babez

actually hor my gal was quite alert initially leh but now like slow down liao..

she's putting on quite a bit of weight

i find she dun looked like an infant leh like already 2-3mths old size

hubby worried she's big sized like my mom & sis ;P

thanks for d advise smalldreams [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

take care mommies.

Lin and Linda, I can't induce because mine is a VBAC. Just have to be patient. But it's very draining to get non-progressive contractions every night.

Guess I should just be grateful that I have extra time!

I dun knw is it my bb tristan got frightened by those sound around him during his slp..he slp awhile n cry out loud..my mum said is normal but I tink otherwise lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] how to knw bb got frightened?my bm supply suddenly can pump 80ml in 15mins wor..surprised..haha..

Xiaofu: your princesses very cute wor..i agreed th got 2bb is reali a headache..actually got 1 ald wan faint ald..haha..

hi all, so busy tdy went shopping after 1 mth of being confined, super theraphatic but oso very stress cos kept visiting nursing rm to feed, to change diapers! My boy shit till stain his receiving blanket n romper, my hb was trying clothes n I felt y his back wet wet de, rush with mil to find nursing rm.Then when having dinner at restuarant in chinatown, my hb was carrying him, halfway he felt Ayden's thunderous poop. We so we worried shit spill out again, so stress cant eat properly, luckily the female loo had a drop-down table, wooden kind, we can change his diaper. Told them next time b4 we go eat dinner, we must ask got diaper change table or nt else so stress!

Sad, my butt, arms n thighs still so big!!! Then my armpits still so black! They turn super dark after 1st trimester.....scrub still dark!

xin, ur gals so cute, they nt identical twins hor, bf is nt easy nt to say twins, u are doing ur best whatever it is.

smalldreams, what abt the medela shields ah.

my rite breast tdy dunno what happen always leak.....fr bottom of the shield, whole top n bra stain with milk, tink lost at least 10ml of it. The shields nt only yellow, out of shape nw ald!

fatbabe, my boy very scary lei, he starts calling ppl ald, b4 he is 1 mth old. He will make "eh" sound,if no one walk past dun care abt him for like the next 10 mins he starts his nonsense n this week onwards, his head starts turning towards sound to see, can turn back somemore! Like some stalker!!!

smalldreams : well, think my bb might outgrown S huggies ultra soon so thought of trying M size -maybe her thigh too big ?

Oh, me now pumping milk, dun think I will pump in d middle of d nite until tomm morning after 6hrs.....;p

Oh, btw, I not using medela pump but ameda pump so based on 2day ST, so we need not sterlise our BP shield after every use but only once a day / every 24hrs, right ?

fatbabe, ya lor, poor no. 2. Haha. ;P Actually I don't mind people visiting as long as they 'zidong'. It's those relatives who treat my house like 24 hr zoo and my babies like animals whom I dislike. I got relatives who disturb and wake up my baby just because they never saw her eyes open. Or those who expect me to cut short my BF just because they are going home and have not seen the baby yet. Grrr.... :/

TYL, never mind, shows that Ayden is loved by so many aunties and uncles. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xiaofu, your baby gals look so sweet fast asleep. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

What's LO by the way? Keep seeing this term.

Mstan, I dun have ST lei, whats the report abt ah? I actually nvr sterlise my pump parts at every pump,only once in morning. I so scared they died on me, cos my shield ald go out of shape....

Pauline, agree with u, some relatives buay zidong! They got kids that time oso mah, y they all so mean.......Next time maybe I shld go back my parents plc for confinement if I gonna have #2.Then no one to visit me.....Cos my own relatives understand I need to rest but erm,relatives by marriage mostly dun understand.....anyway 1st kid la, tink when I got 2nd one no one wanna go!

Xiaofu, nice pixs of the twins. How I wish I would have twins. Guess no chance liao. Should be close shop liao.

2As, how old is your kids? Seems pretty similar to my situation. Even the age gap looks pretty similar.

Firipy, don't be stress. Don't really need a nursing room to change. Can always use your pram n change him there with a changing mat below. That is what I do when there is no nursing room in sight. With more practise, things should be much better. You might wanna look at other brand of diapers as well if leaking occur often.

Went to see a pte dentist for my #2 today. Dentist comment that there is nothing much we can do now. He also comment that #2 case is actually the best for such cases, no swelling or infections. He also advice to do an x-ray 2 months down the road since my #2 can bite on the mouth piece for X-ray. Felt really fuxk dup until now.

#2 is actually quite a toughie, she is able to continue her daily task as if nothing had happend.

There is alot of thoughts actually going through our mind now on how she will turn out later on, if she need braces, will it affect her adult teeth etc.

As for Torres, we really can't ask for more. He don't fuss, sleep well, drink n poo well, leaving us time to coordinate all the 3 activities. He is drinking 80~90ml for each feed and can sleep straight for 5 hrs if we don't wake him up. Its more like us waking him for feed instead.

Wife is doing well, but a bit tiring for her when the kids are back from school. She is pumping 180ml for each pump, we are already freezing some of the EBM for future use.

For those mummies that pop, take care, stay stress free and enjoy parenting. For those mummies that is still waiting, jia you!!!


huh...i tink the kids dun really remember who come visit wat not...anywayz they only wan your love yeah...relatives...hmm not so much...actualy there's more buzz abt my #3 as compared to #2...dunno why...

LO means little one..


hahaa the ST news is juz to say dat medela softshield easily turn yellow//some mums were concern abt whether its harmful...well reports dun show dat they are harmful to the bbs la...so its "safe"

yah they also say shouldn't keep sterilising...cos at hot temp...plastic will change yeah...


phaw your wifey realy haf superb suppply le!!...its a blessing dat your #2 can still be like norm...

yawn..going to sleep liao..

Morning mummies....Quite quiet whole of yesterday nite.

liverpool> understand what you mean coz ultimately, Gerrain is a gal but seems like she is a tough lady, still go about her usual activities without any problems.... Your wifey is also really doing extremely well with her pumping!!! How I wish I have her ss!

xiaofu> Your girls are so sweet....Really salute you...For most of us, handling one is already siao liao, can't imagine gotta handle 2.

fatbabe> Have your ss stabilised after you start the motilium pill? Think I took some Fenugreek (about 10, left over by colleague) and my ss does increase by a little... Max record pump so far is still about 100ml. Lucas is currently drinking 100ml but sometimes can go up to 140ml. How much is Tytus drinking now?

mstan> Wow, you are doing great...Your gal is fitting into M already.... Can't share with you coz I overstocked diapers in my house liao... Me currently have stock till M size. Between Mamy Poko and Pampers NewBorn, still find Pampers New Born the best leh...Mamy Poke seems to be wide but not long enough for my boy. When he wears, like hipster and his bums kept showing out....Anyone has this problem?

Today, brought Lucas out for his first outing to a shopping mall - Plaza Singapura! Guess what, this boy is sleeping throughout the whole outing (which I thought it was good too) coz we can eat peacefully and shop peacefully... Ended up in Carrefour, buying lots of groceries, coz they have 10% storewide discount!!!

liverpool, ur wife power lei 180ml,I nvr attain that b4.Gerrain gd gal hor, dun blame urself la.

luvbabe,I m using pampers s ald, got more space over the crouch area for Ayden. My Ayden drinks abt 100ml to 120ml.

Since I am after confinement, I wonder can I go back to total bf.....Sometimes the mothers can be a nuisance, I also worry total bf my hb would wash hands off to help also, he finish feeding my boy after he slp, hb can leave milk bottle unwash one....We all feed finish, bb slp will go wash, my hb super lazy, dunno wat to say!

luvbabe, the problem abt pumping is always spill, so sad with myself oso....nvm la,next time try to be more awake


looking at ur dotters photo can melt ppl heart man.. they are so sweet when sleeping.


reading ur shopping and dining experience really makes me laugh. so funny lei. i can only bring bb out during cny bla. but think i will use my maclaeren as a diaper changing station. i don't give much hope on the restaurant's toilet. i remember i went to one shopping mall with no changing table for all toilet. so damn bek chek.


understand the spill situation. i will be angry at myself if i was u. jus to ask. u interested to get a extra pc of personnal fit breastshield with adapter for ur PISA? i bought wrongly from a forum mommy, going to sell it cheap if u interested.

smalldreams, i had quite decent space of sleep at nites coz i leave the CL to handle the bb's feeds. so i only wake up to pump milk ;p

hahaha same when my relatives came to visit us yesterday, my cousin commented how come my boy wearing pink clothes? whahahhaa

i already quite slack during my #1's confinement, this time even worse! i started drinking plain water since day 4 hahaha i really buay tahan the red date longan tea. yesterday we also brought our #1 to a nearby mall for jalang jalang. feel so good!

AA, wow your #2 can lift up his head at 2 mths old! impressive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how soon u start putting him on his tummy?

gak, i m doing exclusive pumping for tristan liao hahaha still reverted back to the old method. coz i find it easier if i can time my pump schedules rather than feed on dd as still have to take into consideration my #1. she has become unbelievable clingy and weepy eversince the arrival of tristan

i drink lots of papaya fish soup to maintain ss. but everytime menses came, my ss will drop a bit and i am those suay type, my menses reported 3 mths after delivery! then during first 2 days of menses, i will drink the nursing tea


my breastshield oso out of shape liao and the leak is from the edge of the breastshield. bek chek. that y i'm getting the personnal fit breastshield. at least it will not go out of shape.


good luck!


i'm doing exclusive pumping too. but when thinking of going out is a big headache lor, which latching is more convenience. i hv start drinking plain water too. cos the longan reddate water no enough for me to drink. and drink too much getting me a itchy throat le.

Morning Mummies!

Liverpool> DUn blame yourself, you din wanted that to happen either. Moreover, Gerrain has also proved to you that she is strong and tough yeah

Linda> jiayou!!Still wondering when will my "D" day be? hahaha.. really frustrated with the hives hahah

Linda, all the best!! Jia you Jia you.

Sherry & firipy, difficult not to blame myself as the incident ultimately was the cause of my complacency. I dread to think how her adult tooth will grow out and if she would have to put on braces just becoz of my complacency.

For those mummies that is latching, go ahead and enjoy yourself, its a feeling exclusively just for mummies and no one else.

For those mummies that are pumpin and feeding on EBM, there is really nothing wrong. Fret not about people talking about bonding etc, kids won't really remember that they are being BF unless you are doing it until they are about 3years old. There is alot of stuff to consider especially for those working mummies and those with more than 1 kids.

Same naggy tagline, important thing is to enjoy parenthood.

After the incident, I have to constantly remind myself that the loudest voice in the family should be laughter and nothing else.

redtea, during my #1 time, very cham.. always have to rush home to report to pump ;p cant go out for long. this time round, i thot of lugging the breast pump out and pump when necessary hahaha coz bought a new pump and i can express the majority of BM in 5 mins, so very fast!

my CL realised that i m not drinking the longan tea anymore hahha so she offered to boil me another type of drink - fried brown rice with pao shen. so later i will try and see how

sherry, jiayou! u will soon have your bundle of joy in your arms [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Linda> all the best to you!!

firipy> My hb also like yours...after feeding, will just leave the milk bottle, waiting for the maid (either my helper or myself) to wash one. He will not lift a finger to do this chore...Anyway, as compared to #1 time, he is slightly better this round, at least he bothers to take the midnight feed before he goes to bed.

Agree with you that between Mamy Poko and Pampers (which are premiums), I still prefer Pampers NB/S. I actually still have another packet of Mamy Poko New Born but think I will not use it on Lucas liao....Will upgrade him to size S.

RedTea> I guess I'm quite sleepy and clumsy, that's why spill...Aiyoh, so difficult for me to reach the 120ml mark and I gotta spill 30-40ml of it. Some more, this is due to the fact that I lazy to wake up at 2am to pump, so only woke up at 4.30am to feed, then pump.....

RedTea> What size is your PersonalFit Breastshield? Actually, I need and have ordered from TLL liao but stock haven't arrive yet. I am currently making do with the standard one. I went to buy an L size ones too but without the adaptor. My BM don't leak, will spill only if I'm careless/clumsy lah....

Sweet, RedTea> I also doing exclusive pumping and only latching on at certain times whenever/before Lucas goes to sleep coz my mother says he needs to "smell" me before he sleeps.....haha!

Sherry> Your gal is too comfy into your womb....When is your actual EDD?

liverpool> Agree with you that it is very important to enjoy parenthood... Unlike your wife and some mummies here who are able to TBF, I don't seem to have enough BM to TBF my boy but I tell myself not to be stressed over this. Whatever amount of BM I can pump out to feed, I just have to ensure Lucas drinks them, else just give me FM lor....

Luvbabe> 30 Jan.. so its another 5 more days to go.. hahaha.. she cheeky girl le.. the more we want her out her, the more she dun wan.. think i better just take it that i will carry her till full term liao haha

morning ladies!!


kekek..your gal really waiting comfortably le...somemore we tot will be last week...yah..hope you can see her this week..v soon.....thnk got possibility of overdue..kekke...


me took 3 motilium...now pumping about 1 litre+ a day...like yesterdae was 1150ml...hope to maintain...

tytus is v erratic in his drinking...most of the time..he drinking about 120ml...but there were also 2-3 feeds he stop at about 70-80ml....but his gap between each drink is only max 2.5 hours...so about 9 times a day..v "needy" baby..

re: diaper size...the fitti S and huggies S are snug on him now...luckily i only bought 1 huggies which he's finishing and 2 fitti...will upgrade to M size after these packs are used up...probably go for cheapo brands already...hahahha..


my #2 boy also wore alot of pink & purple rompers fr #1 last time...then we always luff at him..luckily this time got ffren pass me lotsa NB boys clothes...so tytus more normal looking...

furtunately tyler & tytus both haf the super boy look...when go out...nobody ask if they are girl...


wat i hv is a med size de.

if i sleepy, i will rest my head on the table with my hands supporting the bottles. so far so good.


i thinking of bringing bb out jalan alone. but don't think can if exclusive pumping only. too many things to bring liao.

fat babe> wahh dun want la.. i dun want overdue to next week le... hahaha.. my hubby wait till his neck damn long liao

my #2 photo. look so boyish.


eh redtea...

our #2 is indeed boyish!!...hee..v high forehead le....clever boy!

you got pic of your personal fit shield and adaptor not??...is it connector you are tokking abt?? you wanna PM me your selling price? me thinking of buying as spare


hiakz...muz be v heavy now...wanna come here for lunch call me le...ahhahaha....your hives not OK yet??...mine recovered last week liao...heng ar...

fat babe> Not heavy actually.. just that i think she is now bigger, when she turn and move, just feel a bit weird hahaha...

hahah will call you when i gg over there for lunch, these few days damn warm le.. ohh, that bubble tea shop is opened by my friend's sister wo hahaha..

My hives ah? those on my thigh ok liao.. now starting to appear on my underarm.. imagine me scratching my underarm when i am out.. yucksss! hahaha

bbchic, i m pumping bout 1 litre now, only 2 days where it exceed 1.1 litre hehe

so fast tytus is outgrowing his fitti S? tristan still wearing fitti NB

hahahaha we bought him normal boy rompers meant for going out. just that home clothes, i didnt bother coz confirm stopping at 2, so he will just have to be "girly-looking" when at home ;p

redtea, wow u so brave to bring bb out alone! i never even think of that ;p

TYL, any new photos of Ayden? ;)

Fatbabe, ya lor, but they are here cos they are curious lor. :p

Redtea, don't go Rivervale Mall then. We went last weekend to visit Daiso. None of the toilets got diaper changing table. So fed up. :p Your boy looks really cute. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmm... I never count how much I can pump in a day. But yesterday my gal keep drinking milk every 2 hrs. End up my supply increased but I went to ILs house then out with hubby so never pump out. Today, painful liao. :p

Sherry, Lin, Gabrielle, Linda

Wow, can imagine how heavy you gals r now!! Hopefully baby will be out soon, since your EDDs are near already. IF possible, don't induce lah...go naturale...

Sherry, hide one corner than scratch lah... hehehe...


By massaging baby, I meant, when I apply the telon / ruyi oil on her, I just use my fingers to do some strokes on her. Esp at the tummy part. For her back, she loves it when I put some drops of oil and use fingers to massage lightly. My #1 boy used to at times burp/let out wind when I did that. But my #2 never leh...

Think J&J got some pamphlets on baby massage techniques too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Eh you very lucky huh yr CL can help with feeds [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh dear, yr first girl clingy huh? How's she getting along in school? Does she kiss and hug mei mei?

My #1 is a bit better. Everyday go sch. weekends he'd wake up and ask, "Today go school?" I guess he's also happy to have a break with us :p But still can't trust him alone with #2. Sometimes he shakes the rocker so hard, I get scared of shaken-baby-syndrome!!


Why you say your bb is like a stalker? Haha! So extreme lah you :p I'd say he's very bright and clever too, coz he knows he can get pple to carry him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Alamak, I still have 2 packs of FITTI size S, haven't opened, and just bought Huggies size S yesterday. So total 3! Hmmm... now I'm worried if my girl's too big for those. Trying to finish up my Mamy Poko Newborn. With all the poop & pee, I guess within 2-3 days finish liao.

hee.. thanks for the compliment.

too bad he don't hv double eyelids. his daddy got lei. i don't. so all eyes small small like me. :p


all day stay at home with bb can go crazy de. so if can, i will wan to venture out.


lucky i din go east side shopping.. hee.. but i remember the pl tat hv not diaper changing table toilet le. centrept. but forgot they hv designated rm at 3rd flr and robinson. wahaa..


Yes, your boy is Very Boyish!


I've never measured how much I could pump too. All I know is standard 125 ml every morning and everytime I pumped instead of latching after abt 3-4 hrs.

That's why I'm amazed by BBchic & Sweet who can pump up to 1 litres! Wow... like Meiji milk packaging - 1 litre. Hehe.

SH - Yeap ... sometimes she sleeps a little longer and I try to wake her up with a diaper change or unswaddle her. But yesterday, think she was over-stimulated with too many guests. Every hour cried for feed and cuddling. We were so worried that we'd have to stay up through the nite. Thank God after midnight, she went back on routine.

Did you gals read the Sunday Times article yesterday about the SoftFit medela breastshield turning yellow in steam sterilizer? Cham ... within 1 month turn yellow already! Medela really should recall their products.

little lamb,

got news abt the softfit breastshield on paper? think medela shld do something abt it, somemore the parts are not cheap if get from retail shop.

Lil Lamb

My girl has outgrown her swaddles! Sighs, now the hand always comes out and she gets "surprised" very easily. I prop a beans/beansprout pillow on her hands to minimise her shocks...sighs.

Are you using the breastshields from medela? I wonder where the products are made. Anyway hope nothing serious.

Re: Baby wanting to be carried

Hey moms, am sure our babies are all getting smarter so they know when they're put back in their cot / bouncers. Mine cries when I put her back in her bouncer when she's awake (and sometimes gets up tho she was sleeping when I placed her in it).

What should I do huh? Can just leave her there to cry? Haiz..but later got wind rite?

3-week old baby already so mischievous!


Congrats Xin...

Liverpool, dun worry too much... Gerrain will be fine... she's a brave girl...

Wow xiaofu, your twins are so adorable... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning mummies and daddy...

I'm waiting at hm now to go for my appt...

