(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

redtea - Yes ... apparently, they were pushing it to the steam sterilizers but of course this kinda thing, who would wanna admit right? But I am thinking of switching back to the normal breastshield lor. So lousy quality leh.

smalldreams - Yeah, mine huh ... at 2 weeks, already squirming out of her swaddle, much to the surprise of her grandparents. They all said never seen a babe so stretchy. The key to getting your LO used to lying in the cot is to lie them while they're awake. Let them play around and they'll settle on their own. Sometimes, when they cry, gotta be hard-hearted. I mean if you know you just fed them, can't be hungry again unless they didn't drink enuff. But sometimes, the old folks see them awake in cot, sure cannot resist to carry them and play. *sigh* My gal doesn't like her bouncer leh. She always looks so emo in it. Yah, I am using the beansprout pillow to put on her too. She recently had this dimple pillow bought by her grandparents too coz' they were so afraid that her head one side might be flattened coz' she had this tendency to sleep one side.

small dreams, think today gynae will tell me go back tmr... hahaha... but i'm planning to bargain either wed or thurs... hehehheh

smalldreams, she's ok with school liao but when she's home, she's so unbelievable clingy and weepy until both me and hb cannot tahan! she's generally all right with didi. will ask to carry him etc

hahhaa i m doing exclusive pumping mah, no latching. probably your latching cum pumping also adds up to that amt? ;p

redtea, your elder kid is in cc? after confinement, i will bring my #1 and bb to my parents' place everyday, i cant handle both of them alone though my #1 attends N1 3 hrs a day

Morning Jan Mummies! :D

Hehe...me still ard! ^_^

39wk+ still...

Had some mild contractions feel just last sat morning.

I thot this is it, cos lasted quite a long while.

But then suddenly, it's gone.

Till now, no contraction feel. Sigh...bb still wan to stay in "Hotel Womb"!! :p

Little Lamb

Guess there's no magic in making them stay quiet in their cots / bouncers.

my cousin in law's kids, very good! Just put in cot, they'll sleep on their own. I guess it depends on personality of the kids too.

Ya lor, I think it's evolution. Babies these days, want freedom all the time... hehe!


Yes, we're all hoping you can deliver naturally w/o induction too! Wed is good...unless you really deliver tomorrow. Each time go check up must pay $$ rite? It's not as if it's free :p

Hmm, got some fish & vege in fridge. Guess I gotta cook some fish soup for lunch. Surfing for recipe...


Our profile is exactly the same. My #1 also goes to playgroup/N1 for 3 hrs too. Now I'm having peace time coz I only have to handle baby at my own home. My #1 goes to school near my mom's place.

At times I do go to my mom's place, but #1 only wants me to feed, put him to nap, bathe, and don't want my mom! Only recently he loosen up a bit and allowed my mom to feed, bathe him, but naptime sure I have to deal with putting both baby & #1 to sleep! One sleep, the other one wake up. End up both on my lap ! Haha! Pat #1 to sleep while latching #2. Then I also conk out. Haha :p

But at least yr #1 is a girl, am sure she's much better behaved than my #1 who's a boy. The more I tell him NOT to do, the more he'll do. Then my mom will say I don't know how to discipline my kid. Grrr.

aiyoh me still hv fitti s size leh...hopefully still can wear...my frens vy good got L size for me liao...so stock up all the way liao

smalldreams - Yes yes, I agree with you ... it depends on the personality of kids. But as a parent, I am hard-hearted sometimes too. I will observe her cries. Will only tend to her if they're continuous loud wails. Otherwise ... she'll just have to learn to cope on her own. But she likes to make these little whiny sounds which my DH call them gremlin sounds. Damn funny. Am sure gonna miss all this when she grows older. Cherishing every moment of her now. The other day, she was having hiccups. DH was horrible ... went to video her ... :S

Morning mummies!

3days to EDD and i'm still waiting here... My xiao jie really enjoying her 'hotel' stay in me... Haha...

ask ur huh... Do ur experience mense-like crampy feel? I'm having it on & off this few days...

And.... I just experienced what some of u have experienced b4... A bit of fluid leaking... I'm sure i didn't pee... Haha... Will continue to monitor...


you must have a lot of space for storing yr diapers!! My storeroom is in a sad state, and hubby has been putting off repairing the lights for the longest time.

I chuck the diapers into a cupboard with #2's clothing. Think I shall start storing diapers under her cot.


what prog you have? You ah...hahha!

Little Lamb

Good lah having hiccups...old folks say, growing up :p

This time round, I tend to leave my #2 crying for a while first and not pick up immediately. Hope she won't turn out to be soo manja like her brother !

A friend of mine just closed the door after putting her son into cot. CIO method. Cry cry cry. Now a toddler, her #2 can just fall asleep after hugging his bolster. while #1 still whines for mom. Can imagine that happening to me!

hi mommies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Febie, chrisstan, Sherry

I'm still here too.. Hahaha... tmr gonna see gynae, still no feeling... EDD is Friday. Dunno how.. come next week to induce or not.


is it just discharge?

sounds like u're having contraction signs leh... when's ur gynae visit?

Congrats to all who hav popped! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My boy is using pampers s size, any recommendation for s size diaper value for money and gd?


My last sat false alarm includes:

- v mild tummyache

- crampy menses feel ard tummy, sides, back.

- Lasted a long while (2-3hrs length)

- Different feel from BHC

it just disappeared!

Btw, i've been having abit light brown spotting, little discharge & feet swelling.

hahaha... meeting Sherry to help improve our dilation?? hehee... to chill out before popping mah.. otherwise, 1 mth confinment cannot come out leh...

Lin, Charis and Gera, relax... our time will come...

having a full term baby is good lah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] although tough on you gals now but bb at least absorb alot of nutrients from you all mah...


At least u're having quite a few symptoms.. haha..


HB off tmr so I also got program... gonna do last min shopping for nursing top. Keke.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm seriously considering natural ways to induce.


my #1 currently full day ccc. so after confinement will be the same.

but after i go back to work. #2 will propably be at nanny and #1 after CCC will go nanny hse for dinner and bath.

little lamb, u mean the personnal fit breastshield?

my hubby finally agrees to my suggestion of putting #2 at the nanny instead of with MIL. think he also thinks tat his own mom cannot make it. :p

now i got to talk to my nanny abt the pricing liao. hope she's ok with my suggested price. i hope my pocket can tahan for this 1yr till 2011.

re head one sided;

can see the effect on my boy liao. he always sleep 1 side and now can see the rite side abit flat liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

lin, dun think so leh... I rush to toilet immediately... Still got somemore flow came out and i'm not peeing... Then I had to change my panty liner...

my gynae is giving max till 41 weeks..


See if there's smell or color... it could be pee (cos of all the weight on our bladder now), mucous plug or jus discharge.

lin, next visit on Wed, 1 day b4 my EDD...

Chrisstan, yes yes... Same... Crampy feel at tum, side & back... And the duration is getting longer... This morning ones lasted ard 2-3hrs... My pig trotter came & goes off 2 days ago...

lin, juz enjoy lah...

i haven found cheap and nice nursing tops...

if got lobang, muz share huh...

login off to go lunch then to appt...

will keep u gals update on when is my induction... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah...i went to feed tytus ahiwle only so many post oredi...


thanks for the pic...sorry ar will give it a miss....contemplating of getting a pair...paiseh..

All mummies in the waiting : Jia YOu! This week all sure pop one!!!

liverpool11 : So sorry about your girl but please dun beat yourself up. Accidents happened and your girl knows you dun mean it. Come on, you are a GREAT DAD! Children are always more resilient than adults and how they react also depends greater on how they parents react, if she see you are calm and comforting ,she knows everything will be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Torres abit like Arwen's temperament. I also cannot ask for more !LOL. She only fuss when she wants to eat or be carry or change and her fussing is like whining ,not those high pitch screaming type which I fear the most. She is patient and dun yell like mad if she is fed abit later. I hope this continue !

RedTea (angtay) ; Handsome boy! Oh.. now I really want a boy for my next kid!

sma||dreams (smalldreams): Yah, one note to new mommies ... BUY BIGGER SWADDLES! The one I got is S and within 2 weeks, cannot use liao! Heartpain siah..

I only use the bouncer when she awake so she can be propped up and look around her. When she sleeps, we put her in her cot or the sofa . If I carry her to sleep, I will make sure she is in deep deep sleep, if her eyes are twitching abit or hands still abit flex or brow frowning a bit, I know she is not deep sleep yet. Only when she is, I put her down, can take 15 to 20 mins to do so!

I love the beansprout pillow, it does helps to calm her and put her to sleep again when she is startle.

Today, I feel good! I sleep SIX hours! I pump enuff to have 2 feeds last night for CL to feed and now when I wake up, aother 150mls pumped. I mean rest is really important. I realise last week, my SS drop cos I am so sleep deprived !

I think latching in the day helps alot too. Let's hope this continue.

I am not storing or freezing milk liao. I feel it is no use leh. I mean, when I latch, she drinks and empty both breast so nothing left to store. If needed, I would give FM. I think in the end, frozen EBM to me is like not fresh. Cannot get over this mental hurdle so will stop.

Ok one funny picture of Arwen. I laugh like siao when I dress her in this, suppose to look good for photos with grandparents but look like AH LIAN AH HUI!All mummies in the waiting : Jia YOu! This week all sure pop one!!!

liverpool11 : So sorry about your girl but please dun beat yourself up. Accidents happened and your girl knows you dun mean it. Come on, you are a GREAT DAD! Children are always more resilient than adults and how they react also depends greater on how they parents react, if she see you are calm and comforting ,she knows everything will be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Torres abit like Arwen's temperament. I also cannot ask for more !LOL. She only fuss when she wants to eat or be carry or change and her fussing is like whining ,not those high pitch screaming type which I fear the most. She is patient and dun yell like mad if she is fed abit later. I hope this continue !

RedTea (angtay) ; Handsome boy! Oh.. now I really want a boy for my next kid!

sma||dreams (smalldreams): Yah, one note to new mommies ... BUY BIGGER SWADDLES! The one I got is S and within 2 weeks, cannot use liao! Heartpain siah..

I only use the bouncer when she awake so she can be propped up and look around her. When she sleeps, we put her in her cot or the sofa . If I carry her to sleep, I will make sure she is in deep deep sleep, if her eyes are twitching abit or hands still abit flex or brow frowning a bit, I know she is not deep sleep yet. Only when she is, I put her down, can take 15 to 20 mins to do so!

I love the beansprout pillow, it does helps to calm her and put her to sleep again when she is startle.

Today, I feel good! I sleep SIX hours! I pump enuff to have 2 feeds last night for CL to feed and now when I wake up, aother 150mls pumped. I mean rest is really important. I realise last week, my SS drop cos I am so sleep deprived !

I think latching in the day helps alot too. Let's hope this continue.

I am not storing or freezing milk liao. I feel it is no use leh. I mean, when I latch, she drinks and empty both breast so nothing left to store. If needed, I would give FM. I think in the end, frozen EBM to me is like not fresh. Cannot get over this mental hurdle so will stop.

UH HUH.. cut and paste Twice... paiseh!

Ok one funny picture of Arwen. I laugh like siao when I dress her in this, suppose to look good for photos with grandparents but look like AH LIAN AH HUI!


heheh you used to the weight oredi....hives spread to arms...muz be damn unfomfortable...hope it clears up & dun come bk during your confinement...if not really v irritating...


i managed to go down expo yesterdae...wakakkaka...bought a fishel & paykel dryer at $299!!....but small one la..5kg load...

hey i think you probably haf more milk...juz dat you dun pump...but latch ma...

last night i did my gravayard shift..wah lau...slept at 5+am...till 9 am nia...now awake liao...so is tytus...hmm see whether wan bring him go walk at AMK hub today...kekeke...

eh..u cute le...how come stock up so many S size diapers??...kekeke...should use the fitti first ma...but if extra can sell or pass to your colleagues who pop later than you...


I'll check out Spring Maternity... if got promo let u knw. Gonna get @ least 1 pc. Yup, do update regards to the induction yeah?


have fun shopping tmr!


Hahaha... so cute d photo. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] What's Arwen doing?


continue pumpin away....think for some mummies...like my gf...discipline pumpin can bring up supply 2.....


if supply juz nice then dun haf to store...i like the idea of having refridgerated milk....but frozen ones apparantly some nutrients are lost and also..the taste is different....so if i can i clear fridge milk only...hehehhe....anywy i oso dun haf extra to freeze...LOL

aiyoh...arwen looks v chubby in the photo!

re: loop sided had...

tytus was born wif v obvious loopsideness...and haf different looking ears due to sleeping on one side....hmm..hping dat it will autocorrect itself

Lin (wakakami) -> She is sleeping. At first she is straight like a ruler then if you tickle her abit, she will curl up like that. We had fun disturbing her keke.

Ok, today, I shall venture out! I will go to the bank and also the bakery! I dun know why I am so scare to step out of the house . I mean my confinement over soon anyway. I need to get my normal routine back. I think not working is making me fat and clumsy!


you mean if they are overstimulated, they will keep waking up?


mine 2 weeks plus oso like dat. cries when put back in cot. Dunno how. If keep carrying scared make it a habit. If let him cry, worry abt wind too....

fat_babe (bbchic) : Yah, refrigerated milk is ok with me but after 24 hours, I throw liao. Keep worrying about the freshness.

The way I pack my frozen EBM is like crazy,first I wrap with hand towel, then I put a layer of aluminium foil, then clear plastic and lastly in lock and lock container. I think I am so worried about contamination cos my freeze loads of food !


kekeke.. Arwen's so cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

have fun venturing out~

jessie, arwen looks so cute...

mummies who yet to pop...be patient your turn will come soon...

smalldreams...ya there's storage place in my store room...but everytime when ppl gv me new diaper packs...but maid will repack the whole place again...


photo of bb hue wen...haiz, hb's small eyes genes is so strong..


meimei is v sweet looking even though small eyes...eh my smalleyes & flat nose genes also strong...& hubby's short eyeloop genes strong..our 3 kids all look sama...

only thing is i ask my dotter...u wan to be pretty not?? she say yes...so i stick double sided tape for her on her eyes since 2yo...for a couple of days on & off...now she got double eyelids..hahahah

haha fat babe, u so cute...actually sometimes i can see mei mei's double eyelid line sometimes...hopefully will develop when she grows up...tat's wat happen to my fren...mei mei oso has dimple which i like

haiz. ayden's jaundice level went up again. 2moro must go poly. Parents keep pressuring me to give him water and formula milk instead of bf. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I had the same list of signs minus the spotting. SPotting is probably the show.

I went shopping just now and I drink so much raspberry tea now but I think baby really not ready to leave despite all the signs.

I have thick discharge but got no blood and then someone said sometimes no bloody show. I don't know!

Seeing doctor in the afternoon as well!

Jessie, your comment about how 'this week all sure pop one!' makes me think of this Iphone game called Sneezies where you're supposed to pop as many balloons as possible.


during doc's check they tell you jaundice level went up again...

like wat megan say...there's one type of jaundiced dat's BM induced...the nurses told me it should clear about 30-60 days after birth....nurses say its fine..juz keep feeding BM until its flushed out of the system....juz ensure dat Ayden poo and pee frequently...its a good sign dat he's getting rid of the birubilin..


yes girl girl got dimple v sweet...the double eyelid...yes...some kids grew into them later...my #2 though slowly haf double eyelids...but its hidden//so his eyes still look v v small..

smalldreams - Oh, hiccups means growing up faster? Hehehhe, never heard of it before. But I like that! She has hiccups almost everyday. I cannot bear to just close the door and let me gal cry and cry lor. I mean, crying has different degrees. If she's genuinely crying because she's hungry or needs diaper change, I won't leave her crying. Unless it's for attention, then I'll leave her alone. But to my mom, it's as long as there's even a whimper, must carry. Wah biang.

redtea - It's the softfit, the silicon soft breastshield.

SH - I dunno. Think different babes react differently to overstimulation. For mine, she's very unsettled. Kept waking up for comfort feeds like 5 mins and then fall asleep.

jessietan - Yah, the pic very small. I see that you've done a personalized beanhusk pillow for her already. Kkekeke.


fat babe

u really stick double sided tape on your daughter's eyes?? can work ah? Hehehe...


ur girl v cute leh. Keke.. got alot of hair liao eh.

