(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

xin>not sure about mon. I confirm with you later? cos supposed to be family day as hubby is on reservist and prob only back on sun or mon.

u bought an oven le? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ayden also likes to grab the pages of whatever we read. He's practically torn apart a new mag that I haven't finished reading. :p

chameleon>good enough le. I don't even use cake mix. :p


Jessie: I've received the taobao items, the package is so well packed. Thank you so much.. I'm looking forward for your next taobao spree. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessie, added u, finally can put a face to ur name! Gals taobao items will arrive tmr. Got the speedpost slip I reschedule delivery for tmr. Those with me can arrange to pick up fr Sunday!

Febie, ET and bubble,

Your taobao stuffs are with me now. I just received them this morning. Let me know how I can pass them to you.


We have received the stuffs. Thanks a lot for helping to order and pack.

Good morning all...

Hey Jessie, I'm coming to work...

Yup bringing Shayne along...

Asking my mum and Sis along too...

Planning a holiday together... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So can arrange to meet up with you and lil Lamb...

Thanks for the nice offer... Not nice to trouble u... it's ok... I can boil water to sterilise the bottles when in the hotel lah.

Add me pls... [email protected]

Pls msg me your nick hor... cos too many ppl add me to promote their FB shops... faint...

Bryest, have our Taobao stuff arrived??

think soon right?

febie>ya, recently received a lot of requests from fb shops. donno where they all come from de.

hmm, by nov, Shayne almost 1 year le, still need to sterilise? I read 6 months don't have to sterilise anymore as their food utensils are not sterilised and their tummies are stronger.

Yes TYL, really dunno where they come from...

will clear up those shops on my FB... all of them are way too expensive and can't be compare to BP here...

ya i can't sterilise his food utensils, just use hot water lor.. But bottles i will still sterilise lah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Firipy....

hahaha... I did not read archive...

ok I will text her... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tot she will sms me... hehehe...

hahahha... Bryest's post slightly earlier than me...

Thanks gal.. Will contact u to pick up for the rest too...

Morning mummies.

Febie> agree with you that there are just lots of FB shops and I don't usually add them. Like you, think I will do housekeeping and keep them out of my FB....

Morning mummies

Tam L

Thanks for passing the stuff to me, sorry I have to make you go down to the carpark to do it.


Thanks babe, the items nicely packed, but you sure used a lot of plastic uh.

Alamak, I have to go hunt you down at FB. Don't have yr email addy.


Mine is exactly at the Geylang serai market. BTO. waited since my #1 was a baby, until I have #2 liao, wahahaa.


Think some mommies dunno there's such thing as BP in SMH forum...so that's where those FB shops can make $ lor...

Took some time off this morning coz I really wanted to take my time while I know hubby could not afford the time. Quite nice staying at home doing normal things like ironing work clothes in peace, cleaning toys up & taking a nice long shower without #1 knocking on the bathroom door every few minutes!

hahah...i cheated...i went to jessie wall and then add all those that she just added on FB.

today my last day at my work place. So computer will be taken away later liao... :)

TB loots with Wendy >> Sorry mummies whose loots r tagged with mine.. Yest i wasn't home @ 4pm, & e earliest reschedule is nxt mon 2 Aug ..

I'll sms all e mummies when e articles arrive @ my doorstep, except Melissa(tulipz8), as i dun have ur hp no .. Maybe u could email mi ur hp no to [email protected]

Pauline> I guess u can only pick ur loots on mext tue onwards .. If my bil is still @ home when e article arrive, den it could be on mon instead !! :>

Gosh ... these 2 weeks have been really bad weeks for me man. Last week kenah stomach flu, this week Nat rolled off bed and fell. Lucky she's ok now. *sigh* Dunno how DH could doze off while watching her also. One moment he was playing with her, next moment I heard a loud thud and she rolled off. *sigh* I've always been so careful in watching her now that I know she can roll.

I was of course super mad at DH. Just hope for this week to quickly end. Tomorrow I'm planning to start porridge for Nat. She's been a little constipated of late and I'm quite worried. Prune juice for babies not easily available here. Maybe I gotta make prune puree for her liao.

Anyone knows how to make prune puree?

lamb> been a crazy week for me too. super busy with work and DH was away for work.

i steam the prunes to make prune puree. but i also read somewhere that you can also boil the prunes and then feed the water as diluted prune juice.

cocomama>ohh, din know can do that.

lamb>you got try giving her more fruits and water? heard water is esp important after they start solids to prevent constipation

Smalldreams: No probs there. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Nice to meet u..

Little lamb: Hope Nat's ok after her fall.. for prune puree, select ripe prunes/plums.. peel, pit, cut into small pieces n steam til soft. then puree it. it'll be brownish.. or u can boil the prunes with the skin, after softened, then peel n puree it.. the fibre is good for constipation..

cocomama, lsntyl & tam L - Thanks for sharing the prune recipes. Will probably get fresh plums and try steaming them for her.

hi mummies, i would like to join the FB page! dun mind can add me? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lamb, so sorry to hear that. My hb almost dropped Ayden at the hawker centre during cny period at chinatown cos he dozed off.... I almost died that time lo

little_lamb : dun worry....my bb also roll & fell off the bed previously & I was so worried but now she's ok....juz need to monitor for first 72hrs shld be ok.

Heee....my bb also hv constipation recently....will poo every 2-3days....;p....& her poo hv been getting harder or sticky....;p

Yes, think must gv her more fruit puree & water....;p

Hi all, my LO Bryan got his jab on wednesday. PD told me that he need to eat more food. Poor son only weight 100g more when he last visted PD. Got to let my son eat and eat more. Being a FTWM, I got no time to feed my son during the working hours so all the feeding got to depend on my MIL. Hope my son can have a better weight next round.

Well, MIL was also inside the room when we visted PD.Baby bryan currently is 6mth and 10days old already. After visiting the PD, we quickly went to super market to buy food like rice cereals, apples, pears, etc. Should my MIL be more proactive when he take care of my son. MIL got more experienced when it come to taking care of baby right? PD say my son should be eating a lot more than just drinking milk.Now, bryan only weighted 7.1kg. Sad.

Sorry, just to share my thoughts over here.

oh dear, little lamb can feel your pain.. my son also has been rolling around on my bed these few days. a couple of times i left the room as he was sleeping, came back to find him rolled till end of the bed liao, my heart nearly stopped lor.. now my bed is like a fortress, everywhere blocked by pillows and bolsters haha... must really be careful but dun get too hard on your DH k, he also don't wish for it to happen too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tamL> u taking care of ur baby full-time now? i tried to give him some fbm just now... like taste quite weird leh... and he doesn't want to drink... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]... so far i've always been with him... but next 2 wks i gg to teach tuition... was hoping can get him on fm... but like v hard... sighz...

cheerieheart> the plan is to go on 19 aug... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tyl> ok, you let me know agn... if not will be thu alr...

usu i give the unwanted pamphlets for mattias to play and crush... hee hee...

smalldreams> tt's quite fast leh... your no. 1 only 3yo?

wendy> thks... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...

josie> dont feel too bad... my son same wt for 3 wks alr... he is only 6.8kg... but the doc say it's alright as he had alr doubled his birth weight... he just need to triple his birth wt by 12 mths...

qx13> put fortress also must be careful... my friend's son rolled over the fortress and fell...

littlelamb> dont b too worried... my son fell twice in one day... :p... and he knock his head a few times when he fell down from sitting position... :p

xin: Yup, taking care of my baby full time now.. On no-pay leave actually so will have to return to work one day.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Not too sure how my boy will react to that.. I latch him for all feeds except for the dreamfeed at 11pm.. That feed, my hubby will feed him with the bottle while I pump to store.. I've given him FBM n he's ok with it. I've tasted it n it has a bit of metallic taste.. So what I do sometimes is to add a bit of fresh EBM with FBM.. So far still ok.. What I realise about FBM is that it feels very oily though.. Have u tried FM?? What's ur boy's reaction?

My boy's turn to fell off bed..... Landed onto the mattress next to my dad. He was sleepin on bed with MUM... still conti playing on mattress till my dad felt him beside.

Xin: you're at SAHM? Ok, keep me posted abt the outing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how old's your boy now? Coz I'm a WAHM, i latch him almost all the time except when I need to go out to wk, then it's EBM. Few days ago, i gave him FM mixed with cereals, and the left over I feed to him with a spoon. So far seems ok. I give Enfalac. Plan to give him the full bottle today to see how he's taking it.

Tam L: Another SAHM! Yippie!

Xin: you're at SAHM? Ok, keep me posted abt the outing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how old's your boy now? Coz I'm a WAHM, i latch him almost all the time except when I need to go out to wk, then it's EBM. Few days ago, i gave him FM mixed with cereals, and the left over I feed to him with a spoon. So far seems ok. I give Enfalac. Plan to give him the full bottle today to see how he's taking it.

Tam L: Another SAHM! Yippie!


Yah, you're very positive huh? True my boy is 3YO, but I think we applied for the flat sometime in 2005 or 2006. paid deposit in 2007 just after I gave birth to #1, and now, finally the place is ready [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


You've started on FM already? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little lamb, Firipy

It hurts when our babies fall off...but what to do..rite of passage... anyway Aifah banged her head against the cot this morning while trying to stand up. can see slight bruise.

I'm working today. Sighs...

Oh man! After all the effort ... Nat totally hate the porridge I made her!! And it's not even plain porridge ok! I cooked with chicken stock and also added chicken puree. I've never seen her with such a big reaction over food! She made one scrunged up face and even made that vomit kinda sound! And spit out the food! And my porridge is already super mashed up kind. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I dunno how to improve already. Maybe she is just more into ang mor food.

Little lamb: oh dear, I've not let my boy tried porridge, wonder if he will be ok with it. I was at the weaning talk few days ago and Mrs Wong recommended not to mash babies' food too much, good to have some rough texture. Maybe chicken puree not so nice? I remember when I was working at the hosp and see some of the patients' soft diet - which is puree, the meat purees looks unappetising. Try giving porridge with just the stock first?

Anyway, I gave my boy avocado yday and today. Seems like he doesn't like it at all. Today worse, he literally vomitted it out - together with some of the milk he drank before that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] So sad, I thot avocado is easy to eat and it has very good vitamins, but he doesn't like. Later I'll try adding into his cereals and see what happens.

Little lamb: oh dear, I've not let my boy tried porridge, wonder if he will be ok with it. I was at the weaning talk few days ago and Mrs Wong recommended not to mash babies' food too much, good to have some rough texture. Maybe chicken puree not so nice? I remember when I was working at the hosp and see some of the patients' soft diet - which is puree, the meat purees looks unappetising. Try giving porridge with just the stock first?

Anyway, I gave my boy avocado yday and today. Seems like he doesn't like it at all. Today worse, he literally vomitted it out - together with some of the milk he drank before that So sad, I thot avocado is easy to eat and it has very good vitamins, but he doesn't like. Later I'll try adding into his cereals and see what happens.

cheerieheart - I dun think it's the chicken puree coz' it's totally mashed up inside that I cannot find it liao. Plus the chicken stock taste would've masked off the puree. I think she just didn't like the texture. Tomorrow i'll try using the rice cooker to prepare instead and see if she'll like it better. Maybe I couldn't cook it to the right consistency.

little lamb

would it help if you blended the porridge further?

did you put ginger too? I don't really mind trying to put ginger but some mommies might be stricter about this. I think ginger masks the smell a lot and makes it much more pleasant tasting.

Hi, Little Lamb.

My girl also fell from the bed last week. My DH was beside her when she fell. I was so upset with him for not watching over her. Luckily she was all right. So nowadays, I will barricade her before leaving her with my DH. Just to be safe.

Oh yah, small dream. My LO also banged her head against the tatami mat till slight bruise while doing her tripod stand.

Recent with her new found skill – crawling. Her toes had gotten blister!

Little lamb, don’t feel bad about it. We are just trying our best.

I made almost Cantonese like congee (almost 1hr to cook it) and into extend to further blend it manually. But she just doesn’t like it. I may agreed, probably it’s the texture and there isn’t any smell to it. Cereal or some vege will somehow come with some smell.

But I will still try again after she is used to eating. So don’t be discouraged.

3 days ago, my LO started to know how to swallow her food! Finally after 2 months of feeding!

I was so anxious, discourage and plus my supply was still low. But really thank god!



little lamb: don't be discouraged.. i know some babies do need some time to get used to new tastes.. keep trying a few days later but don't force if she doesn't want it at this point in time..

cheerieheart: i intend to give Ryan avocado tml! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] not sure if he'll like it but will try.. u can try giving ur boy again tml n see if he'll be more receptive to it. did u mix any BM inside?

