(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Xin: i also gave up on my boy putting everything into his mouth.. he even attempted to put our friends' fingers into his mouth when they reach out their hands! *faints* n when they retract their hands, he'll look for the hands n whine!

if FBM taste sourish, most prob is spoilt. better not give.. if metallic taste but not sourish, is ok..



nice to know that the vacation worked out well for aaron and you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] is he back to his original schedule in SG now?

i'm pretty lax on Renee's routine when we are on holiday. She sleeps between 10:30pm and 12mn. Once she even slept at 1am. Honestly i was so jittery that night.

Like Jessie, I've been giving her winding down time, usually from 9pm onwards, if we are home. But sometimes we are out till 11pm. I wonder if she'll be back to her previous schedule when we get back to Dubai.


that should be a tooth coming out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] FBM very sourish? I haven't used any of the bags in my freezer for quite a while. But I sort of can imagine the sour smell. Last week, there's this day I didn't change breast pads the whole day and I could smell the milk stain was sourish! Eeek! So unhygienic hor. I think it's very humid in SG so that's not helping. i use 3-4 sets of breast pads a day now.

Ahh... tonight is going to be a long night. Arwen is having jetlag poor thing and now hanging around with me chilling while I reply some emails! She really tries her best to sleep but cannot, see her like that so heartpain but well, she seems to be ok now just playing with her toys ! I let her sleep when she feel sleepy.

Wendy : OHHH , why I keep thinking it is the other pair eh, also in white and green hence the mistake. The pair is OOS so that is why no stock. Please email / pm me your POSB number and I will refund you the money and $1.50 for the shipping. So sorry forgot to let you know about the OOS!

Er Lamb.. if Nat hates it , then forget it unless u want to be like me, cheat by adding apple puree. Keke. No point forcing if Nat dun like.. I am quite sure the taste just too bland and the thing is they can't have salt till 1 year old so no choice I guess. Just give cereal and veg and fruit purees for now I guess...

I remember Arwen's nanny make some soup and use it to cook porridge, Arwen reject the whole bowl! Very heartpain cos took quite long to make so in the end I eat lor .

Yah... Arwen mouth very itchy... now I am like throwing anything which can post a hazard to her. Have to hide my perfumes liao..haiz..

Oh, you guys are welcome about the TB stuff. I am so sorry for any mistake and maybe I should not do such a big one eh!!!LOL!

Bryest : Not surprise to see the BP cos I am sure the BP sellers will catch on fast but still.. wondering they earn what siah..Maybe they are SAHM who do it for some allowance and not to feed the family kind eh ...

lamb, my lo also reject porridge and even purée the max he take is like 10 small teaspoon.. he just had 1 tooth pop out yesterday.. some tell me it's bcos he is teething, that's y he is not eating, true enuf, 1 little tooth pops out..

Jessie, u r super lor, the way u package the tb stuff is professional already.. If u are a BP seller, I will just keep going back lor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The stuffs are great, I just love the winglets and shoes that I bought for my boy.. But I think gal's stuffs are much more interesting!

xin>how come the milk taste sourish? like Tam said, it might be spoilt. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

c.yang>when are you going back to Dubai? Donno got chance to meet up again or not before you go.

jessie>you are back in SH already? DId Arwen miss her nanny?

no need to say sorry bah. Think all of us are v happy with our loots and any mistakes are understandable with such a big spree. Take up alot of your time n energy.

agree with ET, if you are a BP seller, sure continue to buy from you. V prompt and professional! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mums

Little lamb

What you're going through reminds me of what I went through with #1. He just didn't like food! I cooked the most delicious porridge (at least it was to me that time) and he didn't want any. But on some days, he would wallop some random food / porridge that I cooked. Very weird. Think I only fed him cereal once or twice via spoon. He was more of a milk guzzler. I felt very sad, but when he was about 9-10 mths, he started showing interest in adult food, so I'd just mash up some rice, potato, chicken & feed to him. Don't be stressed ok? We all have dreams of our kids eating porridge well, but sometimes the kids just got other plans.


Welcome back to Asia...wahahaaa... poor Arwen seems tired, but I'm sure she's as good natured as usual.


Think it's good you smelt the milk... better be careful. if it smells foul, it probably is spoilt.


I was wondering what new items winglets were..heehh

Morning mummies...

Megan> Thanks alot. They are definitely better. Luis is seeing TCM so the meds will take a while to take effect. Didn't bring Lucas to PD, intend to let him recover by himself since he didn't show signs of discomfort.

xin> Yes, Lucas is very playful. Everyone at home comments that he is no. 1 when it comes to play....He runs really very fast in his walker.

C Yang> Haha! I have ever encountered the sourish milk stains when I didn't change my breast pads too, hehe! Oh yes, when are you going back to Dubai. Let's try to meet up again before you go back, k?

Lil_lamb> You're coming back to SIN? When?

Jessie> I think you're superb, organising such a large spree and so professional and prompt. Like the rest, I am so looking forward to your next if you are organising one again.

luvbabe - hope your LOs are feeling well now!

Can imagine lucas playing catching with you! He must be laughing very happily while running in walker!!!

we must change breast pads at least twice a day? so far i used 1 set per day leh...very unhygiene of me cos i trying to save $...


You have done a very good job on the spree. We are all looking forward to your next spree. Don't worry about all the minor mistakes. I would have create a big mess if I'm the one who organize such a big spree. Thanks a lot for organizing the spree. I love the stuffs except the size of the shoes I chose are too big. Might need to wait for my boy to be 3 yrs old before can wear, overestimate the sizes. Sigh


Yah ... as if solid stage not stressful enough, Nat is going through separation anxiety. I've been reading about it last nite and the symptoms. No wonder she's been giving a lot of trouble sleeping. At this point in time, I have to be constantly around her and it's hard for me to leave her alone in the room or on her exersaucer/jumperoo to go into kitchen. Last evening was the worst! I had to prepare her avocado puree and she just wanted to be carried all the way.

It was not possible even with Ergo lah. So I let her cry on her exersaucer while I prepared her food. Then I think the crying got so much into her that she didn't have the mood for dinner as well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] It was all a vicious cycle lah. And the scary thing is I read that this separation anxiety can last from 2 to 4 months!!! Wah liao!

I think that's one of the challenges we have to face as SAHMs. Moments like this ... i feel like quitting my 'job'!


Has Arwen adjusted already? My challenges have been non-stop! Solids, separation anxiety and constipation. I think the constipation stage is almost over (I hope!!!) coz' this morning she started passing out softer stools. Prunes really work for her. I think the main culprit was too much apples for her.

She had like 2 cubes everyday. And I have read that while apple juice helps to poo but not apple puree. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Apparently, apple puree will harden stools. If there's something I learnt about solid stage is that ... everyone can tell you a lot of things. Like this cannot eat, that one can eat. But ultimately, it's really dependent on your child's stomach and taste buds.

I think it's good to experiment. I started giving her nectarines though I know the locals dun believe in that but that's coz' I'm desperate! The fruits these days are very limited!!! And since she can't take too much apples (which is readily available), I have to let her try other stuff. Key is moderation. I even bought dried apricots to cook to puree for her to try.

I am even resorting to jar pears. I can't wait to head back to sgp where fruits are in abundance!

Jessie> No worries .. I have email u my account no :> Thanx alot !! :>

TB loots> Mummies can collect anytime from noon - 8pm anyday :> Sorry if u gonna wait if my bil is busy attending to customers, as today our worker is off! My hubby damn joker la, he wants mi to tell ur tt dun mistaken my bil as him! Diao!!

Maybe ur could just help urself to search for ur items as Jessie has named every1 loots so nicely :>


Nat is no milk guzzler either. I am keeping an open mind on her likes and dislikes. I figure it's in time she'll take to certain things and not. I mean, I can't expect her to be perfect baby and to love all sorts of food. She is entitled to form her opinion as well. Of course, as her mom, I do not wish for her to be a fussy eater.

But as long as she eats her greens and fruits, I am ok. Now I just hope she'll take to some meat coz' they're a good source of nutrients too and gives her higher energy level (after all the jumping around on her jumperoo!) But I guess I'll just have to prepare her meats in a more palatable manner than just serving them plain. A lot of hard work but definitely worth a try. And who ever dares say SAHM's life is easy?!


Jessie, items rx with thanks!

Aside to bryest & Febie- thks for your help on the collection too! ^o~

Looking forward for the next spree & i guess my pocket gg to broke a big hole this time.. so many things want to buy!!!

hehehe =p

little lamb

do you give her oats too? Or how about letting her nibble on some fruits while keeping a close watch on her? Eg, apples, baby biscuits etc? Hopefully she'll get used to the texture of food, and maybe develop more interest in eating.

Sometimes when both my kids are sleeping, I just lay in bed thinking of how my day has progressed. And I am more convinced than ever that SAHM's life is not easy. I look forward to the days where my kids are more independent and don't need too much mommy-ing, but I know for sure I'll miss those times...

Yesterday both my kids knocked out by 6 pm! Aifah too, after taking a few spoonfuls of brown rice, spinach & broccoli porridge. Then.... at 1 am she woke up happy, to play! Thank goodness hubby entertained her for abt 45 mins before surrendering and asking me to latch her to sleep. I feel quite bad now coz this morning I scolded hubby and told him it was part of his fault that we're rushing to work daily - coz I bathe both kids every morning & he should at least help bath #1! But then, I guess he has done a lot already. sometimes can't expect too much from men, lol.


happy belated birthday!

Eh, i've stopped using breast pads. Shows how little my milk supply is these days. Anyway I use them sometimes when I feel like it. Haha, crazy.

Hi mommies! Been so busy yday I just simply have no time to post. Finally completed one assignment, got to wk on another one later.

Steph: weaning meaning to start semi-solids, I’m still breastfeeding him. He stil not keen to take bottled FM, though he’s ok when I feed him FM using a spoon (left over from making cereal). But I can’t possibly do that with 100+ ml of milk right? Really dunno how… guess just have to persist in giving him the bottle. I’ll try to post some notes abt Mrs Wong’s weaning talk soon. Aka datang.

Xin: even though my boy’s tooth erupted, but he’s still cranky. Maybe coz still has one more tooth not out yet? He’s such an attention seeker now, really at wit’s end. I no longer have blocks of 2, 3 hrs where I can do my work. He hardly naps these days. He also doesn’t like playing on his own. Sometimes when he cries, I tot maybe he’s tired and wanna nap but the moment I put him in cot, he cries even louder *pull hair* Now he's happily sitting on my lap as I type.

Mommies, how long does your LOs nap now?

lamb>my friend who's a SAHM shared once that her son had bad separation anxiety but she also had no choice but to do certain chores while leaving him safely in his rocker. Although he cried badly then, it trained him to be independent and he can play happily by himself now that he's older. Maybe Nat will be the same? xian ku hou tian for you? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

if Nat doesn't like certain food, maybe can try again later? Ayden didn't like avocado the first time I fed him but he finished all of it when we gave it to him another time.

for meat, maybe you can reduce the portion first? let her get used to the taste before you increase the amount?

luvbabe>hope your boys get well soon!

smalldreams>hee, every bit of help your hubby can give you also good hor? I'm v grateful mine tries to help me when he can. missing his help in the morning as he's on reservist and is staying at my in-laws during this time. only see him once a week during his of day.

He was v happy yest though. he got to carry 2 moo moo cows - ayden and mattias - at the same time. :p

thks smalldreams......

btw mummies, if anyone of u looking for getaway in local hotel, i can get cheaper rate for one. PM if u interested ya....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I think i read in this tread thatwatson having promotion on first teeth set at $10.50? Is this so?

hihi mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyone whose LOs having problems taking purees? my boy has so far rejected every single one of them! be it apple, pear, carrot, sweet potato & pumpkin.. so sad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] he only likes cereal mixed in BM..

sourish milk> i only store the milk for abt 3 wks leh... so fast spoil? i froze them once i pumped in milk bags... sob sob...

but my hb drank up what baby refused and he didn't get diarrhea leh... donno what's wrong... there's this super revolting after taste... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

littlelamb> v difficult now hor... 2-4 mths v long leh... did you put the exersaucer in the kitchen?

but sometimes it's v cute to see him reacting when he sees me appear...

jessie> hope arwen sleeps well soon...

and you're doing a great job on the spree... sometimes order from BP, they also got mistakes one... dont feel bad... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

c.yang> renee and you must be enjoying the holidays alot... been a long while since i went out late...

how long can we keep in freezer? 2 or 3 mths? i cant rem already....and i hv some bags dating in early Jun...so hv to start letting bb drinks them before i hv to throw...

joy and tyl> thks for giving and passing me the spoon... mattias likes to hold it and lick it... helps keep his hands away from other things while eating... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...

tyl> must say ur hb is really v v good... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...

he stay at in-laws coz nearer his reservist place... you and ayden must be missing him badly...

smalldreams> my hb will never wake up at 1am to help me.. but he helps once he gets home til the time he sleeps... :p


Haiyah, I feel you. For my #1, that was how I got him to take his solids. Through cereals in bottles all the time till he was abt 9 mths. Your #1 like solids uh?


So strange. 3 weeks still very new. I have milk dated as far as Jan! And they're still in freezer. I can see them being used still as fasting month is near & my milk SS sure drop one. maybe you try to keep in milk bottles, then seal with ziploc bags?


You mean you & Xin met up yesterday huh, so your hubby got to carry the babies? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


If no foul smell, can keep up to 6 mths. So far, no foul smell so I just give lah if emergency. Oukie, will check email soon

Ciao everyone, going for visits this afternoon. Catch up again soon.

manunited> think abt tt time...

cheerieheart> at least u can hold him in the lap and type... i find it so difficult too... he either has his hands all over the keyboard or if face me, he wants to drink... :p

jia you ba...

TYL, luvbabe,

we are leaving on 12 aug. Think my mummy can't bear to leave Renee and is worried about me handling the 2 luggages, stroller and Renee alone... she wants to go over with me but this time staying for about 3 weeks only. heh. Bad time to go lah, still summer and ramadan.

I'm meeting chameleon for lunch at raffles city tomorrow. Anybody free to come along? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


just give whatever nice fruits you can get there. it's ok to repeat or give in combination to create new flavours like little bit of apple with some prune, since she can't take too much apples. the kind of fruits we get in dubai is different from what we get at home too. So, just for fun, i gave renee some red dragon fruit pulp the other day. hehehe. won't be able to get those in Dubai. Nectarines are fine, don't worry. The chinese there don't give peaches but give strawberries lor... to me peaches are safer than strawberries. You can't get fresh pears? I think i gave Renee some spanish or south african ones. Couldn't get the familiar australian ones.

Renee also having separation anxiety. the thing is, in the day, she smiles and laughs more easily with everyone else than me. think she's sick of my face! ha! then in the evening, she only wants me to carry her. the other day, i latched her and then sneaked out at 8pm. At 9pm, my mummy called me to come back cos Renee's been crying very badly for almost 30 mins. But once i'm back, she's fine.

Almost everything about them is a phase. Just hope they will get pass the anxiety soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yeap, Nat takes oat every morning with fruits. But now, I cut down on her apple intake. I give her pears or nectarines or avocado. I can't wait to head back home and let her try some DECENT fruits! Coz' I dun dare to start her on melons yet. Otherwise I have 1 more choice.

Yeah ... sometimes men will never be able to comprehend the amount of work we have to do. DH does a lot to help me out but I think he still doesn't quite comprehend the amount of work I have at home with Nat. Despite having someone help me with the chores, just preparing food for Nat and keeping her occupied is quite a handful! He will always say he has a lot to deal with at work and still comes home to help me out. To him, he thinks he's doing much more than me. Whenever I think of what he says, I get quite upset.

Because seriously, when do I ever get breaks right? Being a SAHM is really 24/y literally! Even when it's middle of the nite, I wake up with her too! He at least still gets his breaks in the middle of his work or when he goes for his trips, the moment he knocks off from work, it's HIS time! I also ranted off at him this morning coz' I asked him to help me wash some stuff last nite but he was too busy gaming and forgot. Although it's really tiring and trying for my patience but I keep telling myself it's a phase that she's going through and someday, she'll be going to school etc and won't need to be around me anymore.

By then, I would really miss these days.

cheerieheart - They really nap way lesser now lor ... like her noon time nap, 30 mins that's it! Wah biang. And then I have no choice but to give her another evening nap. So all in all, her total nap hours a day is about 1.5 hours only.

luvbabe11 & c yang - Sorry, keep forgetting to respond to your questions. I'll be back next week. Gonna be back for 2 weeks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yeah, I have to let her CIO lor. I mean, no choice. If I keep carrying her, I can't prepare her dinner, then who suffers? She right? DH has been contemplating in getting me full-time help instead. But I really dun like the idea of having someone around the house the full day.

I still need my privacy lor. And cannot be go out all the time just to get my privacy right? Thanks for sharing your friend's story. I truly hope Nat will grow up to be an independent gal. As for meat, I tried again today by adding some broccoli and carrot. I masked the chicken under it and she took them.

But chicken alone, she won't. Even with stock. So tomorrow I'll try adding more broccoli and carrots with it. Think I need to give her meats more flavouring before she'll take to them.

xin>no choice lor. Our own place not ready yet so easier for him to stay at my in-laws place. At least my mom don't have to wash his army stuff + my in-laws place is much nearer to his army camp so less tiring travelling.

He enjoyed yesterday esp carrying both babies at same time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

is your freezer cold enough? by right, shouldn't spoil so fast...

smalldreams>yes, met up with xin for lunch to pass her the spoon from joy. my maternity leave ending so going back to working full-time soon. sobs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hubby entertained the babies while both of us ate lor. when mattias wanted out of his pram, he carry them both around. was kinda worried that he cannot take both their weight but surprisingly, he could leh. :p

c.yang>working tomorrow so cannot meet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] My last date of maternity leave before you leave for Dubai is 10 Aug. You free for lunch? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Your mom is really nice! Think she wants more time with Renee too bah.

lamb>gambatte. Its not easy to be a SAHM. I know I can't do it.

Hmm, actually, even us adults don't rally take meats along, ya? At least for me, I must have my meats with some veggies and rice. Maybe Nat is like that too? And add more veggies also good. The fibre in it should help with her constipation? N got extra vitamins. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello all...

been so busy to post recently...

Lil lamb, dun stress. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you have been during very very well as a mummy. we are all sure that lil Nat knows too... She just wants to train her mummy to be the very best. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Think take it slow when comes to feeding. Let Nat adapt slowly. I tried feeding Shayne bottled pear puree and he doesnt like it at all. So next, I did the pear puree myself. He finished up every single bit. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Like what Cyang and the rest mentioned, just mix and taste. if ok, let Nat try... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

YL, there's no word to describe your hubby lor...

He's really a good hubby & papa. 2 Thumbs UP! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cyang, meet at Lot 1 on bor??

tmr evening? hahhaa...


next week? which date? then maybe we can all squeeze in a lunch? then i can meet you and Nat and her enviable hair? Renee will show Nat what scalp is. hahaah.

Cheerieheart, Xin,

my shayne also under going the teething stage and gets rather cranky at nite...

Xin, add some FM to your EBM?

It works for me cos as long as the BM is mroe than 3 days old, Shayne refused to drink it.

But when add FM, he will drink. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

febie>aiyoh, my hubby has his off moments too. Sometimes I will ask him to help me with ayden but he'll be too engrossed with pc or other stuff. Yesterday afternoon, instead of spending time with ayden and I since he will be away until Sat, he hang around our new place with the contractor. But then, he wanted to supervise the renovations and made sure they do the stuff correctly so bobian. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

c.yang>ayden also has quite little hair. It seems to be better after we shaved him twice. You tried that for Renee?

lsntyl - your hubby so nice leh!! will help out...my hubby will not join any of the mummies gathering...I ever mention to him maybe can organsie one gathering at our place before we move to new flat..he said he will not be at home on that day!....very anti-social lor...

Hi mommies, some of you have been asking me what Mrs Wong shared during the weaning talk. I've done an article on it in my blog. Here's the link: http://ruthwongwrites.blogspot.com/

Hope you all find it useful. Btw, my blog's really a very simple one hor, don't laugh ok? Coz i'm not IT-inclined lah! Hope someday I can do a nicer blog.. but may hv to wait a few yrs at the rate it's going [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

YL, he wants to ensure that the reno are all well done etc. Dun headache after the reno done leh... he want the best for both of u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

manunited, my hubby also like that one...

I rather he's like your hubby, not at home when i invite ppl over... he will make ppl feel unwelcome... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

maunited>my hubby loves kids mah. I think he went to meet more moms and babies and during the Jan bb big bash than me. :p

But stress also cos I still half-hearted about no 2. I know he really wants one but I donno if I want or not. If have, high likelihood my ILs will move in with us during weekdays to help look after the bbs. N it means I must let them bring the altar to our home which I'm against. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

cheerieheart>thanks for sharing! Will read through it when I'm home.

At least you still spare the time n energy to write a blog. I'm too lazy.

Febie>I know lah. N he did get a lot of work done yesterday just by being there. But I rather he spend the time with us. :p But its ok. V fast weekend will be here le. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little lamb: looks like we're both feeling super stretched, can fully empathise with you. Tho i hv helper at home, i still need to wk, so i'm crazily busy!

Febie: at least he's only cranky at night, mine doesn't wanna nap in the day, want me to play w him, if i leave him alone for more than 15 mins, will cry n cry. Nowadays, he hardly go to sleep without me cradling n rocking him!

Sweet: try mixing the fruits into the cereals. My boy doesnt like avocado so i put into cereals n he happily took it! hahaha

Cheerieheart, I'm not at home in the day so can't judge.... And during weekend, he was awake most of the time... so if he sleeps, I got my bonus. otherwise, it's tedious on my side too...

LsnTYL: you're welcome. The blog's a plc where i can rant lah!

My hubby also want a No 2 very much but I'm super reluctant. I hope we can sort out the caregiving part first, if that's settled, then i guess i'm ok to hv another one. But then again.... anyway, i'm hoping to move back somewhr near my MIL plc so she can help out during the day (but dun stay togthr). Feel very paiseh whenever i asked her to come over n help. I don't trust my helper coz she's e very careless kind, made so many mistakes. But nowadays apartments all so ex, think gotta to say bye bye to my dream home... unless strike lottery! hahaha!

Cyang/ little lamb: wah, I wanna join u all for gathering! Must let my boy meet all the sweet sweet girls!

cheerieheart>my hubby sorted out the care arrangements le. ILs confirm willing to help look after and my MIL promised to respect my wishes regarding feeding and will not anyhow give bb food before 6 months. But then they are quite elderly le. Both of them hitting 70 soon. I'm worried they can't handle cos its really tiring. + now they say must put altar at my new place cos they also need to pray when they stay with us...

Think I'm looking for excuses not to have no 2 lah.

10 Aug boleh for gathering mah? Cos its the only date I can make it next week. :p

TYL, if meeting on 10 Aug, i can pop by awhile, cos me and hubby both took leave on that day as my boy's IFC is having staff retreat day...

cheerieheart, thanks for sharing your blog.

U can really write well, be it chinese or english. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And Kenan looks so cheerful... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i also wan to hv #2 but no planning lah....abit scared to go thru all again so fast!

Lsntyl - You not buddhist? but will your pils come and stay with u anot in future? then how to reject placing of alter to them?

