(2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

Hi All, Sorry in case I didn't get to reply later.. me feeling tired le.. i go and take a nap first. Btw, jus want to said 'THANK U for all your encouragment' It really helps me alot.. especially now.. all home alone cause husband went to work, then daughter at nanny place. Been having negative thought and crying.. At least, it good that I can go online to chat! =) I feel much better le! Thank so much!

Hey Grace, keep your spirits up! I think positive thinking helps a lot. During my first appt, my doc also thought i had lost one baby cos he couldn't even find any heartbeat. he didn't say much at that time, he said something like the sac will just get re-absorbed into my body if the baby really did not develop. then he scheduled another appt 2 wks later and after two weeks of desperate prayers my second baby grew into a head and body

my doc is also from KKH, his name is John Tee, you can seek a second opinion from him if you want

btw my FTS (First Trimester Screening) at KKH cost over $500.. *heart pain* luckily the detailed scan and subsequent scans did not cost so much else i'll be broke before the twins arrive

Jiayou and stay positive!!
Yah, I am expecting twin boys.. only discovered at week 10. in 2 sacs but sharing 1 placenta. I have been diagnosed as having early stage twin twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). you can read up on what this is in the net.. Been praying that bbs are ok.
for 2 sacs and 1 placenta, there is this risk of TTTS...so the best is to have 2 sacs adn 2 placentas...the more dangerous is 1 sac and 1 placenta for twins...my gynae was very worried that i will have 1 sac and 1 placenta adn was relived that my detailed scan showed otherwise..but then, ttts appeared...sigh...hopefully, my next wed scan would shed more positive light.
Every stage is a struggle and full of up adn downs... come to think of it, my first tri had bleeding with clots..followed by 2nd tri got low placenta (now moved up liao)..then now TTTS...though difficult to take it at times, guess have to be happy and positive adn talk to bbs for their sake and rest well lor... which i am still learning how to do and cope lor.
Hi Grace,

Probably your gynae was just telling all the possibilities that could happen for twins sharing a single placenta. Cos twins sharing a single placenta are at a higher risk than those that aren't. And of co's, many twins with single placenta survive through the pregnancy.

At this stage, the fetus is still very small for doc to conclude much and he can only monitor u closely to check for any negative symptons such as high NT, growth rate ...

I also went thru' a similar roller coaster with this pregnancy (just like u, twins sharing single placenta) but don't worry, pray hard that everything will be ok.

Hi all! New to the forum...

Went to visit my doc last fri and realise from the ultrasound that I am expecting twins too... Kinda scared.. Doc immediately cautioned me about the challenges to come.

Quite shocked as its 1st preg for me, and also 1st ever in family history to have twins.. Now juz keeping my fingers cross for each scan, to see 2 heartbeats, and no down syndrome ...
Hi xiaofu!

Congratulations to you and your family!!! Try to think positive and less read scare things!Take a good care of yourself and more rest! Enjoy your pregnancy! ;-)

Sorry to disturb. Any mummies need EYS Bird nest & cordyceps. Have extra 1 set. pm me if you are interested.
jusst went for my re-scan of TTTS at week 23 at NUH. Seems the same as last time, no change of condition, my twin twin transfer syndrome is at stage 1. Doc at NUH says for now, nothing we can do except monitor on a fortnight basis.If things get worse, there is one solution, i.e. to draw excess liquid from right bigger twin to balance the pressure. When i went back to Glen with the NUH report, my gynae say my left smaller twin may not survive coz the liquor volume inside is little. Even if it can move to week 32, the lungs may not be mature enough. I dunno how to react man...duno if i can proceed to buy my bbs stuff,find names for bbs etc...neither here nor there.
congrats xiaofu! stay happy and talk to your twins everyday to make them healthy

76, i believe what the doctor told you is the worst case. try talking to your babies everyday, tell the little one to "eat more" and the bigger one to take care of little one so that they can both be healthy babies.

i have been doing this for the past one month-plus and so far the weight difference has maintained, will be finding out next Monday if the little one has caught up with his big brother..

stay healthy and positive!
76, stay positive.. do sing and talk to your babies..it really helps. I know at times, staying positive can be tough especially when you hear negative comments...but we just have to self-talk and say everything is going to be okay. Pray... God bless..(",)
Thanks all for the support.. I really hope things will turn out well... guess since there is nothing i can do medically, i got to b positive...
See Jay
I am seeking 3rd opinion from KKH for my TTTS and have been given John Tee for my appointment. Does he specialize in high risk multiple pregnancy? Can you share more about him, please?
See Jay
Does Dr Tee have the detailed scan machine in his consultation room?Or do I have to be referred to another centre or unit at another place and WAIT again for detailed scan?
Hi 76, John Tee is quite senior and experienced. However, he talks very little so be sure to ask him many questions during the consultation!

It seems like he specializes in high-risk pregnancies cos my sister's fren was referred to him from Mt E when she had to transfer to KKH in the last trimester due to low placenta. He was highly recommended by my brother's fren who had 3 babies delivered by him. My nephew was also delivered by him and my brother recommended to me cos he feels that John Tee is a very steady doctor

There is a machine for doing the ultrasound in his room but he usually scans for a few minutes only as my consultation with him is usually 5-10 mins each time only. my detailed scan was done in another department called ADC. If the nurse/whoever has already made an appt with ADC for you then the waiting time is quite short (for the growth scans, i normally wait 15-20mins), but if you are a "walk-in" patient then how long you wait really depends on luck.

let me know if you need any other info ok?
Thanks See Jay. i have made appointment through the nurse for 915am appt. Understand clinic opens at 9am, so should be short waiting time right? I am supposed to go Private Suite for the appointment, so it is not ADC right? Probably, he might have to refer me to ADC after consultation with him if he needs further info on my condition status since he has no prior info.
76, when is your appt at KKH?? mine's on coming monday but at specialist clinic. According to KK website, Private Suite is supposed to have short waiting time but if doctor is away for delivery you'll still have to wait.. so far, i kena twice only in 6 months, so the probability is not very high :D

I am not sure if you will need to do the more detailed growth scans in ADC. For the growth scans, the sonographer will measure the blood flow in the babies' brains, and also how much blood is pumped into each baby. They will also estimate the amount of fluid in each water bag, and estimate the babies' weights. My last scan took very long (almost 2 hours) because both the babies were moving a lot and we couldn't get any readings. In the end both my legs were numb and my lower back hurt like hell from lying down for too long.

Hope everything turns out to be ok for you
haio all,
im going for my c-sec w/epi on 5 aug.. i'll be wk 36 then.
(shld b ok rite?)

anyone with any idea, for c-sec w/epi..can hb cut the cord? also, is it true that aft the gynae delivered the bbs.. they will actually give us another shot of anesthetic to knock us out totally? if really, for what? sew us up arh?
Hi bobo, you've already decided to go for caesarean?? i just had my appt today and my babies are still heads up now.. the doc says if they don't turn down by august i'll probably have to go for c-sect also.. but i'm hoping to carry them until week 38 leh, is it too ambitious? he says usually twins will be born 3 weeks early

as far as i know, the babies will be mature by 36 weeks so your c-sect on 5 aug should be ok!! as for the anesthetic, if you dun undergo GA you will be awake during the operation. so far, i only have one fren who had to undergo GA, due to high blood pressure.

when will you all stop working?? i asked the doc when i can start going on leave and he said "early august". sigh.. now my babies already weigh more than 3kg in total and it's very painful for me to move around, not sure if i can tahan working all the way until end of july :'(

76, keep us updated on the outcome of your consultation ok??
Hi annfresh.. as of my last scan, bbs were head down, but they might still be moving ard i guess.
another thing is..hb n i decided for c-sec to minimise addition risk bah. although the bbs r head down (say till birth time), there are certain stress lvl n risk especially for the 2nd baby (waiting to be delivered). dr tan mentioned (n i read somewhr too) that aft the first birth, the uterus somehow go into some kind of 'sleep mode'..n ob-gyn will need to administer the 'watever drug' to induce us agn so that we will go into another round of contraction to deliver the 2nd baby.. meanwhile..the 2nd baby may already be stressed inside waiting n waiting.....

sighz.. so.. we juz tot... juz go for it la... c-sec lor.

hihi seejay, wah yur bbs total more than 3kg already arh? i wonder what's my bbs' weight now. i've applied for my maternity leave to start on 4 aug.. but am definitely planning to go on 'rest' leave much earlier..

i agree now moving ard can smtimes be quite challenging. but i hvnt got a coverage yet.. so....im not sure. will prolly take couple of days here n there.

recently hvg quite alot of contractions..(i tink) too...... tummy gets very hard..n often painful too. kind of worried... n ya.. hopefully can go on 'total rest' soonest possible!
Hi bobo, yeah yesterday the estimated weights were 1.5kg and 1.9kg. but the doc told me the sonographer over-estimated the weight. he says the bigger baby is probably less than 1.9kg cos twin babies are usually not so big, so he told me not to worry about the weight difference now *phew*

my hubby also told me to just opt for c-sect since there are so many risks involved..

now when i laugh very hard the whole tummy will be very painful and tight, is it contractions?? very scary so my colleagues kept telling me to control myself..
i hvnt been laughing alot since i got preggy... anyways...... lala~

actually hor.. im not exactly sure also... how's contraction really like... hahaha.. that's why i sometimes say i hv cramps...but ya la..not sure.

oso hor.. since couple of weeks back.. i easily get choked on food or drinks... anyone of u hv this prob oso?
Hi there,
I am new here... oso expecting twins(2girls), Currently 22 weeks. This is my 1st child so excited and dont know what to expect and just starting to learn about it

Any idea if there is mothers support groups avail in Singapore coz in Melbourne there is such thing

Starting to buy stuff now but aint sure what to buy and gotta be prudent in spending as am not working and hubby not earning much

Any advice? I saw the twins prams but so ex..where can I get 2nd hand or wheres the best place. Is KKH is gd for twins delivery

My mobile tel: 9738 2631
Hi Marcia
I agree twins pram is very expensive! Second hand pram or cots you can find on classifieds or eBay. I also looking for second hand stroller. Just missed Maclaren for only S$250 cause we went for holiday but still have time to buy babies staff, I'm on 20th weeks now.

you may check http://www.twinsplussing.com/
thanks sam for the blogsite.
Tot for multiple birth, its a norm to go for c-section coz like what fat bobo said, bbs will be stressed?mine definitely c-scetion.. in a way i am relieved that i dun have to choose natural or c-section coz i am the kiasi type, scared of pain...though i know post op is worse.
as for prams, i am looking at 2 single strollers, probably carpella...
wow, can finally read sam's blog when i get home!! how come the hospital bill for triplets cost so much?? :eek:

heehee, actually my colleagues always tell me very funny and lame jokes that's why i still laugh a lot at work :D my cramps are usually on the lower abdomen and doc says it's due to the stretching of the muscles. nothing much we can do about the pain..

since starting my third trimester i noticed that my nausea has come back :'( there was once i vomitted in my sleep and woke up because i choked on the acid.. now i sit on the bed for one-two hours before lying down to sleep

hi marcia *waves* my sister recently found a discounted twin stroller for me. the usual price is $700+ but we managed to get it at $590 after discount. i think the model is maclaren techno or something. the shop is called "the first few years" and it's situated inside KKH. many parents told me that i should've gotten two single strollers instead, i hope i don't regret my twin stroller..
2 single strollers could easy to use and cheaper. in my case have only 2 hands, one of them using for holding my 3 years old son so need to buy twin one.

About the pain.... after delivery you will forget about the pain and never remember it! :)
hi annfresh, is it difficult to cope with three kids?? i really want a baby girl but my hubby says if i can't even handle the twins then we'll better not have another child..

i thought we can take painkillers after c-sect? Hee...
seejay.. vomitted in your sleep? gosh!

for me.. planning to get 2 single strollers oso.. n ya... prolly Capella too.

btw.. went to see ob-gyn ystrday.. was asked to cont take my ventolin till....delivery? yep.. another pill in addition to the supplements.. yawnz!
See Jay
Recently when i was lying down, i also burp acid..yucks.. i always make sure i sit up for at least an hr before i lie down...dunwan such yucky feelings..
My bbs kicking quite a bit these days, hopefully my check up next Wed will be ok... Pray
enjoy the bbs kicking...I miss them kicking in my tummy now..haha..

As for strollers, my take is to take your time to look for a suitable one. We bought a twin stroller at Kiddy Palace after they turn one month. Reason is as most twins are smaller than singleton babies, good to see the size of your babies before buying the stroller. There are some which are too big for my boys...

For c-sect and painkillers, I was given after my c-sect. However, I tried to 'tong' the pain until the nurses know me as the girl who doesn't take painkillers.. hee..
thanks Annfresh & seeJay
Trying to look around for bargains esp with Twins all cost dbl =p
+ now aint working and hubby not getting alot
Thanks for your info..will defintely consult u guys more
Hi Marcia, if you have friends/relatives with young children, you may want to ask if they want to give you some of the bigger items like strollers/breast pumps/ sterilizers/cots. You'll save up quite a lot of money this way!

bobo, what is ventolin?? how come you need to take it until delivery??

76, yah now i also sit on my bed for more than one hour before i dare to lie down to sleep.. very troublesome but at least didn't vomit again after i tried this method. active babies is a good sign!!

i love it when the babies kick also but recently they're less active than before, dunno if it's normal..
I had my detail scan yesterday in NUS ( prof Arijit Biswas) My twins are dichorionic diamniotic twins, as I understood they are from 2 eggs. And they are.... boys ) I was hopping boy and girl, but anyway very happy with 2 boys. Will have soccer team :-D My son asked when he will have a sister! ))

Also babies very active. Every day I let them listen one song about mother and they can recognize it ) The movements are best part of pregnancy!

seeJay , I'm now 20th weeks- Try to enjoy. Of course it will not be easy after delivery but will try my best.
My detailed scan is also with Prof Biswas.. He is quite good... i hope my bbs movement are really a positive sign that things are still ok.
I also heard Prof Biswas is the best with multiples pregnancy and it's very difficult to go to him only with letter from doctor! It was long Q to his room. Our app was at 9.30am but we went inside around 1pm! When is your next visit to him?
Bbs movements are defiantly good sign! Babies are telling you that they are alright! ;-)
How come your wait so long? Coz 930am is quite early an apptment, so that you dun have to wait too long, esp for ladies with twin pregnancy. My next apptment with him is next Wed.
Hi all, I've since went back for my 2nd scan and both twins were doing fine. However I need to change gynae coz my gynae says she's going on holiday ard my edd and won't be around to help me delivery and therefore advised me to change so that I am in good hands with one who follow thru my whole pregnancy. A bit stressed up over it for a couple of days. However I've made an appointment with KKH and they've kindly helped me squeeze in an appt so that my tests will be done on time.

Can I check with the experienced twins mummies, if 1 adult is really not enough to handle twins? I am hoping to engage a day time nanny to ocme over to help out but have not much contact of anyone living ard my area. Was kinda scared either my MIL or mum will be left alone with the kids till I can find one..
There is a documentary "emergency in the womb" tmr (Monday) at Okto channel 10pm, about twins. Be sure to watch.
Hi xiaofu...my parents r taking care of my 2 boys and I'm currently still on maternity leave...my personal experience is sometimes even 2 adults can be challenging when my 2 boys are hungry and 1 of them has to make milk. It's fine when both of them are sleeping..but prior to that, putting them to bed can also be a challenge. 1 adult is definitely a real challenge and stressful... it's ok for a short while but not for the whole day.. that's just my experience so far..
Thanks Hoops for yr advice. Ahh.. I hope those issues can be ironed out ;X I'm usually home by 4pm latest.. and not too comfortable with a maid in the house.

76, yep I'm waiting to watch the program to get myself mentally prepared..

My advice for all who are still expecting not to watch..cos u will tend to let ur minds wander and be worried unduly which will be unhealthy for ur pregnancy. I avoided all related shows during my pregnancy. Now, I'm watching them during my maternity leave and sure glad I avoided these shows.. ;p
