(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Ms Tan, my girl still wake up once or twice in midnite to drink milk....and I always give her milk cos I think her last feed is like 7-8pm and can be quite hungry or thristy since we sleep in an aircon room...coldness may make one hungry faster....and some time even I find myself to be quite thristy in the middle of the nite...so I think its still ok for her to demand for milk.
8pm he will has 1/2 bowl of cereal mix w/bisc or fruits.
8.45pm he will takes 210ml FM.

initially i thot scratching is common, but after asking few mummies here don't seems common
Augleo : he still take cereal at 8pm ? Dinner then at when ?
My gal dinner (porridge) can be ard 7-7.30pm then I feed her milk ard 8.30pm onwards.

Scatching not common ? I thought scatching ok ? I thought maybe sometimes itchy or dry so scatch ? Me &amp; my HB hv slight eczema so thought bb skin will not be too gd too.....;p
Ms Tan: i think maybe booked by the 2008/09 kids bah

- what time yr bb sleep now ? 9.30pm
- what time last milk feed ? 9.15pm 240ml
- do u brush their teeth after their milk feed then let them sleep ? No hahahah, only brush once in the morning
- do yr bb sleep thruout the nite ? Yes
- do they still drink milk after last milk feed ? No
- what time they wake up in the morn ? 7.30am
Annie : yes, feel bb will be slightly thirsty or hungry if she drink milk ard 8.30pm so cannot last thruout until 7am so we still dreamfeed her a little b4 we sleep....;p.....but was thinking if she hv teeth then need to brush teeth after her last milk feed then we dreamfeed her again ard 11.30-12am then like no point brushing leh......;p
YK had dinner between 5pm to 5.30pm.
1 milk feed @7pm

having 10 teeth now, still brush his teeth once daily (after his lunch):p lazy mum!
Camari - letting Caden being look after by mum is still the top priory expect my hubby feel is stressful to travel fm Hm to her place.. Moreover.. My mum by then might be getting v old...
Haiz... I think I think too much.. Shld relax myself n go with flow... Thanks
Woh Augleo, YK can really eat &amp; drink alot ?
How much milk he drink per day ?
My gal still eat little &amp; drink lots of milk (avg 800ml per day) with 3 solids.
Augleo - 10teeth!!!!! wow!!!
my boy is only half at 5.. v unbalance hor? (I tot usually comes out in a pair :p)

- what time yr bb sleep now ? (if no1 ard, 10pm. If no1 not ard, out for class, ard 9pm)
- what time last milk feed ? 9pm @ 200ml
- do u brush their teeth after their milk feed then let them sleep ? only brush during bathing (2times a day)
- do yr bb sleep thruout the nite ? Generally yes, unless hum bin... which is quite often as no1 will play with him v wildly! :p
- do they still drink milk after last milk feed ? no, if cry at nite, give water :p
- what time they wake up in the morn ? 6am-7am
- naps? still 2 times a day, once in early morn (9+am), once early afternoon (1+pm) typically ard 1.5hrs - 2hrs
Augleo, shay's still scratching too.. I have to always ensure that her nails are short if not i'll see scratches all over her. Ya, i think its habit.
my #1's teeth always erupted in pairs but YK's 3rd one erupted, 1 wk later 4th then out :p
so far 5th onward out in pairs le

same same?

10 teeth still can't eat rice as full meal hor.
he takes v.long to chew. read that some of the toddlers here eating rice le.
YK always "4gets" to chew, sometimes he will show me "vomit" expression :p

compare to my #1, YK is much smaller scale.
YK takes 870ml (my #1 can take 1200ml daily) of FM, 2 snacks &amp; 2 meals
Annie, shay will wanna walk even without shoes on.

Augleo, shay loves playing with hair and dirt on the floor. She'll pick it up and give it to me. She'll say "thank you" whenever she give us something coz thats wat we say when we receive something from her. Haha..

Teeth - Shay has only 4 teeth and i've been brushing her everyday after her bath.
Zayden's 1st 4 teeth came out in pairs... but only the 5th tooth came out abt 2mths ago and still no signs of 6th tooth!!! faintz. :p

Zayden still eating semi soft food. occasionally will nibble on our adult food nia

And he is also "scatching"!! esp his head. but it's a sign tat he is tired.. so once we see tat, will bring him to his mattress for him to roll ard and koon.
Seem like most mummies are brushing their little one teeth...me very lazy...haven't done any brushing yet...maybe will start doing so this weekend.

After seeing so many comments I think maybe I should ignore my baby making noise at nite and stop feeding her?
Hi mummies.. long time no see ^_^

Is anyone having problems in feeding ur LO? my girl keep rejecting milks no matter i feed by (sitting/spoon) all cannot work.. >.< help! She only have 6 teeths and 13mths old now..

Alot mummies told me she might wanna eat semi solid food.. but she spill her porridge n cereal also.. seems like no appetite.. Zz i also tried giving her chinese herbal like SHI SHEN also no use.. vitamins like novelysin she also dont wan.. she hate the vitamins most.. can any1 help me =.="

CNY coming.. any mummies have nice n cheap clothing webby to intro ard ^_^
Hello mummies, have not been logging in recently, very very busy with work... Company expanding so got alot of new headcount to fill n recruit... So tired...

Btw how much milk are ur babies taking in now, Daphne is drinking 210ml, 3 times a day and she love eating rice then baby food, just worries is she taking in enough?
Re: waking up at nite for milk

my girl wakes up twice for milk n my pd ask me to give water instead. I tried giving water for more than a wk already n guess wat, my girl still the same lor. She will juz drink watever we give her. Seems like she is really hungry or thirsty. Sigh, duno when then she can zz thru the nite.
augleo : mmm.....yes, my bb also can drink that much to 800+ to 900ml per day.....;p
I thought bb at 1yr shld drink less milk since taking 3 solids ? Maybe ard 500-700ml per day ?

Oh yes, my bb still really chew &amp; more of swallow her food.....;p
So everytime her food will appear in her poo the next day leh....;p....can see stuff like carrots, wolfberry esp colured stuff.....;p.....is it normal that watever yr bb eat will poo out ?
sharin, WOW omg.. i love ur daphne lor.. 210ml 3 times aday.. with rice T_T.. she's good enuff.. whats her weight? =/ my only 8.45kg very mini..

My katlyn only drinks 120-150ml per meal, 3 times aday but if with cereal then 4 times.. zz every each meal feed with spoon.. very tiring..
Ningning : hey, my bb gal also very mini - her last weight only 8.1kg......;p....she drink so much milk (ard 800ml) but still very small......;p
Hee....think my bb gal is the smallest &amp; mini here.....;p....dunno she can reach 8.5kg or not ?
Heard bb weight can be segment ard this age or when har ?
Was thinking of bringing her for the jab dunno next wk or after CNY ?
Im alive! Just down with flu and really exhausted recently.
So you and genesis going for JG ar? Genesis going for SM too right.

what is consider mid-range? First Skool NTUC consider mid-range? hehe. Cos my girl in it and am still lazy to think whether to switch her or not, waiting for MTDT to research for me haha.

Ms tan
- what time yr bb sleep now ? 930pm
- what time last milk feed ? 8.00 to 830pm
- do u brush their teeth after their milk feed then let them sleep ? I let her use the pigeon tooth brush she holds herself and bite.. i think she think its a teether.
- do yr bb sleep thruout the nite ? Yes
- do they still drink milk after last milk feed ? No
- what time they wake up in the morn ? 730am +/-
waa...long time nv come in le...
so many posts to read up..

Glenden also scratches his head every now and then. really? its sleepy sign ah, mtdt?

btw, this boy grow teeths super duper fast...
now with 8 already, then 4 more "tiger" teeth coming up. can see the whites le, but yet to be out. Probably thats explains the immunity so low, got sick with fever/flu/cough last 2 weeks....but lucky now ok le..

this boy very tiam jia also...always want to eat our table food and whenever someone is eating, he will whine to go there...maybe thats explain the weight also..haha....he's 11kg le..
but he still doesnt want to walk, just want to crawl ard instead..hope he walks by CNY..that will be fun.
ms tan, WOW 800ml >< my katlyn 1day can take in 600 im very happy already l0ls.. for jabs i think after CNY better, else she might get fever and u guys gonna stay at hm le.. haha

sharin, 9.9kg >< u sure shes not chubby? l0ls.. so good.. all bbs seems like not having problem in drinking milk.. any mums have any ideas how to make her drink? l0ls brought her to many doctors already but dont seems working.. zzz
ivy: easiest is to continue with the school until K2, then baby doesnt have to re-adapt again to school environment and friends. Does her current school offer classes till K2?

sarah: by the time maybe caden can still school bus liao...just go with the flow and think about it 2 years before P1. ;) btw, have u established whether it is the DHA caden is allergic to?
Yes the current school offer classes till K2. I just not sure if First Skool is consider a good preschool, i google for review, so far nothing leh. My niece gave me her review before.. she just say food sux lolz.
bo leh, no much talk abt first skool in toa payoh. Last time got kinderland at toa payoh safra, now move liao. A lot of toa payoh mothers send their kids to other places cc haha, seems like toa payoh very limited.

Today i keep telling myself, not tired, not stress haha. I think i feel much better. sunday going bkk, flight 7am, need to reach airport 5am... sian man. Still havent think what to feed baby in bkk, think its cereal liao. She hates the pigeon instant porridge lolz.
hello mummies, looks like alot of babies here all sleep quite early.. mine is super night owl..earliest he zzz is 11+ nearly 12.. unless he super tired, never take nap in the afternoon then he will zzz at 10+ earliest..
Hi mummies!!!

Re: milk intake
Gina Ford's book mentioned that BB (after 1 year old) should be drinking max 20oz of milk.
They should be taking more solids now.

But my boy is still taking 2x solid.
Doesn't lk solid for breakfast.
I'm running out of ideas what to feed him for breakfast.

An article in Sunday's Times mentioned that when BB refused their solid, it is not right for parents to give milk for fear that BB will be hungry. This will result in fussy eaters next time.

BTW, has any BB started self-feeding?
How should we start?
Ivy! Wah! Waiting for me huh! Haha.. I am sch visiting on friday! Want to join me?

Weiting-huh so young skip nap? Not gd leh.. Bbies need ample rest... For brain to develop. And recently my gf's kid on ADHD consultation. One advise is "sleep too little".

Snowpear-i agree on the part of giving more milk will leads to fussy eater. My no1 thread has few such cases. Maybe its "milk addict" but I feel its a chicken and egg case. Kid always look for milk then dun eat solid loh.
u not working ar? I might take off on friday but its to stay home to look after enyu, she have bad cough lah.. how to go bkk like tat.
Simi is ADHD consultation?

i see.. how do we know a school is midrange?
ivy: thanks for bringing this up. was just wondering whether there are any schools in toa payoh area last night. thinking of sending abbey to playgroup when she is abit older.
MTDT, nono he will take nap but sometimes v short, then sometimes 'force' him sleep he also dont want leh.. so what to do?? then sleep v late also like cannot help it. put him on bed he wanna play, stand, jump.. sigh
Roger-u also tpy area?

Weiting-ya actually when kids get older really more tough to get them to sleep. Tats why I also like to send to sch.. Morn keep them occupied, afternoon will nap.
. Wkend also-go run ard in open park etc.. Then go back to nap.

Ivy-yup clear leave. Hmmm.. Ya u better let her rest
ivy : my first skook also within my consideration becos their fees more affordable.....;p

Mmmm.....seems quite alot of bb start 'brushing' &amp; can sleep throut the nite.

MTDT : my bb dun really sleep alot in the day....sometimes ard 1hr to max 2.5hrs total (occasionally 3hrs with 2 naps but very seldom).....;p
How long our bb need to nap now ? 1.5hr or 2hrs total ?

Snowpear : milk intake 20oz so abt 600ml ?
Well, my bb juz reach 1yr so think nevermind can slowly reduce milk intake - anyway she does take 3 solids &amp; is so small size.....;p
But if bb reject solid then juz let him/her?
I thk most parents no heart to do tat....
Smetimes im guilty of tat too. Im nw tryg to slowly intro more solid n cuttg dwn his milk intake.
But mil kip nagg y dun gv milk! Argh....
snowpear : I in the same situation as u - tell my MIL to feed my bb more often - 3 main solids with 2 snacks but she always dun listen.....so sometimes she can juz feed bb once bread &amp; twice porridge (or juz twice porridge).....
....so that's y my bb still drink lots of milk.
Yup 600ml. Personally i thk if bb has no perference over milk to solid i thk its perfectly fine to gv her milk if she wants.

Did you try switchg off all lights n keep noise to d minimal to signal to ryan its sleeptime for every1. N u can pretend to sleep. When my boy plays in his cot, i will firmly tell him tat its time to sleep no more playing, if u wan mama to accpy u to sleep then u hv to sleep if nt mama will leave d rm n u can cont to play. N he will guai guai lie there n dare nt mv. Haha
Feed them milk easier mah. Haiz...
Everytime i ask her to feed my boy sthg, she will cme bk n tell me yr boy dun lk to eat. Nw i always tell her to gv my boy more textured fd so that can train him to chew. She will also tell me too rough w8 yr boy dun lk... haiz stimes so dufficult..
food - ya lah. most parents wont bear to let the kid go hungry.. esp at this age when they still dunno how to express themselves.

but i guess, i rather give small meals than keep giving milk? but u r right too.. elders mindset also v difficult to change :p

WT - agree. just off the lights and u dun "talk/entertain" him. can peek at him to make sure he is safe... overtime they will know "no fun". :p


Someone ask me what is ADHD consultation.
ADHD is Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
so my fren went to see a specialist and was advise to that her kid is not having enough sleep per day. wants her to "lights off at 10pm" daliy.

snowpear - chewing is impt for "speech".
again, another 3yo kid never talk, so went to see specialist. Then was told to give more textured food as her jaw is "lazy" thus dun talk. but of cos tat's 3yo liao.. our 1yo diff case. but impt to start soon.

ivy, I think it's mid range in terms of pricing. Cos definitely not as exp as etonhouse but not as cheap as I would like it to be cos some of my friends found cheaper cc near their house. i think places like etonhouse have all the enrichment thrown in so fees very high but elfa's enrichment need to pay separately eg gym n speech/drama, their included 'free' enrichment eg phonics only starts at 4 yrs old while pianica starts at 5 yrs old. :p
