(2010/01) January 2010 mtb


you muz be cheerful...

I guess you worried too much abt the cyst and causing you to lose appetite too...

muz be happy then bb will grow... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cheer up... dun worry... your gynae is quite nice, seeing your 2 weeks later... everything will be ok... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



your gynae will know wat to do and wat is best for you n bb...dun worry too much!Jiayu!!

Dunno it's pantang or wat, yday i was telling everyone, no MS and ES for me...haiz, tis morning dunno y all a sudden vomit..i think it's bile water...sian ah...but after vomitting, I feel much better!!!

bryest> dun worry too much, i think cyst is quite a common problem in women. Gynae also mentioned to me, no harm to BB if the cyst does not grow too big.

I am going for my 2nd checkup this afternoon, will have updates on my BB and cyst after that, guess everything will be fine, must be optimistic right?

megan> haha thus kind of thing cannot tell one, pantang lah... no MS and ES is good, betta to hush hush about it and enjoy your pregnancy.

anyway me too always feel better after vomiting, guess coz it clears up the bloatedness in the tummy bah. take care ya.

Morning all! Anyone seems to have problem getting your prenatal vitamins down? I have a feeling its been the cause of my discomfort and vomitting after taking them after lunch.

Some sites recommended taking them before sleep but I'm afraid it'll make me vomit in my sleep which is the last thing I want.

Will only see my new gynae next tue so I still have to endure a few days on this prenatal vit.

*sneeze* *sneeze*

So cold in office today! Plus I washed my hair tis morning,so a bit chilly for me...sighs...


Actually i don't like to take the supplements. I take it when I have the mood. But it's good to take lah, esp now with this virus going around, at least it heightens our immunity

megan> ok, i am also hoping for mine to be over soon, at times good, at times bad, difficult to manage.. heard many ppl say 2nd trimester will be better liao, hope its true.. :>

thanks rinafoo, i am sure everything will be fine too. after appt, will walk around see if can get any plus-sized tops and maternity pants. current clothes all have to wrap up and keep liao.. too tight for comfort..

good morning



hoped ur cyst had shrunk on ur next visit in 2wks time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

take care ya!

morning, mummies.... extremely busy and will be busier....dunno good or bad!

bryest, great to hear that bb is doing well. Don't worry too much about the cyst. I had a small cyst (abt 1.5 cm) previously, just outside my cervix in the 2nd pregnancy last year, he did a minor op and removed it quickly and skilfully.


u always sound so busy!!

must remember to stop for 10-15mins to take a quick rest ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

no pro...

hope it's useful... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gak, yeah....lots and lots of work and all piling up.... the only breather I look forward to is to check the posts on this thread! Very addictive! haha!

Gak me too...

my hubby was screaming at me...

esp those bp on food... hehehe...

I will give it a try... :p

also bought shampoo, wall decals etc...


cladi, no pro... hope your boy is interested... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hehe..me bought mostly bb's stuff though like shoes, leg warmers, clothings

really v addictive hor!

i'm currently looking out for BP's for Braun thermometer & something like a tummy binder for use at later preggie stage so ur tummy won't get exposed if ur top's too short [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rina, Febie,

Am working in the financial industry and currently handling very sensitive stuff now so unable to reveal lots (just changed to this role in Apr)... sorry! My boss' portfolio expanded and he had been piling things up on my plate. my working hours are long too, with night conference calls daily from Mon to Thu. My rule of thumb is since Fri is the start of weekend, I will not take calls on Fri but if really urgent, still no choice.

gak, febie,

me too....quite like some of the bp too and bought some stuff before. recently, bought the otah and they are really delicious!

my 5 mins' break will be to sneak into SMH lor...hehe!

hi gak,

me fine.. still feeling nauseous n keep blurping..

oso wondering what should be the size of a bb for week 9...

looks like most can't resists BP...

gak, i saw one selling the bella binder on the BP leh...

will using the binder cos BB to feel uncomfortable?


ooh..the otahs look & sound v delicious!!!

wanted to try them but my mom says ex [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

cuz dunno my uncle or her frenz can get it cheaper directly from m'sia

but now preggie i oso dun dare take too much

bluey how big is your bb now?

I just scan on mon and my bb's length is 2.26cm. i was in week 8 day 6 but the scan photo put week 9 day 0...


BP = bulk purchase

there's a link on that... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


at least hv MS's gd [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

reassuring that bb's developing well!

my MS seems to disappear overnite

hope it stays this way!

cuz last wk i tot it's over it came back with a vengence!! haha.. more puke & appetite lost

at wk9 think bb'll be abt 2-3cm?


i dunno abt that leh but cuz my last preggie my hubby & mom kept commenting my top can't cover my belly so i'm thinking of trying out this time round [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i think shld be ok?

cuz preggie clothings i find they always use quite good elastic..


haha.. am in the same situation as you.. taking breather in SMH.. lolz..

But i tink u can work from home rite? Can't u take evening calls frm home?? Using ICC card?? Or get colleague to connect u in??

xiaofu>i'm lucky and no probs taking my vits n other supplements so far.

didn't know there are bp for food. are they good?

hi mummies to be.

I'm wondering if anyone here was prescribed duphaston but stopped taking it before the end of the 12th week? I've been taking it since my 5th week and am now just starting my 11th week. I really want to stop taking duphaston now rather than wait till the end of the 12th week because I've been suffering from really bad all day nausea and vomiting since the 6th week and I would really like a break from it all (and I suspect the duphaston is making my all day sickness even worse).

Any advice? I know the best thing is to listen to the doctor and take till the 12th week mark. But I've had no spotting so far and havent had problems with my progesterone level, so I'm wondering if it is ok to stop taking the medication just a little bit earlier than prescribed......

morning mummies!

fainted on MRT today.. though have quite a packed schedule.. but still need to take MC...

yesterday was lugging my laptop around and it made me breathless with every few steps..


Take care!!! Where do u stay & where do u work?? I also feel dizzy whenever i take trains.. prolly cos of the crowd..

So i take cab now.. but cannot find anyone to car-share with..

chameleon : I was in the same state as you.. suffering bad MS since i started Duphaston.. just after a week, I went back to my doctor and told him my condition. He told me to stop taking it, as the bad MS could means that my body is producing enough hormones to sustain the baby's growth, hence by taking the medication, it increases the hormonal levels, making MS worse that it would have been..

after that, I stopped Duphaston in Week 7.

Melody, I live in Punggol and work at HarbourFront.. so train ride is from 1 end to another. Sometimes, the train is already packed at Punggol and I have to stand all the way..

taking cab everyday quite siong on the pocket lei..

thanx gak.. feeling better now, but still nauseous.. just had a cup of glucolin, hoping it helps with the fainting spells..

am going into my 2nd trimester next week and hopes it clears all by then..

btw, anyone in first tri, but already have a small bulge?


True tat cab is siong!! But Im only taking cab until my MS over..

As compared to getting myself or bb hurt if i faint, i rather spend a bit of money..


haiz.. how true.. maybe i should take a cab to work instead too.. since am coming to the end of my first tri.. crossing my fingers that it will all go away in another 2 weeks or so..

is time for me to enjoy the pregnancy and not whine about it..

