(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

morning, all! been v busy over the past few days. The photos are really nice!

Pauline>have you seen the photos Law took of Raelynn at the zoo? :p so cute! They're in my fb


bbchic...you tat bad lah...at least u buy an expensive cake too....haha i bot one small one nia, only $18.80 nia...cos dun want to spend too much on a cake!!!!haha...i'm one kiam siap mummy

Merry Xmas n Happy new yr everyone!!!

fatbabe,T3 so cute lo n he still got baby face! My boy like no more baby face, so miss it ald/

pauline, agree with u on the cake part, my mum also almost freaked out at the prices when I go ard asking for cake prices. Cos we all on tight budget so everything very minimal n simplified, cake oso we order fr primadeli n i got cake topper to add on to make it into a sesame st theme cake. cos of the design I could either go for 1.5kg or 3kg, then my mum niam say ppl dun really eat cake one, then end up the cake nt really enuff. As usual my hb n his family of bad guest organisation made me underestimate the food.....But am glad my boy enjoyed the attention n all. Next yr no need to celebrate ald n watever cake it is next yr, we can all dig in n enjoy!

Hope everyone have a great holiday week to end the yr 2010!!!

firipy - which cake did u get from prima deli that you can put on your cake topper of your own? I am trying to get a "cheaper" cake for the IFC but the cute designs from prima deli all need at least 1.5kg and I am only looking for a 1kg cake.

bigfoot, I got a 1& half tier one got areoplanes n clouds, tink u can see fr my facebook. Its 1.5kg, I could only order that in either 1.5kg or 3kg cos of the design. Maybe u can consider their cupcake pullout cake?

hihi, long time never check-in here! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow, so many of you have already celebrated your LO's birthdays and the cakes all look great! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

looking forward to my boy's party next sat ;p

Hi hi!


I saw yr cruise pics thru the iphone. So nice to have a holiday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I love yr cake. I think it's nice & u're clever to use cake toppers to decorate it. But u really cute leh... for a party, it's at least 2 kg. 1.5 kg is really quite small. Nehmind, first time mommy excused..hehehe.. I was like that last time also...


How about a simple 1 kg cake? 1.5 kg is big for IFC esp since the babies might not even eat the cake. I ordered a 1 kg cake for my son's 3rd Bday in school, it cost me less than $30 and there was enough for about 25 kids, with some having seconds. The teacher also was very happy when she saw we had a small cake, so they don't have to bother about wastage & storage. Alternatively u can buy muffins or cupcakes for the no of kids there. Easier also no need to cut etc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u mean you ordered the 1/2 kg cake on the day we met? The one u put the date wrongly? eh cheap lah, BS 1/2 kg only $18! And i'm sure it tastes very good. The cheap ladybug cake I got last week was actually more expensive than that. I tot it was only $15, but no, hahaah.

Oh btw, I'm on leave today coz A turns 1!

She walked about 8 steps towards me and didn't want to nap

until really buay tahan at 1 pm +. Now, time to entertain #1.

big foot, just to share where I ordered my cake...


I think they start selling from 0.5kg... U see if they r suitable for u... Design wise, I am not putting any cake toppers etc. Just a simple cake with wordings, if u have anything in mind, u can check with the sales person...

By the way, I ordered the royal chocolate one... not bad to me lah... but ppl different taste buds, u may wanna try for urself... =)

smalldreams, wow! you are fast.. i just posted the pics this morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

happy birthday to A! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how time flies right, so fast all our babies turning 1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and A is fast! can take steps liao.. Tristan still cruising a lot and can walk on his own for 2-3 secs but no proper walking yet ;p

happy birthday A...am sure she will be taking more steps soon...

smalldreams...yes it's the same cake. BS's cakes are quite cheap esp those wt cartoon picture...my son's bday i ordered a 0.5kg Buzz Lightyear also $18.80...tat's the cheapest and nice cake tat i can find...hehe...they chocolate cake is nice...notice their readymade cakes on shelf like fruit cake etc are more ex...

i do agree that prices for cakes nowadays are really ridiculous! luckily i am only doing the 1st yr party. subsequently will just be small affairs with immediate family.. so just splurge a bit on his birthday cake ;p

hihi 2005

my boy's party is on the same day! where's your location? if near, i dun mind sharing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Smalldreams, haha, i wanted to do a 2kg But that design cant support, either 1.5 or 3kg..... My MUM almost faint at the price. Ya lo excused, next time no need to headache hehe


where's BS?? T2 bday in jan...i also need to find cake for him...wan cheap & nice one..


I was qoute $180 for a 2 tier fondue (or dunno wat nice icing) cake..wif palace for tyra...!! didn't manage to do coz not in time..need to book like 2 months in advance...was too slow....but good la..the PRICE is CRAZY!!!

but hubby haf a different view..he say..the happiness & the smile that cake can buy..its worth it....well...if he's the one paying for it...i would say the same too..!

If any of u choosing cake, can also try Polar cakes. They hv character cakes like winnie the pooh, mickey/minnie, disney charac, hello kitty, thomas train, "xiao ding dang" etc.

If dun wat big one, can try for 1kg too.

Fatbabe, fondant cake very ex one but very prettty, tink 1 yr old wont appreciate so nice cake(in denial mode), fresh cream ones cheaper. If i got daughter i will get the strawberry shortcake "castle" fr prima deli.... My childhood dream cake, hahaha! Sweet, the cake alone is jus $58. Very cheap compared to other cakes fancy cakes.I päid $16 for cake topper n tink $1.50 for the 1 yr candle.

Fatbabe, fondant cake very ex one but very prettty, tink 1 yr old wont appreciate so nice cake(in denial mode), fresh cream ones cheaper. If i got daughter i will get the strawberry shortcake "castle" fr prima deli.... My childhood dream cake, hahaha! Sweet, the cake alone is jus $58. Very cheap compared to other cakes fancy cakes.I päid $16 for cake topper n tink $1.50 for the 1 yr candle.

Fatbabe, BS is bengawan solo.. Actually prima cakes very nice too !! Dun really like polar cakes except their sugar roll nia.

Sweet/2005, Leticia party also on 8 Jan :p

Happy birthday lil A [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi CY & Sweet, wish you have a smooth party in advance. Mine is last minutes preparation, rushing now.

I got a quote from helium gas supplier, rental of helium gas (can pump up to 100 balloon) at $60, delivery $15. ok or not? any comments?

Our party is near YCK/AMK area

I always buy prima deli cakes too for no. 1's birthday except for next year switching to Angie the choice cos she wants a pink smiley face cake. PD cakes are cheap and good and the outlet is 5mins walk from home so very very convenient when I need to pick up the cake. hee. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

YL, thanks, I saw them. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Your Ayden cuter lor, definitely will be a heartthrob next time. Like those Korean actors, his eyes so mesmerizing. She looks really cute when she walks very fast with her 'ka kui kui' gait. I love to hug and kiss my cuddly Raelynn a lot. Too bad she cannot reciprocate my pda yet. keke.

Smalldreams, happy birthday to Aifah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happy preparing ur LOs bday!!!

I did alot of last min thing for my bb's bday cos we din really wanna celebrate anyway so its quite "messy" n I m super scatterbrain nowadays tink cos I "lost touch with the society" after staying hm too long!I ordered from the contact Pauline posted too n my hb had to drive super slowly cos the balloons block his back view mirror hahhah

Pauline, hope ur gal will hug n kiss u back soon,I really melted when my boy hug n rub his face into mine for the very 1st time, am still waiting for him to kiss me bk, he only knows hw to blow kisses (flying kiss) which looks abit like licking fr his hands sometimes hahah!

I dunno y my boy is super clingy tdy, insist must hug him to slp.....He sob nonstop when I place him on the mattress, other days he roll n flip n will slp on his own on the mattress b4 we move him to his bed.....

This time last yr I was kinda upset that I had to be confined at hm, wished I was out somewhere partying but nw that I can cos my inlaws n parents volunteered to look after bb, I rather stay hm n watch him slp! My hb said I m becoming very "auntie", cham!!!

Pauline>aiyoh, Ayden is a rascal! He'll only kiss me when he wants milk at night. Otherwise, he will ignore me. He has a new bad habit of sticking his hand down my shirt these days. Finally figured out its his signal to feed him milk. :p

What about four leaves cake? I find them quite nice and not too sweet.

firipy>I wish Ayden10 will let me hug him to sleep. He still insists on latching to sleep and its really painful when he's almost asleep and his teeth start rubbing against my nipple

firpy, i like your creative idea of including cake toppers of your own [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cy, how's your preps? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i am done with the food, deco & cake ordering. now just left with RSVP all the guests

2005, my event is at my parents' condo which is at bt batok area so will be too faraway from your venue

Happy belated birthday Lil A...

Happy birthday to Kiana...

Hope everyone had a good Xmas this yr...

our LO's first Xmas except for Lucas and Joey right? :p

hee hee

Firipy, yup, I will have to slowly wait I think cos she's not so expressive. But when she falls down or is in distress, she will make those crying whining sounds and walk towards me for a hug. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hehe, my hubby told me to pay for the balloon delivery cos he experienced it once before, he can't see a thing when he was driving, very stressful. :p

YL, hee, at least Ayden kisses you when he wants milk. Very sweet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] RL doesn't even want to latch when she is awake lor. Ayden so cute, last time, RaeAnne used to lift my t shirt when she wants to nurse. Very embarrassing in public but very sweet when she's at home with me lor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pauline>ayden only wants me if I disappear for a long time or when he latches to sleep. He is becoming more violent and actually pulled me and my shirt when I reached home yesterday. But when I offered to latch him, he just wanted to suckle a bit then was off playing again.

its quite painful latching him these days. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

YL, oic, jia you! RL has 4 upper teeth nowadays and they are all crooked due to her thumb sucking so sometimes when I latch her after she sleeps, she also bites me. :p

Pauline & Febie

Thanks for the bday wishes.

A took more steps yesterday &

I was so thrilled, yet a bit sad also,

it's like they're growing up too fast *sighs*


Do you still express milk?

I still latch but everytime my menses is coming, I don't bother pumping. Coz waste time. Not even 50 ml at times.

Ayden really has an angelic expression [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Your place is a resale flat is it?

Is it near Xin's?

smalldreams>no, I don't bother to express anymore since my supply dropped quite a bit when I didn't pump for 2 days when my FIL was hospitalised. I will feel full when I go home though so I think there's enough milk to satisfy Ayden. My FEBM supply is dropping v fast though. Somedays, my breasts will be crazy and will be engorged. In those cases, I'll hand express enough till I feel comfortable and will freeze that for Ayden's consumption the next day.

My place is near Temasek Primary and yes, its resale. Xin's place is walking distance from Bedok Interchange so its a really good location!

Ya lor, I overflooded wif assignments n deadline for submission. .....Sob sob....anyway, joey juz recovered from viral fever 2wks bk. Love tis Samsung galaxy can access net while in traveling to wrk ;) ..... Are we goin to meet for "lo hei "during Cny? I be away for onsen in jap tat period, if can will open house for playdate since it is sch term break end of Feb

Thanks Megan for helping me update, yup it's Ayden09's 2nd x'mas, last yr we had alot if visitors cos i was doing confinement. This yr our turn to go visiting, hee! Cross fingers that he can enjoy fireworks etc this yr cos he jus suddenly like have runny nose n low grade fever jus 2 hrs ago. No wonder he is like koala whole day! This morn, his shit was so hard he cried trying to squeeze it out. Super heartpain, luckily mil came to visit n help him massage his ahole till it came out

YL, you stopped pumping already? My FEBM supply also running out fast cos I can't pump out much after RL refuse to latch for 2 weeks plus liao. Whole day never pump also don't feel full. But I force myself to pump out twice a day but only yield 100ml combined cos RL doesn't even latch anymore mah, if I don't even pump, really considered wean off BM liao. :p

But even my Medela freestyle 'give up' on me after 30mins and auto switch off. Last time, I only need to pump 10 mins lor, really BIG difference. Hiaz.

Tomorrow, going to start RL on nestle cereals so that no need to add EBM (unlike happy bellies cereals). Then I can 'save' the FEBM for her milk feeds before sleep lor. But still won't be enough lar cos I can only pump 100ml per day but she drinks more than that everyday. :p

Sweet, so far so good w preparations except order fr made in candy might cancel !! He is my sis fren xbf n seems not interested to do business lor & too late to order fr sticky [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I had officially stopped pumping since 2 months back!! So daytime letty drinks fm n latches at night :p

Cy, how did you give Letty fm? Mix with ebm or replace one feed? Did her stools change in texture? I'm thinking of starting RL end next month. :p


hahha i was juz to buy candies from either 2 shop to give to T1 & T2's teachers....the sweets are YUMMY!!...tml may pop down novena to buy fr made in candy wor...

try stickyy since its so near to you...btw..dat dae i went over there to buy vouchers from toothangels..hahaha to claim for dental this year...

CY, fatbabe> Sweets from Sticky are really quite yummy! I custom made and pack the sweets for thank you gift for Lucas' full month and also gave my colleagues....Very unique gift!


wah you wakey so early too!! finally my last cc leave of the year..brought over 7 days of leave to next year!

Pauline>yes, stopped pumping le. TOo busy at work + supply is down. I will only feel full at night. I only latch Ayden at night usually.

actually, I don't always add EBM to happy bellies cereal. I add fruit puree/water and only if I happen to have on hand, EBM. Ayden still eats it happily leh.

Ayden takes either fm or EBM depending on how free my mom is during the day. We just replace feeds with FM. No significant changes in stools.

firpy, i am sure ayden will recover very soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dun worry!

cy, the sweets sounded very yummy with the reviews from mummies here! any websites to view?

i am also facing a slight problem over at my side. I custom-made matching clothes for my kids for the party in early nov, the supplier promised that i will receive b4 xmas but till now no sight! she claimed that she forgot even though i reminded her a week b4 xmas *sigh* so now the new deadline is that it will reach me by next tues *crossing fingers*

re : expressing. i am still doing 4 pumps a day but planning to cut down to 3 pumps from next mth onwards when tristan turns 1. really hope that he will adjust well to FM since he's on full BM till now

good morning all...

Yes yes Megan, brain dead yday, suddenly cant recall all the babies who get to celebrate Xmas... :p

wow so many of you stop pumping completely ah?

i only pump once a day, sometimes will not pump. but as long as got milk just give lah...

dun be so stress. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yl, thanks, fruit purée sounds good but I have already used up all my hb cereals. dun want to buy any more Liao cos I want to transition her to bread for breakfast. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u giving wholemeal bread to Ayden right? plain or with other toppings?

pauline>we give him a slice of wholemeal bread for breakfast. will tear off pieces and feed them to him. crusts we eat. plain at the moment as don't want to intro jam to him as they're too sweet and most cheeses a bit salty.

Morning mummies !!!

Pauline : I giving bb plain white bread for bf.

Watever bread (like gardenia / sunshine) we buy will gv her to eat for bf. So she tried rasin/wholemeal/milk toast bread too.

Althou sometimes gv her a little cereal depending if she wat or not.

Oh, I also bought the new heinz fruit puree pouch. U can try if u like ?

Hey mummies,

Re : bb sleeping pattern

Found my bb hv been sleeping later as compared to b4. Do yr bb sleep later now ?

Found her sleeping pattern changes too.

How many daytime nap (& how long each nap) & how many hrs do yr bb sleep at nite ?

My bb daytime sleep abt 1.5-3hrs in total (sometimes day time sleep once or twice each time can be abt 45mins to 1.5hrs).

Previously at nite she can sleep ard 8.30-9pm but now sleep at least 10pm or much later (ard 10.30-10.45pm).

Re : bb poo

How many times do yr bb poo each day on full FM ?

My bb sometimes can poo 3 times (occassionaly 4X).

The more she eats the more she poos.

She seems to poo out watever she eats. Dun seems to absorb them leh. Is it ok ?


thanks yl, mstan, need RL needs 2 slicesnof bread at least cos even after porridge lunch, she can eat 1 slice of bread minus the crust. oh yes, maybe i can give corn bread n milk bread too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mstan, RL has cut down on her day time nap since 2 months ago. now, she only naps once usually for 1.5 hrs then she sleeps at 10+pm instead of 9+pm. Lady night, she refused to sleep until 11+pm. :p

