(2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

I ordered parklon mat and it is coming tmr! Yay!Will let you know if good..but read that the minimum is 10mm for good support...i bought 12mm de...hehehe...but if your bbs perform stunts there, then i dunno lah..my bbs still toot toot de..not so mobile yet tho 6mths liao.(corrected age)

sophia, i'm on the waiting list.. but yes those centres are pretty hot and with twins, they have to set aside 2 vacancies.. i'm actually considering quitting work to take care of the babies but only as a last resort.
76 yeah, we can get by but the add'l $$ will help lots. sigh, we dont intend to get a domestic helper and although my parents have offered to help, i think they will be very fatigued if it's for too long.. also i get a bit gan cheong when i think about strangers at infant care handling my bbs... do you have a helper at home?
Hi Spiffy
Yes my mum, maid and myself for now are managing the twins. If i go back to work next April, will be maid and mum lor..even with that, i still v possessive over letting my boys face the maid the whole day..wat if they are closer to her? Hmmm...My frens have suggested me to reduce contact between maid and boys e.g during weekend,when go to IL house or shopping, dun bring maid along..since maid not part of the family..so the kids will gradully know who are the real family members and also promote bonding...Just have to manage and get by with hubby and me...or sometimes mum can come into the pic for outing..but not maid..Maid can be parked at IL house if you dun feel safe.
Wow, you mommies are very wei da! I've never thought of quitting...... Love teaching too much, and of course the money and independence.Too long have I had my freedom to be tied down at home with these two. Somemore, after a while dun know what to do with them and let them sit infront of TV. IFC was the better choice for me.
I say say only lah...i wun quit lah..unless no choice..i still need to keep my sanity..i believe in balance in work and family...even if sahm, also need to find balance, then can keep sanity.Not forgetting my facial, spa,mani, hair treatment leh? All these need $$.These few mths on NPL, my credit bill dwindled to $50 already..v good liao..
actually my babies are still in hospital. haven't brought them home yet so i dont know the magnitude of the tasks at hand!

sophia, is it true that in infantcare kids fall sick a lot? everyone i speak to tries to dissuade me from IFC but i think it'll work for us cos it's right at our workplace.
Spiffy, unfortunately it's true. My twins have had the cold and cough countless times liao. But if it's the only option, no choice right? I try to think on the bright side, at least this builds up their immune system.
I waiting till they reach 6 months, then I'm giving them loads of supplements to fight the germs. All the supplements available can only eat when they are 6 months.
Yest i brought boys out with mum and hubby for lunch at Sentosa, parked maid at my IL's house..its manageable. But I know of another online fren,she is able to manage twins with hubby and herself only..I am learning and working towards that.Must bring toys to entertain them..Must also think of worst case scenario i.e. 2 persons to bring kids out of restuarnt and 1 eat and then take turns to do likewise.
I've been bringing my twins out with my hubby on a few ocassions. Feed them before going out, and by the time we reach our destination, may need to feed again and it gets quite chaotic on our journey back coz we may not stay out long enough to feed them again, so they get hungry on our way home.

Basically its quite managable, but I do not have much mood to enjoy myself out there. Shops are too cramp or crowded for the strollers to go in, and I keep worry abt them being hungry and stuff to really enjoy myself. Empty and clean nursing rooms are so hard to find. I walked to different nursing rooms in Vivo on Sat, maybe spent 15-20 mins looking for an empty one. Luckily my girl wasn't extremely hungry so she wasn't making a din while walking around. saw 1 baby roach while trying to change her diaper before feeding her -.-

One nursing room in PS was located right inside the toilet -.- Dun feel very clean even though the room was actually ok.
wah, you bravo leh..then how they sit in the car? You sit between their car seats? I dun like to feed outside de...must mix the water for milk to the right degree, i have to do teh tarik...i never enjoyed bringing kids out coz i will have to see their mood...maybe when they can walk, things will get better.coz now still need to move around with stroller.
I have no car.. I take MRT ;X I feel it'll be more convenient to bring them out when they feed less frequently ;X
I bring my twins out with just my husband too. We just came back from Vivo City! I find it quite manageable actually. Maybe because they are still young and at the stage where they are ok to be seated in their stroller. As long as the stroller is moving they are ok and they like looking around. When we stop to eat, I keep them entertained with stroller toys and they are ok to remain seated in the stroller while my husband and I enjoy our meal. When they are tired, I recline the stroller and pull down the shade and they fall asleep. When we go out, I feed them FM and when it is feeding time, we just find a nice cafe like Starbucks, order coffee for ourselves and mix the FM for them and feed them. Because they are used to FM at room temp, I dont have to worry abt mixing it with hot/warm water.

I used to be apprehensive about bringing the twins out without additional help too. But once I tried it, I realised that it is manageable and the more often we go out, the more confidence we gain in handling the twins on our own.
We pretty often hang out on weekends wif the twins n my boy without the helper.

It takes some strategy n prediction of what is to come next , for instance - sleepy, hungry, cranky etc.

Once u can estimate or predict their mood, u can work abt to accomodate them. For instance, let them sleep b4 u enter the restaurant , or driving off after they wake up rather than driving off when they r sleepy. (well that is for me, my babes
want to be held when they sleepy n I can't do that for 2 babes at same time)

Anyway, babes short attention span is short so good to take light weight toys or books along . I bring along gerber puffs or baby biscuits now as they r over 10 mths n can take healthy snacks.

I breast feed the baby on any empty space/chair. The quietness of a nursing room often distracts them n they will not drink properly . Clean Nursing rooms also hard to find. So I use my breastfeeding shawl to cover up.
Ok, i shall make takign my bbs out wiith only hubby my KPI for the day...v impressed with mummies here and certainly feel motivated liao.
Looking back at the older threads, I also was scared to bring them out. But, braced myself and did it with hubbi. We started small by going on short trips. We even go without the maid. It was ok and better than expected. Certainly agree though that the nursing rooms are a nightmare and yes, they are always up to something, so cannot really eat properly in peace.

Brought them swimming yesterday. It was Great!! Pictures will be up on my facebook
bbq, you can start with something less ambitious, like going for strolls that last 30mins to an hour. then slowly drag to trips that last an hour to two and so on.. very soon, you will "automatically" know what to pack in your bag and can estimate the timing and amount of milk to bring

sophia, i can't view your pictures :'(

btw i've been entered in a contest, if mummies are free, can you help to vote for me? there are two steps involved

Tiong Bahru Plaza Facebook Page <-- click here and "LIKE" Tiong Bahru Plaza, the link is somewhere near the top of the page.

CJ's twins dressed as little tigers <-- click here and "LIKE" my photo! the more likes i get, the higher my chances of winning!!

i'm pestering my friends to vote for me because the current winner created many fake accounts to vote for herself. i don't mind losing the contest, but i would prefer to lose to someone with integrity :/
Seejay -- Ive voted! I love the tiger costumes, your boys look so cute!

Others -- To vote, you need to click on Tiong Bahru's FB profile first and "like it". Only then will the "like" option appear on CJ's photo for votes.

Seejay &amp; Sophia -- I hope you dont mind if I add you to my FB account too??

How is your playmat? I want to buy to let my girl to try it out. She keep hitting her head when she fall back.


Your babies are cute. And your caption are so funny.


hehe Only ur family dress for the contest. you yong xin... babies are cute


How do you pacified your babies when outside. Normally at home, my ger need to be carry and dance abite to pat her to sleep. I will be going for a dinner w/o the helper. ANd it will look funny to dance in the hotel.
the playmat is great! Now my boys are always there, just a bit hot coz its rubber plus the weather of late..so i will bring down my fan to put on the floor...they even did their first crawl and walk there..walk coz i put mat near the sofa..they can hold onto the sofa adn walk with our support at their armpit...
Hey ladies, I'm so proud of myself kekekeke. Just brought the babies out to the airport all by myself!!!!!!! It was a short trip to coffee bean at T3 and I live very near the airport ... so I figured I would be brave and try bringing out the babies by myself cos worse case scenario, just cut short my trip and head back lor. For the 1st hour the babies were good - girl sleeping and boy happily looking around. Then they started fussing, well actually the boy screamed cos he was tired, so I had push the stroller around for abit to calm him down and lull him to sleep. Then I managed to hang around for a couple more minutes before it was time to head back for their feed. Girl was fussing then but it was manageable. Phew! I can't believe I did it! :p
Chameleon, whoohoo!!! U did it!!!! "clap clap"....
U drove there or took cab alone?? If take cab, who help u hold bb while u take one bb or close the pram ???

Next week, try tampines, then bedok, bugis etc..... Haha

Saw yr babes pics, a boy n gal rite?? Me too... Nice looking babes !!!
I just took out my bumper mat too as I find the girls lying Y-Y at times ;P


That's my elder girl. She's quite small build so she kinda blend into the mat ;X.
Recently she drinks so little and keep falling asleep be it bf or bottle feeding... Dunno how to make her drink more ;X
Poko -- Drove there! I think airport still can manage .... so even if they scream not that many ppl ard so not so paiseh hhahah. Tampines too crowded and their screams will attract too many stares LOL. But definitely easier when there is an additional person ard to help me lah. Today was just an experiment to "test" myself haha. Your twins are really cute too with so much hair. Your boy is so handsome and your girl so pretty!
You are also easterner like me? Hi 5..anyway, BRAVO!!!!!! i am impressed...weee weeee....
Mine is yellow bear 1850x1350x12mm from parklon bought at a steal $115 coz there were only 20 pieces from a spree here...so i quickly chiong..i think usually its 150+? My living room cant put anything bigger so i tot that is a good size... You interested?

Bravo! alone without any helper? I hope i am able to do that too. Did you have a twins stroller?


I am so tempted to buy the playmat now. If it is okay, i am going to get rid of the hard ABC mat. Where u get such lobang on the mat. u have somemore?


Ur Ger look so contented on the mat.
thanks to all mummies who voted for me!! Hee.. yah i very hiao, actually hubby and i wore matching t-shirts leh, but covered by the little tigers.. we very yong4 xin1 right? Hee Hee..

Chameleon, i snooped around your photos and realized that we're actually ex-JC school mates leh! you're from 96xxx batch right? :D btw, you're very steady leh.. can take both babies out on your own!

76, next time you dress your boys as little bees lah, i'll take photos for you, FOC de :D

xiaofu, your girl looks quite chubby in the photo leh.. where's her mei mei??
wow juliana, i love your baby girl, she looks very sweet! In fact, both of them have the poster baby look! Hair will grow out when they're older, dun worry
wow there juliana, our babies are delivered by the same gynae. certainly not MADE by him. :p But then hor, Dr loh also not bad looking, somemore so brillant, next time my kids have his intelligence, I damn happy liao.

Your kids dont look Chinese, I presume it's becoz of daddy? Me very kaypo....
How you insert the photo here?

Good for you chamelon, I still don't dare to go out with the two on my own.

Nowadays, my kids can laugh very loudly liao. Really makes my day when i see them so happy.
See Jay, if you really must know... this is what mei mei was doing when her elder sis was trying out on the bumper mat ...

Here's a pic of them together...


My elder girl is barely 5kg at 16 weeks while my younger one is ard 6kg. I see quite alot of babies are more than 6kg at their age that's why I feel my elder girl is so small. I keep telling myself not to worry abt my elder girl by poking her thighs daily ;X

To post pic, just click Upload attachment and select the jpeg file in your PC. ^_^

xiaofu, don't worry about the growth rate. She's taking her time. As long as she's eating, happy and growing, they are all our princessess!!!! Yours certainly are! So pretty and angelic.
