(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Jessie: I've just checked my box.. DIdn't see TYL's stuff inside.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Summer's mama: I think still nt too late to read BW's book.. nt sure if the library has the book but maybe u wanna buy the one for toddlers n borrow the one for babies, since our LOs r on their way to becoming toddlers.

Cheeriehearts: i've the one 'secrets of the baby whisperer for babies'.. her method is quite baby-led but at the same time, creates some predictability so that parents still have a 'life'.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i also go to Kino to get my books n i'm waiting for the 20% off too! :D Btw, i started with cereals instead of pears cos i'm afraid my boy gets too used to the sweetness n won't want cereals anymore..


Small dreams: my boy's routine follows eat-activity-sleep cycle every 4-4.5hrs.. but there're occasional days where it all goes haywire. haha.. but will try to get him back on track cos i realised that if his routine gets too off n he doesn't get his proper naps then he feels quite disoriented n can't sleep or feed well. i guess he likes to know what's coming up next.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tam: So our taobao items finally reached your side. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Oh, look like the book you mentioned is good.. Can you scan a copy of the cover, maybe i go take a look.. Right now, i still havent started solid food for my gal yet.

Jessie: Once again, thank you so much for cordinating the taobao spree.

Little lamb, i'm freaking sick and tired to talk to them already. Despite being warned for so many times, they still the SAME! There was once they was about to feed her fish (with soya sauce, ginger & etcs added). I was in time to stop them.

I don't know what shld i do to make them really stop all this nonsense. Told my husband to speak to them about solid food but to not avail. Cannot use trad method to take of our LO at this generation. Time has changed. Ps har, rant about in laws issue here early in the morning.

Xin & 2as, Thanks. I saw some rashes developed on her body and leg ytd night plus she was having urine infection. Now waiting for the lab result before comsuming anti-biotics.

sharon: My MIL also want my gal to eat fried fish few days ago, i say cannot la.. Then she say try try ma. But problem is she not even started her first solid food. Hiaz.. Sometimes also dunnoe what to say to her.. I cannot can stop her when i see it..

My mil is making comparison abt hw my boy is so fussy at sleeping...... While the other doesnt. Just rock n Pat with lights off. My hb said cos he hasnt been bk to ils for 1 wk so he is kinda confused.I told hb tat cos he is nt stupid n noes the diff tats y he fusses. I try to tink positive towards the "notti" things bb does.

apple_gal, thats y lor. I am so pek chye. They dun unds the consquences. If they were to see her 24/7. They will keep telling her if you wan to eat porridge; next time cook lobster porridge, frog leg and etcs. i so pek chye to hear that. Why must rush to give her porridge?

thats y i nvr want my in law to look after my girl. Nvr entrust my girl to them.

Sharon & apple gal

if my hb nv stop my in law doing such I will be mad man!!

Pls la ask the folks to usetheir brain .. Fried fish? Bb dun even hv teeth to chew man..

Maybe u all should bring the in laws to the doc when bb jab day n purposely ask the doc can bb eat fried fish .. Heehee

or show them baby food charts?

Smalldreams, Cherieheart: Thanks for your reply.

Smalldreams: What time does your LO sleep at night and what time does she wake? How many hours sleep do our LOs need now according to GF?

My babies are natural GF babies.. They tend to fall into the routine naturally altho I don't consciously follow it.

Sharonk -- Oh dear. Hope your girl is ok ......

TamL/Cyang/Cheerieheart -- I'm a fan of the BW too! I like her flexible approach much better than Gina Ford's who I feel is like a disciplinary mistress and treats babies like robots. Like you, I also started off baby-led following their cues and when I realised they had a natural pattern I just made sure it became an established routine by planning their meal, nap and play times around their natural routine. Having the babies on a routine does make life alot easier. But of course there are days when they stray from this routine, but I will just close one eye and not get too frustrated because I rationalise that babies are not robots and I cant expect them to always want to nap at the same time for the same duration.

CYang -- I smsed you. Did you get it?

About weaning spoons. Seems like quite a few dont have positive reviews of the combi spoon eh. I actually quite like it and the twins are eating well from it. I chose the combi spoon over the pigeon one because it comes with its own case so I dont have to worry abt packing the spoon into a clean storage bag when I go out and need to feed the babies.

sharon: I got no choice, my gal is taking care by my MIL. She is ok la, sometimes she like to compare this and that.. Hiaz.. She also like to compare my SIL's son and my gal. Her duaghter son so guai, can sit there and watch tv, seldom fuss, that is 9 yrs old la. Please la, different generation, i complain that to my HB. MY HB keep laughing, he also cannot tahan his mum too. Always comment my gal so naughty la, keep crying..

Also just yesterday, i eat bread, MY MIL say give my gal some bread for try, i say cannot la.

I think porriage start not at this time, esp got meat, should be at least 8-9mths leh.

Afann: Haha.. My IL dun believe this doctor stuff, so called baby chart..

Jessie> I'm very, very sorry and panic when I couldn't find LSnTYL's package. It was actually me who is crossed-eyed!!!! Her package is right in the box and I just couldn't see it. No worries liao, her package is now with mstan and mstan will pass to TYL coz they work near each other.

Jessie, TYL> So sorry for the mini "commotion" I created!!!

apple-gal, porridge can la, plain rice with water. But nt with meat n sauce, bb nt puppies!!!

I tink i must be chor lor n shove the spoon in, my mum said I always so slow n ai mai ai mai so he gets impatient.

Afann, u r looking for a maid ah? I tink I wanna get 1 when I return to wk. Its the best way out cos I get to see bb everynite, dun have to travel to ils n back. N he won't get to hang out with the other kid n get compared with also. But my hb dun like stranger in the hse!

Jessie> Sorry, you had packed and labelled the packages so nicely.....I really felt very bad towards TYL and yourself lor for this silly mistake I made. Think my tonsillitis and flu must have gone to my head and made me ki-siao liao....

Sharon, apple_gal> Sigh, talk about in-laws...I only have SILs but till now, she still does not want to cook porridge for Lucas, saying that fish is very expensive and expects me to buy fish and meat over for her to cook....Think Lucas eats cereal till he is quite bored with it liao....Recently, my elder boy turns 4 and had few birthday cakes, you know what? She even fed Lucas with some cakes lor.....Dunno what to say!

luvbabe>hee, no probs. should be collecting the package from mstan today. excited to see the hoots. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks v much for verifying!

apple_gal>actually, we've started my boy on porridge before cereals. first white rice porridge, then carrot porridge and spinich porridge. Haven't given him any meat yet though. It seems to agree with him and my mom is happier as she's feeding him fresh food. She doesn't like cereals. :p

but I agree shouldn't give bread so soon. will be hard for them to chew and swallow.

firipy: Ya, plain porriage ok la, but maybe bb turn 7th month. Aiyo, why old pple must think that can start solid at 4th month..

luvbabe: Cakes!! How can she feed Baby Lucas with cake.. OMG. Hiaz.. I heard fish porriage is very good for bb, is time for Lucas to start that right? He is 6 months old already or 7 month old?

Lsntyl: carrot porriage also good! How old is ur boy now? Maybe slowly you can start fish first but not those pork meat..

so far, i have given spinach porridge, carrot porridge for lunch. For breakfast, brown rice cereal, oat cereal and today banana cereal.

Yesterday gave plain oat cereal she was quite disinterested and I tasted it, wow, really not tasty leh. Then I put some lotus pork soup, wow man, she slurp and slurp non-stop and cried for more.

apple_gal>my boy just past 6 months. might intro fish soon but see how first. I've got lots of veg n fruits to intro him. :p

luvbabe>aiyoh, why she give him cake? she a bit siao arh?

apple_gal> wah... fried fish??? I cant think of any word to describe ur in-law man... And you have all the rights to stop her... You are the mother, not her... I told my MIL, everything i decide for my baby... I plan for her food...

furby: Once introduced those tasty stuff, baby won't like those bland rice cereal leh..

Lsntyl: Ya, finshed ur veg n fruits first before intro fish. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Geraldine: Yalor, just imagine a bb not even start solid food yet, already wanted to stuff fried fish and bread to try. Hiaz.. Sometimes really you gu nan yan.. I can't control her fully, as i'm working while she taking care of my gal. So i only told her cannot eat this and that lor..

apple_gal, TYL> She said cake is soft and moist, so can give a bit and he is drooling while seeing everyone else eats...Sigh! Buay tahan but aiya, nevermind la, already eat liao... What can I say?

SH> Yeah, just brought Luis to the PD this morning coz his eyes were red. His name is Dr Edmund Koh, located just above the fruits stall at Jln Membina

they all very innovative lo!my mum got give 1 drop of ice tea to make my boy keep quiet b4. nw we realise, if we use spoon or straw to dab plain water he oso gam guan.

geraldine, my mil is ok,I buy watever cereal or puree for my mil to feed. My fil let bb lick a sweet b4......

luvbabe>aiyoh, hope Luis is ok.

we brought Ayden for his last 6 in 1 jab yest and surprisingly, he started crying once the doctor put on gloves and got ready to inject him. machiam know pain is coming. before she did that, he was happily jumping.

then the poor boy got slight fever and we fed him panadol. think he blur blur thought the panadol is new food. he happily open his mouth and even suck on the syringe when we fed him that. easiest time we have feeding him med. :p

firipy>we feed ayden plain water or barley water using a spoon. so far quite ok.

thanks little lamb, bryest, cheerieheart and smalldreams for the clarification! haha ya spoons are important right now, i went kiddy palace to buy a small spoon yesterday liao.. and i will try to feed him the semi solids after milk. cos my hubby and my sis was saying if he drink milk already of cos will be full, then how to eat? cos all along i was trying to follow what you mummies are discussing here mah, haha then they see like something wrong, so i explain to them that it is for baby to taste not to feed till full. so today i will try this method of feeeding milk first then wait for an hour then feed semi solids. keke.

my son also established a routine on his own. like for now he turned 6 months, his routine is like this:

8.30-9am: milk feed

10-10.30: morning nap till

12.30-1pm: noon feed

1 plus- 2 plus: play time till

3-5pm: noon nap

5pm: evening feed

after which he will play till 8 plus 9 when i changed him into his pjs and last feed at 9 which then he will sleep at around 9 plus 10 till next day leh. though some days like rainy days he can really sleep very long, but i also just follow his cues lor and dun get too stressed up when he changed his pattern again haha

haha firipy same same! i ah my mouth until very tired lor.. keep telling my son to ah ah ah, he will open then when i bring the spoon to his mouth, he clamp shut. must make him laugh then faster shove the spoon in his mouth lor! haha..

tyl> ya, guess we nd to b more forceful and fast... today i tried to use the put into mouth mtd... it works... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]... but once he swallow, he'll start licking everywhere else... so must quickly give the next spoon... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

snalldreams> i using the tollyjoy spoon like tyl... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

abt demo feeding, what i do is, i'll have breakfast as i feed him... so he can watch how i eat... usu dinner time, we'll also sit him in the high chair to watch us eat... hee hee...

the old folks really adventurous in giving food hor... good thing, my side the old folks dont really have chance to do tt...

daddy gave some rice from his own boal though... he mashed with his fingers and feed him during dinner...

organix> pualine, i got mine from this BP... she does delivery along the EW line...


haiz... some in-law always like 'I love the baby ma, that's why i do that'? What a stupid reason lo... meaning what... are they trying to say they love our baby more than us...

Some just dun understand prevention is better than feeling sorry later lo, if anything happen...

But i shl be glad that my in-law are still consider ooookie la... just that at times i also buay tahan...

SH> later i bringing him for jab... but it's at a GP... maybe see GP first then see how...

sat we just went to see a pd... but he no sympton yet... sighz...

xin, my boy took med but I din get to feed him regularly cos sometimes when he slp, I just let him be. Cos its so terok to feed him med, like poison.....I brought him to see my family doc n pd the last time round , they both gave him same kind of medication.

Oh ya, I need help, can SAHM share their daily routine. I dunno hw to spend my day other than do hsechores/cook or watch tv. Its easy without a bb but with a bb, I dunno hw to work things abt cos I got help most of the time. I wanna graduate to be on my own

Jessie : Thanks so much for the TB items !

Juz got it from luvbabe this morn.

It was nicely labelled & packed. Thks so much !

Heee....cant wait for yr next TB spree again...;p

SH : U can also try this PD at Tiong Bahru.

Me & my HB finds him better than Edmund Koh....;p

Below are his contacts.

Dr Wong Chin Khoon

Tiong Bahru Children Clinic

#01-03 Central Plaza

Tel : 62765 700.

Re : bb feeding

I feed my bb once/twice a day but add organix fruit puree into her cereal as she dun really really like bland cereal...;p...so far she hv been eating ok as didnt gv her too much....;p

Btw, I hv some Organix baby food for sale if anyone keen to try ? PM me if anyone keen ?

- Apple & Mango Rice Pudding

- Apple & Banana puree

- Apple & Peach Porridge

- Banana Porridge

jessie>thanks for the items. They all look good! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

luvbabe/mstan>thanks for collecting and passing my stuff to me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xin/SH>hope your bb gets better soon

Tyl, no leh, I only froze the leftover blended avocado with ebm that I did not feed to raelynn. The maid defrosted just now, it's still green.

About MILs: I guess in the past, the older gen didn't have so much info about weaning, so they just hear from different sources and do what they think is best.. Like my MIL, she kept asking my hubby to give my boy water.. She doesn't understand that fully BF babies don't need to take extra water.. That day my hubby was so angry with her cos he has explained many times to her but she still say why we so stubborn, from day 1 til now also don't wanna give water.. n my hubby told her we giving cereals as first food, she asked why give cereals n not porridge.. Guess we've to slowly explain again n again the rationale to the older gen..

smalldreams, I dowan to just be a couch potato with bb. Tot of spending time wisely esp when I need to ask $ fr my man nw hahhaha!

apple_gal>checked cos I was curious and the book is available at NLB. Maybe you want to borrow it first? If you like it, then buy?

Mommies.. Any suggestion to clear away the red spots developed under the baby's lips? Ever since she started on cereals n purred she'll have these red spots. Dunno if it is caused by dirt? I always wipe her mouth n neck after feeding semi solids but somehow will still have these red spots...

luvbabe, my aunties also fed my boy cake and char siew bao (no meat) over the weekend....the cake is tiramisu somemore..but without alcohol in the cake...I dun wan to see when they fed him...

Btw, what other veg can we feed our LO? So far i only give him carrots and brocolli. Spinach?

Btw, how shld i increase milk feed for my boy? Compared to some mummies feeding schedule, my boy seems not to be drinking alot of milk (but he is chubby leh...) His schedule is:

6-7a.m - 220ml of milk

10-11a.m - Porridge

2-3p.m - 220ml of milk

6-7p.m - 220ml of milk

8-9p.m - He will go and sleep till next morn already.

How can I inccrase another feed of milk for him?


wei>we normally wipe ayden's face either with plain water or bb face soap after feeding. to make sure all the dirt is gone.

manunited>my MIL fed my bb tiramisu during her birthday too n there was alcohol in it! worse, he wasn't 6 months and hadn't started solids then. n on the same day, my FIL put a piece of watermelon into my boy's mouth. Really can pengsan.

we've given spinach and intend to give him sweet potato next. your boy so good, can sleep so long.mine still wakes up at night for milk.

