(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Hallo mommies,

Can I find out from you ladies where can i BUY an exersaucer in Singapore huh? Not looking at renting. Wanna actually get one. Do you gals know where? I am looking at the evenflo one.


Lsntyl - Wow!!! got alcohol inside the cake!!! I tried to stay away when they fed him..no heart to see...

I dun wan to feed him too much carbo and orange vege....hv been feeding him pumpkin this week...maybe will try spinach for him next week...do u steam and blend the spinach? or just cook together with the porridge directly?

lamb>all the major department stores sell exersaucers. Next week, there's a bb fair at taka. maybe can get your mom to help you buy? think isetan also starting a bb fair soon.

manunited>MILsaid she only give him a taste but ... she's trained nurse somemore lor. anyway, he didn't have any side-effects so close one eye lah. makes me worried to leave my no 2, if I've one, with her though.

my mom cooks rice porridge, then pours it and some washed spinach leaves into the blender. once blended, she transfers it back into the small claypot to boil before serving.

jus came back frm lib.

the call no. for baby whisperer is 649.122. i saw the bedok lib has 2 copies... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it's e bigger version... the one i have at home is smaller size but think the contents should be same ba...

i went to borrow dr sear's baby sleep book... really want to find a better way to put him to sleep...

went for the story telling session too... not what i imagined it to be leh... it's really storytelling... i thought the person will be reading from a book... :p... anw, the second story she was going to tell was a ghost story... so i quickly run off... hee hee... saw a 8-10mth old inside... he was moving around... no prob...

littlelamb> think all major dept stores have ba... maybe when u're back can see where got sale then get from there... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tyl> what baby face soap you use? i've been thinking how to clean his hands and face... keep smelling the cereal... :p

cheerieheart> kellymom.com says that BM is actually high in carbo leh...


hmmm... contracdictory info... :p... they suggest to give protein-rich food like meat first... but v hard for me coz of mattias' allergy prob...

Firipy, are u going to be a SAHM? Come join me. Haha.

TYL, your mom is so nice hor! Go through so much to go for Ayden.

If you are going to start fish soon, then it's good to research on the type u are going to feed. Some fishes are higher in mercury content n not suitable for babies.

I stick to salmon which is high in omega 3, cod n threadfin.

xin>we use mustela. at first my mom didn't like it. but now, she asks us to buy more to stock cos she says it really clears up his face

summer's mama>hee, ayden is my mom's precious mah. she already said she'll feed him threadfin. but not sure when yet. think when I ask her to start bah.

but the spinach porridge quite easy to do lah. cos we only boil 1 small portion and the hand blender hubby got is v efficient in pureeing the food.

manunited, sharon

I think some old folks also say, they pity the babies for licking their lips as if they want the food adults are eating, so let them taste a bit.

During #1's time, i was horrified when my MIL wanted to let him eat stuff when he was just a baby. But I realised, with #2, I'm much more relaxed. There was once she wanted to let #2 taste some briyani though & I said a firm NO! until people turned to look. Apples & fruits OK at 5 mths, just not spicy briyani. Hahaha... funny now that I think about it. Now, I notice my MIL doesn't do it anymore *oops*


I think i borrowed that dr sears book before. But i didn't get around to reading it, hahaha... but I like dr sears lah, he's pro attachment parenting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


The rice & spinach porridge looked gross to me but A loved it hahaha..think I shall cook it for her next monday coz won't be working that day.


Threadfin porridge is nice! I hope A will enjoy it as much as myself.

Summer's mama

I used to think salmon was very good too, high in omega etc, but my mom cautioned me against feeding too much salmon, since it was a farm-bred fish & dunno what stuff they fed to the salmons. After that I felt really uncomfortable giving salmon to babies. Then again this is just me.

firipy> i dont really have a routine for mattias...

thinking of starting one:

morning: feed him then bathe then story time/playtime then naptime...

afternoon: feed, go out (my lunch) then story time/nap time

prepare for bed at 8pm...

i fit in housework (and forum) while he is sleeping... :p

Summersmama, jus tentatively sahm cos i wanna find a New job which makes sense. My travelling to wk n to mil plc to visit bb is so super tedious. My ils bond so much with bb tat even if my MUM is ok with looking after him, tink they wld protest ald. Tink i gonna get a helper if i m going bk to workforce n use plans to get #2 as excuse. Tho my plan is 2 yrs later

smalldreams> i hope i'll get to read it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my friend actually warn me agst eating too much salmon coz it's a deep sea fish and may have accumulated mercury... :p,,, hmmm... so r they wild or farm-bred?

tyl> thks, will look out for it when i go shopping...

manunited - Why did you stay away and not stop them instead? I mean ... you're his mom leh.

xin - Maybe try giving Mattias a spoon instead of a plate. He might not know what to do with a plate but to lick it. At least a spoon can be placed into his mouth.

c yang - Wahhahaah ... so sesame oil is really a miracle oil eh. Nat's been having a really sore a-hole thanks to the playdoh like poo she's been having. Makes me wonder if I should apply sesame oil. Desitin doesn't work very well this time for her. BTW, I am making my home trip soon too. ;D And I am so not looking forward to those comparisons either! And after reading what the MILs from hell have been feeding their LOs, makes me a little scared to leave Nat unsupervised with them!!! As for soft tip spoons, just thought that it'll be more comfortable for their gums when they eat their food.

pauline - aiyoh, dun call yourself ignorant. We learn as we go along also mah. Sometimes, just gotta trial and error a bit to know.

jessietan - I also feel that Nat has grown up a bit these past few weeks. Not as blur blur as before, and gettting more curious about things around her, wanting to reach for them to put in her mouth and more yaketty yak yak now. Shows more emotions (ie. Temper) like if she doesn't get what she wants, she'll make grunting noises. *sigh* I miss those innocent blur blur days. It's getting harder, not forgetting more tiring to manage her these days. Plus she's now on 3 solid meals a day with 5 milk feeds. Lagi tiring man. Hoping to drop 1 or 2 milk feeds soon.

sharonk - No lah, nothing to be paiseh about when it comes to ranting. That's one of the reasons the forum is for mah.

smalldreams - Thanks for sharing. I was actually contemplating introducing salmon to Nat. But just dunno when I should do it.

lsntyl & xin - Thanks gals. So now I know where to go get it. Hehehhe.

firipy> ahha i just recently type my routine for her friend on facebook so just had to copy, paste and edit a little cos her timing stretched a bit this week. oh and my timing is +-15min one.. most of the time i do 715am latch and everything else 15min later cos my alarms rings at 7am then i snooze. haha.

(1) 7am: Latch

715am: Playpen time w 1 or 2 toys and cot mobile (currently the toy is stuff toy/change weekly)

745am: Playmat time w 1 stacker and 2 teethers (she don't know how to play the stacker yet, just put all the rings in the mouth/ change weekly)

830am: Wipe, diaper change, change clothes, read baby bible

845am: Sing lullaby and put in cot to sleep

11am: Bottlefeed and semi solid

1130am: Alone in highchair w book

1145am: Read book n flashcards w mum

12pm: Playmat time w same toys w nursery rhymes songs playing

115pm: Wipe, diaper change, sleep

3pm: Bottlefeed and semi solid

330pm: Playpen w same toys

345/4pm: Teach signs, play silly game (peek a boo), read book, playmat

445pm: Bath and change

515pm: Sleep

7pm: Bottlefeed

715pm: Playmat w dad n mum (flexible play)

745pm: Wipe, diaper change, read baby bible, sleep

I usually put alone time in such a way that i can wash up/do housework or clear up her food or prepare bath. Usually, she sleeps about 15 min or so after putting her in the cot.

Also, you can actually feed her semi solids 3 times including the one at 7am but i'm too lazy for now cos i usually slack in the morning.

Oh, sometimes during her playmat time, i'll bring her downstairs if weather is good or if i want to get lunch etc. also considering if i should rent or get second hand thingy that she can stand or jump in or use the walker that my sis in law pass to me but i have my misgivings about walkers. ahha.

ET> my girl is screaming these few days too! i just ignore her if she's in the cot protesting about going to sleep and she'll quieten down aft like 15 min knowing that nobody's coming. haha if she shouts during her playtime, i just ask her what does she wants and tell her to be gentle. haha but i don't carry her. thankfully she doesn't scream for a v long time. so paiseh thou when i brought her to the coffeeshop for lunch and she kept shouting cos she didn't want to be in the pram. haha i give her teether to bite.

lamb> same here same here! i realise she's getting more independent and vocal and insistent on what she wants to do be it on the highchair or playmat! now's the time i got to start teaching her yes and no and what to do and not to do! and to be patient! =)

Apple: Not too sure if Popular sells.. I know kino does.. Maybe u can borrow the book like what Xin suggested and buy if u like it..

Xin: How's the Dr Sears' book? Quite interested to read it also.. Seen some articles on the web.. He's very pro attachment parenting.. Before my pregnancy, i always hear the older ppl say dun carry baby too much, else will spoil them.. but after reading n understanding the benefits of attachment parenting, i guess i'm the type who practices more attachment parenting.. Btw, saw some of ur posts previously that u're abstaining from dairy food cos of suspected cow's milk allergy? I suspect my boy also has that problem.. Ever since his 1st month, I've been abstaining from dairy products n been bf-ing him totally.. Do u mind sharing if u know how do doctors confirm this allergy?? and why u suspect ur boy having this allergy?? Thanks!

Luvbabe- contact Asia I got one maid not bad .. The look very presentable .. But tml then phone interview

My frenz brought me directly to her agency to help me look for one .. N she is so expert man !! Ask alot question Which I nv think of .. Luckily for her I managed to filter n found one not too bad la for first impression ..

So if cfm her , next tue I will hv helper at home .. Is like finally !!! I can relax a bit .. Really can't cope n do everything myself .. Stress lah


u got maid better, or else pandan liao...I'm juz lucky tat mil quit and take care Joey full time or else i jia lat also..my hubby juz complaint ytd everyday after wrk go mil's hse dinner he feel so irritated n tired cos not like straight to home shower take dinner watch TV play wif Joey...

Afann> That's great. Congrats that you found one so soon. Is the maid from Contact Asia or from the agency that your friend recommends? Cool, better have someone to help out than try to be hero to do everything yourself....

Koonie I hv maid coming but I'm still gg to put Ashton at nanny hm ..

Ya ur hubby n mi share the same thoughts !! Like every day after work go fetch bb at nanny hm n rush hm hv to do this n tt .. Can't relax watch tv play with bb without think laundry how ah, dishes how ?, who iron clothes ?! Wipe my dog pee n poop leh ?!! Endless chorus for me!!!

Luvbabe- is my frenz recommend one.. Contact Asia need at least a month .. My home is already in a mess again!!! *faint*

ya I agree with u !! I don't wan to play hero anymore n fight with hubby n over work myself ., this problem can be solved by paying a maid .. So I just surrender n go get a maid lah


Gosh, don't think i have ever thought of fixing a schedule. More of a blend of baby led cue and parent led routines . I think mine is something like:

6-7am milk

8am breakfast

9am sleep

11am milk

1pm lunch

2pm sleep

5pm milk

7pm dinner

9+pm sleep

10-11pm milk (dream feed)

actually this is what I gather from maid/MIL what she does during the day lor...

Afann> No worries lah...Yeah, better get one sooner than later. Like what I was sharing with you, I feel more relaxed since my helper came and could just leave the household chores to her and concentrate on my parenting work and spend quality time with my children....Dunno why I never think of this earlier....

Koonie> Sorry, was too busy so never reply your sms. Will discuss offline with you, k?

littlelamb, haha, I still remember my ILs were dead against me feeding baby puree lor. They only believe in mixing everything up into the porridge. I will blend and bring over puree in tiny containers, but they refuse to feed it. When I tried blend and feed avocado to no. 1 at their house, and she refused it, their faces had 'I told you so' written all over them. :p


ok no pro...


yap...for him is office hrs wrk everyday as for me is shift hrs so can combine off day and quite flexible so cheong do housechores during freetime..frankly speaking, my hubby nvr participate in bbcare or hsewrk cos he's paying for the entire hsehold spending so i muz action action do my part =p

Summer: Thanks for the info on organix! About feeding baby fish, Mrs Wong also mentioned the 3 types you are giving. She said cod and threadfin are good. As for salmon, she suggested giving it to baby a bit later coz the taste is stronger and some babies may not like it.

Tam L: have you started giving your LO water yet? I’m facing prob now coz all along, I din give water since I’m breastfeeding. Now when I start giving water, he doesn’t like it at all! It’s like I’m forcing him to take medicine, I’m at wits end. Any mommy experienced this? Any advice/suggestions?

Btw, my boy refusing to sleep again. The moment I put him in cot, he will cry. Then within the first 1, 2 hours of falling asleep, he will have nightmare (or it appears to be nightmare to me).He will cry loudly but his eyes are closed. I wonder if this is just a phase or should I bring him see dr?

Another qn, how do you all thaw frozen puree?

And since LO has started semi solids, do i have to start cleaning the inside of his mouth or will giving plain water be good enough?

Cheerieheart: nope, i've not tried giving water. oh no, sounds like it may nt be easy giving water to bf babies. did u put water in a milk bottle? or sippy cup? when did u feed the water? i also experienced the night wakings. sometimes i really dunno wat happened, but i guess it's nightmares. i'll cuddle, rock him n try soothing him back to slp.. u can thaw frozen puree like thawing FBM. place the container with the puree in a warm water bath.. btw, did u go for the weaning talk?

Tam L: So far, i gave water using a syringe :p then tonite, tot I should try something more 'proper', so used a bottle then sippy cup - both failed. By then, he was already very upset so even the syringe din really work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I also thaw the way you described, thanks! Just needed to be sure that I'm doing it right, dun wanna end up causing baby diarrhoea.

I went for the weaning talk, then come home and realise i still have lots of things I'm not sure of. Think i'll drop Mrs Wong an email or give her a call. Also needed to ask her abt the nightmares.

Getting tired n stressed all over again. How i wish can just continue breastfeeding, it's such a breeze in comparison! coz LO can't sleep well tonite, i can only work late again. Actually wanted to stop working late at nite.. sigh....


mine also sometimes cried in her sleep...probably play too much or not enough rest, it's not gd if this con't. so I'll

*avoid the crowd /public place for 3 days, rest at home

*play soothing music to calm her and apply ru yi oil rub lightly on her clothing...it seem to help.

Oh good! I was worried about my mental health, thought I am getting old and forgot to pack Lsntyl's package! LOL!

sharon (sharonk): Feed fish ???? Abit early right? They just want to try try issit ? But still to be so sneaky with the Japan egg thingy... I will go nuts if it is me !

wei (angnwei): Arwen do developed rashes when given certain food, I find kiwi the worst and think it is because it is quite sour so the acidic juice caused the rashes. I got a cream from her PD for these type of rashes, it is actually just a simple moisturer with no other ingredient, like aqueous cream which works for Arwen. I tried others but don't work. If she next time go for checkup maybe can ask for a cream for Esther too.

Firipy : I am sure you will enjoy being a SAHM! I love it altho I am not a 100% one. But everyday I get to see Arwen , it is a joy even though these days can be tiring cos she always want to play!

Routine ah? Let Ayden tell you and guide you. Arwen's routine is set by herself. Perhaps we just implement the 5 hourly milk feeds but when she wants to play, nap and sleep, she decide and she has her own routine, we just follow. I wish she would sleep at 9pm but no matter what we do, she sure zonk out by 7pm so bo pian, cannot go out at night and still have to feed her at 12 MN, these are the two things which is abit inconvenience as me and DH can't have date nights . Her nanny always volunteer to stay the night so we can go out but somehow me and DH don't mind yet not being able to go date nights. But I think I would do 2 date nights a month when we go back . I miss trying out new restaurants and also going for concerts!

Xin/Smalldream : Yap, Dr Sear is the best for me because he is so baby led. My inlaws got a playpen for Arwen, those foldable ones and they are of good intentions but I refuse to put Arwen in that because as per Dr Sear, it is not very conductive for baby and I can't go in the pen to be with her and she would be like a cage animal with toys. He advocate baby wearing alot and me and DH practice it as much as we can , we try not to use the stroller too much but carry her more. I love the book and it is my baby bible! It is pretty thick book so I just slowly read when I need to learn about her milestones.

cheerieheart (cheerieheart): Arwen started on FM at her3rd month and we started giving water then, she hates it to bit and until now still hates it, so I think it is not because you started late but babies are smart, they don't like plain stuff! What we do is when we steam the carrots/ apples/ pears, we retain the juice and mix with water, giving it a bit of sweet taste and then we give her, she accepts it better.

How is your LO bedtime routine? I noticed past these few weeks, Arwen plays alot more and she don't wake up at night but has this whining noise like abit of nightmare. So these days, I let her chill before she sleeps. I let her do nothing or just do what she wants 30 mins before 7pm. No singing, no reading , no chatting but let her be, to let her "decompress" . It helps abit. I use to do so much with her before bedtime, I sing, read, let her watch TV etc, I think she is overstimulated ! I feel it is a phrase, not much you can do. Or try a very warm bath , might help too.

When I need to thaw, I just take the frozen cube out and within 3 hours , thaw liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It is so funny today at dinner to watch my DH panic because my in laws told me that education is free for kids up to 18 years old and after that, if they want to go uni, it is like about SGD 2000 in school fees a year nia. Textbooks are free too and also the medical part. I was like " HUH??????? You mean I don't have to save like hell for Arwen's education ah ???? That means....... I CAN GO DO MORE SHOPPING MAN!" DH was like "shit shit shit !!! Mum should not have said that!" I pretend to be very pissed at him for withholding that information and he was like "ok ok, go shopping, don't need to save so much already.. " MUAHAHHA. Hmmm.. then again their tax is crazily high but not my problem leh. *wink Say nia but in the end better save cos need to buy a house here leh and the prices is scary lor.

Ok, post some pictures here of my girl with her fake hair, munching on Sofie, enjoying the sun and attacking a poor bagette end.



Here is a photo of us having Sunday lunch in the garden, Arwen being samseng again! The highchair belongs to my DH!!! They kept it for the last 32 years!!! The carseat is like Arwen's nemesis , once in she sure sleep like a pig one! No matter how hard she fight to keep awake , she cannot win the seat!LOL



Cheerieheart: oh ic.. not sure if he has associated water with the syringe, which he feels weird drinking from? or like wat Jessie said, he doesn't like the plain taste. usually when do u give water? after his semi solid?

Jessie: Arwen's so pretty! love looking at her photos. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I finnaly have time to post today! Always screen thru quickly or is read archives but too lazy haha...

Melissa- wow your routine very detailed and so many activities for baby.I think I should try to read to my baby more coz initially I tried he really not interested so I just try as and when I feel like haha.

Jessie- Arwen is really s adorable! Thanks fr sharing abt Arwen's routine coz I thought I'm the only one without a fixed routine. We only stick to his 3.5 hrly feed and bedtime at 9 plus other than that it's playtime n nap time when he wants. Wah such gd benefits in France! Really no need worry abt so many expenses hehe

I'm gonna start my boy on solids- cereal first starting this wkend. Reading abt what u mommies did kinda excites me but yet i oso scared ma fun once muz start all the food preparation!

cheerieheart>we started giving ayden water since he started solids. think water is good now to prevent constipation. we feed him water either in bottle or spoon.

jessie>too early to start fish ar? really tempted to feed ayden threadfin. saw good offer in papers today. :p

arwen is so cute! see already really want to hug her wor. so you confirm bringing her up in France? means i must bring ayden to france then they can meet wor... :p

she is eating bread already?

oh, you in france now means u can go facebook? then u can go online n see all the other bb photos. prayinghard's Kiana is really pretty. Don't think you've seen her photos as prayinghard doesn't come in here already, I think. your part of france close to germany? If yes, you can meet up with her. at least another singaporean to chat with. :p

xin>should be able to get mustela at the taka bb fair. i intend to stock up then. :p

Morning all

Tam L

I'll try to pick up the stuff later if time permits. Finish work late these days but I'll try to get there before 8 if possible since you said you can't make it after that. Would be great if I could meet you downstairs at yr apartment though.


Arwen is truly so adorable! And she's so fortunate to get the best of both worlds. Such fresh air, great outdoors..so lucky! And wow, sitting on her own daddy's high chair!!!!

Shows how much storage space the houses there have - in singapore, I wouldn't have known where to keep it. Eh post a pic of yrself leh. Long time never see you.

Since you're in France, can you access yr FB account? can add us too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


from yr schedule, I can see your LO naps a long time. So lucky! It seems you have an easy baby.

smalldreams>hee, ya lor. :p great minds. :p

vanillaberry>we also don't have set schedule for ayden. feed him when he wants milk and let him sleep when he wants. :p normally, he knocks out for the nite by 9.30 latest though.

Jessie - Arwen so cuteeee and prettyyy!!! Love her big round eyes!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Luvbabe's boy also very handsome!!! Big round eyes!!!

Little Lamb - I stayed away when they fed him cos they are my hubby's aunties and i dont want to create any unhappiness in case they mind why I so fussy or wat (my hubby ok with those feeding so i try to be cool abt it too)... also my boy already 8mths old...so shld be ok to hv some of these bits...

