(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Yar, those were the days whereby I cld even popped by neighbour's hse to play without even locking my gate. We were fortunate to be in a less stressful env during our era. However, it has become more competitive in recent years.

Nowadays, even a 6pt can't enrol in Hwa Chong Institution. Must attain 1 pt or less than that! I wonder what will become when our children sits for their A level

Anyway, i still find enrichment a gd idea. Coz can expose them to more things and peers of their age wor. Otherwise, my boi will only recognise mummy, daddy, ah ma and my doggy only. Still looking ard for a short duration and affordable enrichment class or cc

Ivy, lol.. I joking only la.

Anyway, other than academic n education, I think psychological welfare of the kid oso v impt. Small negligence may end up big mistake.
Halo Mummies/Daddies..

Can't post here liao during office hours.. sianz..

ains.. now that P is in Pri.1 just checking.. did you receive any letter to enrol her?

Registering my boy this year.. anything to look out? So gan jiong.. hehe
woohooo primary schooling! gosh! our babies will haf to start p1 at 6 yrs old rite? haha

ains.. bb is smart thats why she is careless.. the smarter a kid is, the higher the tendency to be careless! cos everything prob seem easy to her enuf! haha..

imo sch culture is v impt.. peer influence does affect the moulding of a kid's character.. so i will prob send my boy to a catholic sch bah.. tamer characters there i would suppose. hahaa.. luckily my alma mater is catholic eh.. so nonid headache, though my dad wants me to try rosyth.. my bro ask him go sweep sch grounds for reyes now. then maybe they will consider. haha..

cala! mai send ur kids to single sex sch for primary levels lah. sec sch then single sex! most of my peers under ten yrs of gender-segregated educ majiam orh nee gus and shaolin monks.. either they dun gam w the opp gender or they too hungry for them. ahaha!
oh ya for playgrp, they start taking in our kids in the year that they turn 3 isit? that means our poor little babies got to start in 2012, when they jus turn two ah?
Snow, for hwa chong institution, how to get one point or less?thought maximum deduction is 4points. Even 6-4, also still 2 points. New system now?
Luwen- u damn funnie lor! But hey hey.. Mi single Ed school from pri to sec lo!! But but... Mi still damn normal!!! Never become lesbian or desperado!! Hee!!

Mtdt- I wan to c the article le!! Pls pls!!
Luwen! hahaha..
Same as muimui - I also 10yrs of single sex sch. i think i also quite normal! hahahaha (maybe only abit siao during 17yo! hahaha)

I agree.. i also see sch culture. I believe "jin zhu ze chi, jin mo ze hei"!

Rosyth - gd mah! GEP sch leh.. and near ur parents!
huh.. sweep floor or be lollipop man! hehehe(btw nowadays PV v chiem one hor! need to prepare PPT for interview! :p)

And yes, our dec tots wld be always the youngest in class! the little bbies! :p
May - indeed new system.
think can deduct pts if takes HCL or hv gd CCA or extra dunno wat wat wat. I also v confused! hahaha but guess dun need to worry abt tat now as for all u know, by the time our tots take their PSLE, probably change again!
Ainsley, Phoebe's result looks very good to me already and you said she is not in top 10?!?!?!

This is so scary! and so stressful for the kids!

einnoc, you were in moe for how long?
wahaha..miumiu see! mtdt admitted she was a bit siao during her 17s! haha.. kena "released" si bo! haha! i dun mean all lah! but a fair share of my orh nee gus and shaolin monks fwens all like that lah! haha

mtdt crazy one leh PV. i v lazy. cannot picture myself doing that!
Really I did think abt it cos I love my school alot. During my time was transition from Chinese Ed school to English, the principal retiring also n all the students ESP the older one cry in school hall. Cos he is a fantastic principal. I got great feeling for my mother school haha direct translate from MU XIAO.

My gf from chij, met her handsome Hubby in her catholic church, she not lesbo or despo haha, happily married. My niece in chij, we also ask her got lesbian or not Lolz.

Ask u all ar, if ur child one day tell u he/she is gay, u all can accept??
Ivy- I also see my mu siao v up... Too bad dun hv gal! Haha
But to be fair.. Really hv quite a handful of butches from muly sch! They r nice pple and really 讲义气 kind! Fun to be with! Haha

Honestly I think I can't accept! Haha. But ultimately will.. Just dunno how long!
any babies still drink milk at 3am? mine still `crave` for milk then will auto wake up at 7am time to go infant care! her last feed was 9 or 9.30pm cant seems to delay her sleeping time she will sure sleep by 9.30pm !
Sandy, I think there's letter Bt I forgt le. Hehe. N I registered on the last day. This is because I wanted to call both St hilda's n Poi Ching to chk on their no of registration.
I suggest u dun b gan cheong n reg on 1st day unless u can sure Gt a Plc or u cfm want that school. Cos registering p1 is nt 1st come 1st serve de. N as I mentioned, the last day n last few hours of registration, I chk St hilda's n 30 people balloting for more than 150 places, I gave up n went for Poi Ching.

Luwen, tat was wat her kindergarten teacher said. She told me Bb is advance so it may hinder her concentration in class etc n told me to focus teaching her something else instead. =_='

Arisz, yes, Phoebe wasn't even in top 10. I was abit disappointed also. The only consolation for me was her paper 1 (compo) Gt full mark. Sigh..It's really v competitive n stressful Nw. =( bt u r teacher urself so shd b able to handle la.I heard fr her form teacher tat the top 10 were all almost perfect results. Sigh, still way to go... Hope she does better this yr after gg for tuition.
U all making me so stressful.. =p

Nowadays even nursery/kindergarden also got tuition class or preparatory class like phonics, english compo, hanyu pinyin etc..

My colleague told me she spend like $1k+ on her daughter's tuition for P4... faint..
DecMum: My baby will sometimes wake up for milk at night but sometimes not.. depends on his mood and hunger. My baby must sleep by 9pm+ as well..
ainsley, don't worry abt bb. U r doing a great job.. it doesnt matter even if she's not in top 10 now.

i was bottom 10 in my pri 1 class, failed geography/maths/higher chinese/science at sec 2 streaming... but still got to hwa chong with 2 points (6pters, minus 2 for higher chinese, minus 2 for 1st 3mths). All thanks to my mom for spending so much time drilling me.

u should read this http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704111504576059713528698754.html

mtdt, must be cos of thru train programmes and take up too many places.
oh ya.. btw, my mom can't even speak english but she can drill me until i got a1 for both english &amp; english literature. Sometimes, it's not about what u teach, it's about how u can make your child study (willingly).
the nanyang article is about many parents queuing up overnight to register their childrent into nursery/prenursery programme at Nanyang kindergarden. apparently Nanyang kindergarden is where LKY sent his kids to!

i oso wana read the sunday times artice le.
will some kind post in here, please?
May - but the pt is I dun wan to drill my kids! whahaha.. i rather thye learn it at their pace over a longer period of time is fine. thus i need to start early! wahhaha

Sunday Times - It's abt some parents with kids in P1. then was told their kids are the only 1 or 2 in the class of 30 tat is "slower". and the teacher cant slow down for them and affect the other 28kids. thus the parents was asked to give external crash course! i hv the article... scan tomolo ok.
Gosh, Even the preschool is impt nowadays! No pt sending kids to a gd sch if they dun have a gd foundation. Wah nowadays not easy for the kids sia..so diff fr our times.
May, I cnt imagine Bb fails her exam.. Think I will hv heart attack. Lol.

Ginnie, gtta prep them for hanyupinying n phonics when they r in kindergarten n master it by end of preschool. If Nt, sure cnt catch up in pri Sch de lor.

My fren is spending 1k+ for his pri 2 son English tuition. Jus 1 subject. By an Australian. Bt I heard reviews tat 1/2 yr there makes a lot difference le. Too ex for me. Lol

Its always the parents more anxious than kid. Lol. Bt it's fulfilling when Bb is at least ready for primary school.
yunzz, omg.. so kiasu! for kindergarden?

mtdt, now look back at the 'drilling' is not so bad.. cos i always pontang classes. so plus minus abt the same. hahaa.

and if the teacher says this kinda stuff abt my kid, I will ask her why her teaching method is so lousy! and why she never do more to help my child and instead expect me to do the job.. what's the point of going to school? To network ar?
Looks like we have to be kiasu in this aspect (at least for me). So register your kids now for a preschool of your choice! I am 1 guilty KS. I registered Kayla in for preschool when she was just 10 months old just to get into the preschool of my choice!

MTDT: will Zayden be also going to Pat's? Do you know whether they can go in at mid-year? Am hoping Noah can start going in July 2012 when he is 2.5 years old.

may: its not kindergarten. Parents are queuing for pre-nursery i.e. 3 years old.
ya that article will make even parents even more kiasu!

ya i remember my primary school teacher giving me private tuition!
Oh, for 1st time parents, you can get a copy of Preschool 2011 magazine from the magazine stands to have a read. It gives a list of preschools you can send your child to, and the type of curriculum offered in some schools etc.
Regarding the teacher feedback to parent on "helping the kid"... i think v unfair to the teacher.

Kids are ours, no matter wat, we parents are responsible for them. Teacher feedback to us to help them... normal leh. cant be send to sch means they must make sure the kid learns right?

imagine class of 30. if 28kids can write well.. trs sure will hv to tell tat 2kids parents to try to help the kid via external mtd.

if the tr slow down the whole class back to k1/k2 standard - think the 28kids will probably create harvoc! (not only parents will complain, the kids also wld be bored and end up thinking of mischief! :p)

i also heard of v dedicated trs tat requested for 2-3kids to come in at 630am for remedial! (sch starts at 730am)... and the parents complain why so early! but never think tat the tr also giving up her time for ur kids. the tr also has other activities after sch like meeting/cca duties etc.

think really tough to be parents and teachers in this era! wahahaha
calamari - I am not sure if Zayden wld be going to PATs or not. I actually likes monetssori teaching and found it especially useful for toddlers (my no1 was in montessori for 2yrs before going pats)

since for pats - I hv priority already, I am not so afraid! haha :p so i am looking ard for montessori schs now.

For my branch - their youngest class is 2yos. so i actually can start him in Jan2012!! my branch only hv 1 class for each level.. not a very big sch.
MTDT: I just spoke to Pat's Jubilee principal as she advised I start Noah only July 2012 or else he will be too young, so July intake is possible
I did some research on montessori and some parents interviewed said that it was hard for their children to transit to Primary 1 due to the teaching method. Not so sure leh...so I play safe, go for mainstream hahahaha.
ainsley, wah like that our toddlers already got a few preparatory classes to attend when they are only 3-4 years old. The $1k+ tuition is very ex leh and its only for P2!!

Haiz.. really not easy to be a kid these days..
calamari - gd for u! settle noah's sch liao! haha

maybe i also end up lazy, stick to pats.. see how lah.. :p btw did u ask if hv siblings discount?? hahha
MTDT: yah hor! But i highly doubt got sibling discount hahaha. As for starting in July 2012, bo bian, if not start jan so early, they dec kids lose out. And i don't want to only start him at 2013 Jan, then he will be 3 years + liao.
calamari - think hv leh! rem to ask next time! :p

ya.. i know wat u mean by dec kid thingy! forever the baby in the class hor! :p now think my no1 jun kid kinda of best... middle! :p

1k/mth for tution really kinda of ex! the most ex i heard so far is British Council... they hv k1/k2 eng class and it's 1300 per half yr.

Then for Pri sch - think the learning lab shd be one of the top liao. :p
yunzz i think bookshops like times &amp; popular have.. some of the bigger ones.. it's the preschool 2011 mag by young parents i think..
veronica : my bb sleep at abt 10pm usually (drink abt 200ml b4 she sleep) &amp; sometimes will wake up ard 4/5am for milk. So I to prevent her from waking up to drink at 4/5am, we dreamfeed her at 12am (abt 90-120ml) b4 we go to bed, then she can at least last until ard 7am.....;p

How much yr bb drink b4 he sleep at 9.30pm ?
How much he need to drink when he wake up at 3am ?

Dunno is this gd idea or not ?
Any other suggestions, mummies ?
tats actually a nice article.

wheres the news? send to me leh.

Education... headache. I remember i had no tuition and dun really study in school, my PSLE results very good. Went secondary, dun like to study, Math i sleep in class.. very good result, the rest i study hard and bad results.. but now different from last time.
ms tan: mine about the same as yours she drinks 210 ml at 9.30pm then 3am another 210 ml but weekend she got loose stool so I these few days give 180 ml soy she just now woke up (diaper wet) changed her dun want to sleep give her 180 ml soy drink only 30 ml now fall asleep. I heard about dream feeding but never try before ;) maybe will try. thanks!
hmmm. regarding pri sch, I stay within 1 km around rulang n shuqun but my friends said when my daughter 5 yrs old got to write in for parent volunteer work if want to be in phase 2b! faint... if dun do also can but in phase 2c! where there are parent like me who stay within 1km too but got to ballot if too many kids yet not enough places kind of situation! stress ! some more the volunteer thingy is to clock in 40 hours of volunteer work (we got to take leave to do this)
hi, haven't posted in long time cos was involved in a car accident last Sunday when hubby's car skidded and rammed into a tree.
Luckily the kids were not in the car but both of us suffered fractures so it is still a long recovery road. But at least we were discharged today so can start to recuperate at home. I got to wear a brace to avoid aggravating the mild fractures on upper spine so won't be posting much until I can find a way to prop up my laptop so that I dun have to tilt my neck down. :p
wah... all schoolin talk...
sibeh stress leh...

CHIJ!! i was from convent all the way leh!! and im proud to say im a lesbian and also a butch in sec sch days!!! lol...

i wanted to send my boy in a all boys sch next time but my ang not keen cos hes from mixed gender sch... arhhgg....

haiz.. education now is really very diff leh... jialak...
i think the kids now all deprived of wat is call *childhood* sia...
nv get to enjoy... sibeh stressed!!!

ca donate $$ to guarantee a place in sch now bor??? haha

pauline: rest well!!!!
oh dear pauline! that sounds bad! take great care manz!

shokel! hahaa.. thanks for the shoes ah! wahh.. how can u be butch!! cant be lah! u look like u should be kena lam-ed not lam ppl one! haha.. got frequent mad monks bo!

u can donate! sure thing! money makes the world go round! but must a lot of $$$$$$$$ lah. haha
luwen: np...can reyes wear???
hah, im a *passive for 2 yrs then switch to a *active for 1 mth cos backside itchy! wana try sian-ing girls!! lol...

ya, til i strike lottery i donate!!!! haha!!!

thanks, Shokel. Seems like so long we were talking about property. now i got to defer my course Liao. was supposed to start next mon. :p
