(2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

Daphne , the exersaucers are great to rent . From the rent a toy , u can choose from a variety if it .

As for jumperoo , it's fantastic as well . Just that , when I rented it for them at 7 mths , they were not "jumping " yet , n started playing wif it the final week of return . When they used it again at 8 mths , they were ready n jumping !!!!

If yr bbs not very mobile yet , exersaucers may be a better choice for now . They sit n can turn round n round to play wif the toys.

Hi would like to check is it worth renting the toys? Coz i saw that an exersaucer costs 50 plus to rent. So if i rent for say 3 mths it's oredi 150 which seems q ex le. R the toys in v good condition? N must I put in a reservation for a toy in advance?
Wondeing if should rent or buy then sell. Jus that to resell q troublesome. :p
I rented toys but only for a month (usual period given, unless want extension). Kids get bored with toys quickly..so 1 mth is sufficient..you may want to try 1mth first...Initially my boys were not so interested in the jumperoo..it was like after 1 week then they started to jump inside...before that, they were like sit inside and stare at the patterns in the jumperoo then stretch out their hand and want to carry coz they scared as the chair moves and sways...if you want to rent for 3mths and the rental is equivalent to the cost of buying, then it makes economical sense to buy. Resell shldnt be a problem lah..put in up in motherhood lor...as for the condition, i rent from rent-a-toy.com, toys come wrapped up and smell nice after the 'washing'..so it appears clean to me...not those peel off type..
Yeap, 76 n me n some others rent from rent a toy. Pretty gd condition. Just rented a coupe for them to sit in , got parents handle to push. Can put 2 inside
. Rent 30 over dollars , but still given free del .

I normally rent my the stuff for a month , nothing more. I like variety . I personally like to change the exersaucers every
mth, than to buy them . Cos when they bored of it , jus nice - change lor .

Some of my friends buy exersa but their bb dun play aft a while , then consume space as these are bulky.

Can also rent toys from them . Lots of stuff ...

I dun think hard to sell , even if u buy one . Quite often pple ask to buy these . Or get a 2nd hand one .... Or go to garage sales - normally have one .

I went to the twins / Multiples flea market organized by twins
plus - at clementi last yr 09. Many things , v crowded.
But lots of these kindda stuff .
agree with poko and 76 that renting is a better idea. My kids also get bored with the jumperoo after a while so it will be good to change to another toy after a while. The toy also very bulky, so if your space is limited, not a good idea to buy. Why dont you try first and if your kids really like, can buy a second hand one.
i have placed an order for jumperoo since monday, but then the uncle still never call me... aiyoh.. anyone still keep the uncle no. so i can call him and asked?
Hi Juliana
Have pm you the 'uncle's hp...you meant rent a toy rgt? actually he not tht old lah..u make him sound so old...think 40s? hahahhaa...

My ger was down with a fever since monday nite. Her fever is like yo yo. it can go as low as below 37 and as high as 39 over the last five day.

Finally last night, her fever stablised after taking antibodies. But she started to develop rashes. Is it okay?

My ped said rashes is like venue for the heat to come out. But alot of rashes all over her face.

Does any mummy have encounter this problem?
Any comments to have bb boy go through the circumcising procedure for hygiene purpose? I noticed that if you pull down the foreskin of your son, you can see a white layer round the tip of the penis. This is actually dirt accumulated from urine. It will caused infection. Currently, I am using cotton bud and veryyy s..l..o..w..l..y clean that area (coupled with him kicking his legs and turning)..hahaha. Any good suggestions to better clean that area?
ximi, is she teething? My boy has rashes on the face too but it's becoz he's teething and putting his fist into his mouth. thus the rubbing with saliva and all, causing rashes. If your pd says it's ok, then don't worry. Make sure give lots of water and vits.
Why your girl have fever for no reason? I mean is she at childcare or got infected by someone? My fren's ger also dev rashes after fever..her PD says its normal...

My boy's 2nd front tooth came out le..but hor, there is a gap between the 2 front teeth leh, v ugly lor..can i ask if it is like this? I really hope it wun grow into adult teeth...hope after the milk teeth drop, the adult teeth can form properly.
I dont know too. She is at home. It is only after we went Suntec, the next day she got viral fever. Finally the fever subsidy after 4 days. on the 5th days, she develope rashes all over her face and back. The rashes are gone now, but she got cough now. PD have preempt us that these are the symptons she will be getting.

I been giving her water, but she keep refusing. I wonder any Tong Shui to give her? Anyone know?
I've developed HIVES! Any one knows how to cure it? Went to see doctor and he says its due to changes in hormone after pregnancy. I've been eating anti histamin whenever it occurs but lately it's worsened. I even change my cca (used to be Judo, mats were dusty) but still cannot avoid. I even went to see TCM. Drank horrid chinese med for a while, also no use. Any other suggestion??
The thread seems so quiet n slow moving of late.. Anyone heard that we shld nt bathe bbs after jab? Coz my mum says ..i am not sure whats the reason.
Hi mummies,
I am a mom of twins who just turned 3. I have a Phil and Ted's Vibe Twin pram that I'm looking to sell. It's a front and back pram and moves very well.

Please PM me if you're keen to find out more and need pictures.

Have a wonderful day!
Hi mommies

Any recommendations for childcare in redhill or AMK area? Thinking of putting them when they turn 20 months.
It's been such a frustrating 2 weeks, the twins have been having diarrhea almost non-stop. First my girl started having it, then my boy. Then both seemed to get better and then my girl started again. And just when she seemed to be getting better, my boy started again. We've been to the pd twice, went to kk even, sent their stool samples in but still nothing conclusive. No bacteria or rotavirus in their stool samples so pd said might be a case of temporary lactose intolerance so we switched to soy-based formula but still no improvement. So kk pd said most likely a virus that will go away on its own and told us to give them some rice water. But when I gave them rice water last evening they seemed to lao-sai even more in the middle of the night and this morning!!!! Arrrgghhh & Siiiigghh. Anyone's twins experience this kind of diarrhea?? I'm wondering if they are passing it back and forth to one and another and how I can stop their diarrhea once and for all!!
I know of ways to have constipation..eating cereal. Coz its heaty..maybe can try..hahhahaa..
I am pleased to announce that i started potty training for my boys. So far, the elder boy can sit there adn poo/pee 3x liao. The younger boy cannot coz he will cry whenever he sees the hole. Nevertheless, i will persevere.
chameleon, i have exactly same things with my boys, more then week. This morning went to see a pd. Got some med and going to change for soy formula. As you say even night time 3-4 times. One boy is using cloth diapers(one day could be more then 15)also apply desitin cream. I really need them back to normal by this week coz we r having long flight next week. What to do?!

76, very good! it is time! I also planing when we come back from holiday introduce them potty =) Already prepare them-I have 3 so each room will has it =D

One of my boy had otitis. Very bad experience! Simply start with blocked nose...It is very pain for baby! So mummies look after them noses and ears!
76 -- Aiyoh i started them on rice cereal and than 5 days later this lao sai business started!! So initially i was also wondering if it was a reaction to the rice cereal. So anyway, now i have to put their weaning on hold as PD advised not to give them any semi-solids till their guts are back to normal. They are 6.5 months now, and now im worried I wont be able to introduce solids till they are after 6 months old and am wondering if this delay will have any adverse effects. SIGHHHHH

Annfresh -- Did your pd tell you what is the likely cause and what medication did u get? Both my private PD and the KKH PD prescribed probiotics and Smecta (which I'm not giving because it is h*ell trying to get the twins to drink Smecta so PD said just give probiotics is fine). Yah and im so glad I discovered a cheap and good diaper brand that works for the twins, Fitti Basic, if not all the amt of $$ I would have spent on diapers this last 2 weeks would be Crazy with a capital C !!!
Your bbs are 6.5mths meaning their CA is?? Maybe they started cereal too early? Not sure leh..For me, i started them at 7mths i.e.CA 5mths..but even then, they not very receptive...only after 8mths i.e. CA6mths, they really eat 'normally'. (without giving the what-the-shit-you-giving-me look)

So many potties ah. I only got 1 red one that i have from my wedding day. hahahaa. My nephew now already 25mths, still dunno how to use potty, so i wanted to start them now at 10mth since they already know how to sit. Dunwan to be like the nephew..SIL says now he very scared of potty...of coz lah..that stewpid SIL hor..everytime say 'i dunno how to train leh...i dunno this, i dunno that'...dinner time also let the kid run wild and poor daddy chasing him round the house with a spoon of rice and eat only 2 tablespoon from the bowl..i think my boys eat more than him...then she will go 'dunno why he like that, keep running'..i will have a big SIGH in my heart...sorry, dun wan to ramble..but i think whenever i go IL house nowdays, i no longer feel so stressed tat i have to 'perform' in a circus..coz my SIL and her son will be the ones who need to wayang..last sunday, she even took out a feather duster to whack his son's chair to get him to eat properly with her hubby looking at disdainment (aka staring at her from the corner of his eyes)...was hoping he would explode and then got free show..i very evil hor...hiak hiak...
76, your posts always make me laugh, you are so funny girl!

2 of them from my older son times, one from friend. Since they have diarrhea I started using cloth diapers and find it very useful, and thinking to continue it so it will help us with potty training!

What i think we have to teach our kids the way we want them to be. Simply ex: use potty, how to eat without playing. Like for me rule number one- no entertainment when they аre eating! second- no pushing, if don't want-fine. May be your SIL don't have passion to her child or may be just lazy)

Chameleon, I got Lacteol'fort and Loperamide{tummy wind med) Semilac I change soy-semilac doc said min 1 week. So far no changes =( My MIL ask me to give Smecta, she really sure it will help but I didn't... will see how it go today. Any changes with your twins?! And also know rice water is very good, but myself haven't try yet going to make it now)
Yes, i agree with u..i think my SIL no passion for her kid though just 1 kid and also lazy. You are so spot on.. She says if her kid stay with her during weekend and she go out or busy, she will not cook porridge...Some days, her kids will just eat 1 char siew bao for the whole day till night time, and not be hungry de. Then dinner time, at IL house, she will feed (i mean run and feed her kid) and then she will say to her kid "you wana be fairy ah..no need to eat"...or sometiems when her kid wana stick to her and pester her, she will say, you very irritating leh... When her kid goes home during weekend, he dun sleep leh..she says her toddler dunwan to sleep leh, but dunno why when he go to his PIL house, he can sleep during the weekday.. Her statement is sooooo self explanatory...the variable factor is her mah...cant she see? And hor, she will still act smart (just coz her kid bigger than mine), by keeping give suggestions on how to 'improve' my boys wellbeing...e.g. you need to wipe the side of the groin when you change diaper...not just the balls and the ass.. such little things also bother,, she shld channel her energy to coach her son to reach the milestone
Hi chameleon !

If u read my earlier posts , my babes had the diahorrea too. Many x a day (abt 4-6x), wet stools . This went on for 2 weeks. Dr said it was a Rotavirus , but any diahorrea is a strain from the rotavirus (gastro) family, depending how bad it is . Mine took 2 weeks to clear. It is highly contageous so the
other twin will likely get it unfortunetely .

Saw Kkh n Nuh children emergency , they all said diahorrea , will be like tat for 2 weeks or so , more than that , they will refer to specialist . But anyway , wif smecta , n another lacmotil or something , it cleared .

76, hmmm...yr sis in law allows her son to have jus a char siew pao for whole day ?? Whoa . Is he taken care by his other grandparents during weekday ? If yes , he is gg to be so confused . Cos at grand parents house , must sleep n eat on weekdays. Weekends, no law - can eat on the floor , or run ard , or no eat, no sleep .. No boundaries .

Potty - my babies r 50% of the time on the potty for pooing . It's harder to catch the boy when he needs to poo , as his face show no sign or hint of wanting to do so. He is a silent type of poo-er. Whilst my gal v drama when want to do so , her nose n face all turn red. Most of the time , still in time to catch her n bring her the potty .

I haven started the peeing in the potty though , I did the poo n pee wif my elder boy at 12 over mth last time. I hope to have more time to devote to this aspect though .

My babes have said their first few words! Yeah !!!
Boy - star(correctly), train (arain) , fish (fiissh), ye ye (correctly)

gal - ye ye, toy (oi ), star (correctly), bria (calling her kor kor's name).

Since they have turned one , they r no longer the little helpless , babes anymore . They know what they wan , they snatch things from one another (they wun know concept of sharing till some time later, though I keep saying must share).

They r really observant to what u say as their language starts to build up , so we have to be mindful of what we say. But Its really a fun age, n I'm sure when yr bbs do all these , it'll tickle u lots , dun forget to film their behavior n actions .
Chameleon , oh ya , I too changed to lactose free milk . Dr pre warned me that bb will not like it as it's really yucky. I smelt it as I made it , and yucky it sure is. Haha.

Before I used the lactose free milk , I used the normal formula, Half the powder which u will normally prep for . So milk is weaker . U may wan to try this too ....

Dun worry abt time to start semi solids . Once they tried semi solids , normally they will accept it. They jus need to get used to texture of it . If dr ask u hold on the solids , it may prob be a good idea as u r not sure what triggered the diahorrea .

U prob can start wif v small amts in the coining days once they get better, n progress fro there .
Hi again, my friend jus called me that she is pregnant wif another set of twins, now preggy at 20 weeks. She already has a set of twins at 1.5 over year old !!!! She had her first n present set of twins via ivf . So she is having a boy/gal twin n a girl girl twin!!!! Cool rite ???

Was imaging how it is to have 2 sets of twins in the family !!!!! Whoa !!!!! Siong man !!!!
wow so nice.. 2 twins in a family.. great man.. i wish i could have that too..

today my twinnies turn 7 mths, it seems so fast.. and they have switch from cereal to porridge.. which i blend the brown rice mixed with spinach, ikan bilis, carrot, pumpkin and cod fish..

not yet tried chicken and meat.. only cod fish and ikan bilis...

they seems want something to chew, now they see us eat rice want to eat.
Juliana , yes .... Bb like to see us eat...I gave them chicken n beef from 10 mths . Fro the time they started porridge (7 over mth ), they were only on salmon n ngoh he . I use the ikan bilis grinder powder . Is tat what u do ? Brown rice u sun it first then grind it, is it ? Cos brown rice takes long time to cook. I hav been wanting to do brown rice , but haven started. Only the brown rice cereal they hav taken .
for ikan bilis, i will wash to wash away the salt and sun them. When ikan bilis are dry, i will grind them. I dont use the powder kind. i blend myself.

as for the brown rice, i soak them for 1/2 a day then blend it... i don't blend it till powdery, blend till the brown rice cut into 3 part or 2 parts then make porridge.

I will try to introduce them salmon this weekend and avacado.
Juliana , but if u soak the brown rice , u also have to sun it dry first before grinding rite ? I haven got abt soaking n sunning the rice, wil try one of these days.

I got the ikan bilis powder from Chinese medical store. They sun it, dry it then grind it in a machine. So when I get it , it's powder already . Very fine , like sand. Yours the same ??

I like to intro new foods to them. Recently intro golden kiwi ( highter vitamins than oranges ) n tomatoes . U can try too , when they r slightly bigger .
Poko and Juliana
Yes, my mum does the sunning of the rice and blending of the rice too. As for ikan bilis, i was told not to give as there is salt inside unless you treat it say, wash away the salt.

Yah, nephew actually is with SIL's PIL on weekdays and they bring in home in the evening.. But i tot thats the usual arrangement for working mums right? Not everyone is lucky to either be SAHM or have parents staying with them, like us.. You have any ideas on other form of arrangement? Then i can suggest (aka show off) to her..heehehhehehehe
my ikan bilis not that fine till sand, abit rough.. i wash away the salt, like soak for 1hr like tat.

btw, how u make the salmon porridge?
76 n Juliana ,
the ikan bilis powder I bought , not salty one . The shop say they wash already . So occasionally I use it to enhance the taste of porridge .

I put the normal veggies I use for porridge like pumpkin, or carrot or spinish , then add in the salmon. It's not really salmon porridge, per say . But rather jus a diff meat / fish to put into the porridge . I do this way for the rest of the meat too , like beef n chick .

But everday I'll boil the porridge stock made of chicken / pork ribs , then add in celery , leeks , onions, tomatoes n corn .

76, maybe tell yr sis put child into child care lor !! It extends to sat too , so one day lesser to take care of him . Haha
Thanks annfresh/poko for your advise.

Last week their stool sample came out negative for rotavirus and I just sent another batch of their stool sample for another round of testing cos PD said might be another strain of virus (cant remember the name).

The twins are also on probiotic which is basically the lactoblahblahblah (lazy to check spellin hahah). Just went to the pd earlier again and he told me to start them on antibiotics and gave me a bottle of Cedax. Did your twins also have to take antibiotics? Im a little hesitant to feed them the antibotics leh....
Chameleon , my twins were not given antibiotics. Dr said to let it run it's course. It took them quite a while though (2 wks), but for the 2 weeks , they were still active, n eating .
Annfresh , I have just grinded my first pkt of brown rice today . I bought it from cold storage , brand name is ONLY.

I haven given them brown rice yet , so tomorro would be their first time .

How r u and bbs ? Any hol coming up ???
I see, so for my boys still early) they just 8mth
Yes yes, next Monday going back to Russia but only for 16 days so sad but it's better then nothing) Will be first time everybody see them)
Wow , u bringing them bk to Russia ? Long fly man . But now sin air has a direct fly to Moscow rite ?? Enjoy yr trip bk ... Yr family will be so excited to see them. Hubb coming along on flight ? Rememb to get 2 baby bassinetts , and baby food request . Yr bb may not eat the stuff prepared , but the cutleties , bibs , and jar foods can all be taken out ( unless Russia has a quarintine on food n dairy items ).

Also , can request for wet wipes n diapers
it is 10h+ to Moscow. All of us going- family of 5 =)
Thank you for info! will ask
Already have our bassinets seats in a first row)
have a good trip.. this september i'm bring my twins to my in-law place for the 1st time too...

you very kiasu leh ... hheheeeee.... i think i will do the same thing too...

btw, my twinnies get Jealous if i carry either one of them... and my son can see wat my girl is playing, he also want to play with the same toys.. they are getting playful everyday.. and soon they are 1 years old.. i miss them when they are tiny lil baby and weighs like spring chicken (2.5kg) haiz!!!
Hi mummies , feeling a bit down now .

A neighbour ( china national ) who jus returned frm china frm a hol, n haven seen my bbs for a few months , said my bbs too small !!!! Her bb at 6 mths now weighed in the same as mine at 8 kg . She kindda of said I dun feed them enuf , they so tiny ... Grow up so small , with tiny tummy is no good .

Adviced me to let them eat egg York everyday , 1 each . I do give my bbs egg York abt 2/3 x a week.

Also advised me to get appetite stimulants from pharmacy . She say is it I dun feed them much ???

Boohoo. ... So sad ... I try my best everyday to feed them. They r small eaters I must say ... But even if I fill the bottle to 210 mls , they wun finish it .

They automatically stop when they r full when I feed porridge . Other than that , they r given fruits , yougurt, puffs or biscuits everyday .

Am I really giving too little ??? They r one exactly . I know they r small but how can I make them bigger ? I give them like 5 bottles each of milk every day , a 3/4 bowl of porrridge in a Chinese bowl size .
Dun be upset lah. I always tell myself i cant compare with full term bbs.Besides, her 6mth bb probably belongs to the 90%ile. How can a premature bb 'fight' with a 90% full term bb? Then those full term bb below 90% shld be more worried mah... from what you describe, you are giving a variety of food already. Plus your PD said they shld be 'on par' with normal bbs at 2yrs.. Btw, full term bbs weight at 1yr old is about 10kg..I am sure her bb will slow down in the growth towards 1 yr old..cant be always fatten right.Plus you are SAHM, the emotional wellbeing you are giving them already outweighs any workin mummy.Seriously, i cant afford to be SAHM though i vvvvv much love to.
Sadly, nowadays pple associate the weight as the 'marker' for healthy bbs when it shld not be the case. They also tend to associate the weight to how much the mummy has done to take care of the kids..Meaning, the bigger the baby, the more effort the mummy has put in, which again is not true lor. Other factors come into play, e.g. genetics and the playing field is not level from the start mah..Tell ur china neighbour to give you S$100 and you give her RMB$100, see if she wants or not.
76, tq for your post ...
Normally I'm pretty cool when pple mention my bbs tiny for a year old ... But then again , they will always end the sentence wif "but anyway twins ma , sure smaller ".

But dun know why the china neighbour made me feel so down . She questioned me what I feed them , then say din give breast milk cos it's Jus like water after 6 mths , then say I give da yu da rou ( meat n fish ), is useless for a tiny bb as their tummy can't absorb , then say all they need is egg yolk
n something else I didn't understand what it was .

She say if bb grow big , tummy small , no good ...

Ah yo ... Makes me start to think hav I been feeding then enuf ??or correctly for their age ??? Makes me kind of feel I didn't do a good job . Sigh ...

Her bb was born 3.6 kg . Now 8 kg at 6 mth , she say compare wif her china friend bbs , already v small . Then my bb Go china , I tink they will think they r some newborn who can walk n talk . Haha ..

I honestly feel it's hard now at this stage for bb to put on , as they r so active . Every awaken min, they r either crawling or walking . How to put on ??

I am thinking if an appetite stimulent works . Seen it at pharmacy for kids . Not sure for infants though . Maybe will ask my pd at the check up next week . Anyway , he sure say "nevermind nevermind ... They r growing well , dun kan Chiong .... They will catch up ..." Standard sentence .

Poko -- Cheer up. Dont let what your neigbour said get you down. U know hor, the Mainland Chinese like their babies fat fat, which is why you see alot of obese children there! It's probably the traditional way of thinking that being fat means the person/family is prosperous hence they all like their babies to be fat.

I'm also guilty of always bemoaning that my babies are too lightweight. But my parents always remind me that fatter is not better. And it is better to have a lightweight baby than an overweight baby who may also face health issues down the road too. I wouldnt want my kids to be in the TAF club in school. My cousin who was in it calls it Torture All Fatties LOL.

Plus trust the professionals. If the pd says their weight is ok than it is ok. I also always give my pd the doubtful look when he tells me my babies' weights are acceptable. But when I see them playing actively and smiling happily I know for sure they are not malnourished.
