(2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

for my case no bonding too. so I must die die spend my ample time on weekends.. for weekdays, i must reach home at 6.45pm to fetch them at least i can milk them and play with them with a short while..

Sophia and Juliana
So there is really no shortcuts abt it when working? see bei Sian leh...then machiam the kids belong to my maid lor...dun mind if my mum is close to them..but maid seems to spend more time with them when i go work? I cant accept that leh

i tink no way to stop ur boy from scratching. The only way is to make sure his fingernail is not sharp. My boy also like to scratch himself. he like to rub his hand at his face. Sometime if i am slow in cutting the fingernail, there will be like small cut. I tried to put mitten esp when his fingernail is long, but alot of mummies told me not too but let them learn to play with their finger and explore and the scratch mark or fingerprint will go away too.

Maid spending time. Actually i feel mine too. My maid seem to bond with my babies too esp sometime i feel that my girl will prefer her more as they sleep together. But luckily my girl like to play with anyone so basically now i just play with them and i let the maid to feed them and i will coax them to sleep sometime.

You sleep with 2 babies? hmm will they disturb one another with their cries?
That's the life of a working mom. Govt wants us to produce, but dun really give us sufficient support. So no choice but work. In the end, kids are not close to us.
No choice lor, otherwise eat what!!?? I also want the best for my kids.
Can I check the weight of yr twins when they are ard 3 months old? My elder suffers from reflux and milk keep coming up. She's not drinking alot too.During good feed times she can drink 80-90ml, and it drops as low as 50ml per feed. She weighs abt 4.2kg now and is ard 10 weeks old. She is not very skinny, so I thought of checking if her weight gain is a cause for concern or not before bringing her to a PD.
Did you check against the health booklet for acceptable weight range? My twins were 4.7kg and 3.4kg at 3mths. Both are now 7mths @ 9kg (90%ile) and 7kg (50%ile) respectively...so you dun worry..
Xiaofu, I was also abit worried abt my twins weight gain esp since both of them are drinking below what they shld be drinking for their weight (based on the weight x 150ml formula.) But at their 2 month pd checkup, both were at the 50 percentile (girl weighed 3.89kg and boy weighed 4.32kg) so the pd said their weight is acceptable. Im still a little worried abt their weight gain esp since they both dont drink alot. But they still seem like happy babies so will wait for the next pd checkup in end Apr to see how their weight gain has been. I guess every baby is diferent, some drink less than others, and as long as they seem healthy and happy it should be ok bah.
I was a bit worried coz my younger boy was at 10% from birth till 5mth...then he got flu that refuses to go awaay...I saw PD who said that some bbs may grow along the 10%ile till they are adults..as long as they dun drop below their usual %ile,e.g drop from 10% to 3%. otherwise no cause for concern...of coz provided they are still happy and healthy lah.
xiaofu and chameleon,
my babies weight are almost like both of you..
now coming to 4mths still drinking milk at 120ml every 2hrs.. they are times when the milk not finish and they refuse to drink.. if i force them to drink, they will cry and show tandrum..

I read one book once, which state that if your baby refuse to drink or finish up their milk its ok cause they have meal break interval of 2hrs.

Unlike singleton, they will drink 180ml every 4hrs or 3hrs.. So we have very special babies to take care.
My babies are drinking at 120ml every 3 hours too. My boy has reflux too. PD recommended him to drink Bonnisan which supposed to increase his appetite. It did and he is drinking like every 2.5 hr at 130ml now.
Actually as long as our babies are growing well, it is fine. I have friends who have singleton babies, there is only drink like 150 ml when they are 1 year old. Their babies now already 3 years old plus.
yr babies all drink so much.. my elder only manages range 50-80ml every 2-3 hr. My younger I give her 100ml and see if she finishes or not.

One problem I have is the feeding interval. My cousin who worked at KKH neonatal dept said should stick to 3 hr feeding schedule, or if the baby is really hungry, then 2.5 hr interval at least to avoid problems caused by overfeeding. She suspect part of the reflux can be caused by overfeeding, ie, she have yet to digest then feeding time again.. But it really put me at a loss when the babies cry at 2.x hr then I dunno to feed or not, or how much to feed.

For my younger twin who have not much reflux problem, I tried to delay, or I'll feed her if I really cannot pacify her if its ard 2.5 hrs interval, but I'll run into a risk she's not exactly very hungry. When that happens, she'll drink sooooo slowly, and play with the teat that it takes an hr for her to finish her milk. My MIL always wan to avoid feeding her :X

My older twin on the other hand, have the reflux and gagging problem.. We always pray she take in most of the milk at one go, coz once the teat comes out of her mouth, she might gag and vomit when we try to feed her again. She drinks fast, and usually can drink her share in 5 mins. She have been on the 60ml per feed since 2-3 weeks. Now she's still taking in that amt per feed only @ 10wks worries me. Low intake + reflux output milk... sigh.. I also dun not know how much she drink. I see her I feel so heart pain.. then she so small size and feather weight.. always curl up like a ball like tat ;X
Anyone has recommendation on where to cut bbs hair? My Ethan's hair grow quite a fair bit and i think thats irritating him, thats why keep scratching himself..Preferably somewhere in the east.
Juliana & Ximi - my babies are drinking at 4 hour intervals and on good days they can drink 120ml for some of their feeds. On bad days, btw 60 - 90ml per feed. Oh no, now im wondering if Im spacing their feeds too far apart! But when they were on 3 hourly feeds it would take almost an hour sometimes to get them to finish their milk and most of the time they dont finish their milk! sigh. heart pain when I have to throw away my precious bm.

xiaofu - have u seen a pd for your older twin's reflux. When i suspected my girl had reflux I brought her to the pd and he gave her Zantac to take for 2 weeks and told me switch her fm to Enflac AR and to add Enflac AR to her breastmilk. Her condition improved and now I'm slowly weaning her off Enflac AR and switching back to Similac.....keeping my fingers crossed that her reflux doesnt act up again.

76 - I think there is a salon at parkway parade that specialises in children's haircut but I'm not sure if they do infant haircut.
Hi hi,

My bbs frm 5 mths till now at 9 mths have been drinking 150 mls. Their milk never increase as they sometimes cant even finish 150 mls.

Its not alot, considering many at their age, drink 200 - 240 mls or so. They are into solids now, but even b4 solids was started wif them at 7 mths, they drank b/w 120 to 150 mls every 2 or 3 hrs. They are howvever healthy, and happy so i am not too worried abt the milk part.

My boy is however not into solids all of the sudden. I hope, i seriously hope this is just a transient period like teething (but at 9 mths, teeth are always growing anyway) cos feeding is an absolute nitemare.

He clamps his mouth shut, and as much as i dun want to battle n force him to eat, i somehow must have something entering his mouth. So, i become a clown/entertainer/storyteller on the surface, but fustrated on the inside during meal times. I now started mash potatoes wif them for dinner, hopefully a change will inprove his appetite.

My gal is alrite to feed though...

U can try Junior league to have bbs hair cut. What u need to do is to wear a cover over yr clothes, and u hold the bb, and the hair gets cut. There is some cartoons in front of every seat though seriously i doubt they are keen on those yet, but its a distraction anyway. They have many outlets, n i am sure there is one in the east.

At habourfront, next to the hwa ? swimming for bbs (where bbs can sit in a tub and float wif neck tube), there is a shop that provides bbs haircut too. They will sit the bb in some car thingy, and trim trim trim.... I have seen some bbs cut their hair there, though i have not tried.

Did you bring ur older twins to PD? Hmm I tot reflux is because the babies diaphragm muscle not fully developed yet. Saw this article http://www.babycenter.com.sg/baby/health/reflux/. PD suggested me to feed small volume, more frequently as not to expand his stomach too much.

I think have to go on easy with the feeding, my girl, drink very little too initially because of her nose problem. We slowly increased and she drinks her milk like Xiao jie. Very slooooowly and small sucking. My two babies sizes are very different.

I think it is okay occasionally 4 hours. During the day, my babies drink on an interval ranging from 2.5 to 4 hrs. Depending how much they drink at that point of time. But during nite time. They stretch from 4 hours to 6 hours sometime. Why not you give them abit first like their 60ml-80 of BM if they cries for it again, increased another 30ml more. Initally I don’t know my older twins drinking milk pattern, there is once I give him like 100ml and less than 2 hours cries non stop. I give him another 60ml after my MIL nag at me. Not advisable to do this frequently, else baby over weight.
Did your girl has a lot of eye dirt when u give her enflac AR? My boy is drinking Friso Comfort now, and his eye dirt is green, thick and sticky like glue.
Ximi - my drinking interval is quite fixed at 3.5 hrs to 4 hours leh. In btw the 4 hours, if they fuss, I usually attribute it to restlessness (then I will play with them) or tiredness ( then I will put them to sleep for a quick nap). I dont feed them in btw the 3.5/4 hr interval cos I thought there has to be some sort of routine... but now Im getting a little doubtful abt my method after seeing that most other twins on this forum are on shorter feeding intervals .....

No my girl doesnt get eye dirt from Enflac AR. In the beginning she didnt poo as often andI thought it was constipation but the pd said it is ok and told me to continue with Enflac AR till I see that her reflux has improved.

Initially i stick very strictly to 3 hours feeding until i nearly get a fight with my MIL as she keep saying my boy want to drink whenever he make a fuss and because of this, his feeding schedule was chaotic. And he is rather abit on the heavy side which is not a good thing. His feeding is not back to normal between 2.5 to 4 hr now. i think end of day, stick to instinct, when nothing works for them, maybe it is the milk they want.

How to know your girl reflux get better. My boy is on med for almost 2 weeks. And i will be stopping all his med and still drinking Friso comfort. i noticed he still have a little milk flowing out from his mouth. I am worried that once he is off the med, his reflux will still come.
Ximi - my girl used to arch her back alot which is one of the symptoms of reflux. now she doesnt do that anymore and she seldoms regurgitates her milk too. she also struggles less while drinking and it is much easier to feed her. So I think her reflux is better now. After taking the med for 2 weeks, I continued Enflac AR for a few more weeks to make sure her reflux was really getting better before switching her back to Similac.
How do you teach babies to hold bottles? I bought the handle and the soft teat (straw type) for bbs to hold..but they have been biting the straw and not drinking the plain water from within....or they just hold the handle and 'gam' the straw

Thank you. Now i know what to watch out. Today i didnt give him any med and just stick with the milk and see how first.
No problem Ximi

My pd told me that after taking the med for 2 weeks to stop and monitor condition. If there is improvement then no need to continue taking cos too much medication is also not good. If no improvement, to continue for another 2 weeks then see how. But I think generally, as the baby gets bigger and digestive system gets more matured, reflux will gradually get better.
I think my elder girl is all out to make me a well-informed mum. First was her reflux problem, now that we try to counter with more frequent feeds, she is rejecting the bottle ;X

Anyone have this problem around 3 months? She drinks a bit, but after tat refuses the bottle. We thought she's full, but she'll still fuss and cry. she quieten down when given the pacifier though.

At first my mum take out the pacifier and replace with the bottle after she calm down and begins sucking the pacifier. It worked for a couple of times, but now she seems to know when its the pacifier and when we have done the swapping ;X

We tried with both formula and ebm.. don't really know what's the problem. I hope its just a passing phrase ... cannot imagine handling her night feeds... to think how different the baby can be from yesterday >.<

My friend keep encouraging me to try latching them to increase my supply.. Feel the desire, but lack confidence.. Somemore going back to work in May, I'm afraid even if something begins to happen and supply picks up, it'll all go to waste once I go back to work and have to depend on pumping again...
Xiaofu - My boy was like a few weeks ago too. Drink abit and then refused to drink anymore. When we try to make him drink more he will struggle and scream. During that period it was very very difficult to feed him and he was only drinking abt 50% - 75% of his usual intake. Well, Im glad to say that that phase is now over ... phew.... it lasted for abt a week or two and now he is back to drinking his usual amount (which by the way, is still not very much!). So hopefully, it is also just a passing phase for your elder girl.
My boys also sometimes siao siao dun wan drink..or play with teat with his tongue...or take it off with his hand..got to feed in 2instalment after warming milk again. Sometimes takes 2 pple to feed him.. Mum will feed, i will play rattle or toy to distract him..soemtiems it works.if doesnt, usually means not hungry yet, coz i realise they dun follow 3 hr..someimtes mine 5 hours still dunwan milk..so dun force...walk them around the house...by then milk warm, they will be hungry and drnk..
Xiaofu, my babies rejected milk from 1.5 mths till 6.5 mths. Now they are drinking more and can finish their milk in 5 to 10 mins most of the time. Previously, feeding sessions were struggling, screaming, crying sessions.
Morning mommies, what a weekend. Didnt have to go to work on Thursday so got the kids to stay home with me instead of sending them to IFC. My boy had a bad cough so cannot do the second 6in1 jab. Only my girl can do. After the jab, she had a slight fever, but nothing that I cannot cope with. The difficult one was my boy. So hard to give him medicine..... He keeps crying and spitting it out. When finally got it in, he will cough until like want to vomit. Very scary. How do you all cope with this??

I also want to end my expressing of breast milk... At this moment, I'm only expressing twice a day and the time spent on expressing also shorten to 9-10mins. However, still got engorgement. Yesterday's one was damn pain....
Very sian, after all that expressing, only get about 50-60ml. How can I stop the production once and for all?
My family (hubby, me and 2 bbs) all having fever, cough and phlegm.. Had to take bbs to A&amp;E on April Fool's evening...then brought elder one to A&amp;E again on 3rd Apr at 4am...coz he was wheezing. Lucky doc did xray and found lungs clear and they were happy on their condition and din want to ward them. Said due to virus which the boys got to fight thmselves and need time to build up antibodies.So, only gave paracetomol for fever... they have not bathed for 1 weeek.. As for medicine,we use the syringe to shoot it in near the cheek of mouth bit by bit..or under the tongue.1 shoot, 1 to play rattle. soem pple put inside milk but i was advised not to in case they dun finish milk.
As for expressing, i slowly reduced my pumping. 6x to 5x to 4x to 3x to 2x to 1x...all abt 3-4weeks per reduction..not immediartely...i din expereince engorgement at all.. Hope it helps.
I'm having flu yesterday too, and i have to wear mask at home.. but scare if my two kids get it from me..

i guess its the flu season outside..
hi mummies, yeah it's flu season now. i always wash my hands immediately after coming home from outside. notice that my mil does the same whenever she comes over, but not my fil
anyways, my hubby also just recovered from high fever, heng he didn't pass it on to the rest of us.

sophia, dun reduce your pumping suddenly, like from 5x to 2x, cos will get engorgement. drag your pumping frequency by one hour every few days so the engorgement is not so bad

xiaofu, both my babies went through the "refuse milk" phase. hope yours will pass soon!

my elder boy seems to have outgrown his reflux problem after 5-6 months also.. now he only burps out a bit of milk once a day or less. previously he would vomit out quite a bit of milk after almost every feed, v heart pain but doc said it was normal so didn't put him on medication. plus he seems to grow very well despite all that milk loss!
Your boys look great seejay, and... I think the bag you've sewn is very nice haha. Nice fabric.

My girl still dun like the bottle too much. She will struggle a bit, then (interpreted by my mum -_-||) like no choice.. so have to drink lo... for yesterday she drink at 4+hr interval but drink more.. only my mum have the courage and patience to keep trying to feed her. I am scared I will cause her to gag and vomit, making matters worse...

Seems like "refusing milk" is like part of their milestone ;X I suppose drinking the same old thing can be quite boring! Thanks for your sharing mummies. It certainly make me feel better to know my gal is not sick.
Thanks Seejay for the advice. I've gone cold turkey before seeing your suggestion. I only pumped once yesterday and only this morning before coming to school. Very little and most importantly no engorgement. Think the supply will dry up soon......
See Jay
Yes, i agree with you on the handwashing. We also practised washing our hands after coming back from outside. Imagine pressing the lift buttons, mrt handles etc...even the bus seat when i sit, i also feel a bit disgusting de.. After come back from hospital, i sure bathe before touching the kids.
Hi hi...

Refusing milk is yes, part of their milestones. Mine went thru that as well.

And now, my boy is in the REFUSING FOOD milestone stage.

I guess i feel like how u guys feel, anxious tat bbs arent drinking well....Just that I am pretty anxious why my bbs wont eat!!!!!!! haha...

I guess, and hoping its just a temperorary stage as this period of my boy rejecting porridge/cereal is driving me insane!!!

I spend tons of precious mins per day trying to get him to eat. He being light weight all the while, makes me more kan chiong...but he still is a happy babe though not feeding well, makes me less worried!!!
i have tried giving my kids friscocream. 1 time a day and they like very excited. and only gave them 3 to 4 teaspoon (baby spoon) and the cereal in watery form.. i'm asked PD, she said its ok if there's not vomitting or diarrhea.
juliana, how is that brand of cereal? I think my boy is ready for cereals soon. He keeps sticking out his tongue and is always hungry. Read that these are signs that they are ready to eat semi solids. Which meal do you give them cereal? day time or evening time?
mine is frisocream, in ntuc small tin cost $7.10. at my mum place she is giving brown rice cereal, i think it bebalac.

Frisocream dun have to add milk, it consist milk just h20. and brown rice cereal need to add milk.

my son just like ur son always hungry and sucks his hands. Me and my mum always give them in the morning ard 10am.
Hi all

My 2 gals are very different. Look, behave and dine differently. My elder gal oso reflux when she was younger. Can be 4x a day. Very frustrating. But somehow got better on her own. But dun like to drink milk. Have to sleep feed her. Everytime disturb her sleep. But else she won't drink. Her face from round to triangle.

Younger gal can't keep still for a minute.

Guess twin as they may be, they are still very unique in their own ways.
Seejay, why do u still have time to sew all those things? I look after them already no enough rest. Kao tao to u.
CJ has ah ma and ah maid to take care mah...she even flying to taipei to make 2 more bbs...hehehehe...ooops, CJ, did i just bao liao your story? Buy more taiwan snacks to stuff my mouth.
Juliana, so you use a spoon to feed them? I know that advent has teats for semi solids (diluted until very watery), should I use that first before trying the spoon? I scared they will choke.
My bbs are 5 months. I am thinking of starting semi solid food. Or should i wait till they are 6 months old. I also notice both of them love to suck their fingers and they are basically eating their fingers now and drooling quite alot too.

I am thinking for looking a good processor which can mince the food until very fine. Do you all know which brand i should look for?
Hi Mummies
Can I ask how many hours do your bbs nap and sleep in a day? Is sleeping good? My bbs sleep v long de...dunno healthy or not.

76, my girl can sleep alot in the day but my boy take only short naps of 1/2hr to 45 mins. What ever it is, I tell their IFC teacher not to let them continue sleeping after 5pm. Otherwise, they will not sleep at night and I dun want that. Kenna before and boy, when both you and hubbi are tired and kids are awake, very siong.
