(2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

my maid baths once after housework in the morning . After cooking lunch and again , after dinner .

I feel she "sweats" more than us cos she does all the chores , so I make it a rule from start , then after hw n cooking , must bath .

Now she auto already . My water bill also increase already . Not so much of bathing I think , but maids use water freely . See them rinse the plates , u will kek sim .....
so many times too ah...if i let her bathe 1 more time, my bill sure hit another new high lor...i asked her how much her own housebill, she say 100peso=S$3 lor..i told her mine is $200, hoepfully she will see the light..
my maid bathes once in morning and then at night( which is when she washes the toilet). I think bathe more better lah.. cos going near the babies..
Hmmm, yah hor..if look at it from 'being near bbs' point of view...better to bathe than to save..but ur maid at night still must play with your kids meh? tot they sleep liao? ur maid washes toilet at night ah? hahahaha..like cinderella beign refused to go to the ball...and got to wash toilet at night to occupy her...wahhahaa...sorry i too imaginative
You can buy those clips to keep the pacifier so that iif your bb push out the pacifier, it does not drop coz its being secured by the clip that is atached to the shirt or bib.
ha ha... Like wat poko said they perspire much more than us...they have to carry the kids so better they keep clean.
Ya they def waste water when washing but I dun want nAg too much sclly she try to save water n I end up eating soap :p

next time our kids shower themselves water bill will skyrocket man... I see my nephews shower turn the toilet into swimming pool. Ha
i jus started giving my boys pear puree, when should i actually start other things?
i'm still abit scared to be adventurous also, cos i'm afriad tummies cant take it yet, although they are officially 6 mths (RA) /4 mths (CA). and moreover i agree with 76, when u said "u scared next time no chance to eat ______ (insert food)" no need to rush.. jus afraid abt not enough nutrition.
any advice mommies?

hahaha yah i think scrub clean toilet better lah, cos every morning babies will bathe inside also.. then she'll bathe after washing lor.

i actually am ok with my boys sucking on their fingers n hands, cos i think they are learning to explore n feel, altho sometimes the only concern is their hands tend to get cold in a/c cos wet, and also abit dirty lah. sometimes i see them rub till whole face saliva so er xin but funny. haha
imakeitrain: you should try to give vegs first so that they can used to vegs as fruits are naturally sweet. My kids will be 6mths in June and they have started some semi solids. These vegs they have tried: sweet potato, potato, pumpkin, carrot, pea, spinach. Now giving them a combi of the above vegs......They take about an ice cube size of the vegs. For fruit, they have tried avocado. Iguess you can start as soon as you feel comfortable. Don't let people pressure you to do so.
hmm, ok i need to rethink her bath ssesions then and coincide her housework with bathing times..coz basiccally my maid finishes housework at 10am and will look after bbs if we ask her to..otherwise she will just stone at the balcony...but now that i am busier with my studies, need her to come in to help with bbs more and spread out the housewoerk throughout the day,so she may need to bathe more..

My elder gal also sucked her thumb when she sleep. She bite it so much that her thumb is scratched and swollen. Tried to take out her thumb but she will cry and can't get to sleep.

Any ideas how to stop her?

My elder gal also sucked her thumb when she sleep. She bite it so much that her thumb is scratched and swollen. Tried to take out her thumb but she will cry and can't get to sleep.

Any ideas how to stop her?

My elder gal also sucked her thumb when she sleep. She bite it so much that her thumb is scratched and swollen. Tried to take out her thumb but she will cry and can't get to sleep.

Any ideas how to stop her?
Hi Mummies,

BF - I give up on Bfing my gals after their 1 month due to mental stress of insufficient milk, my mil walk out on us after 2 weeks of my confinement..
my hb asks me to stop.. scared that i kenna post natal depression...
sometimes i'll feel guilty of not continuing to bf them --> its like not bonding with them..
but now they are 9 mths.. they are growing well except that they will get sick as they are in infant care.. i'm feel less guilty..
Daphne, you bfed for one month. That counts for a lot already.. It's no reflection of our love for our children.. When my hubby saw how tired I was, he was all for me quitting too.
Hi Spiffy,

Yeah..thanks =) it has been a long way since then..

Lets us all work on the stuff that we deem best for our children =)

BTW can anyone advise when should we potty training our children? How?
I'm soooo gian to start the twins on solid food but the 2 pds I spoke to told me very sternly not to start them on solids till they are at least 6 months. So bo pian ... i will obediently wait another 1 mth before starting them on cereal.

About sucking thumbs/hands ... I also think it is a developmental stage so i just let my twins eat their hands. Quite funny to see them try and stuff two fists into their tiny mouths sometimes. Not so funny when they fling their hands around after that and their saliva splatters everywhere and on me!!

Daphne -- A friend started potty training her so at 4 months. I'm thinking of starting it soon too ... but too lazy to go buy potty hahah.
Daphne , I put my bbs on the potty when she starts to try to "kek" her face . Her face normally snouts up n turns red when she wants to PS. Sometimes we make it in time to let her pooh inside , sometimes already mission accomplished in the diapers .

My boy in the other hand shows completely no reaction when wan to pooh . So we take him to the potty n start umm umm umm so much and so long till I sore throat . Then sometimes it pops . Sometimes no .

Have been doing this since they 9 mth. Now they 11 mth .
Spiffy -- Yah!! Everytime her son wakes up in the morning and from his naps, she will carry him over the potty and make the "shhhhhh" sound and he will pee. She says on some days she can get by with just 1 diaper because her son doesnt pee in his diapers and only pees when placed over the potty.
My pd said 4 mths leh (CA)..strange right.. i dunno also, abit confused. I don't dare to start on cereal at all, only pear, next i'm gonna follow Poko's advice give veggies slowly. Also dunno when to start cereal..

haha yah its very cute rite when they suck on their hand until got sound, macham like so yummy.

My nephew who is almost 9 mths has started potty training, as in his maid teaches him to poopoo in the potty. pee not yt..
I don't know which is more amazing, the fact that ppl potty train their kids so young or the fact that poko can tell when her daughter is going to poo..
Spiffy , not amazingly la... No need ESP either . When yr bb gets older , u will know yr bb better . When she wan to poo , can tell la, like when some boys wan to pee, they may hold their groin .

But all these happen only after 6/7 mths so u will have dome time to learn their poo ing habits .

As mentioned , my girl face turn all red . Her nose get scrunched tog ( if u know what I mean ...). Very obvious one la....
Poko I see..
I m still discovering my bbs and their personalities. Can't wait to see them reach their milestones too.. Don't know what possessed me to think of asking my boss for no pay leave..on second thots, I might go crazy facing them 24/7..
Mummies of premies, i'm reading an article on milestones and was wondering, generally do you find your babies reach milestones based on their actual age or corrected age or somewhere in between? i'm very curious.
i use the corrected age, but if they cn reach their milestone by actual age, i cnsder them genius n give myself a pat on my back...haha...be +ve ths way instead of doing the othe way.
my maid handwash bb clothes...only spin dry in machine if rain...if not, all handwash...n she takes 1 hr to wash, hang bb n adults clothes
I just finished my half yr NPL. Initially it was crazy facing them 24/7..but after a while it was ok...coz sometimes i go out to refresh and recharge myself...How long is your NPL?
so fast, you potty train them ah? Is it when they can sit then you start? My boys pooing hours is morning around 6am..but hor.. i am a bad mummy..i tend to sleep in..my boys will be happily playing in cot with their poo inside diaper till they make noise then i wake up.... so, i cant 'catch' them..but my boys when sit, will suka suka lean backwards...so if they sit in potty, then the shit will smack on their faces?
76 I haven't gathered the courage to ask my boss yet. Don't know if I can manage also.. Some good days everythings fine.. Other days I have a fat fussy baby on my hands.. So cute but what a fussypot.
actually i have not been working for nearly a yr liao..hahaha...i was on HL in Jun 09, then ML in Aug-Dec..then NPL Jan-May (now), then study leave till next April...
I took 1 yr NPL which will end in Dec this yr. Recently told my boss unlikely I'll be going back to work when my NPL ends :p.

I agree with 76. It is impt to take a break sometimes to refresh and recharge so you wont feel like you are looking after the babies 24/7. I'm quite lucky because I have a good support network -- my parents tho still working are relatively young and help out alot whenever they can. Once a week the babies will sleep with them so my husband and I can get one night of uninterrupted sleep and wake up late in the mornings. Once a weekend they will also babysit so we can go out on "dates" and do things as a couple.

Spiffy -- You mentioned earlier that you may not get a domestic helper. If you go on NPL will you be getting one to help you? Initially I was dead against getting a helper because of a variety of reasons (didnt see value, privacy issues, didnt want a stranger handling my babies etc etc) but boy am I glad I listened to well meaning advice and hired one in the end. My helper is a godsend and my life is so much easier with her around. Now I can't imagine not having her around and I cant believe I didnt want to hire any help in the beginning. But I know of mothers with twins who manage without a domestic helper as well so I suppose it is doable.
Totally agree with and second what chameleon said. But i am also contemplating not having a maid after this contract expires next Oct, when they are already 2 yrs old..coz i will prob send them to childcare half day and mum can take a break...In the afternoon, they come home, shower and take PM nap and i am home liao... i will prob also employ part time helper to come in 3x a week to help with household chores..this is my planning so far..
Chameleon, the reasons you mentioned are spot on. Mainly privacy.. You're lucky you got a good helper. My mum had a few over the years who were quite errant or who got pregnant and I want to spare myself that. Actually I used to be quite fastidious and did all the chores myself, until I delivered..(!!) Now I have someone clean once a week and close one eye. This is already a big step!

Wow the kids stay over with yr parents? Mine say daytime only cos they need their sleep!
Spiffy - Wah!Hats off to you for doing all the chores! About my parents, they kinda enjoy having the twins sleep in their room and they love waking up to the babies' smiles and chatter.
I envy you. A night of uninterrupted sleep.
Especially this week. My babies are down with flu and been taking turn to wake up.

Mine too, My mum need to sleep and rest at night so daytime oni. this week, I stay at my parent hse and , I tot I can have some sleep as there are a lot of ppl staying at my parent hse. I am wrong.
In the end only me, my helper and my mum who help. My siblings help during the daytime. Better than nothing lah.

Actually I am against of getting helper initially, In the end, my girl sleeps with one of my helper alone when no one can help u much. I value my privacy and want my babies to ask for me only very much but as weeks passed, I am too tired to enjoy my motherhood, relationship with hubby also changed, I get very frustrated etc . My helper is good until I have to ask her to leave me alone with babies, I can handle situation or else she will stand ard on standby. Machiam I am snatching her job of looking after the babies. I don’t bring the helper out when I am brings babies on their outing. Helpers are good to be ard at time. But I will not want helper when babies turn 2 years old

About the babies sucking and enjoying their fingers. I have a worry that they will hurt themselves esp when they are teething now. Will it happen? My girl love to chew and suck on anything she can get hold and then with her wet fingers, she will touch the person’s face when he/she carry her. :p
Strict Regulation on having car seat. Fine $120 and 3 demerit point.

I was wondering do you all have more than 1 car seats. I have 2 car seats but after putting 2 in the car, no one can sit behind liao. Putting two babies on car seat alone behind is more dangerous.how did you all managed?
I also agre with you on not bringing helper out when on outing..I feel that its a FAMILY outing, and helpers are not considered as part of my family..we shld have our personal family time..yes, tough lah and sometimes asked for trouble by not bringing extra pair of hands, but during weekdays, kids are already exposed to her so much..weekends, kids shld know who are the 'real' family members..but as usual, my mum will disapprove of my thinking, she will say 'you scared your kids dunno who are their parents meh?".."you shld get helper's help...ur kids will ultimately know who parents are lah"..i also dun intend to get helper when they turn 2 and can walk..by then i will probably start letting them watch a bit of TV and educational videos adn let my mum do her work..this is my thinking so far..but, i am still conntemplating if i shld have #3..if yes, then helpers is a must lor.Wrong?
Oh as for car seat, mine is Mazda5 mPV, so not a problem...2 car seats behind and 1 adult sits between them...I dun think shld leave them unattended at the back coz sometimes they will wail..unless if they are forward facing...mine is still backward facing...hubby says more steady..so if they face back, how can i entertain them if they fuss and i am seated infront?
76 have you tried using a mirror so they can see you? Otherwise I guess you'll hv to sit at the back..

Ximi, I got the Combi Coccoro which is quite compact..so a third person can sit in the corner of our sedan.

Chameleon I can't wait till they can smile at me. Right now they seem oblivious to my existence. I'm just the bringer of milk..

Brought the bbs to a relative's house yesterday and I think they were over stimulated. Came home and cried non stop till late at night. Both couldn't sleep. That's it, no more visits for now.
For 'superstitious' reasons, no mirrors and swimming or water reflection or reflection of any kind till my bbs are 2 years old... So, either my mum or me sits at the back.
Poko and Sophia
That toy man came at 930pm today to collect my toys that were overdue!! So late! Weird guy..When i asked him why so late, he smiled and said "No choice"...Duh...
Toy guy still havent come to collect the first toy. Did he call you first 76 b4 coming?

Carseat: My twins are used to the seats even without anyone sitting at the back with them. They listen to the music and even sing along sometimes. I guess it's a habit since daddy sends them to infant care every morning without anyone sitting at the back.

My boy has signs of his first tooth! Can see the white portion on his lower gums. Now my girl on a milk strike! Dun want to drink milk just want to eat cereal and the vegs puree I've prepared. Is this normal?
Yes, he will usually sms first before coming..but his sms usually is like same day, often 1-2hrs before collection..
