(2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be


Dont worried about the milk strike, it will be their favourite food end of the day. ard 3-4 mths, some bbs might get sian on drinking the same things. maybe try abit cereal first

My ger since born, have very bad stuffy nose, and it hinder her alot when she want to drink milk. She started off with the Half the milk on her bib, and the other half she take her own sweet time to drink (up to an hour at least) since day 1.

Now she is able to finished within 10 mins. And her milks intake on par with her brother.

On the hand, now i am having problem with my boy. He get distracted and prefer to bite the teat and cap now.

Talking abt teat, when should we change the size the teat? i am still at No 2.

thAnks... Cereal is only given when bAby 4 mth plus right? My girls neck still q weak so dunno cAn give or not.
Frankly feel v sad sometimes ESP when people ask me why dun give fm coz they still on bm... Like it's my fault... Haiz
hey talking about teats...when u all say size 2 means no.2 those 6mths and above ah? cos size 1 for NUK is 0-6mths rite? then they have the small hole, medium hole and large hole...i am feeding them the no.1 medium hole.
76, They are 1 yr old, using pigeon biggest size teat and i still need to cut a hole. Btw, i have 4 brand new nuk bottles and teats, pm if anyone wishes to buy.

i only start to give them cereal when they are ard 6mths. Hmmmm.. dont bother abt what ppl said, my fren bm til the child 2 years old. BM is good what.


i think anywhere is good.. i like to push them in the park. Bonding wise, hmmm for me as long as i spend time with just one baby alone. He/she super happy the whole day.

I bring my son to see dr yesterday alone. HE was very high, keep smiling and laughing in the car when i am driving.
Hi all,

May i know what do you all normally do to distract babies during car rides. My girl keep making a big fuss during each car ride. Everytime each car ride is like a nite mare.

She will start to cry, throw temper from the start till we reach our destination. I hae give her toys, keys. papers, whatever i can find on the car to distract her. But fail. Even iphone is not working now. I am running out of idea now.

Help !!
Hi all,

I am asking for advise regarding milk feeds for 8-month old twins. I actually posted in the 2010 twins forum, then realised it would be better to seek advice in this "old bird" forum... :p


Hi all,

Would like to check with experienced mummies how much milk should 8 month old babies take? My girls are taking formula milk feeds about 160-180ml 3 times a day and porridge (with fish or with egg yolk) twice a day. Each meal (porridge or milk) is about 3 hours apart.

We are trying to wean them off their night feeds and have been trying for about 2 months. We started doing this when we realised that they do not finish their regular milk feed amount when they cry at night. Our success/unsuccess rate is about 50%. Sometimes we can lull them to sleep with just water, sometimes need to give them milk to calm them down, but we only restrict to 60ml of milk followed by water and then their pacifier when they reject the water bottle.

They do feel heavier, but they typically are at the 15-25% of the weight range and height range during their growth assessments. Their next assessment is at 9 months. Are we shortchanging them of their nutrition? They are sliding around on their tummies and can sit a short while on their own. So they are meeting their development milestones.

By the way, my twins were 35-weekers.



My twins are 9mths turning 10mths soon. They still drink 120ml and as and when they want milk i will give... but seems that after porridge, they want milk.

Porridge was given 3 times a day. Cereal (morning) afternoon Porridge and dinner Porridge.

Porridge we keep changing ingredients; from salmon to minced chicken/beef, carrots, ikan bilis, fish, brocolli, califlowers, spinanch, avocado and lots more..

Increase their porridge intake might help your twins.

My pd told me that twins babies tummy (intestine are small).

Even now if my twin B (girl) eats alot or drink milk alot she will poo.. And she poos every meal, can you imagine.. even now she's on lactose free, still poo..

As long as they grow well, we should be happy and be proud of them. Twins/Triples Babies are always special and they need our endless attention
my twins are love barney so much !!!! and my mom buys them barney soft toys which can sing "I LOVE YOU Song"
One for each of them and also barney soft bag...

Everyday ard 5pm, they will watch their barney show at my mum place...

Thanks for your response... Yah, I agree that as long as they grow well and are healthy, then it's the next best thing after being twins that can happen to us.

We give mainly threadfin, usually with spinach in porridge. Sometimes just boil porridge with meat for taste and add an egg yolk for them to share. Not as adventurous as you. Used to give ikan bilis a few times until pd (the only time one of them saw a pd for rashes) said not so suitable until older. So their porridge flavours quite "boring".

Only that I read that milk should still remain the main source of nutrition, hence my concern that my babies are not well-nutritioned... :p
mlpy, my twins are coming to 10months and are drinking 210ml each time. They drink early morning at 5am, have cereal,porridge, drink milk, porridge and last feed before bed milk again. In between, will have water, fruits, and on weekends treats.
My son sometimes still wakes up at night to drink some milk, my maid will feed about 180-200ml. I wont worry too much about them drinking too much milk. Actualy I'm worried that they are not having enough as it's a good source of calcium and most asian diets dont provide enough calcium.

Agree with you too that most asian diets do not provide enough calcium. That's why worried that my babies not getting enough calcium. For iron, there is the spinach in the porridge, but it seems to pass out undigested in the poo poo. Heh.
Was about to post coz thought why the thread no action for so long. Hehe .. My girls' latest photo...


My younger gal is crying coz she want's to crawl away somewhere while we keep catching her back to take the photo ;XXX

My elder gal is still featherweight, 6.25kg at 8 months +.

Brought her to the GP for a review. Though he agrees that she's meeting the milestones, but he's still quite ocncern about her low milk intake. We struggle to give her 500ml in one day.

Its getting increasingly difficult to feed her milk. Eversince we changed the cereal from Frisocream to Nestle, she's been vommiting almost daily. We reduced the amount, and also diluted it and crossed our fingers every cereal meal and hope nothing comes back up. Its very sad to see her cry and cough each time the cereal comes back up. I've persuaded my mum to switch back to Friscocream and see if the situation will improve.
MLPY: My Twins are coming 11 months and they are drinking 210 and 220ml respectively. They drink on avg abt 3 times of milk per day. the last one will be alway before their bedtime. Their diet alway have yogurt. My ger rely heavily on yogurt to poo. LActose is useless.

All: does ur bbs sleep thru the nite now? Mine still wake up in the middle of nite for milk.

Juliana : My ger dont like to watch show, she like someone to talk to her. My record is talking to her non stop from west to east. I dont know what else i can do. Very tiring esp after work. :x

I am going to try barney show. I bot mickey mouse but they prefer taiwan talk show than that.
My boys are 13mths and they drink only 170ml per feed. They drink 5 times per day. In between, they have cereal for breakfast and 3/4adult bowl of porrdge for lunch. Plus some snacks in between.Havent started on dinner yet... Havent checked their weight.. Probably Next mth's milestone check.. but i suspect they shld hit 10kg..coz 2mths ago @ 11mths, they were like 9kg and 8+..

As for car journey, my small boi can self entertain..big one got to entertain him after a while..otherwise bothh are ok..just look outside the window..sometimes if they fuss, we give biscuits, or make some noise, like knock on the window..or give toys...i havent started them on TV, so no cartoons for them yet.Intend to let them watch TV only at 2yrs old...in the meantime, it's just me, mum and hubby acting as clowns..
All : How do you define sleep thru the nite?
The sleeping pattern of both seem to changes. This has also affected their nap time.

Both of them still wake up in mid of night for milk even though they have lunch and dinner now.

I dont know if it is the hunger that wake them up or they simply just cried in the sleep. Do you all face this problem.

Very tired, weekend is even more tired for me.


I ransack my whole car each car trip but alway failed.

I have a feeling they are passing naughty phases now.
Sleeping through the night: My girl can do so on most nights. My boy cannot. Still will wake up sometimes to drink, other times just for you to pat him back to sleep again.

Car Rides: I think I'm quite lucky. Both of them can sit for the whole journey. If they are tired, they will just sleep. We have music on always, Jim Brickman is one of their favourite. If not, it will just be what ever that is on the radio. Sometimes they can be cranky, but we usually ignore them. After a while, they will quiet down and settle.
Ximi, what yogurt do you feed your twins? I bought the 6 months up yoplait yoghurt for them once from cold storage but eversince it is not sold there anymore. Only have the 1yr up yoplait yoghurt..

Try paragon supermarket. They have more choices to choose from or Tanglin.

I bot mine from Supernature Supermarket.

I am expecting a pair of twins. Considering whether to buy a twin stroller. Any feedback from mummies? Also, any idea where can I get front facing twin stroller? Thanx
Congrats! Having twin strollers serves only 2 purposes: 1) novelty 2) less labour intensive coz needs only 1 person to push. Other than that, my preference is for 2 single strollers. reason being it is less bulky to manovre up the escalor, into lifts of busy shopping malls. Also if 1 kid is sick, you dun have to push twin stroller with just 1 twin sitting inside. Other that or you consider carrying 1 twin to the clinic.
Just my 2cents worth.
hi mummies , anyone experience spotting during pregnancy ?

I went to kkh 24 hr but doc cannot find anything wrong. only told me to bed rest. im in week 22 now with mc twins in 1 water bag.

Doc categories me under super high risk of mc twins. not sure when i should start taking leave. anyone had the same experience of having 1 water bag? when did you start taking leave and which week was the delivery?

I ask the doc at 24 hr KKH back if there is anything i can do to lower the risk level. he said no. then I checked to see if i needed more hormone pills , he said no . this is not really helping if he raised so many risks but i cannnot do anything about them.

going to my own gynae on wed night but am still worried over what the doc said esp when spotting hasn't stop.
I also have 1 waterbag with twins sharing it. Called MCDA...Week 11, i got bleeding, those that come out in clots lor... was told bedrest and no climbing of staircase.. So, whenever i had to climb stairacase at my office (no lift), my boss would excuse me from meetings at these places. Then from week 21, gynae told me the younger twin may not make it coz of low amniotic fluid and also the small twin is not growing well...ask me to be prepared for the worst. If the young one dies too early, and they cant take out, it will pass unhealthy gas to the older twin and the older twin may also mati.. can u imagine how sad i was? One wave of trauma after another.Plus the weight continue to lag behind...Gynae said will be good to drag till week 34 for c-section...in the meantine, really cant do anything except be happy, eat well and rest well..but i only managed to drag till week 32 when i felt pain at 3am in the morning and delivered only at 9pm coz the 2 doses of steroids need 12 hours to take effect.So this is my story. As for leave, I took HL since week 28 coz my tummy was too tight and hard...so gynae advised bedrest for me. Hope i have answered ur qn though it's a long answer.
Btw, my bbs are now 1 yr old...and the younger one's weight is catching up.. Going for their PD checkup tmr, will post their weights when i know it.
So, do not worry ya....if you worry, ur bbs will sense it.
Thanks 76 for sharing your story.

Good to know your babies are healthy .

I checking with my gynae tonight to see if he can check if there is any concern for spotting. at the moment the babies are fine and Im also feeling their kicks everyday.

think it is their way to assure me that thay are healthy as well.
It could also be due to your lowlying placenta that is causing the spotting which also happened for my case...
76: i was admitted for 2 days at kkh . Just got home yesterday. It was not low placenta. Doc suspects it's GBS. Some germs thing which can be treated with medication. The report is not out. I'm 22weeks plus 5 days now . The tummy looked so big that everyone at the hospital was asking me I I'm deliverying .

At the B1 ward , it was so hot I was sweating . Took a 20 min bath and the other mummies who just delivered was jealous. The mummy beside me was complaining it's too cold for her . Maybe after birth you usually feel cold but if my fan is not on I can't take the heat. The standing fan was facing me only and I had the window bed . The 2 beds was divided by curtains . I set the fan to the lowest and she still complain it's too cold for her.

Its my first time being warded . Other then the incident with the fan it was a good experience at b1 ward . Did not use the tv much as I was resting most of the time . Still deciding if I should stay at b1 ward at kkh for the delivery.

Babies are fine with strong heartbeats. I was allowed to go home on 2 weeks HL.Doing bedrest now . Most of the bb stuff will be hand me downs I only need to get car seats, milk bottles and diapers . How many newborn diapers should I be getting ? Anyone know anywhere to get bargain for car seats ? Baby fair on 22 oct ?
take care! the only thing abt b1 is if the bbs r born prematre wch is highly the case for twins, thn they miight go nicu. if so, the cost of nicu is tagged to the class tat mummy is in...can run to 5 digit sum for bills.. of coz i wanted to be shiok and stay B1 or even A class.since i only stayed hospital for 3days, i opted C clas that tme...in the end i din pay a single cent..coz insrance covered.
Cnicole , I delivered in A1 ward. My dr at Kkh ( private suite ) only can see his patients at A1 or B1 ( B1 still pte paying ). No staying C class unless choose another non privatized
dr .

In A1, yes , it's a room to yourself . If u like n need privacy, this may work out better for u . However , as 76 mentioned , the bbs cost r tagged wif mum's . U can downgrade the bb class aft u r officially discharged . Business office staff came to see us day 2 aft del , to say they downgrade us to B1.

We tot it was alot of diff in $$ but really , it's just a bit lesser not a huge jump . Cos A1 n B1 r all pte paying .
U hav to chk if u can be taken care of by yr present dr if u choose C class .

If u choose regardless A1 or B1 , u can go to social service ( next to Kk mac ) to see if they can charge u C class rate . It is possible , if u stay in public housing . But not really possible for private housing like condo or houses .

U will need to prep ALOT of documents , n even state if yr parents n in laws working or not . And it's checkable from their side so we can't "make up story".

I hav stayed in B1 class too , when dr wanted to do a detailed CTG monitoring for me at 30 weeks due to poor growth in uterus . I stayed for 5 days. My neighbours nex to me came n go , it was hard to get to go toilet as those jus del, needed longer time in the toilet . Other few reasons too , so we decided on A1 for del .

I had 6 bottles ( nuk ) from time of birth , till now ( 16 mth ) , still 6 bottles . We wash n sterilise aft use so it's enuf .

If u wan to store breastmilk aft del , I can get plastic milk bags for it .
Thanks poko and 76 for ur inputs really informative . I think will still take B1 coz A really expensive . I intend to opt for caserian and dun want to take A coz I can let hubby go home rest . My bro experienced the sofa bed and found it very uncomfortable.

Noted on the social welfare and the documents to bring.

What size bottles should I be getting? 6 Bottles for each baby or 6 in total? My sister in law gave me a pigeon steriliser and any brand of bottle can fit it .
Hi Sophia, the last time I had a party for 20 people I order zi char from coffee shop and told them 1 day before. I spend only 170 . They can help to put the food on aluminium tray and strink wrap it. I got buffet trays at home so can keep the food warm . I only collect the food 30 min before party so it is still warm and fresh. I don't really like caterers as not all food is nice . There is a nice coffee shop at causarina if u staying near there. If you only want finger food at the party for the kids . You can prepare them yourself at home . For party supplies helium balloons . I go to middle road party shop. Can fit 20 helium balloons in the boot of my car.
Hi cnicole , yes - the sofa bed is v uncomfortable .
Anyway , if u need info on Kkh , what they provide , or lactation consultant , etc ... U can ask me . It's still uhhhhh... V fresh in my memory !!!

I only hav 6 bottles for the twins to share . Alot of mummies hav more , but I personally found 6 enuf . Cos I steriliser n wash once milk is finished . I time their feeds tog , so at any time , there r 4 more bottles !!!
Oh by the way , I also breastfeed . Thus 6 bottles was enuf . Cos some x I dun touch the bottles . But I feel 6-8 shd be enuf generally .

If I need to go out , u take the 6 bottles tog ! So each bb can hav 3 feeds of milk at least ( depending how many hrs u will be outside ).

I used the smaller size bottles ( I tink 120 ml ) when at birth till 9 mths or so , I upgraded to the 250 ml bottles .

I use nuk bottles . Yr pigeon steriliser shd fit most standard size bottles. But I'm not sure abt Avent as avent bottles abit fatter .
I recently fell in love with the fish head steamboat opp textile centre. All dishes are so delicious. Must try Nan hua chang steamboat.
yah, thought so.

Want to ask mommies here how you all feed medicine to your kids?
My Aaden struggles with me and maid and when finally squirt into his mouth, he will cough until vomit everything! Wasted so much med. Worse thing, he is angry with me. Can hold on to Daddy and dun want me to carry him. Very heart pain.
Sophia , I know what u mean abt dispensing med to them . If mine cries , I'll squirt it in . I squirt a bit by a bit using the syringe . I'm not sure if u keep the med in the fridge or not , but the med I am supposed to keep , I'll live it on the dining table to have it room temp . So it's not so cold when they drink it .

If they dun cry , I'll give them by spoon .

Munchkin brand has a medicine dispenser that is like a pacifier . Dunno how to describe it, it has a teat, u put med in a small part of the teat , n as child sucks it , she drinks the med . I dunno if this is a gd idea , but u can chk it out .
I use syringe for medicine too and squirt bit by bit..coz if squirt all at one shot, if he dun like, and spit, will be wasted. And i also squirt under the tongue so that it doesnt go straight into the throat. Before squirting, i will say "mum mum" meaning yummy food...coz my boys are actually greedy by nature.
Hi all, 
I need a place to pour out my sadness. I have a pair of 20months old boy girl twins. Both of them prefer daddy much more to me. Its obvious. Both like to stick to him and prefer him to carry if there is a choice. Felt super sad lor. I can say that we spent e same amount of time with them and i tried even harder when i realise that they prefer my hubby. But still no results. What else can i do.
i give my twin medicine using spoon.. I stop using syringe when they are 5mths. I use syringe only for measuring the ml.

1st I give them the sweet taste then the bitter one, then sweet taste again..

If the bitter one so bitter, i will mix it to their milk.. That's wat the pd advise me to do.
Nowadays, my girl scream so loud... And my boy keep banging his hand on the table.. So noisy... Till i bought my son a toy drum so he can knock knock...

My girl is learning to walk...

And also wat ever we eat they want to eat... Whenever i bring them outside to eat, I will bring their biscuit or porridge..

Does any mummy experience these??

hi gd mrng all~

hey jes:: dun be sad..n dun be dishearted k. i hv a pair of 14.5mths g/g twins. prolly u like to chat? u dun accept PM? or wld u like to PM me instead?
