(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Hi karen, me no longer pump in the day - so i latch Faith at night to make her sleep and when she wakes up in the middle of the night, i latch her to put her back to sleep.

I hope this bruises that you talk abt is different from mongolian spots. Cos Faith still has visible Mongolian spots on her body. =(

Its not just decrease in her milk intake, its the action where she refuses to drink even one drop of FM and I have to force her to drink and she will keep escaping. Its really heart wrenching....
Shokel, thanks! Will go check out mothercare. Bb hypermart also got 15% off.

Ainsley u been giving whole egg already? So far I only give full yolk twice a week. Bb likes it. Wan to try scrambled eggs leh

On milk, my hubby believe is because bb now know got other more tasty options, so prefer the new stuff lor. As long got drink about 3 times and eat solids well, guess is ok. If worried maybe check w pd?
Happymummy: ya, I feed him cube cheese , brand is laughing cow. It's a gd source of protein .. Can feed ur girl..

Ains: ya.. Sometimes ash slp once he also nap longer ..

Bbshae: gd to know tat!!
Jeslynn, could b transition stage. My boy refuse to drink at one period too. And I read is important not to force them else they may reject even more. So wat I did is since he likes solid, I mix in one or two scoups fm into his food. Example cereal, potato, porridge, avocado purée etc.
Jesline, since faith doesn't like her fm, maybe you wanna change fm? Is she still allergic to cows milk?

Quote from my aunts incident, when she bring her boy for 15mth jab, she told the nurse her boy is fussy eater. That time he drinks isomil. So the nurse ask my aunt to change to pediasure. She say pediasure is for fussy baby and it comes with different flavors. But then, check with pd first..

Ainsley, thanks alot!

GG, can give whole egg already. In fact, I've been cracking a whole egg in his congee almost daily. But I heard the best is to give hard boil egg.

BB shae, thanks for your info. Guess dun wanna scare myself further.. Ytd got a new bruise again..

Jesline, wads Mongolian spots?

Keith naps twice a day too. Morning Ten plus and noon three plus. Around 1.5 hrs each..

Shokel, laughing cow cheese? Me will buy later. I haven't try giving cheese yet.. Hehe
Jesline, same here Jaylen also seems not to like milk now his in take also getting lesser...i also latching Jaylen to sleep. Over the weekend, when its nap time i also use my breast as a "weapon" then he will nap/ sleep without putting a fight. me lazy mummy so always find the easy way out....hahaha... my hubby was saying tat I wana wean him off nw think 2 or 3 years old then can wean off ahhh....

just went for 12 mth check up n jaylen is only 8.65kg sianzzz not much weight being put....PD was saying its ok...hmm....think i also try the cheese thing

think as our babies become toddler they become more mobile so more bruise and scratches will comes with it bah....just 2 days back Jaylen kana orh bah ka on his forehead and today kana scratch on his forehead...
seems like many babies still taking 2 naps a day. This nn ah... I think i go learn hypnosis and hypnotise her to sleep. haha..

GG, May, my pd said can give 1 egg everyday le. nn already 1 year old mah. so try egg white lor. she is ok and loves it. Sometimes I give hard boil, sometimes I will crack and cook in water, Nn very petite mah, so give her more protein lor. hehe
thanks, Ainsley. Raelynn sometimes takes 1 nap, sometimes 2 naps a day. Cos sometimes she never nap in the morning before no. 1 comes back at 11am. Afterwards then no chance Liao cos she is distracted by her noisy cheh cheh.
jeanie> yes.. laughin cow brand belcubes.. so far i only giv plain n cheddar favor.. nv try tomato n ham before..scared too salty...

genesis: huh.. ur boy looks big leh. less than 9kg ah?? ashton is already 9.5kg last weigh leh... and hes below 50% .. cos me stil latchin too..

yaya, nurses at poloyclinic say egg is very gd! infact, im givin ashton egg yolk almostly daily.. in not, alternate days...
usually i cook it to hard boiled then i eat the egg white w black sauce!!! hahaha...
thanks, Ainsley. Raelynn sometimes takes 1 nap, sometimes 2 naps a day. Cos sometimes she never nap in the morning before no. 1 comes back at 11am. Afterwards then no chance Liao cos she is distracted by her noisy cheh cheh. then, she will only nap at 1+pm with no. 1.
Shokel, jaylen look big bah... Dunno leh weighing machine 8.65kg nia.... mayb your cheese method helps will go buy Tom!

Nap, he nw nap once leh recently started dunno y... Then nap 1 hour plus 2 only lor.... Haizzz.... How to make them nap longer n more ah... I try to drug bb jaylen with my breast over the weekend haha... But then in IFC how?? Any mummies have any tricks??
So happy to find there are moms here who still latch babes in the middle of the night. I'm not alone..!

Jesline, Shay &amp; genesis
My milk supply is not good anymore too. Are all our babies girls? if yes, i think this goes to show girls really don't drink a lot. For my #1, I'd feel 'full' a few times a day &amp; would need to pump. But with my #2, baby girl, by 8 mths, don't feel full already. If pump, can only get 125 ml or so. I've quit pumping in the mornings and sometimes if I'm lazy, I don't even pump in office. But if I do, I'll get 125 ml for the next day's supply.

Think once she hits 12 mths, I'll start her on partial FM. now she drinks whatever available sample FM if my BM is insufficient.
But I'm really happy to know that there are babies who still get up &amp; latch at night. I was beginning to feel like the odd one out since almost all the other people I know are embarking in sleep training etc.

shokel, Ainsley
My girl has also taken egg since she was about 10 mths - OK so far. So I guess she's got no egg allergy too. Whew. My friend who's a nurse, also says it's OK to give eggs before kid turns 1...after all MMR has egg component so sooner or later, will have to try it out.

I'm so glad to hear that Faith's alright. Great you got her checked, now you don't have to worry blindly

Pediasure is super sweet lor. My #1 took it for a while coz he was rather skinny as a toddler, but I stopped giving it to him. To me, it was like feeding him nothing but sugar! Go read the ingredients. Whatever appears first in the ingredients list means it's the highest in content. If I recalled correctly, sucrose appears very early in the Pediasure content list.
I think babies are very smart! If it's other caregivers, they won't be so manja one. They know how to take care of themselves. hahaha. My mom takes care of my girl, she obviously doesn't BF, but somehow can get her to sleep with no issues at all.
genesis: ya, jaylen look bigger than ashton when i last saw him @ the bash leh... sicarli is my weighin scale got prob! took in the clinic too! haha...
yaya!! go buy the cheese n try!! heheh..
ashton sometimes also nap 1x nia.. very tirin for me..no rest.. need to entertain him n all!! haiz...
Shokel, went to buy the cheese Liao. Try tmr to see if he likes.. Agree with calamari, how can ash below 50%? my Keith at 10 mth check up weigh 9.2kg and the nurse wrote abv 50%.. Btw, how do you entertain ash during the day? I run out of ideas and energy already...

Smalldreams, is it? I not so sure cuz my aunt just verbally tell me what the nurse told her.. But if any case wanna change fm, better to check with pd or doc first..
Cala: duno leh.. The nurse say ash below 50% leh.. Duno did I hear wrongly not...
Arggh.. Anyway, heck la.. Healthy can liao... Thin fat short tall also can... Wahaha!!!
See ya soon!!!!!! :p
Interesting. Looks like I can let him try whole egg. So far I only give hard boil yolk and mummy eats the white!

no leh, no photos from the shoot one. they dun have have PC to transfer the pic out and asked us to d/l from facebook. *faints*
wow.. like tat huh :p
anyway hope u win lah. last nite when i voted, his votes seems high!

when's the voting closing dateline?
Hello all,
Terence n I both sick after staycation Lolz. Yuyu refuse to sleep at hotel, she wakes up n look around n then cry. I keep coaxing her tat this is hotel room, u sleeping with daddy mommy... 3-4 times I coax with her sleeping on my chest. But 7am she drink her milk, we manage to bluff her it's still midnight cos with curtain close very dark n she fall back to sleep till 10am haha. Came back home, she sleep 9:30 to 7:30. Now phobia whether to bring her to bkk end Jan.

Karen, so glad Shay is ok. Our babies will be all healthy n good kids ya.

Ainsley email me itinerary can? I'm still think japan Tokyo or Hokkaido.
Yuyu tajes 2.5 naps, morning and noon, evening before dinner sometimes she will need a 1/2 hr nap. Sometimes 3rd nap skip.

Shokel not all babies can sleep train ESP if got grandparents around. My mom ar see her cry Liao immediately carry. N some babies can really cry for hrs n won't give in. Yuyu still got to carry coax pat a bit, only now I walk out while she not deep sleep she won't cry. She will make noise roll here roll there then fall asleep.
Shokel, for bottlefeed. During our staycation, Terence say dun bring sterilizer ar. So he wash with the baby bottle detergent, boil hot water to rinse it. Tats all. We give cereals too and she loves the food we eat -.- so give her rice, bread. If got kids meal, u can order their mash potato without gravy cos usually unsalted. Where u going?
Hi Mummies/Daddies:
My sister's friend who is building his portfolio is coming to Faith's birthday party to shoot for us. Im supposed to give him a token.
Any idea what range should my token be?
Thanks to share!
i rmbr u shared with us that pnucl jab can deduct from medisave
MMR in p.clinic is free hor

Nurse told me is oki to serve whole egg in a meal. as what Anis's PD said = good in protein. oki for bb to consume 1 whole egg.

glad that Shay is oki
hmmm all like quite big babies compared to my isaac. haiz... nvm so long as he is eating drinking and sleeping well i happi oredi

smalldreams me also another bfing mom

ainsley check wif u hor... for disneyland, does nn get to go on most of the rides? 1 day for disneyland and 1 day for disneysea enuff? can email me ur itinerary to [email protected]?
Mushloom, nn didn't hv any rides except the carousel. Lol.. Cos ah, they dun allow children on lap. 1 day Disneyland n 1 day Disneysea Tats wat we did Bt din manage to finish all. U can purchase tickets online to prevent long queue. Tokyo Disney shops at shopping center can purchase tickets if I rem correctly. N oso new rule is no tripod allowed. They will check bags at entrance..

Cala, rem no tripods..
I have already sent the itinerary to cala, pauline, mushloom and ivy.

Anny, I don't have your email add. let me know your email add. thks.
Jeanie: erm, me usually entertain Ashton by playing w him, teaching him words la.. Let him crawl on floor playmat or walk w his push walker.. He enjoys pushing the walker n roam ard.. Otherwise I will bring him go dwnstairs walk walk n see birds n trees!
Watch cartoon too.. Me running out of ideas too!

Ivy: me gg tpe nx Jan.. I'm thinking of booking hrc for my photoshoot w valentine too.. Hven call hotel yet.. Duno got rooms not!! Haha..
Ya, ESP w my mum ard, slp training cannot be done.. Once cry n cry , my mum wil come n carry n Sayang liao.. Argghh..
U bringing yuyu to bkk ? There like not very bb friendly leh.. Lol.. ESP the food.. All spicy n hot!! Shiok for adults not for bb.. Hehe.. I missed bkk food!!!

May: huh.. Ask u dl from fb leh.. Wah liew.. Cut cost ar... Haha..

Jesline: a token ??? Mayb $188 at least.. Hehe
Ainsley, xie xie!! btw why no tripod?

Shokel, what HRC?? Must book soon, my family now in taipei enjoying themselves
i wish im there with them. U wanna know what hotel they stay??
Ya lah, parents all spoil market. My girl hor see my mom know she will carry her non-stop lor.

my girl still small, 8.29kg only. But PD say aiyo ok one. Parents small small mah... (lucky terence din hear tat)
Ya need to go bangkok, use to go there so often! Love their food lor. I know not baby frenly tats why thinking whether to leave her with my mom who has never take care of her before haha. She loves my mom though.

Jesline, usually ends with $88 hehe. So 188, 288, 388.
Ivy, Nt sure y. Bt when we brought our tripod there, we were told to keep in locker after tat person showed us the new rule..
re push walker
do you have to support the walker when Ash is pushing it arnd? Will the walker just slide away from him when he pushes it?
ains: thanks! I received the itinerary liao, thank Jason for me too hehe. Wah now Japan like Europe like that, no tripods in museums and places of attraction. :p
Hello everyone! Hope u all are doing great! By the way anyone knows if anywhere has offer for diapers? Need to stock up Liao ...
Hi Thanks Ivy/Shoan for the advice. =)

Hi May, i casted my vote for Zach too!
zach so obedient, can sit nice nice for the photoshoot =) all the best!
May the way, can you advice where u bought the dha again?
Paiseh, i forgot to take it down.

Thanks ah!
Hey Qiuye:
Readiness: 8899 liao. Cos some guests last minute back out then suddenly some tell me they are bringing their kids along, so i have to go buy some more goodie bags stuffs from Middle Road =P
Tomorrow, i took leave to gg down to PG to submit my cake toppers.

By the way, I want to buy party hats, but dunno wat size to get. Too small then adults cannot wear. Too big then kids cannot wear.. any advice??

Been singing birthday song to Faith these few days and she'll smile and clap each time we sing. Beri cute lor.
Hope she will recognise the song on Sat! haha...
Jesline : Ya lor at this time, i scared ppl last min back out thingy. Oh i have jus submitted the cake toppers ytd.

Party hats? Got size one ah?? haaa i bought online de.
So i think there is only one size wor.

Ya i also sing birthday song to her.

Hope she wont be scared on that day upon seeing so many ppl. lol
Thanks everyone! Finally let go a big heavy stone in my heart. Thanks for all concern.

Ains, did u fix nap time for nn? Maybe it'll be better if she get use to a routine? Shay dun like to nap de.. But i try my best to put her to bed at the same time everyday, even for naps. After awhile, her nap does improve.

Smalldreams, genesis's boy. Me &amp; jesline's gal. And Faith belongs to Jesline, not me. ;p My gal is Shay. Hehe..

Jesline, not mongolian spots. Shay has a fair bit of mongolian spots too. But the bruise is different, its blue black bruise which will disappear in days.

Manu, I have the Baby Can Read VCD. Quite boring, shay wont pay attention to it. She only like the singing part.

Happymummy &amp; Weiting, I buy diaper from them at their retail store. Cheap!

BF latching to slp: How long do u latch for till bb falls aslp? Does ur bb wake up often at nite just to suckle for comfort?

Now, another problem. Recently bf-ing is so uncomfortable for me.. Shay has 4 teeth now. Everytime i latch her, her teeth keep rubbing on my skin. Ouch! Isit bcoz wrong latching position or all latch on mummies also have the same problem huh?
Dolly, lileen, pauline, Ainsley, and who got older kids.


go for this!
Ivy: paiseh, it's hard Rock sg cos I'm gg for a photoshoot this mth.
Taipei I'm staying Fu hau , already booked le.tks!

Snowpear: I'm using the playskool one, it's quite light so when he push himself up to the walker I need to support the walker, then when he push it ard, I no need bother le.. Sometimes he fell but it's ok cos I got put bumper mat..
I bought less than $50 I think..
Shae, ya.. Her nap time n slp time r fixed. Bt she will resist recently. Nw she only want 1 nap. Think 1 day she will clock 12hr of sleep. If lucky, can Gt 13.. Isit ok? Or too little?

Hi everybody! So long didn't cm in le coz as usual I concase together with beng after feeding him milk... Haha.. Today I'm lucky.. He didn't zzz fm 2pm.. So when I bought him back fm mum place he KO till now... HHaha...

Ains- hasn't got a chance to say welcome back sing... I just bought the steAm mop online... Hope it work when it reach sing.. Kekeke... How urs doing?? I read some reviews that the steam mop might leave trails of water.. It dat true?
Beng now not really scared of i robot... Now it the first thing he look at when he reach hm.. Haha.. So funny
