(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

pauline>i see your hoots, make me gian. just finished beoing querida's bp. lucky managed to control the urge to buy. :p

TYL, haha, you still got hand me downs from your hubby's side. Better don't buy first. Consolidate everything then decide what to buy. Anyway, you only due in end Jan, still got lots of time to buy from BPs. The gerber hankies set I got for your baby boy is from Querida by the way. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pauline>actually, most of what I've been buying are 6 months and later. Cos figure people are less likely to give me those. waiting to see what hand-me-downs I can get b4 I get NB sizes.

Err... not true leh, think most people give 0-6 months or 3 months beyond cos when they see you, it'll be after your confinement period (unless they visit you in hospital. Nowadays mafan if got visitor restriction, only 2 visitors per patient) so most people will think you have NB clothes already and won't dare to buy. :p


the toyogo warehouse is cheap only for toyogo brand, i think those normal supermart/hypermart not really selling toyogo brand...toyogo vy lasting...my boy one use for 4 yrs still vy good.

gak, i stay near mrt and sun plaza, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] which blk u eyeing? a lot og buyers want to get the unit here....

ya, bb clothes don't need to buy too many. Just 6-8 sets enough. Depends on who's doing your BB laundry for you also. That time, my CL ask me to buy only 3 sets hor, cos she said she'll wash everyday. But after she leaves, my MIL where got time to handwash everyday for me. She look after baby at night, late morning still must take nap leh. So, I use washing machine to wash so I'll accumulate a few sets of clothes, mittens, booties and the nappies (used for swaddling bb) before dumping into washing machine so I needed more sets of NB clothes lor. Otherwise, rain and the clothes don't dry, cham liao. :p

joy> i giving birth at MtA and my little prince is called Mattias Hoon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] pls help mi update. thks...

just received e books i ordered from scholastic... :p... v terrible... essential thgs dun buy... buy these kind of thgs... :p

xin: hahaha is also essential lah..ths what's e prob wit mummies lor..buy alor of things for bb then realise not impt..worse is ppl ald tell us dun buy but we still buy..laughing...

Megan, thanks...Mind sharing how cheap is cheap? Am planning to get those 4/5-tier drawers type. My Luis also uses Toyogo drawers and must admit they are really very good....3yrs plus liao still going strong... At my mum's place, my nephew also uses Toyogo and he is also 7 yrs plus already and still going strong leh.....

megan, i also using toyogo, intend to get 2 more, so is it really cheap? cos their sales worth going i was told...

xin, update le.

sherry> mrs wong mentioned in class tt honey and royal jelly is safe for mummies, jus dun feed chn... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]... had been taking for my sore throat...

xin> oh okok.. i tot might be unsafe since its not suitable for babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh, she was saying not to rub ya tummy but when u apply ya stretch mark cream, u tend to rub mah hoh haha

luvbabe n joy, depends on size leh...even 4/5 tiers hv diff size...i bot those indv stack up drawer cos i can arrange to the height i want...my hse beneath the win got tis hollow place, i think ppl use it for built in cabinet, but i dun hv, so i stack two set of two tier which is just nice lor...I bot tat for $60...some smaller one for 4 tiers are like $45...hv to go there n see wat u really want...suggest u measure the space in ur hse 1st before buying...bring along a measuring tape..

sherry> haha... talking abt stretch mark cream... may i noe how much do u all put? coz my hb alwiz put alot alot til my whole tummy v creamy. I can feel it even when i bathe e next day... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]... do u all put e cream on ur bk too? coz one time i saw my colleague got quite bk stretch mark at e bk... so now i'll put at e bk too...

joy> thks. ur boy is well alr?

jus to share..my hubbi's colleague told him, if we preg & itchy on the back & stomach, cannot stratch, cos will have stretch mark..i don't know how true..i scratch alot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Xin> i using baby johnson oil (non greasy) during bedtime and Clarins in the morning... about $0.50 in size ba.. but both are not oily le.. seems like its easily absorb into the skin [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh must remember to apply the back, cause back will also ganna stretch mark one.. am just keeping my fingers crossed that i will be spared since mummy is stretch mark free..

sherry: my tummy not (touch wood) but my back terrible ah..wow piang..as though i nvr bath ah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] laugh

dolphin> hahaha really? hmm so far mine has been ok, but am only in my 25 weeks so maybe still too early to confirm hoh hahahaaha * touch wood*

i only ganna acid reflux le.. but only had myself to blame cause i still cant resist my coffee/tea..heard manuka honey will help, so might give it a try [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My tummy not that itchy but got rashes on and off. I am using L'occitane Shea Butter Mom & Baby Balm 100% Shea butter. I like it, not too oily and easy to absorb. I apply thin layer only, cannot stand if too much cream on my body.

Not sure it will help but at least give a shot!

Dolphin , me too. My back.... damn sad! USed to have really awesome skin but now full of ezcema ! I hope it all goes after birth!

dolphin> 50cts coin is a gd guage... shall tell my hb tt... thks... i usu not itchy... but if i forget to put for 1 or 2 days, can see tt my skin is very tight... :p.... heard tt whether u haf stretch marks anot is hereditary one... so u shd b quite safe... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sherry> my frens will tell mi not to tk food with caffeiene... but i started to drink tea agn... miss it too much... :p

Everyone gasp when they heard I still drink 2 cups of coffee a day but my mother says ok leh. I am a coffee addict, no coffee, I am half human.

My mother is the most fussy one when I am pregnant so when she say it is ok to drink coffee, I was so happy! I think she is a major coffee drinker also, that is why I am so hyper and quick on my feet since young.LOL!

jessie> Will get better one,,, its all the hormones at work now...

xin> yeah but Dr ling its ok but not to exceed one cup a day. Tea has a higher content in caffeine le..

jessie> hahah same here and do u feel that ya BB is really active when u drink coffee hahaha.. i try to keep it to max one cup a day..


I just bot another bottle of johnsons baby lotion before i saw ur post.. Was actually deciding between lotion & oil.. cos i need to keep skin moisturised to prevent itch..

Is e baby oil really non-greasy?? Maybe i buy small bottle aft one of my bottles finishes..

melody> i bought the non greasy one, think about 3.95 for the small bottle wo.. its not greasy after 5 mins.. when you shower the next morning also no greasy or sticky feel [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cheap and good hehe

sherry> opps... u're the one using e oil... sry... my hb dunno read frm whr must haf vit E then effective agst stretch marks? the johnson's baby oil n clarins oil contain vit E? can try them aft i finish my cream... which @ e rate we're gg... shd b quite fast...

sherry-> yes, I am sometimes worried she would be hyperactive! Some website says to watch if baby is TOO active cos scare she is in distress. But so far, okay, I can guess her movement schedule now , very nice~

I stick to one usual cup in the morning and 1 dilute 50mls cup in the evening~


Ok will buy 1 to try.. U apply over tummy & affected area? Then wldn't e small bottle be insufficient.. Now tat my tummy surface area is bigger, i use more cream.. =|

xin> ehh i dun think they contain vit E. Ya, vitamin E is a highly anti antioxidant and good for skin elasticity etc..

Jessie> hehehe.. guess will be more fun during 3rd trimester [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melody> i only apply on my tum tum and back.. sometimes on my buttock as well hahaha.. i tried to look for the big bottle one but seems like there isnt wo.. they only have normal oil for big bottle which i am not sure if its gonna be oily.. kekeke.. i just bought a small bedtime lavender recently, cause it smells good hehehe

I am a tea addict and used to drink 2 cups a day before preggy. No craving during 1st trimester but the demand came back in 2nd trimester. Now controlling 1 cup with less sugar a day.

Stretch mark cream > I bgt the Palmers Cocoa butter for stretch mark n found it very sticky.I apply at nite n gota on the aircon to sleep coz it's too sticky. Need to bathe 1st thing in the next morning to get rid of the stickness. Previosly tried the Palmers Olive butter formula n found it better. Haizz.. shldn't change

yuki> ya, i using e palmers cocoa butter too... v sticky... will try e olive butter next time... it's also got vit E rite?

i use elancyl galenic. not oily at all. absorbs v fast and nice smell. don't like palmers as I find it v sticky too.


c yang - I have recently read that @ 25 weeks, our babies can now see light and react to it. I would love to get the light rubik cube that you were talking about. Coz' I was thinking how to let my little gal react with light. Where'd u get it from? Nah ... Dubai can't be as bad as SH ... trust me. I have a galfriend who stayed in SH after living in Dubai still preferred being back in Dubai. Her only draw factor in SH was the variety of food and ingredients that allowed her to prepare chinese food. I guess if given a choice, you'd very much prefer to be in Dubai. LOL. I guess I am grateful to my Singaporean friends in SH to keep me sane!

sherry - How come I cannot put on 4kg like that mommy??? Despite eating so many durians! Aiyoh.

pauline - I have like 3 bags of my little gal's clothes still haven't washed! Some of them still back in SH! Waiting for my DH to bring over. I am thinking wait till december. I am tempted to put them in washing machine to wash. Coz' I read that actually some of baby's clothings shud be washed under higher temperatures to kill bacteria.

jessietan - So did you get the Ergo? We got a boring black & camel one coz' DH thinks that's the safest color that he would carry. Anything that has flowers or patterns would turn him off. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I heard taobao has 'cheaper versions', not sure if you dare to buy, though. Oh no, if baby too active, she might be in distress? Now I'm worried. My little gal does move quite a bit during the day ... ...

