(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Wow.. now all preparing for playgroup le.. so fast ... next year they need to start school le. I will be bring princess astri to pre nursery at Catholic Kindergarten..

Very Stress n scare leh... I bring my son to school on the First day and saw the pre nursery babies all crying... heart pain..

morn morn!!
wow.. today is KS talk? abt schs/classes etc :p

My take on enrichment classes.
Personally i dun like JG "young age" program. it's sing songs/do art/storytelling/go playground. I find tat it can be easily done at home by parents. (but abit messy lah! :p) besides the gd environment/great trs... i dun find it value for money

and esp for kids tat goes to CC/playgroup. Daily they are also "singing songs/storytelling/do art n craft". so to me it's a duplicate.

But for older kids - like their Speech n Drama class is good. :p (my boy is there now! haha)

For Shichida -
For my 1st boy, I wanted something diff for him on wkend. as he was a infantcare kid.. thus all those sing songs/read books/art were done daily at the centre. After going for "TONS" of trials.. i find tat this is really "different".

I also dunno if the mtd really works or not. my boy does get comments from trs saying he learns fast/just need to teach one time, he wld remember the song etc. (but to be fair, alot of other kids also can do tat haha).

On the part of sitting down, cant explore freely... i find tat it's gd in a sense. instill in him a kind of discipline/habit tat at times needs to be seated down and at times can run ard freely etc. just like we wld make sure the kid sits down to eat his meals right?

now at age 4... at least he can sits down nicely and finished up the work I set for him. (be it writing or do some simple art etc). his attention span is ok (to my standard).

on the part where each toy is play for 5mins and hv to force the kid to give back. actually over time they wld learn follow instructions and willing to give back happily. this also turns out to be a gd thing as he grew older. at least dun need to scold/nag when i ask him to put back the toys in dept stores! haha

Another pt - actually some of the SM stuff are also duplicated by Montessori mtd. (like to build on attention span/to sit down nicely and complete the work etc) My boy went to 2yrs of montessori sch. (recently then change to pats). I do see some differences between him and other kids in pats. nothing gd or bad to say - but just diff in learning mtd/attitude etc.
oh further on shichida mtd -

my boy cant do all the magic tat is shown on the videos lah.

fast speed counting
can rem 100 cards
etc etc etc...

at times he does "guess" correctly certain things. (ESP???)... but i dun wan to put so much emphasis on output so just brush it off as "he guess it nia" hahahaa
calamari: hahaha, me 1st time mum so duno 2 y.o can actually differentiate keys. lol. still tot its shichida....

ginnie: my gal, so far so gd....but sometimes she is restless in class. Always turn &amp; look at me. The activity muz do very fast &amp; half of it its too advance, eg. colouring/putting the balls in a cup. Agree w Luwen that its more stress on the parents more den the baby. haha.

yes, parents muz practice with e child everyday to maximise the learning. So hb will flash the cards while I hold my gal. She likes e flashcards, she is attentive &amp; will clap after daddy has finished doing it.

but, i still duno wat improvements did she make. haha.

oh ya, 1 boy in her class, 2 wks older can remember some alphabets + point to the clock when his mummy ask him where is the clock. I'm amazed coz my gal cant do yet. Mayb becoz I didnt repeat it to her.....

my gal will continue her Little Skool House after 18 mths.....
hey mummies, I'm looking for a Confinement nanny in July. Can anyone recommend their one if they find her good? My old one is booked already.

Ginnie, GG, me is natural birth.

Mmmm... my girl in my first skool, the main branch in toa payoh. when she move up to childcare, the only good things is they have a big play area outdoor. Whether they teach well or when go into nursery/kindergarten, whether a Montessori school is better... im still thinking haha. My girl yesterday had art and craft and she painted orange on her green jacket, well done in choosing contrasting colors and make it hard to wash. -.-
ivy - huh? painted on her green jacket? :p accidentally huh?

dun wash loh - leave it as her "masterpiece"! hahaha
yes accidentally. Ya i not bothered haha, cannot wash will show her when she bigger. I will say see ur 1st art piece -.-
hemmie: ^5!
I started on Glenn Doman (like Shichida Method) on Kayla but didn't like the program and she was very disinterested. I am also not a big fan of montessori learning. Personally prefer the JG kind of program for 18 months and above where the child learns through play and interaction. And it is also because I see the difference in her after going for JG (and perhaps her own character plays a part as well), I went for Pat's Schoolhouse. Another reason for the choice of preschool is a school which provides education from preschool all the way to K2. I don't want the kid to have to re-adapt to new environment if the school does not have preschool classes. Today is her 3rd day at school and already she is chasing us out of the class
No tears and fuss at all.

I spoke to Principal Natalie of Jubilee branch today btw and I asked why my friend (u) only manage to be on the wait list even though have registered so early. She said they had to leave slots for priority enrolment. So they will start to go down on the wait list if they have not too many existing students' siblings that year. I still think you do stand a pretty good chance
If not, I can help you enquire on any questions you have on Pat's Ridgewood as my friend is a teacher there ;) Tanglin branch just opened this year right?

If I am a SAHM, I will explore going to Pat's d'Story Club for 18 months and above, or Julia Gabriel's PlayNest for below 18 months. But I only have the luxury of weekends, so my daughter only did Little Gym and Julia Gabriel Bilingual Playclub. Noah is at the Little Gym now too and will be following exactly his jie jie's path with Julia Gabriel when he turns 18 months old, and then with Pat's Schoolhouse Half Day Playgroup at 3 years old

Shokel: JG is much cheaper than Pat's leh hehehe.

Luwen: I think start at 18 months max 3x a week for playgroup is ok. Not anything more.
GG Lee: I agree with genesis TC Chang is very good. He is my 2nd choice gynae after LC Cheng. Both are in the WC Cheng &amp; Associates clinic at TMC.
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Cala: huh.. I tot JG more ex lor...
Cos all at town area n pats got north east area!!
I hven reg yet leh..
So u think for JG it's for 18mths up or ? Seriously I'm lost!!
Shokel -

JG is enrichments leh.
they do hv "3times a wk" classes for younger age tot..
Unless u talking abt chiltern house - the presch arm from JG..

for Pats - it's like a daily presch all the way to k2. enough to prep for pri sch.

so can do without JG (enrichments) but cannot do with Pats(Presch)! hahaha
MTDT woot! thx.

alicia, i have ergo, i feel in terms of weight distribution, its better than baby bjorn, but the clip behind hard to clip. My hubby prefer his baby bjorn synergy. Now enyu is 8.6 kg, the shoulder quite painful after awhile. Ergo less painful. All carriers after using for some time, will still shoulder pain, back pain. I think motherworks might have.
Calamari, thanks..hmm will consider whether to switch gynae. Dat time in the waiting ward I saw him attending to another mummy waiting to give birth. Only thing is thought I prefer gal. Is tc Chang waiting time long?

Your sharing of the classes very useful too!!
alicia, eh... remove from shoulder then open liao. But baby must face you, baby bjorn, baby can face out.
Hi calamari, my problem with Ridgewood is that it is non-airconditioned. My boy has ezcema and i'm worried some hot and stuffy days may worsen his skin condition, esp for afternoon sessions. (morning all full) Cannot be after sending him there, I go back to my air-conditioned home to rest while he is suffering the heat if the day is especially warm.

I checked the proximity of the centres and the next best alternative is the centre at Tanglin, I was told they are still gathering enough students to make up a class for afternoon session.
Hiaz, Jubilee is just a minute's drive away from my place!!
Gg - mine is tc chang oso!! He is beli good.. Not too long waiting time.. Like 30mins and at most 45 mins!!

Calamari n mtdt - tks for all the advice.. Reali beli useful man!!
miumiu: hehehe no worries. Eh sorry give wrong info to GG Lee. I thought TC Chang waiting very long, like my gynae leh. Cos everytime I sit outside wait for my gynae, I see TC Change q also very long, many ppl sit outside. haha.

hemmie: Guess have to cross fingers and wait for good news from Jubilee. Yeah I know! Jubilee is like so near u lor...
Mtdt: I saw that on a magazine. Later I go c cos will b at forum too lol. U think it'll b cheaper spreeing from their us site?
cala &amp; MTDT, same.. saw on mag.. on level 3 right? havent got the chance to go town yet.. if you go, share on the price range if they r good buys.. =P
Hi mummies, I bought a pair of the Stride ride shoes for my girl. I quite like their sizing in the way that they have half size and also wide width...so in case some toddlers's feet are like in between sizes or broader feet.
morning all! enjoy your sunday.. =P
im so sian at work.. feeling so tired.. =((

just saw newspaper today they have the $10 trade in old shoe offer for the stride ride shoes, valid till 6 Feb.. in case any of you keen..
I think pats Mayb Ashton no chance to get in .. Waiting list Shd be very long ba..

Cala: btw Kayla in pats is Hw much ar?
Is she gg to be there all the way till preschool?
shokel: About $960 a month for 4 hours preschool morning. After subsidy is about $810. PM sessions are cheaper. She is considered to be in preschool now and will be there all the way till K2.

MTDT: I see whether I can scan and email u heheheh.
hi Calamari, can check which Pat's schoolhouse is Kayla attending>? I'm interested to enrol BB kiren in Pat as well, but need to know the fees and its curiculum.
canopyhaze: The child can start school at close to 3 years old (Kayla turns 3 in April this year) for playgroup or childcare. I opted for the 4 hours morning playgroup for her to begin her preschool learning. School teaches phonics and have activities like art, music, dance, water play, sand play, project work, rhymes, reading and writing. More details can be found in their web site -> http://www.patschoolhouse.com/programmes/playgroup/curriculum. Fees for half day morning (2011) are $810 (with subsidy) and about $990 (with subsidy) for full day. It gets a bit cheaper when the kid gets older. Its a long long wait list in all the branches. Better to decide now, or go to the school to have a tour and see whether you are comfortable or not. Kayla is at Pat's Jubilee branch. There are many other branches around.

MTDT: think u are more familiar with Pat's as Zavier is already there for some time right? Wanna share your experience?
Experience huh :p

actually diff pats have diff intake of min age class. like for mine, they do take in kids from 2yo onwards. Some pats are smaller in compound, thus they only take in older age kids.

2yo - playgroup
3yo - Toddler
4yo - Nursery
5yo - K2
6yo - K2

Playgroup/Toddler - Half day is sufficient i feel. Circulum is by themes and they uses letterland to teach phonics. at this age - mostly "art/storytelling/music/play" :p

Nursery/k1/k2 - gd to consider their extended halfday. as from 1pm-3pm they have programs like Eng/Chi S&amp;D/maths/music/general knowledge classes (in sch fees already). but nap time is compromised as they only nap from 330pm to maybe 430pm or 5pm max.

Zav started in 2nd half of nursery.. when he joined them, they already started blending 3letters phonics etc at his age (consider fast if u compare with other kindys).

Their program also very hands on. like the wk on "policeman".. they invited policeman to their sch to give a talk/kids get to go up their police car to "touch and experience". during the wk of dentist = kids got a excursion to a real dentist clinic and got their teeth check etc. so not those drilling of info kind.

chinese - mainly bi hua.. and lots of songs/poems being intro

maths - incorporated into eng programs.. started addtion in nursery level.

so i guess for academic - shd be quite well prepared for the kids to go P1.. (I hope! haha)
gd pts abt pats -
-low teacher:kid ratio.. at nur level, it's 1:9 only. (MCYS standard is 1:25)

-wide exposure to various topics/hands on/fun (am sure without the hands on activity, it shd still be fun. but if hv is really a great!)

bad pts:
- px! hahaha

- some parents dun like the idea of catering food (not sure if all pats cater). it took me something to accept it also... but now ok. with catering, their menu really very wide variety! (zav's mthly menu seems better than my daily lunch choice at foodcourt! haha)
Cala : thanks. Wanna choose Jubilee branch cos it is nearer to our house. Just called Natalie to enquire on the programmes available for bb Kiren. They have a story club which takes in 18mths old; every Sat (9-10.30am), 1 term 10 lessons ( $321 + 1 time registration fee of $107). They have already started the 1st term. I can join in the 3rd term cos Kiren will be 18mths by then. by joining the story club, he will have a higher chance of joining the playgroup later on. For those who are interested, for a half day (morning) playgroup, it is $963, and full day will cost $1275 (till 5.30pm), and $1375 (till 7pm). These costs are before the govt subsidy of $150.

Christy : I am keen in the half day afternoon playgroup and enquired it as well. Has asked Natalie to put me in the "Interest List". I think they will eventually conduct the afternoon class once the number is reached. Finger crossed.

MTDT : Thanks for the info.
Cala : I have mentioned your name when Natalie asked if i know someone whose kid is having lesson there. Paiseh. And also, i forgot to check with her the cost is monthly and not per term right? Thanks.
canopyhaze - govt subsidy is $150 for half day, $200++ for extend day till 3pm and $300 for fullday. (working mom of cos).

And yes fees are alll "PER MTH".
