(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Jessie: i will tag along wif wendy. thks!

Febie: nice story.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Febie, no la, i just nice click there, was looking for any sprees for Skip Hop bags ma.. Then click click click, seee liao then onz la.. hehe..

All the pix are so interesting!!! The babies look like they have much fun! Thanks Febie!

xin > I still have 7 days leave from last year after taking to care for Bryan, and have to clear them before end of year.

tyl > where are you bringing ayden for the photoshoot? I am looking for one too!

smalldreams > Bryan is well now and he seems to have put on weight in fact. Not sure if I ma feeding him too much at home... ;p

cocomama > talking about big auntie, mine suddenly return 2 days ago too after the longest time ever... no signal in advance and it gave a a good shock. Somemore I was pumping milk when it happened... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

--- Resisting myself from the spree and anymore shopping for Bryan!!! ---

bigfoot>I'm bringing Ayden for a free photoshoot with studioloft this month then another with sean lau in Nov. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my big aunt hasn't visited yet. Donno whether to be worried or happy...

febie - Thanks for posting the pics up. Hhahaa, captions super funny.

brainkuku - Nat at this point in time can only leopard crawl. Sitting wise quite steady, but that's after like almost 2 months of learning to sit! Give Willem some time. For me, I am not so hard on her reaching her milestones yet coz' she's just achieved being able to sit well which is good for taking solids. The rest will come in slowly I suppose. I need to start building up on her social skills. Otherwise she's just seeing me all day long!

angela>i thot the huggies samples no more le? end in Aug, ya? I just got my free samples yesterday. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tyl > Thanks! Wow 2 upcoming photoshoots for Ayden! How much do you spend per package on average? I got my Huggies sample yesterday too!

lil lamb > Bryan can only leopard crawl now only too, but he is very fast with that. Can Nat sit straight up? Bryan don't really fall to his side, but he always hunch or lean towards the front in a 45 degrees manner. Kind of worried about that.

small dreams - my place not done up much yet (only hacking and electricial wiring done)...fridge delivered cos' i bou at promotion so they cant keep long for me..no choice for me..

Febie, smalldreams>> LO is 7.5months old. Boy. He very lazy to sit on the bed. Unless got something to entertain him. Even if hv, he also will topple after less than 10mins. Lazy bum bum. He dun even knw how to leopard crawl. He is a caterpillar.

bigfoot>the studioloft photoshoot is his prize from the pupsik contest. paid $100-200 for the sean lau photoshoot at one of the fairs. can't rem exact price le. :p


but at least the kitchen got flooring liao, so OK lah, the fridge can stay there quietly.

My colleague told me a lot of appliances on sale at Kallang leisure park. I want to bring over our old fridge but HB wants a new one (grr..)


I'm tempted to buy a few packs to keep at home too but once I suddenly got this idea - Why should I help NTUC store its diapers at my home?! So, now, the max I have at home is 1-2 extra packs. haha, i'm mad in my thinking sometimes lah.


CNY is an occasion mah? Or Xmas? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My mom let her suck on some mashed dates prev but dates are really very sweet! I'm not a fan of dates but now fasting mth, house got a lot of dates.

Oh yesterday I commmitted a parental crime. I fed A home-made chicken rice (which contains salt!). She followed my hands & hung around me when I was feeding her brother, so I pitied her, mashed the rice & fed her lor. She continued hanging around me until she has had her fill, only then she crawled away to play on her own.


Hello! Does yr 3YO go to sch?


Nevermind lah, better to have buffer fats, hehe.

Think my A is really very small at 8 mths. She looks so tiny! I tink if she meets up with the rest, she'll be the tiniest. Haven't weighed her in a while.


Nevermind lah... he's taking his time :p

I read prev that girls were faster in language in the past, but it seems that girls might even be faster in terms of motor skills in some studies done. Mebbe tat's why women age faster :S

Glad that the photos kept all of you entertain lor...

YL, think Joey wouldnt want Shayne lah...

She might want Macho or Oliver... they match her...

ET, u surfing overseas spree ah?? hahaha...

I try hide, dun let u stalk lah... :p

Bigfoot, during expo, Sean lau is $188.

TYL, i booked on 04-Nov, which u booked?

smalldreams, i m so guilty of storing for Giant/NTUC.. LOL..

bigfoot - Nat can sit straight up now. She went through the phase of lunging forward (early stages) and then tendency to topple backwards. Now can sit straight for extended period already. If she's tired, she'll lunge forward and move into crawling position. I wonder when will she learn to sit up from crawling position.

Re: Photoshoots

I think the most 'hua shuan' photoshoots are when babies are mobile -- can sit up unassisted, crawl, make variety of expressions etc so that there are variety of poses. Those infant babies ones (1-2 mths) are also ok - just that they're always lying down so it's up to the imagination of the photographer to put them in cutesy poses or catch their awake/ smiley faces. Anywayz, babies are photogenic whatever age they may be!

I brought Aaron for his photoshoot at Baby U ( located at Changi) when he was 7 mths +. Share his photos when they're out.

smalldreams>I already got clothes for him for CNY. Xmas we don't celebrate. :p

lol. she's so cute. knows where to get yummy food.

Febie>hee, let the bbs choose themselves la. But your Shayne also v ham wor.

ET>booked same day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wow so many posts and busy reading them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Febie, I had a good time laughing while reading the captions of the pictures. Very excitingn wonder what is the next 'episode'. Hey, u can part time at TCS!

Smalldreams, I m also guilty of stocking up diapers at home. Have 2 Pampers Comfort, 2 Pampers Premium and half a pack of Fiti. I was still telling DH after reading ST this morning to buy Huggies Ultra coz buy 2 packs and get the Little Tikes alphabets FOC. HB almosted fainted! Heehhee...

BB Development

Indiana Shaolin Chris can only crawl backwards. Tried putting his fav toy and food to entice him to crawl forward also fail. Told PD and he said it's ok wor. I also dun wan to stress myself over this. Can crawl better than no crawl right? Hiak hiak

BB Food on SQ

After reading Lamb's experience on SQ, I called SQ to book the bb meals. To ensure they dun mess up, I asked them to email me the meal request confirmation. Guess what they sent to me? An e ticket with my flight details! I read every single line n nothing on the infant meal requst. ERRGGHHHH

Yuki, E-ticket do not show baby meal...

but on the itinerary one, it will be there... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ET, u must have stay up too late lor...

YL talked to u, u call her firipy...


I think i will book Shayne in Oct if possible... :p

hoping to do it on Oct 28th...

that marks his 10th mth old... :p

ahhaha think i'm the one who stayed up too late...

can have so many ppl on the same day ah??


Febie my dear, i mean firipy, tyl and me we all booked 04-Nov la...

Febie, if is Sean Lau's one, no more slot already for Oct..


u goin to get disposable bibs??

I wanna buy... forget to ask Jessie that time during the taobao spree... now muz get from BP....




This foundation is dedicated to raising money to pay for surgery for babies whose family cannot afford it. While I don't think we can raise that much ,we can help make the babies abit more comfortable. In China, these families do not have heating typically. So I hope to help buy some winter stuff and medicine for this foundation.


If interested :

a) Put your name on the list here


c) TT to Jessie 112-19501-7 POSB Savings

d) When the run end, I will tell you guys how much and give you the list of the items I bought and the shipping proof.


f) Spread the word if you can.


1) Jessie

2) ET

3) Adam & Aifah

4) Ashley & Kieran

5) bluey

6) Michelle (mwws)

7) Melissa (tulipz8)

8) Bryest

9) Blue7mist

10) Panda07

11) apple_gal

12) 2005

13) ayden

14) mel gan

15) AG

16) nana

17) Tam

18) Furby

19) Brainkuku

20) Kacey

21) Freesia

22) Cloh

23) cheerieheart

24) Angster (Koonie+Hubby+Joey)

25) Macho Ashton boy

26) luvbabe (Luis & Lucas)

27) Yuki (Indiana Shaolin Chris)

28) Cy (Leticia)

29) Jmi (Jaime)

30) Rina (Raphael & Kristeva)

31) Yem

32) Melody (on behalf of Sharlyn)

33) Febie (Shayne)

34) Manunited (Matthias)

35) andie (Emma)

36) Bubbleluv

37) Yeocouple

38) Cocomama

39) C.YANG

I must say you mommies are very brave for planning on traveling with your babies. Other than going back to sgp with Nat, I have yet to take her anywhere else! Not even on road trips! I find it too much of a hassle to pack lor! I will probably wait till she's older then let her travel.

thanks Jessie... will bring more tissues then... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Febie : HAHA just a suggestion nia. I am super super lazy one. I hate to bring extra stuff anywhere! I think I might be the only mummy here who dun use a diaper bag, simply hate the bulkiness.

Lamb: Yah... this Dec I am going to Japan with A and DH with my good friends, I very sian liao. .... but they really want to go holiday with us..... *shudder at the thot of the logistics.

yuki - Actually, dun have to be too stressed up over Chris getting his infant meal or not. For all you know, whatever they serve may not be what he likes leh? If you ask me, I'd rather you prepare some food on your own like baby jars that he has tried before and give to him. As I shared in an earlier post before, that the Sgp airport is not strict with liquids that you bring in if you're traveling with a baby.

Febie>Ikea has disposable bibs that you can get at their restaurant. Maybe you want to check if you can buy them? Or if you only need a few, kope them? :p

Jessie>I don't use a diaper bag too. Use a kipling bag instead.

wah, enjoy Japan!


I agree with Lamb. I would rather bring my own baby food. But having said that, i am going to request for the infant meal this coming Nov and see what kind of infant meal they serve[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If those we prepare one can bring onboard?

I have a huge problem...

Shayne dun like those jar food lor...

YL, hahaha kope them??

i saw sell on BP leh...

dunno whether to buy anot...

Febie, can share the quotation from Studioloft after they reply? i used them for my #1. Quite like their pics.

Febie>If only need 2 or 3, can just take bah. their disposable bibs v cute. :p

then can do porridge and bring onboard in one of those tiger jars?


hahah. You mistook Cocomama's aunt flo for a 'lamp post'. hahaha. Parental crime? Don't make it sound so serious. The police will not detain you for that. I can't say the same for the midwives. hahah. they'll roll eyes?!

TYL, smalldreams,

I've given Renee dates. I just bite into it, pull the pit out, bite off the skin a bit, then let her suck. She likes the dried dates and prefers the moist ones from the dates boutique to cheaper ones from the supermarket. She'll use her teeth to scrape the chewy flesh off.

Seems like the little boys are taking it easy, relaxing uh. The girls are very active at this stage eh? Renee is everywhere now. Crawl here and there. Pulling herself to stand and cruising around. Pulling books from the coffee table, pulling her toy i left to dry on the tv console, crawling for the sockets and plugs. I'm glad I didn't buy more foam playmats. It's useless without a play yard. There's no way to confine her, she's just everywhere. SHe pulled a chair leg and tried to stand but fell forward and got a reddish "I" on her forehead. I didn't go and pick her up, continue filming her on my mobile. No bad uh... i managed not to over-react at her first fall.

On child-proofing the house, do we really need to do the drawer lock and stuff? I grew up without them, visited my friend's place and her son's fine without them too. How to keep extensions, wires and cables out of the way huh? Can't imagine when she's climbing, gotta go minimalist-style, man. In a few weeks all your LOs will be like Renee now. I should sneak to the Dec forum and see if they have some practical experience. hehe.

Febie!! You are the best lah. So funny! Thanks for putting up the pictures! ho ho ho!


take care. Eat well, rest well to boost your immunity. Get well soon.


Take the step. Go for a proper holiday. Can one. I am more careful about not disrupting Renee's routine and lifestyle at times too. But bring her out and we can nurture an adaptable and accommodating baby too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My hub is more relaxed about it. He feels we should enjoy our lives too and he calls that sustainability in parenting. hahah

To mommies who are bringing their LOs on SQ flights:

Okay gals, just called SQ office to understand a bit more about Infant meals. Okay ... PLEASE do not take it for granted that if it shows as infant meals on your itinerary, means your LO would be granted meat/fish etc. You have to request! Apparently, infant meal is in 2 categories. 1 is Baby Meal, which is baby food jars. The other 1 is Post Weaning/Children meal which is then the meat/fish meal etc.

So for those of you who are going to travel on SQ, and woul like to request for infant meal, please take note k? Remember to call them to make the 'special request'. Or else you'd end up like me with only baby jar food! :S I think huh, a lot of things not clear when we book tickets. *sigh* That's why end up a lot of misunderstandings. So sometimes, it's better to call and ask and check. And also, DO NOT TAKE FOR GRANTED that you'll get bassinet seats. Please call to check and ask if you've been assigned a bassinet seat!

sorry ar, I've not taken SQ in ages. Last trip I took was on Jetstar where we took the normal seats.

Why is it so important to get bassinet seats? Do they provide extra legroom? What if you don't need the bassinets? Can still request? N need to pay extra for them?

sp_callalily - I checked with the gal from SQ office earlier and she said it's like fish mousse or chicken. But I think there's definitely salt used to prepare. Coz' according to her, it's meant for 12 to 24 mths toddlers. But we can still request for our LOs if they're before 12 months. So it's up to u to decide. I was thinking, worse come to worse, we eat her share. LOL.

febie - I am not too sure if can bring our own porridge or prepared food. Better to call SQ office or in this case, Changi airport just to be sure. Where are you headed with Macho Ashton? Issit just short flight? If so, think can just feed milk? I usually would prefer to feed milk if you ask me.

c yang - Before I bring Nat out for a holiday, I'll go for a galfriends holiday first. HAHHAHAHA. My gfs have been bugging me to go on a trip. So Nat's gonna stay with daddy over a long weekend or something and I'll head out. Anyway, my BF-ing days are almost over already!

lsntyl - When we bring a baby up the plane, bassinet seats are important (at least to me lah). I won't wanna be carrying Nat throughout the flight! Especially if I'm gonna be traveling on my own and no one to take over. The last flight I was on was a nitemare. Turbulence all the time and seatbelt sign was always ON! I had no chance to really put Nat on the bassinet seat at all. That being said, while our LOs can still fit into bassinet seat, it's good to request for one.

ET> think it was you that mention about observing en xi when she enter infantcare for hfmd right? yah will do so. meeting the infantcare again later. i check mcys website, it says infants below 1 yrs old should sleep in cot leh! sian. why must they make my girl sleep on mattress. mcys also say sleep area should be separate from play area, silly infantcare put them together. but i choose them cos facilities, convenience and flexibility is the best so far liao. all my nanny option closed cos no one say ok. oh well.

u found any cheap skiphop bag? how much does it cost?

chameleon> haha think the next time i organise one will be during the sch holidays liao. think nxt week will be en xi and me adjusting, and i'll go get haircut, facial etc before work starts. aft that, i think if i can come online, i already v happy. haha.

yuki> i also going to get 2 huggies ultra, mine finishing already. =p

cyang> i only let my girl crawl in the mat or on a bed in her room. heh. when she goes out of it, i will bring her back inside. cannot imagine me stopping her to touch all the things in the house cos too many dangerous things.

tyl> my da yi ma also come back liao. sian. think becos supply drop a lot after the malaysia trip. don't come back better lah. the longer don't have better. i find da yi ma now come back, it's v painful leh. sigh.

lamb>ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Febie is going Shanghai end of this year. Her boy is Shayne. Macho Ashton belongs to AFann. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Febie, hehe I bought the disposable bib fr the recent TB spree! Can't wait to receive my loot.

Lamb, really nice of u to call SQ to check abt the BB food. I requested for post weaning meals meant for 12-24mths baby. Coz by Dec, Chris wld be 12mths old. My flight is at 940am and doubt I have the energy to wake up at 5am, cook his porridge, wash and proceed to airport at 7am. So ordered the baby meal for him. But will listen to SP and your advise to get some food jars, in case he rejects the meal. And now, I got to call SQ again to ask them to send me the confirmation on the baby meal requests. Talk to them can vomit blood.

Bassinet seats on SQ

Hmmm.. I booked my tickets via SQ webby n able to choose seats with bassinet. Managed to select n book the 3 consecutive seats near the window.

TYL, usually bassinet seats are found in the 1st row and has more leg room. I dun know if Chris is willing to be in the bassinet but book 1st. Anyway he wld be 1 yr old by then n guess wld not be able to squeeze inside. No need to pay extra coz we bought the infant ticket.


YL, I'm going for 10days in all... so i think I need to buy lor...

Yuki, I totally forgotten abt it lor...

U good lah...

Lil Lamb, ya I muz check...

I will be bring cereal too...

dun intend to cut off cereal till we are back from our trip... no place to cook too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

