(2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be


Although on the website, some things may be rented out, u can still sms him n let him know what u want.

U know, he told me that all the toys u see on his webby, are kept in his house. He doesnt have a warehouse! I said to him that he must have a mansion to keep all those!

He told me abt the planet jumperoo (new one). He say gd to rent now as very new. But concept the same.. I am looking into renting a 8 in 1 kangaroo trike next mth.

Bright starts ":Ard we go the activity station" is lotsa fun! my babes loved it!! bbs run all ard....

Raindrops, latching is also good for our shape. Helps us to get back to shape and lose weight faster! I've stopped BF since i went back to work. My kids are taking FM and they are fine. My kids are also starting cereals and they kindof like it. So, don't stress yourself ok. Oh, I also find that drinking lots of homemade soup helps me in my milk production. Maybe you can try....

My kids were trying out their new toy this week. Ah girl is better in playing with the exersaucer. She can interact with the different toys found attached to it. Ah boy like blur blur... only want to suck on his fingers all the time.
This week, ah boy damn naughty. Die die dun want to sleep even though he is very tired. Yesterday he was so fussy that nothing we did could appease him. Until I got so angry that I smacked his bum. Of course, he cry ..... but after tat, he knocked out and slept. Then my turn to cry... kept questioning myself how I could smack him.
Aw Sophia, it happens.. sometimes i wonder if we place too much pressure on ourselves to be good mothers.

Thanks for the tips. i hope that both will be able to latch on *cross fingers*.
My twins vommitted after I bf them. I suspect is overfeeding... Now I have phobia bfing them, afraid they'll vomit again.. end up I may not feed them enough... last night I watch them sleep... I wonder if I am doing my best for them. Sigh...
i very upset.. my mum didnt tell me that she actually made cereal mixed with blended vegetables.

today, i didnt sent my twins to her place as my sister inlaw wanting to see my twins and wants to spend time with my twins at my place. And my mum was angry saying didnt bring down the kids lah, who's going to eat the bb food, and now she sms said dun have to bring the kids to her place anymore..

i was thinking what wrong with my mum.. if i speakout and ask my mum for sure she unhappy.. i mean that well today she can have long weekend rest.. i think because its their 1st grandchildren and that why they are being like these.. i'm confused myself...
Hi Juliana
Maybe there is a miscommunication somewhere? Maybe she thinks your SIL more impt than her so much so that you forego and 'forget' abt her and her efforts when SIL visits. I guess one lah...Maybe you 2 shld talk it out..otherwise next time, really nobody help you look after....
actually juliana, i also mix milk in the veg. Is it wrong? i also agree with 76, have a talk with her, otherwise will end up like me n have to send kids to infant care
76 & sophia,
thanks for the advise. i think she thinks that way too.. like what 76 said. haiyah, i also dunno lah...

thanks alot yea...
Not mom but MIL. She was suppose to take care of the twins but, aiyah, she cannot work with my ways lor. So used the excuse of being old, cannot communicate with maid ( she wants a cantonese speaking maid, like duh)to stop taking care of them. So, I search for ifc lor. Actually better still..... they are happier and mommy also happier.
Hi Mummies
Can I check if your bbs use different types/brand of diapers for day and night? my bbs seem to be able to sleep thru the night le, but sometimes fidget coz of wet diapers..so thinking of changing to better brands at night...what are your practices?Currently, i am using Huggies Dry . thinking of using either pamper or mamy.
Xiaofu -- dont self-doubt. You are doing the best u can for them.

76 -- I'm using Mamypoko for both day & night. At night, i dont change the diapers for abt 6 hours and so far it seems to hold their pee well. Some of my mummy friends swear by Pampers for night use.
I use pampers for day n nite. For nite, they would have been in their pampers from abt 7pm after their bath.

I do not change them till they fully awake abt 8am, so its like 12 hrs of containment. And pampers does a good job, no leakage (although they drink like 3 bottles of milk b/w 7pm to the next morning).

No nappy rash either, so I think its pretty fantastic!

Use it at nite lah, then maybe bb may feel more comfy ?? I am not sure abt other brands, but pampers do hold incredly well.
I use huggies ultra at home, seems ok. My mum place they use mamy poko n pampers.. Also ok.. There r times when they come back frm my mum place ard 7pm to 7am.. The mamy poko n pampers no leak.

Mummies, my son develop like pimples or rash on his bady n head.. But seems the rash or pimple have water n pus.. Poor him, keep streching his head like mad... Last night, send him to pd, pd also dunno wat that she said like chicken pox and also food allergy.. Today hv to follow up to see pd again
Thanks for suggestions. I will try Mamy, Pamper and Ultra.. But ultra is ultra expensive leh... the lobang i have online for Mamy Poko is $15.30 for M (44pc) and L (38pc) size.Ultra is $15 for M (40 only) and L(34 pc only).... V the chor for twins.
76 -- sometimes the supermarkets have offers and Mamy Poki M(66pcs) sells for ard $20.50 - $20.90. Per piece will be cheaper than the online lobang, i think, cos i'm quite bad at math hahaha.
Hi all
Can i ask how you all intend to celebrate your bbs' 1st birthday? Anyone got any good recommendations for cakes, esp 3D types? think i will be having it at function room at my IL's house. Any other suggestions? Most prob do my own deco..simple one..just a nice corner where they can take photo.
Has anyone tried mixing cereals in the kids milk? I heard that this would be more filling and so wanted to try for the nite feed. I put 2 tsp into 120ml milk. He still wake up after 4 hours! Am i doing something wrong or it is something I have to live with? Very tired liao......
Hi mommies!
I've been home looking after my tweedle d n tweedle dum (identical boys) since they were born, am going back to work next week and feel super stressed.. hope to get some advice.
im curious to know how many working mommies pump at work, and if your workplace has no nursing room where do you go to pump?
Hi Sophia
I have not tried your method. But i read somewhere that feeding bbs cereal in bottle may send a wrong signal to them and confusion between the spoon feeding and bottle feeding. This is becos bbs shld be trained that spoon feeding is meant for solid food eg cereal and porridge..while milk is associated with bottles..just my 2cents worth.
76 -- Tampines One is having a promotion. 2 packs of size M pampers (68 pcs each pack) going at $45.75. Works out to about 33cents per piece. The size L pampers also on offer but I cant remember what the offer price is. The cashier told me the offer started today and will last for the next 2 weeks, or I suppose till stocks last. Not sure if other cold storage outlets are having the same promotion. Re: birtday ... my twins only 4 months old so I havent thot abt their 1st bday yet!

Sohpia -- So envious! I wonder when I can go on a holiday with or without the babies!

My friend's gal had a party and odered frm this shop.

Cake rather tasty. 3D design of a Disney Princess theme.

I hear that Pine Gardens bakery is good too, theer are mummies in the June forum swearing by it. U can check it out too.

I will hold their party at our func room. Have helium balloons, and a poster of them with a Happy Birthday wishes, and personalised chocolate favours for guests.....

Looking for catering now. Their bday is in a month and a half!! We (or rather I..) are getting excited!!!!!!

BTW, Mr Rent a toy came today at 9m to deliver my stuff....true enuf, he said past few days raining, so never really "work". He said he rather be safe than travel on a rainy day. Hmmm...
Der luxelectirque, I tried pumping at my school. Wah lao, super troublesome. The nursing room was actually a handicap toilet so you are pumping infront of the toilet bowl. Even though the seat is covered with some cloth, it still has a weird smell. Room is super dusty and musty. After that, I used the homecons room but there wasnt any sink so had to carry all the barang to the kitchen to wash. I even pumped in the car as I had to go to another school (boys school) for CCA. After one week, I gave up.
hi 76, I read about the confusion too. However, I am truely desperate. He is not eating well in the school. Only take 90-100ml and eat at night. But by then it's bed time. That's why he wakes up often in the night to eat and be fussy.
But he can take the cereal with spoon. I even started giving him a new veg, sweet potato during the weekends for him to try. seems ok. Will be moving on to cauliflower or pumpkin next.
Hey, regarding 3D cakes, Young Parents April issue has some super looking ones. But also super ex.
The shop names are:
Jumi Cakes ($630 for 6kg) - tel: 9617 8983
Creative Floral & Cake Design ($300 for 3.5kg dinosaur / rabbit cake) - www.ecreative.com.sg
Designer Bakes ($230 for 2 tiered cake) - www.designerbakes.com
Marriott Hotel ($300 for 3.5kg) - 6831 4551
I also found the 3D cakes exp lor..but then, think of the effect when you take pic...will be so nice lor..compared to 2D cake where you have to prop it up for photo taking...PLUS...you are celebrating for 2 bbs mah..so take it as comfort lor
Sophia, my friend got the 3d cake , dunno how many kg for $300 plus. I think that is the rate for 3d cakes. I can't remember the icing part, but overall it's quite ok.
wow, very nice but a little too exp for me. I think I will bake one myself and save the money.
Aiyah, very easy lah. Before give birth, I baked during my past time (which I had alot of). But now, what ever time I have is to catch up on sleep and to do the necessary things. I can teach you if got time.
I think i give up lah..cooking and anything to do wiith the kitchen is not my forte..until now, my boys only tasted one time of pumpkin porrdge and my porridge stilll nnot succdssful...v grainy...they are 8mths liao some more...i give up on cooking..tried boiling, slow cooker and steam porrdge, all to no avail..
Did you try soaking your porridge before cooking? Usually that the cantonese style, and I notice the grains are more broken up after cooking when soaked first.
Hi mummies
paiseh, another question here...i am a 'problem' child... hehe...How do you keep your twins occupied? Now, me at wits end liao and v tired..I read 2 short stories to them, view picture books, play toys, sit on hi-chair let them play themselves, walker...then after a while, can only sustain for 30-45min..they want to carry liao...they waking up hours is usually 2hours, so can you imagine..got to carry for 1h plus..then soemtimes i will try to repeat the above process again when i tired of carrynig or make them sit infront of my laptop while i go online...so back breaking.
76, I'm more terrible..... oredi send them to IFC so watever precious time I have I should treasure rite? But hor, I also like you dun know what to do with them, so I turn on the tv and let them watch disney channel. EEK, I know, I know..... all the terrible things they will pick up. But, I also very tired, and really want to sit and chill....

I'm bringing them for their first swimming experience on Monday. Any tips on what I should pay attention to? Will it be ok if they just wear their swiming diapers only? or better to wear a tshirt as well? I scared wear tshirt they will feel very heavy. Got for them the neck float so will try that.
Hehe, i dun let them watch TV, so i tire myself up lah..My boys no swimming lessons, so i am not sure..but how abt sunblock lotion? swimming cap? Anything to protect their delicate hair and skin? Just thinking along the lines of wat adults will need.
Sophia, my babies started swimming once a week since 6th old. They r now 10 mth.

They wear washable swim diapers n a swimtee and swim shorts for the boy. The gal wears a typical gal costume.

I think better let yr bb wear swim gear rather than a reg tee. Reg tee may make them feel cold, n it is not so safe as it rises/expands in the water.

I dun use sun block (maybe I shd afterall ) as they swim less than half hour, in the evenings.

I dun use anything in particular for their skin n hair. After swim, I bath them in the regular soap they use.

Just dun let the babies swim too long, else they catch a chill.

My babies use the neck float too. They look cute in it, but dunno how they feel it on their neck, no resistance so far.
Do you have any 'policies' regarding the use of your bumper mat by maid? Sometiems maid helps to care for your bbs and play with them..so you 'allow'her to step on the mat to get to the centre of the mat?
I am also guilty of getting my babies to watch TV after going thru all the activities. They usually nap like 2 times a day and each time last abt ½ hr to 1 hrs. The rest is all activities times, I am running out of activities for them. What else can we do? Sometime I simply leave them in the own bed/playpen to play and mumbling on their own until they shout for attention.
My ger just learn to turn and she can even turn during the nite when she is sleeping. Because of this, it disturb her sleep. What should I do? I cant put her in the sarong anymore. She fell out from it yesterday and I am scared of using it too.

Regarding the bumper mat? Which one is good? I have the ABC mat but it seem abit hard esp when my ger turn and hit the mat landing on her head, she cry.
i am also guilty of getting my babies to watch TV. They watch barnie and sesame street... i dunno what to play with them.. sometime read, sing song with them.. Sometimes they play with their own toys...

last weekend i bring my kids to csc@bukit batok, had a friend bbq.. wanting to let them swim but they are just 4mths and in a week times they are 5mths..

can advise, when is the right time to let them swim..
hi sophia, may i know how old were your babies when you sent them to infant care?
i'm also going that route. i visited a few centres when i was just 4 mths preggie, but they told me there would be definitely be no vacancies by the time i go back to work (!!).
Thank goodness there are some mommies like me and use the TV to kill time.:D
I ordered swim wear for them but not here yet (overseas spree) and my sis very excited about them swimming at her place. Actually it's difficult to find swim wear to fit them as most are for 1 year and above. Those at Mothercare are Super Expensive!!
Ximi, i also find the abc mats very hard that's why invested in the parklon mats instead. It's definitely softer and bigger.

Juliana, yah, I'm teaching in a girls school. Secondary level so I"m quite worried about sending my kids to the primary school. My school no affiliation to the pri school

Spiffy: My kids were 3 months when I send them in. I was lucky to find one at the last minute with two vacancies. It depends on your area as some areas are really HOT and has a LONG waiting list. If you are very serious regarding IFC and you like the centre, better put yourself on the waiting list.

i wanted to get parklon mat, but not sure if it is soft and can provide a soft cushion for the babies especially when they are doing their flip and rolling.

What do you think?
