(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Hehehe u all got it right. Full day more wuhua. But i feel like so poor thing like that, 3 years old put full day
So i only will put half day till Nursery hehe. Kayla's preschool group is now 1:6 ratio. Very good ratio.

Canopy: no problem, you can mention my name.

calamari - ya lah. if hv alternative caregiver, put half day is gd enough. anyway after tat is just eat and sleep and play! :p K can eat better/sleep better&amp;longer and play with didi at home in the afternoon!

nxt time for nursery - u can put till 3pm for the extended program. but i think only if u kid is ok with later nap. if not, also v tiring for them. (like maybe mid yr or so)
Wow, pats school house seems really comprehensive. But half day will need someone to fetch bb back. Really must star giving the schoolg thing some thots. Think I will need to park bb somewhere esp by time second one arrives.
Wow... This pats school house so good ah... The fees also very the high! juz wondering do they have school bus to pick kids? Cala, mtdt any idea?

wow.. okok let me put some things back into perspective! PATS is not THE only great cc lah :p

Academic wise - All CCs/Kindys does similar stuff. Art/Music/Storytelling is COMMON everywhere. Teach phonics/reading/chinese songs/poems/incorporate maths/sci into activites are also common.

But generally I feel CC pace if faster than kindy. CC maybe does blendings in nursery level but kindy would need to be in K1.

Pats only special part is more hands on with the invite of policeman and going to a dentist for example. Other cc - will also organise excursion every term to somewhere relevant to their theme.

Pats Nursery/K1/K2 - special that they hv this extended program from 1pm-3pm with various programs. Gd for pple tat dun want their kids to nap in sch etc.

other cc usually naps from 1pm-3pm, then afternoon snack time follow by activities form 330pm-5pm... just a change of timing)

Enrichments: Actually Eng/Chi S&amp;D - most cc have them too. Fastrackids and imaths are the special programs that Pats incorporated. The trs are trained in these programs thus they teaches and no additional cost except sch fees.

in my old cc: K1/K2 kids have chinese calligraphy/pottery class/cooking class/chinese dance/eng&amp;chi S&amp;D (all FOC too). Also v duo zi duo cai! :p

Generally in cc/kindy - usually if taught by inhouse tr, is no additional fees. (of cos maybe the inhouse tr also not really trained in that subject matter). External service provider comes in to teach usually means its optional for kid and needs additional fee on top of sch fees.

Another point: personally I v particular abt watching TV in schs. thus i always ask after 5pm, before parents come to pick up - wat do the kids do? Most schs will switch on the TV... if u come and pick ur kid at 530pm, still ok.. only 30mins of TV.. but imagine if u pick ur kid at 630-7pm. tat's a 2hrs tv time!

Genesis - most ccs/kindys now hv sch bus services. but but.. not cheap also..
my old cc sch bus is 110 per mth. heard from other parents, my pats sch bus is 200 per mth! so it's another cost to consider.

So not only Pats is gd.. :p hv to look ard and visit the schs and ask/see wat is happening in the sch.
And yes, gd schs really shd go early and put name down in on list!

Happy hunting for schs!
wow, preschool is a cheem topic. Saw in papers today that some parents queued overnight to register to put their child on the waitlist of a kindergarten. really competitive.
Yah hahahah...Pat's not the only good one. Others I took into consideration were Chiltern House, White Lodge and St James. But got good reviews from parents about Pat's which was the reason why I opted for that. Plus like what MTDT said, I like their programs and system.
agreed with cal &amp; mtdt, looked thru' the curiculum of Pats, not too bad, but needs to go view the vincity first.

Cal : now i have a problem, we have forgotten that the route to Jubilee branch from our house is terribly jam esp from king albert park to clementi in the mornings. Might opt for other branches or search for alternatives. We have saw one school near Turf city when we went for our weekly gocery shopping over the weekend, it is called Swallows and Amazons. Anyone heard of it before?
Canopy - I saw Tat sch.... But never go check them out. Hehe
U r near 4th ave? Can check out odyssey too. Same mgt as pats... Heard Tat Tis one a big big big! Haha

Some not famous one- maybe gd too as they r small and cosy and personalized
Shokel: IMO, home schooling lacks the opportunity for kids to socialise, interact and "work" together on little "projects". These activities encourage development of character.

canopy: which part of bt timah are you at? If you are at the D10 area, there's Nanyang Kindergarten and Chiltern House at Vanda Rd which are extremely popular. If you are at the D21 Upp Bt Timah area, there is a White Lodge near Hillview area. Can check that out.

MTDT: heard Odyssey not v good leh, but dunno whether is it branch-specific.
Cala- actually i hv a fren's kid in odyssey.. all along she had been saying they are gd gd gd. but only during the "moving" time -seems to hv some issues. But maybe it's teething issues with moving and new sch. if teething issues, then still hv chance to be improved once they settle down. (but my fren stayed back in old compound and continue under pats due to location). :p

I heard Tat the mgmt is going to focus on odyssey with big plans etc tats why they move to the large compound. (if not pats can jolly well take Tat 4th ave instead of taking over tanglin) :p

But all hearsay..
wow, i learnt a lot today. So many info on schools.

Just wondering if anyone attending LNT? My fren said they recently remove the Jap classes upon mass request. Not sure if the Toa Payoh branch as well?

Canopyhaze: Just wondering is the below that u stated is for Pat's school fee? (morning) playgroup, it is $963, and full day will cost $1275 (till 5.30pm), and $1375 (till 7pm).
wow.... initially i thought it's affiliated to Nanyang pri wor..... Now i know le.... It's "related" to LKY and family. No wonder.
thanks canopyhaze...think it's way too high for hubby n me le....almost my salary le
Must work hard to earn more milk powder $ + school fees now.

btw mummies.... side track a little. I thinking of enroling my son into Nan Chiau Primary so i should shift there within 1 km hor? But any safe proof way of enrolling coz even volunteer work is not guarantee.
einnoc: I think staying within 1km to the school is not good enough to get into the school. Cos you will be competing with kids whose parents are ex-students, kids with parents who are teachers in the school, religion etc. Staying within 1km to the school will only help if not many of the above criteria applied for that school in that cohort.
Pri 1 - when comes to Phase 2B/2C, nothing is confirm. (so far havent see any phase 1 tat needs to ballot lah! :p)

is ur hubby a hokkien? can join the hokkien clan and be active in the clan to get a letter for phase 2b. (no black and white how long but many now says the longer the better)

or join RC as grassroot volunteer - also phase 2b (min 1yr) - needs to be in exco member for at lesat 1yr... and before be exco member, is only observer for at lesat 1yr to 6mths)

Parent volunteer work in sch - also phase 2b. (but needs to get thru the interview 1st)
einnoc, volunteer work is the closest you can get. Unless you or your hubby is ex-student or has sibling in the school, then you have priority...

But my personal experience is I was within 1km to St Hildas but there were more than 150 people balloting for 30 seats even within 1km. So I decided to enroll Phoebe in another school instead. Cos ah, If you can't get the ballot, MOE will just give you any school. By that time, you wana do transfer to your 2nd choice, it will be very troublesome. Must go interview, give reason for transfer, etc

And for those very good schools, kids must be academic very prepared. Their pace is very fast and competitive. For phoebe's school, it's not as good as St Hildas but her results is only average. couldnt even get into top 10 in class..

Chinese - 94%

English Paper 1 - 10/10

English Paper 2 - 56/60

Maths - 70/80

so i think if the kids r not ready for those prestigious school yet, it may be very stressful on the kid.

*just my 2-cents* =)
Ainsley - wow, ur P's results sooo gd and not top10!!!

Is she the top 25% of the GRC? did she get the bursery letter?
MTDT, Ains, einnoc: we are also in a dilemma now on whether to put my girl in my old school for Pri 1 or not. It will be very straightforward as confirmed get in one, plus its near to where I stay. But my hubby (having came from a all-boys school) prefers her and my son to go to a 1-gender school instead of a co-ed school. :p And there are no good catholic schools around my region!
Thanks all, did hear abt the above volunteer work, grassroots volunteers etc....But was hoping there is one guarantee way tat i might have missed out.

Actually, i was an ex-pri teacher but i was involved in school orientation instead of the school enrolment issue(HOD settling those issue). Thus, not familiar with that.

Ainsley, dun worry abt Phoebe not getting into top 10 in class. Coz during PSLE, good grades will definitely show. Coz it's across Singapore schools
Her results are not really that good but I thought she could at least squeeze into top 10. sigh.. Initially wanted to transfer her to St Hildas when she was in P2 but dropped the idea liao. Cos I think she will be very very stressful when her standard is not really there yet. At least if she can get top 5, I will transfer her. keke..

But there will be a special exam in duno p3 or p4 for all students. If results are very good, they can be transferred to good schools. the schools will send letter to invite them. Now I must jiayou and prep her for that

I have been giving phoebe personal tuition myself since she was in kindergarten. but its really really very competitive now. I am already going to do fraction and geometry with her. sigh.. very stressful..

She got the bursery letter but can't apply cos the income wise.
einnoc, lol.. it's really very competitive now. Duno if she will be able to catch up when she goes p4. I heard from many tuition and school teachers that p4 is a total change. Many pupils score very well b4 are not able to catch up after p4. Although Teachers said that phoebe is in advance of what she is learning now but sigh... not easy not easy...

Cala, I realise that usually good schools are all boys/girls school. hehe.. They can concentrate better in studies also if its single gender I think (for secondary schools). BUt on the other hand, I duno if they will lack of the skills to communicate n handle opp gender or not. hehe...
Ainsley - P3 will hv GEP test. Then those selected, wld be invited to a GEP available SCH.
yeah, u can aim P for tat

wow, u can coach her.. tat's the best!

Bursery - sure cant get lah. their income limit so low! but get the letter also shiok mah! whahahaha :p (cheap thrill! :p)

and pls... ur P so pretty.. even in single sex sch, also will hv "bees" waiting for her OUTSIDE the sch gate! whahahaa

einnoc - ooh then ur "sure in way" is, to go NC and teach!! sure in! :p
some info on gep http://www.moe.gov.sg/education/programmes/gifted-education-programme/faq/gep-pupils/

Personally, i find P3 is a crucial year because students need to balance their time in managing a new exam Subject, Science.

P5 has the heaviest workload! P6 is actually a revision year coz teacher wld have complete most topics by either end of P5 or early P6!

MTDT - i resign from MOE coz i wanted to concieve. Can't go back until i have my no 2 leh. Moreover, MOE had tighten their teacher selection thru tougher panel interviewing wor.

Ainsley- i agree on the bee thingy. Your gal so pretty... she probably has a queue at the bus stop in future. hee
Mtdt, I coach her still Nt enuff cos I m Nt professional teacher afterall. So put her in tuition still. 2x a week by her ex-form teacher. She is a v dedicated n good teacher n a teacher with passion. I would recommend her if anyone stays Tampines needs tuition teacher. Hehe
I hope Bb really can catch up by p3. Actually She knows how to do but her biggest weakness is careless! Very careless!

As for nn, I think she's abit luckier cos I Gt Bb as experience. Bt Duno she will b as cooperative as Bb ant. Cos Bb can really sit down n study for hours (with breaks here n there) since nursery. Lol. Nn more 难搞 lol
wah is it me or time flies, we are talking abt school all the way to primary...

Im from poi ching, so my girl sure go in poi ching.. but from toa payoh to tampines hahaha sure die.
wah.... so the bus stops near bb n kayla school will be bery crowded!

Hmm... talking abt shifting.... anyone living in seng kang area?
Einnoc, me!! I stay Seng Kang, and nan chiau is quite near me though more than 1km, but haven't gone to think so much bout p1 yet.. Just hearing u all say bout the preschools made me so confused liao... Lol...
Ains - ooh gd tutor! I KIV for mine next time huh! :p

Ivy - u r so lucky! dun need to worry abt pri sch. but the distance really kills! :p

Ains - so fast thinking of moving hse? u just moved in leh! :p

Kayla - i also think she going to hv bodyguards! wahahaha :p
ya lor so i wont be send her to poi ching lah, how to sia. So poor thing every morning so early take school bus.
Nursery, K1, K2 still havent decide, dun dare to think of P1 sia.

Ains, must be thinking of upgrade to condo hehehe.
Siao ah u all!

MTDT: the Nanyang article caused a lot of 'kan jiong'-ness. After it came out on the papers, i got a few calls from frens asking how how how...and their kid just born lor....lol
show me the sunday times leh.
sometimes i feel hor... nowadays kids very poor thing.

I never went any preschool, cos my mom was late in enrolling me in. I went straight to primary 1... first 2yrs tough lah, but i still catch up. End up when go secondary, rebellious went to choose lousy school and far away from home. Cos my dad want me to go girls school haha. Now although im not rich, average income, but still ok lah. Went poly nia.. and no money to go overseas university to study design.. end up ok lah. Simple life lor.
weiting, so gd near nan chiau. btw me looking at both bto n resale hse there. Cld u pls give me some advise as u live at my idea area? hee. i pm u hor. Dun wish to "spam" dec thread. hee.

calamari, if u have someone to ferry both kayla &amp; your boi when they have adhoc events eg CCAs, remedials etc... then maybe u can look at schools that are further. Otherwise, i think distance plays a big part too. Alternatively, can shift hse too. hee...Bishan a nice area. Got RI, catholic and aitong! but the price is high
ivy - u din even go K1/K2? wow! u really enjoyed ur childhood! hahahaha

sunday times - okok. i try to scan a copy tonite :p
haha ya i remember i went for the first day at PAP school, i dunno how to spell banana or papaya.. see i remembered till now. Then i copy the girl next to me, she complain to teacher, so teacher scold me. I went home till my mother i dun wanna to study liao. So she say ok lah. Then went to poi ching and try to enrol me next yr for kindergarten, too late. I also dun care haha, enjoy my childhood lah, go downstairs of block buy those tikam, win bells. At home, build tent with my sis and imagine camping. So fun. NOw i dun like banana and papaya haha.

Primary one, teacher teaching english, i dunno what she talking so i look around the class. Kanna scold, point to a picture ask me what is this animal.. I dunno so i point to the longest english text on black board.. Antelope. End up the picture is a bird... haha, whole class laugh sia. So my england is still powderful u know.

Oki hope this story lighten everyone stress on education.
BTW i memory is very good even though i did not go shincida haha.. tats is before enyu is born la.
