(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Nana -- I had the same problem of the twins kicking off their blankets at night. So i bought a sleeping bag for them. I bought the HALO sleepsack and I really like it. It is made of cotton so not too warm for them. Plus it is very roomy so they still have plenty of room to kick their legs about and move around.

TYL -- Count me in for the playgrp at your place!

30 aug, lunch, in Bedok



3) mel

4) Chameleon


chameleon> ok, i'll ship to my place then... feel v pai seh to make wendy carry so much stuff to put at her hb's shop... :p...

tamL> thks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi gals,

I emailed kindermusik, growing up gifted and my gym at tampines.

Kindermusik provide trial at $30, only available on sundays 12.30pm(must have 12 in a grp)to have pte trial. Growing up gifted having opening special at mountbatten branch, 50% off trial at $25 (must register by 31st aug). My gym at tampines is offering trial at $35, it will be waived if sign up for the term class, posb everyday card 5% rebate.

Anyone interested? I m more keen to try out at kindermusik n growing up gifted.


Sorry I took so long to respond. Coz' brought Nat to see gastro paed today. Initial assessment is that she may have a case of secondary lactose intolerant. So, gotta give her soy milk meanwhile to help repair her intestines lining. Will have to take her stools for further testing. So today, we brought her around town to wait for her to poo but she didn't! And then after we headed home, she poo-ed!

Gggggggrrrrr. So gotta wait again to bring the stools back. That's the thing I hate about stools testing lah. Gotta collect and bring back within a certain timing. Aiyoh. Damn stressful. Some more cannot predict when poo. So still cannot totally assess what happened.

I didn't get to ask why her diarrhea occured in the first place coz' she was in a rush also. But I will do so in our next review appointment. Okay, for prune juice, very simple. All I did was to fill up a small pot of water, depending on how much you wanna feed kenan. And I added about 5 prunes. I'd wash them a bit before putting in to boil.

Boil for about 10 mins or so and you have prune juice already. If you want flavour to be stronger, try boiling a bit longer. I also chose organic prunes. And if possible, no preservatives. Oh, for papaya puree, try not to give too much. Our LOs will turn orangey from eating too much of it also.

Updated for Xin and Chameleon

Latest at 12am



1) Cuiling45

2) Wei

3) Pauline

4) Vanilla_Berry

5) Melody

6) ShaDing (TBC)

B) LYNN CHONG ( Pasir Ris )

C) FIRIPY ( BUANGKOK / Sengkang)

1) Jesskoh

2) Yeocouple

3) Bluey

4) Cheerieheart

D) Jmi ( BUANGKOK / Sengkang)


2) Minime

3) Nana

E) Mstan ( Redhill/ Tg Pager)

1) Cloh

2) Lsntyl

3) manunited

4) bbin2010

F) TAM (Paya lebar/eunos/marine parade)


G) Sueann ( WEST/Clementi)

1)Brainkuku ( Jurong East)

2) Esterlla


1) FEBIE / ET / Bubbleluv

2) V_NI/3As

3) Bride_09

4) Pangpang

5) Sloan

6) Sherry / Fatbabe / Yuki

7) bbwoofie

8) Mel

9) Poxchan

10) 2005

11) Mel(Jere)

12) Freesia

13) CY/ AG

14) Smalldreams

15) Panda

16) Luvbabe

17) Xin/Chameleon

TAM : Thanks! Hmm...... This time like not a lot of people combine eh? I mean seriously combining is much more worth it. Anyway I will take this list as final and we will review again when all the stuff arrives [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessie: Ur welcome. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yup, this time not many combining.. Maybe cos everybody's ordering a lot so they rather send it to their place.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chameleon - Nat's not really a big fan of porridge. Just when I posted earlier of her being able to finish 6 tbsp, this afternoon, she threw tantrums after 2 tbsp. *sigh* Must be bored already. Tomorrow I gotta think of different menu. After all, she's been having 3 days of chicken porridge liao.

jessietan - Hhahaa, Arwen's so cute, starting to recognise surroundings already. Nat is still busy kaypo-ing the sights of Singapore and absorbing them. But most of the time, she just drifts off in the car or in her stroller. Think she's damn happy being back in Singapore. She gets to go out almost everyday. In SH, we just coop her at home coz' weather's either too hot or rainy!

vanillaberry - Pooping so often? Any idea why the sudden change in poop pattern? I think waking up in the middle of the nite to change diapers is really no joke when I have to do it on my own. Especially after change diapers and she's still awake and how I have to get her back to sleep, that's the really tiring part!

brainkuku - Pneumococcal jabs tend to develop fever in babies. Nat developed fever after her 2nd dose.

Hihi, I almost organised a Kindermusik trial for a group Feb mommies earlier this month but Bryest who has brought Estovan feels our Little Ones might be too young since the activities includes beating the drums etc. You can view a video of the activities at the web page or check with Bryest.

Just a thought that you might want to consider. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessie/Tam/mstan>paiseh, can change my collection to xin? easier for me to collect from her since we stay in roughly the same kampong.

xin>you don't mind hor? :p

firipy>I'm interested in GUG trial! Kindermusik also ok. Not so keen on My gym as I heard some bad reviews.

cami>yay! we were counting on you joining. Bring your maid along so we can see both twins lah. eh, but say first, my place still quite primitive as we haven't moved in yet. :p hubby and I will be going over to give it another good cleaning though. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lamb>Nat might be lactose intolerant? Does this mean you need to avoid dairy products too since you are still breastfeeding?

brainkuku>I was lucky and ayden did not develope any fever after his pneu jabs but he did develope fever after his 6-in-1.

I am also interested in GUG and Julia Gabriel programmes, but JG's timing i can't make it.. But will first attend the JWT Gym's trial first then decide.


My boy is attending gymboree classes at tanglin mall and he likes the classes very much. I guess he enjoys the company of the other babies too. He will smile and laugh throughout the classes, even when he was very sleepy and keeps yawning in the class last week.

Not sure what's the difference between jwt, gymboree and my gym though.

tam L - Seconary lactose intolerance actually occurs after a bad bout of diarrhea. It's coz' the lining of the intestines have been worn off, and not given enough time to be treated properly. Like for my IBS case, it happened after I suffered a bad case of stomach flu. Actually, I realized tt yesterday, we forgot to ask the gastro paed what triggered the diarrhea in the first place. But we'll be going back for a review soon and I'll check with her again on the possibilities.

lsntyl - Yeap, gastro paed mentioned that BM contains lactose too but she doesn't see a reason for me to stop BF-ing.

lamb>don't think you should stop BF! just wondering if you need to avoid dairy products like xin for a while. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BTW, your kidney probs during pregnancy are all ok le, I hope? must take good care of yourself so you can take care of Nat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lsntyl - Anyway, my supply is running low already. Nat is showing signs of rejecting my BM. More like too kaypo to wanna drink milk. As a result, SS is dipping. So I'll just see her cues on when she wants to wean off. Hmmm, kidney problems I didn't have time to go check but after pregnancy, I didn't have blood in my urine anymore. So really ... I wonder if it was due to pressure of the baby. But I will get it checked out when I next come back and have more time.


Thanks for your advice. My girls stopped their Frisocream cereal yesterday and switched to Nestle rice cereal which we have to add our own milk.

Both girls tried and started crying not long into the feed. Think they don't like the new cereal. My mum say its not as sweet.

The kids nowadays really like little prince and princess. I was about to throw in the towel to switch back to Frisocream but my mum say: "Cannot let them choose!!"

I am crossing my fingers the girls will eventually grow to like it coz its a rather BIG tin ~_~||

Wondering if they'll have stomachache if we add the yoghurt into it ;X ...

lamb>I see. maybe she's saving her tummy for solids? That's what we suspect Ayden does at times. We've reduced his milk feeds as he doesn't drink as much milk these days.

You are back in Shanghai already? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xiaofu>hope your gals take to the rice cereal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little Lamb

My supply is very low too. I feel so sad. This morning pumped like mad, only got 80 ml. Haiz.

But even if Nat's on FM, she can still latch once in a while lah.


I PM-ed yr my blog addy. Anyway, yes nestle's not as sweet. Frisocream has a lovely smell but I've not given it to #2 at all. I used to buy it all the time for #1. Don't think they'll get tummy ache lah... so far, the babies who had it have been OK with it. My gal can't finish, so I added my own strawberries & enjoyed it myself.

I am extremely sleepy today. Again.Got up at 5am.


Hahaha... enjoy?! Actually I kinda dread hari raya. Esp with young babies. But good also lah, got excuse not to go thru the whole works, lol.

Dunno why as I get older, my mood for hari raya has gone down a lot. Just visit the necessary elders, that's it. It can be a tiring affair.

TYL, littlelamb, same problem for me. Raelynn keeps struggling off after latching just a few minutes on one side. Sianz. She only interested to latch when she wanna sleep which I don't want to encourage. :p

TYL, me keen on gathering at your new place. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

30 aug, lunch, in Bedok



3) mel

4) Chameleon

5) Pauline

lsntyl - Yeah, she's really hooked on watching me eat food these days. Her eyes don't blink at all! So maybe tt's why she's not into milk anymore.

smalldreams - Yeah, for me, as long as there's still milk, I'll let her latch. Give her whatever i have. But come 1 year, I will seriously wean her off already (if there is still milk then that is!)

Jessie: thks for organising tb. Any mummy wanna tag along mine? collection either Tampines mrt or my place Pasir Ris. My no.1 cc at tampines interchange. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i got a small tin of similac 2 to giv away.

any mummy interested? i can bring on 29Aug during e trial..

Hi firipy, I am keen on kindermusik & growing up gifted. Let me know if u r organising ? Thks !

Btw, will the location be centralised ?

Hi gals, maybe I list down who is interested in kindermusik n growing up gifted ok?

jmi, maybe better for older babies, cos my boy is 8 mths ald, am looking at end sep cos this weekend we r going to jwt.

mstan, gorwing up gifted is only for mounbatten branch for the 50% off trial cos new branch.

Kindermusik - on a sunday 1230pm(group of 12)


GUG- mountbatten branch

1) firipy

Thks Lynn !

Btw, u wat to buy Friso 2 ? My neighbour hv 1 900g tin for sale. U PM me yr best price & I let her know & if price ok then will bring on 29 Aug for u then.

smalldreams>its understandable lah. you are fasting mah. I'm sure your supply will go back up once you stop. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pauline>v welcome. Are you bringing your maid? Just want to have an estimation of how many chairs/stools I need to get. :p

I think I'll order pizza for everyone and we split the bill by the number of adults who are eating?

30 aug, lunch, in Bedok



3) mel

4) Chameleon + maid?

5) Pauline + maid?

Kindermusik - on a sunday 1230pm(group of 12)


2) lyn78 [email protected]

3) mstan8888

4) ET (evianwater)


GUG- mountbatten branch

1) firipy

2) lyn78 [email protected]

3) mstan8888

4) ET (evianwater)


Firpy -- Am interested in the GUG trial. Do u have more details which you can share? Is it a trial session for the Gifted Babes programme, how long the session is and likely dates. Sorry ask so many qns! I was looking at the website and my interest was piqued cos I see that they have Chinese language elements in their programmes. In the meantime I'll just add my name to the GUG trial list. Will need 2 places cos will bring both twins. Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kindermusik - on a sunday 1230pm(group of 12)


2) lyn78 [email protected]

3) mstan8888

4) ET (evianwater)

GUG- mountbatten branch

1) firipy

2) lyn78 [email protected]

3) mstan8888

4) ET (evianwater)

5) Chameleon X 2

Firpy -- Oh didnt see TYL's post where she added her name to the trial list, ok reposting the list again so it is neater and easier for you to see at a glance who is interested in the trial classes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kindermusik - on a sunday 1230pm(group of 12)


2) lyn78 [email protected]

3) mstan8888

4) ET (evianwater)


GUG- mountbatten branch

1) firipy

2) lyn78 [email protected]

3) mstan8888

4) ET (evianwater)


6) Chameleon x 2

Updating on behalf of Ada:

Kindermusik - on a sunday 1230pm(group of 12)


2) lyn78 [email protected]

3) mstan8888

4) ET (evianwater)

5) febie


7) Afann

GUG- mountbatten branch

1) firipy

2) lyn78 [email protected]

3) mstan8888

4) ET (evianwater)

5) Chameleon X 2

6) febie


8) Afann

Adding myself to GUG:

Kindermusik - on a sunday 1230pm(group of 12)


2) lyn78 [email protected]

3) mstan8888

4) ET (evianwater)

5) febie


GUG- mountbatten branch

1) firipy

2) lyn78 [email protected]

3) mstan8888

4) ET (evianwater)

5) Chameleon X 2

6) febie


8) Cheerieheart

Busy busy with work, chat later!

C. yang,

My boy learnt how to drink from the stage 3 straw of the magmag cup already. He can drink about 70ml of water each time. Initially spill put some, now he knows how to swallow the water except sometimes suck too fast, he'll choke.


Added myself to the list.

Kindermusik - on a sunday 1230pm(group of 12)

1) firipy

2) lyn78 [email protected]

3) mstan8888

4) ET (evianwater)

5) febie


7) Afann

8) sueann79

GUG- mountbatten branch

1) firipy

2) lyn78 [email protected]

3) mstan8888

4) ET (evianwater)

5) Chameleon X 2

6) febie


8) Afann

9) cheerieheart

10) sueann79

