(2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

my next appoint with pd will be on 12 Dec for their jab.. That's wat my mum say too, abt my girl's teeth.

I think diff babies have diff character and luck our babies are non identical, can you imagine if we are having identical.. its hard to handle - one cry the other cry...

I normally place my twin in playpen and let them play together.. I let both of them have bonding time...

But my girl scare of plp... even my MIL... if MIL carry her she will cry... My boy opp.

Sophia n all the mummies !!

Hi! Long x no post !! How r all the bbs ??? Mine is coming 18 mth in a week! Time flies isn't it ?

Fighting bbs - mine fight lots of time . They fight over toys n food . Actually , my gal more domineering. Wants her own way ( hmmm ... Just like her mum ). The boy always gets " bullied ", v poor thing sometimes .

I'm not sure if they r aware if each other existance either , but they do play tog ( looks like fighting though ). The boy likes to follow his sis . They play 15% tog , snatch / pinch /bite @ 85%. sigh .....

They hav a full set of teeth now . So bites leaves a red ugly patch . I scold the biter , biter give me a Killer smile , n walk away. If scold v v fierce , biter cries , n land up biter n victim crying ... Some x , dunno who to " side " more .

They like to play wif other toddlers too . They join a church bb gp , n they enjoy being wif other similar age group kids . But kids this age , dunno how to play wif one another , so may again end up snatching toys n stuff .

I rented a slide which has a Bb swing from rent a toy to expand their energy ( but make us more busy as must jaga them ).
Hi all
My bbs 15mths now. Fighting, mine v violent. Didi will pull gorgor hair till the scalp is red.. me take away his hand while mum had to pull gorgor away painlessly. Then sometimes,they will snatch each other's pacifier from each other's mouth. Or poke eyes and pull ears....then guess wat..the one who cry is the agressor coz we pull them apart and the agressor cant proceed with his acts. hahahaha....I also rented the monster slide/swing..initially it was a novelty. As time goes by, it is still a novelty till they kept crawling up the slide thmselves and i got no energy to catch them...they can commando crawl up the slide backwards now and slide down themselves...Even tho there are no proper staircaase at the back of the slide, miine is those rocky mountain steps..they can still climb up lor..(front and back)...so, now u know past 2 weeks, nursing from flu and all these energies i have lost 1.4kg...which i am happy..yay!! now i wish the monster toy can be returned ASAP.hahahah
After reading all the post. I realise my Ger skills of fighting is not as agressive as it is. I think her bark is fierce than her bite. Whenever she snatch something from her korkor, after sucessfully getting her stuffs, she will turn and scold the kor kor in her baby words and shout until the brother turn can crawl away in tears.

I think it is time for me to loan those slide to, seriously want to burn off their energy.
Can i check how old are ur twins and at what age can they talk? Mine now 15mths, can only say mama and papa..Worried they will be autistic.
pd din say anything...coz i always follow the milestone dev in health booklet... by 18mths they shld be saying atleast 3 words other than papa and mama...and i onlyhave 2 mre mths to reach my KPI....so, i am worried.

I have this worries too. They just pass their 1 year old. and the PD was asking me if my boy said papa and mama. my answer is not yet. she give me a weird look. i normally dont follow their milestone.

lately my boy can said mum mum but that is in his dream. like that how. i was thinking maybe they know how to said just that when facing stranger, they dun want to say at all
u check against the MOH health booklet for the milestone lor..btw, my boys cant point at an object and say..i got to teach and train them..now then they start to point at things...many things i got to teach..part of body, names of objects, actions, songs, etc...but my frens kids v easy, no need to teach, pick up naturally from conversations and observations...me and hubby not toot toot mah..how come our kids behave like gong gong.Worse is today, my elder fell first time from the sofa...my heart pain like anything..of coz he cried like anything.hope he dun become more toot as a result
about kids speech:
My twins are also still blabbering nonsense. My girl can say mama but only want she is crying and trying to get out of the carseat. My boy also only when he wants to be carried or when he is bullied by the sister. I also dun know they know that mama is me or they are just words to them. Both still dun know dad dad, so daddy is quite worried and jealous. They can point to fruits though like banana and papaya. That's becoz grandparents feed them this every weekend. They also learnt to touch their heads, ears and face in school but this is due to the song they play along to. Recently my girl has learnt uh oh. I dun know where she got that from but it's quite cute.
I guess we are worried if they are picking up enough words, but then again, each kid develops at his/her own pace. Maybe should just let them be. I guess from our constant communication with them in proper language (instead of baby talk and gibberish) they will pick up eventually.
Yo mummies !!

Yes - bbs develop their speech when they r ready . As long as we speak to them bb not so much in bb language like "mum mum", "oi oi", dog dog ( instead of just dog ), etc ...
Also , expand their vocab . When they see a balloon , expand the sentence " a big red balloon" instead of balloon . I always believe they r never too young to learn n are constantly listening to what we say . Jus a matter of time when they r ready for speech .

Also v v importantly , I understand this from PDs, is to encourage them to use their jaw muscles . To encourage this , is not to give so much of those melt in mouth biscuits . But rather biscuits wif some texture . Speaking comes from the action of jaw muscles , so he said many kiddos who still can't talk much aft 18mth , mostly he seen - are those that only eat mash up food. So he encourages small texture , n cut up fruits to encourage them to gum n exercise their jaws .

Hope this helps ......
Hi twin mummies,

Thought I will ask my question here since you guys are probably more experienced! =)

Any mummy had success establishing a simple routine with your twins? When did you start? In terms of napping and feeding schedule? Do you let your twins cry it out? Anyone had success without having to let them cry it out?

My twin boys are almost 12 weeks old and their schedules are still quite hay wire... I want to start a routine soon so that I can have some sanity. I have an older toddler and the house is rather chaotic cos the twins don't seem to nap together... and they can't go beyond 3 hours feeding intervals yet. Sigh. Am I too ambitious to want them to be more settled at this age? My boy was much more settled at this time already...
Hi L
For me, i started the routine after they are discharged. Tho i din know exactly what they wanted and at wat time (in terms of milk sleep etc), i try to work around their schedule.. In the begining, its harder coz we are inexperinced and also they sleep most of the time. By and by, it gets easier.Basically, every 3hours they need milk, thats our rule of thumb. Even now, my 16mth boys cant go 3hrs without food...so, my schedule is this:
7am: Milk 220ml
830am: Nap 1
10am: Breakfast cereal+bread
11am: Yogurt+cheese+cod liver oil
1230pm: Lunch porridge
1pm: Nap 2
3pm: Milk 220ml
530pm: Dinner porrdge
8pm: Milk 220ml/sleep
They are now 11kg and 9.6kg.
As for sleeping, my twins sleep at the same time from young..most of the time, they wake up same time, not coz one distrbs the other, but somehow, naturally they wake up same time. they sleep in different room, one with us, the elder with my mum. U shld establish a schedule for them, so that they are not confused and fuss. As for crying it out, mum always says not to let them cry too much..i know many 'ang mo' like to train kids to be 'independent' by letting them cry. But too much crying can lead to breathing in of too much air. Also, baby get skinnier....scientifically, it coud be due to the fact bbs use up the energy for crying.. but old pple cant explain why, so they just simply say dun let babies cry out too long. Just my few cents worth.
Hi 76,

Your schedule looks pretty good... that they're in bed by 8 pm. How long did it take you to establish this and how do you put them to bed?

With my #1, I also managed to do 3 hourly feeds and all. But with the twins, everything just seem very much harder.

Btw, saw some of the previous posts. I think don't worry too much about them not talking as much as other kids. I think as long as they are picking up words/phrases, able to make eye contact and can understand instructions, I think they are developing in their own ways and time. My boy only really started talking about now and he's 24 mths. Some of my friends' babies started way earlier like 16 mths... so don't worry too much! Some are better are motor skills, some are better at linguistic skills... it's usually one or the other! =)
L, u have 3 boys?!! How is it like handling 3 boys? I am very scared my second one will be a boy, and worst nightmare of all, another set of twin boys!!
You preggy now?
My boys' schedule was developed since young..they started by sleeping at 5pm till next morning at newborn (NB sleep almost the entire day mah)..then slowly shifted to 6pm, then 7pm, 730pm...and it has been 8pm ever since dunno when..before 1 yr? Hope it doesnt get later than that...one motivation for me is i can do my own work when they koonz...so i need to die die get them in bed at 8pm...if not, i got no free time coz day time, is time spent with them...
Hi L,
My 18 mth old twins routine started since discharged from hospital . At the early months , if one bb is awake n needed to nurse , I'll feed the other one aft the other . I fed them every 2 hourly anyway , so I breastfed the other one while sleeping so hopefully they can wake abt the same time to nurse in a hour or 2 later . Unless the other bb is still so
soundly asleep aft the crying bb has screamed for milk , I'll wait till he/she wakes up . They were sharing the same cot till they were 5 mths old n they began to stir once someone cries .

When they started solids at 7 mth , I fed tog as well . By then - they were quite attuned to waking up
abt the same time , plus or minus a few mins . In fact , till now , they eat, shower ( one aft the other ) n drink milk same time so they can sleep tog.
If one of them divert from schedule and wakes up earlier than the other , then Bo pian , I slowly tune bk again.

Thus now that they r slightly bigger , they hav formed like a "playgp " between themselves . They fight wif each other , snatching each other toys n food of course , but they also go for walks, swim , playground , reading , flashcards n, art craft
tog .

I can't do the cry it our method . That's the Prof Ferber method rite ? If u use n read those contented bb series , they always encourage bb independence n cry it out.

Independence - yes , gd to develop n we r trying always . But cry it out - I too heart pain . See them screaming their lungs out is a bit too painful for me . Besides , it's crying for weeks for results to show .

I have a primary 2 boy so I also can't let the bbs cry n disturb his sleep / studies .

My schedule :
6/7 plus - bbs wake , milk n light breakfast (fruits/ puree) is
given .
Reading , playtime ....
9 am - milk n a heavier breakfast of mee sua ,or noodles or toast bread , etc is given .
10 plus am - nap time
12.30 pm - lunchie wif fruits
reading time n playtime, flashcards time
3 pm - tea time of pancakes , or yougurt , or Cheese sticks n formula milk.
3.30 plus - sleep
5 plus - dinner wif fruits.
6 pm - playground / swim
8 plus - gal sleeps till am .
But boy sleeps only at 10 pm or so . Till morn.

Thus, they r quite scheduled tog , only for the last sleep . But not really a prob. Cos hubb can take care aft work

all the best
Aaden has false measles! Damn tiring man. The kids are really sapping of my Dec hols before I go back to work.
Anyone has experience with this before? How long do the rashes last?
Hi 76, that's my hope too!! That my kids will sleep by 8-9 pm so that I can get a bit of downtime myself, time to chit chat with my hubby... if not, can go a bit crazy. My #1 somehow shifted his bedtime later and later... now we prep him to sleep at 9, but he only really sleeps at 10+ pm. =(

BBQ, yes, I have 3 boys!! So far, can't tell yet how the twin boys are like... but if they are like my #1, then all I can say I have to be prepared for a chaotic house all the time. #1 is SO active and always getting bruised and simply has too much energy! Which is why I told my hubby no more kids, cos I'm afraid I will get another pair of TWIN BOYS. Can you imagine having 5 boys?! *faintz*

Poko, thanks for sharing your schedule. I do feed my twins at the same time now... either same time, or 1 after another. Except for nite time, sometimes i let 1 twin sleep longer, but for the first feeds, I will wake both up. But naptimes are a different story. They don't seem to be able to sleep at the same time. 1 is a much better sleeper than the other... how long did it take you to establish their routine? I keep asking the mummies this because I'm wondering if I'm too ambitious in wanting them to have an established routine now... =( Part of the reason is also cos I feel very exhausted by them. Lack of sleep and lack of routine for them are making me cranky.. =(

At which point do u guys feel more settled down with the twins and not so overwhelmed all the time?
hellow mummies,
finally the forum is back in active again...
it has been silent for awhile...

Till todate my girl is toothless, my son already have 5 teeth, 3 top and 2 bottom...and my son starts to walk all over the house and dun want to be place in walker anymore, so i have bought him the push walker but he seems dun like to use it but my girl like to use the push walker...

My house will be noisy and messy with both of them around...

My son get boring whenever i read the book to him, but my girl are attentive... will listen to the story till the end of the book.

How to get my son interest with books?

Can anyone advise
Juliana ,

I read lots to my tods . What I do if any of them gets distracted , is to give them some biscuits they can hold to eat . While nibbling on the biscuits , they will listen to whatever needs to be read or flashed at . Their attention span us also not long , so choose easy to read , n prob touch n feel books . Hopefully give them some interest .

I also got them little musical chairs from fisherprice that has helped lots . They firstly love the chair as it plays music , has lights , n stuff . They can sit there , munch on snacks for that 10/15 min or so while I read . But anyway , regardless whatever u try to sustain their attention to finish the book , oue growing toddler r too mobile n active . Many a times , one or the other just run away despite the yummy incentives . So I read to the listening child . At least one listens.
Hope tat helps .

L, hmm ... When it gets easier ..... I personally ( really could be just me ), I feel tat the easiest was when they were really little like new born till less than a yr old .

When they were younger , they didn't know how to whine , or refuse things or even fight wif one another .
No doubt the early days may be diff as it's a new journey n u r still learning how to cope , it is still easier than now .
Aft 12 mths , they learn how to walk ( n falling becomes a common occurance ), we need to jaga them .
Then food strikes begin. Dun wan eat this or tat . Then the refusal to sleep as wan to play , etc ...
My early days was all abt making sure they drink their milk . Most if the time , sleep followed next . Also they not so mobile yet , so if u leave them on the cot , they will still be there when u return . Haha ! Now I close my eyes for 4 sec , they dunno skoot to where .

But also I think I became less kancheong aft perhaps a yr old . I am still overwhelmed some x when they act up , but I tend to close one eye n think of it as a part n parcel of growing up . I tink u will prob feel less overwhelmed once routine has settled in . All e best !
76, nononno, choy!!

L, there is no such thing as " it will get better". I agree with poko that it was the easiest before they started to roam around.
Agree with Poko, they are easier to handle when they were confined to their playpen or cot. Now, they have their own personality and they can be very stubborn. My boy is active and easily distracted. So naptime can be problematic if he is distracted. My daughter can be very stubborn and insist on doing things her way.
Aaden's false measles have slowly disappeared. Finally can send him with the sister to ifc tomorrow.
Sophia , I'm not sure abt false measles ....though I heard of tat.

My older boy was injected wif chicken pox immunity jab at one yr old . However , he kena " chicken pox " ( but the super mild version at lessthan 5 spots) at 5 yr old . Dr said it's like the lighter version of pox, something looking a bit Iike pox but not actually it ) but except it goes away in a few days
in it's own . Is false measles like tat ?

I didn't do anything for him , he had no fever . Jus went away in it's own 2/3 day later . Hope yr boy feels much better soon !

Talking abt our toddlers ( if aft one yr old ), yes - Sophia , totally agree tat the young ones now certainly hav a mind of their own ! N I'm surprised that their head strongness can be seen at such a young age . I jus told hubb that it's like the mini terrible 2's. I really can't imagine 2 toddlers at it's terrible 2's. I prob hav to grow thicker skin n smaller eyes n shallower ears for that stage !! N more panadols to pop for our headaches !!!! Wahahaa !!!

N BBQ98, thumbs up ! It will never get easier at a y stage . Jus tat each stage has it's own set of issues. Tantrum ones , terrible 2's, " no school" , "I want this toy - whining n stamping ground, etc at 3's. Haha!

Long jouney for us but whoohoo - let's embrace it !
when ur babies start eating more solids, u may have to slowly adjust ur milk intake. Mine also dun eat as much solids as they shld for their age..bbut i am trying le..wat to do.Got a good friend who is always sharing her babies makan recipe with me....so, will slowly iintroduce them to more food
Juliana, So handsome and pretty!!! Looks like professional shots, where did you take them?

Poko, false measles start off with high fever. No other symptoms (like cough, runny nose etc) Dr will check everything from lungs to private part and all will be fine. Then 3-4 days later, red rashes will appear. Mainly on the back and face. Looks like heat rash, no pus or water. When rash appears, fever also gone. But crankiness super high. Dun know if it's contagious coz my girl is fine (touch wood).
LOL! something is very wrong with my eyes.. i read 'false measles' wrongly as 'false menses' and was scratching my head, wondering why do baby boys get menses!

Juliana, your twins are beautiful!
u never come, then long time never come...when come in, make such a big joke on measles...wahahahhahaha, but i had a big laugh...
Hi all,
Not sure if anyone of you have this problem. My ger started teething again after stopping quite a while.

And i am not sure if it is itchy or pain that she accidently bite too hard. Her mouth is full of blood. I worried that she accidently bite on her tongue too.

Is there anything i can do to relieve her pain and i can see that she want to bite on something very badly. But she dun want the normal teething now. I try cold towel but end up she lick it.

My boy does not have this problem when he is teething. do you all face this problem?
Hi, I am a silent reader. I am wondering what kind of bag do you bring when you pack their stuff? It is going to be CNY soon and really needs a HUGE bag to contain their stuff. Any suggestions mummies?

Also, how you plan to settle their meals? Mine is only 10months old, 1 boy and 1 gal. Headache!
I use a haversack which can hold most of their things. I also have another bag but I put this in the car so no need to carry around. For this bag, I put extra diapers, change of clothes and wet wipes.
When i go out without maid, i use my katespade baby diaper bag...If maid goes along, i use an ugly black bag since she is the one carrying, no need carry so nice a bag..[evil]Wat stuff you need to contain? usually just a small packet of wipes, 2 extra clothes, clothes, 2 bottles and 1 milk container, and some toys.As for food, dun really understand ur qn...do you mean schedule? Or do you mean when they go bai nian, how to feed? or wat?
Curiousleo, I use a big ( by my standards) Esprit bag tat has 2 clothes , wet wipes , milk bottles x4, milk containers x6, fork , spoon , sissors, bb bowls, bibs, dettol hand rub, thermal flask to carry their soup or rice or porridge , toys , biscuits ! Haha ! We carry ALOT of things . We spend lots of time outside, n for pretty long periods of time tat is why .

For feeding yr, cook their food n put into thermos flask , go to places tat have hi chairs , n u shd be abt set to feed them

My twins r 18 mth , n by now - I'm quite familiar where r good places ( tat has safe hi chairs ) n a fair bit of space to feed them. They range from foodcourts ( 313 orchard , marina, wisma , etc), restaurants like sushi tei at paragon, taka coffee club , n many more ...

I feed them quite early like 11 plus or early 12 pm to hopefully beat the crowds . I hope tat answ some of yr queries .
Thanks mummies for your feedbacks.

Sophia, I also plan to buy a huge haversack to contain all my babies' stuff. I also bought a Diaper bag to organize their stuffs. It is a good idea to have another bag in the car for extra stuff so that no need to carry so heavy bag.

Same, same Poko1, I also carry alot of things when we go out. Always need half hour to pack all these stuff. But can I ask if you bring their lunch and dinner out at the same time? Then how do you make sure that their dinner is still hot in the thermal flask during feeding time when outside?
Hi curiousleo,
i always place extra clothing 1 set each, 6 diapers, wet tissue, bibs, towels, toys, buscuits, a small bag for Toiletries (J&J powder, oilment,diapercream, dettol handrub, bottle wash soap, my son smoothing spray (coz he has sensative buttom) and story book in my katespade diaper bag.

The flask, 4 bottles, their food flask and milk containers 6 in food bag. Small carrier. These items will hide under my my kids pram...
hi juliana, yap they r starting to walk. They still can sit in their stroller when they go out but I also wonder how long this will last.
Juliana , my gal ever since can walk , dun want to sit much on the pram. When we really need to , then
perhaps hav to get her a biscuit to
munch on, n hmmm ..... Must be something different one , ok!! Those usual ones like cheerios n raisins n stuff dun work normally n she rather walk than eat these !! Haha ! My boy on the other hand , is quite happi ( still) to sit on pram. But ee use the macclaren twin stroller , then only one seat utilized . Thus we put bags there if we buy things .... Maybe , maybe ... I shd get a single stroller now

curiousleo , my thermal flask for their food is by thermos. N I swear by this brand as this can keep the food stuff boiling hot for up to 6 hrs ( but i never keep for so long la ). Even aft 3 hr , when open - there is steam coming out, n still b hot.

I dun bring 2 portions of meals out. I either bring out lunch or dnr . If I'm still out aft the first meal has been eaten , I'll either get fish soup n rice for them from food courts, , or the yummy porridge at Crystal jade or soup noodles from din tai fung . Depends on where I am . They r slightly older now , so some x , I may also offer a bit of what I eat ( wan tan noodles, n Mash potatoes, corn n other stuff ).

As yr bb is only 10 mth , better prep food from home . Find a good thermal flask n u shd be abt set !
aiyah, don't waste money to get another single stroller. Wait another few months your boy also don't want to sit stroller too.

Now that my kids are 13months I also very relax with the food they eat. Sometimes will also give steam fish (dig the flesh from inside to avoid gravy) or steamed toufu. They have also tasted beancurd dessert and black sesame paste dessert.

When we are out, I still will bring their porridge in thermos and a round of milk.
alot of kiasu parents Q up for Nanyang Kindergarten...
I'm thinking of placing my kids to playschool next year.

Can someone tell me what the diff between playschool & playgroup
Juliana , I was jus going to ask mummies here which Sch yr little ones will attend !!
It's scary isn't it - the education system . The kiasuism
of even non Singaporeans. The first in queue for nanyang was an ang mo ok !! Beat us locals huh !!!

But sadly , it's true tat Kinders , enrichment prog , n primary Sch r like tat . Meaning : waiti list for kinder( n still pay big bucks for it ) , or shift next to pri Sch n hope for the best.

Educ rules n gets the most $$ generating to hav a pre Sch or an enrichment centre if u own one tat is well known. Haha ...
I wished I own one .... N studied some kind of teaching degree. Sigh ...

I dun know if I'm rite but pre nursery (3 yr old ) can be called N1. Play school is prob another name for it ?? Play group is normally those once a week ( like Julia gab or GUG prog )? I'm not sure ... But I think so
Its true.. scared with the education here and the kiasuim here... My sis told me that even in primary school nowadays there are multi-races no more chinese, malay, india, eurasian. There are angmohs, filipinos, india frm india, chinese from china and all these is bcoz of PRs...
Our children, need to beat with foreigner... And I'm not sure if its good for us to send our kids to TOP KINDERGARTEN with the price is so high like $1000 per kid/per mth. And ours is twice. Imagine if there are mummies out there with triplets, I pensang 1st.
Thanks mummies for all your valuable inputs.

Yes, I swear by the Thermos brand mentioned by Poko1. The food can be kept hot for a long time. I bought 2 and they are very useful when we go out.

i plan to place my twins in playgroup when they are 18 months. Is kinder a very good school? Can they learn much from Playgroup? I wonder if 18 months is a good age to place them there?

Any comments on Cherie hearts?
Curiousleo , do u mean play group like those once a week or two? Like those pre Sch like growing up gifted , kindermusix , playgyms , shichida those kind ? Those r like 2 hr lesson once a week . If u say Cherie hearts , I tot that is more like childcare?

If childcare , I'm not sure . Cos my twins not sent to one (yet).

If playgroup such as I mentioned - yes , I think it is gd in some way def. Some prog like Julia Gabriels hav bilingual prog so better for those not exposed much to Chinese . They also learn to be disciplined while doing art n craft n story telling so tat is a gd thing to learn.

At hm , during story or arts , they jalan here n there rite ? Hee hee

also , children look see other kids n may learn more mimicking from others ( hopefully the gd things la ). So those more shy kids may be more expressive from these classes.

However , most of these classes need parents to sit in till at least 24 mth or 30 mth depending on ctr. So u may need another person to help u wif the other twin.

Just my 2 cents worth ok !!!!! Haha !! Happy motherhood !

Add another of my 2cents regarding choice of pre school/childcare: While word of mouth may be informative, I think got to personally go down to the schools. They may be from the same name but as we all know, teachers are different at the diffent branches.. Also, some centres run on franchise (do check out which are those) so the philosophy may be different from the original school's(and even from the beautiful writeup in the web)They may believe that $$$ is more impt coz franchise mah...must earn adn grow more franchise..wahahhaha...
