(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Cala, u Shd brg Kayla!!! She def Gt the potential! Gogogo..

Shokel, ya la. Nw I look forward to Hk.. Exactly 2 more mths!! When u gg Taiwan?

Happymummy, I oso Gt a party on tat day. Paiseh..
Shokel &amp; Ainsley : Never mind is ok.
PAuline : Happy Burpday to Raelynn..

So fast can imagine last yr of this day we are still waiting for our bb to pop out from our tum tum and nw they are coming to 1yo le.
happymummy: Noah celebrating birthday on actual day 12 Dec. But 11 Dec I going for Braydon's (Liling) birthday wor.

Ains: i maybe bring her go play play hehe

shokel: ya lor, doesnt matter the number of days. Getaway good liao!
you settle ur pp thing? Got mail Lucas?
Hi mummies,
din come in for some time. Hope all is well.
Just celebrated Zan's bday last Sat. It was fun just that i was still down with stomach flu tat time.

ains, glad u enjoyed the japan trip. u deserved a gd break. sahm moms jobs are tiring... is 24hrs jobs with no salary nor bonus.
Hi mummies &amp; daddies...

Happymummy, Oh dear.. Sorry i cant attend coz i'm attending Evon's Renee birthday. Thanks for inviting, if only i can split myself. ;p

Shay has been getting lots of blue black buise lately. Any bb also has buise huh?? My sis ask me to monitor coz she says might me symptoms of leukaemia. That really scare me! I duno if shay bump onto anything ley.
Hi mummies &amp; daddies...

Happymummy, Oh dear.. Sorry i cant attend coz i'm attending Evon's Renee birthday. Thanks for inviting, if only i can split myself. ;p

Shay has been getting lots of blue black bruise lately. Any bb also has bruise huh?? My sis ask me to monitor coz she says might me symptoms of leukaemia. That really scare me! I duno if shay bump onto anything ley.
HI BB_Shae, when I read about your post about blue black bruise, I also make abt the same concern that your sis has commented. I heard of one such story before. There was a toddler when trying to learn to walk and when he accidentally fall or knock himself, blue black usually shows up shortly. I guess u just have to watch it and be observant. Anyway, we may be wrong also. Dun worry.
Shae - ur sis is right (my ex company has 2 kids that has kids leukaemia...)

who looks after shay? u sure she din fell/bump into anything? (since now they learning to stand/walk)
Annie &amp; Mtdt, i duno if shay has bump into something coz she's aways so active.. I'm the one looking after her. Does leukaemia comes with other symptoms? or just bruise? Shay is healthy, eating well, drinking well, not sick.. Only bruise on both hand. Getting more and more worried now. =(
Shae - dun be too worried first. maybe becos learning to walk, so bump ard. monitor closely first.
God will definately look after and bless shay

anyway, think u can read more here

My ex colleague's kid (age 3) and started to limp and complained leg pain. Saw doc 3 times then got diagnoised (1st 2 times they tot only sprain/cramp etc) but besides the limp during tat period, everything also normal and "healthy".
karen, i'm sure shay's fine... my boy oso been having bruises over his legs and there's once his tummy... i think shld be he knock into something lah...
Morning mommies
Been some time since I popped by this thread.

Happy 1st Birthday to the December babies!
Mine's turning 1 only in very very end Dec... 28th.

I guess being a mommy, it's natural to feel worried. But try to monitor closely first ok? The bruise should go away after 3-4 days. My gal once had a bruise on her cheek coz she fell flat on the floor when she was just learning to pull her self up to stand. It went away after a while.
So just monitor, and try to minimise his falls &amp; bumps.
hi all! just got back from my trip. hope the dec babies have a good birthday party this month and everyone is well and good.

mtdt: thanks for the gap contest thingy. not a fan of fb voting contest though. :D
Eh.... today so quiet ar?

Btw mummies &amp; daddies, need some advise. Intend to buy a food flask to keep porridge warm when going out. Prefer those with metal interior instead of plastic. Any brand to recommend? Is Foogoo ok?
hi.. am new to this thread..
just wondering if any mommies had arranged 抓周 for their babies? just want to have some clues.. thanks!
snow, I've used foogo food jar for no. 1 and now no. 2. I find it very good, can keep hot for about 4 hours. And even if you drop it, the rubber casing means it won't get dented or chipped. :p
OG now having 20% off til 5 Dec.May bank plus another 5%..so there is foogo or other thermos brand food flask u can consider. i use foogo too, can keep hot for quite long..but only 10oz...so maybe keep only 1 meal porridge only. i just went to OG to buy a 16oz thermos brand food flask one. hope it is good too.

OG has thermos tumble 300ml one cost only $19.90 now UP $36. quite good deal, i got one too=) tot can bring out hot water to make milk for bb.
Hi mummies..

Thks for all advices. I will monitor and see if anymore bruise appears. Other than the bruise she's still her normal self. She's not slping in cot but she's quite rough. Sigh.. I hope its just normal bruise. God bless my lil' shay.
Smalldreams, thks.. Extremly worried. Sigh.. Just like wat Poofy mention "it's natural for mummies to feel worried" but i hate this feeling now. Leukemia is a BIG issue! Very scary~!
BB_Shae, yes I can understand such worries. If u need comfort, why dun u ask PD if there is any early test or get your PD to give her a check...so that u can rest your heart.
Bbshae: dun think too much! Think it's jus the usual knocks.. Nw they mobile le, walk n crawl will easily get bruises ... She wil be fine!!

Btw: bb sleeping .. Any bb no need coax pat shake or wat? Night time they can slp by themselves in the cot ma? Not Yao LAN I mean..
Ashton still can't lor! I got to pat n coax n on his Ted music before I can put him dwn on his cot.. Sibeh tiring leh..
When then they will learn to fall asleep themselves????
Slp training doesnt work on him leh..

Ains: oh ya, so in the end u fed nn w the porridge that u prepare urself using rice cooker?
I'm thinking of wat to prepare for ash in tpe leh. Somemore he stil can't take rice cos only 2 pearlie nia..
Every meal eat cereal I think he wil reject lor..
I was Thinking if I can "steal" hotel breakfast plain congee n side dish into my food jar n bring out!!!
Will kana scold by them anot ar?

Any mummies got experience???
yah karen! Fret not! Lil shay will be fine! but u can prob seek pro advice or run some tests to set ur heart at ease like annie has suggested?

mtdt! my boy cant go for that gap thing lah.. he not muole enuf like ur lil keanu reeves. ur ang mo kia pro poser i heard! hahaa.. bring him there!!
long time no log in very busy.
Tomolo celebrating enyu birthday, so happy. Happy birthday to all babies here!

welcome back, i may need to ask you for advice what to bring overseas. Going bangkok end jan, and probably hokkaido july. Need to see how to cook porridge for her there.

go ask PD for advice. You bringing shay for her 1 year assessment soon?

i manage to sleep train enyu by accident. I was very angry one day she keep playing in cot. Then i walk out to go toilet, she cry and cry. I walk in still cry, i pek chek went out and ask terence take over. Terence say aiya wait awhile.. then she vomit on bed :p
After tat night, dunno why she no longer cry when i walk out. In fact, when i walk in, she pretend to sleep... I ask her close her eyes, she pretend to close.
But after that vomit case, i wont let her cry too badly lah. Very heart pain. I will walk out, tell her im going to pom pom. If she whine cry abit i will ignore, if she cry too badly i will carry and pat her. I nowadays always tell her im outside, dun scare. She also know im in my bedroom, every morning will ma ma mamama to ask terence to bring her to my room. But different baby different, so you got to see how strong character Ashton is. My girlfren daughter cry 3 hrs and still cant be sleep trained.
shokel, I'm flying to TPE next Tues and staying at Cosmos Hotel. How about you?

I was just sharing in Jan10 thread. You can bring a slow cooker/rice cooker/travel pot then bring some rice &amp; some hardy veg like broccoli, cauliflower, baby corn n carrots, that'll make the porridge taste very sweet. if some parts of the veg turn brown, just cut away n use the good parts. For protein, before u go to tpe, buy fresh silver fish from market, dry fry it then grind into powder and bring it with you. You can use it to add to the porridge, 1 teaspoon each time it'll be very flavourful Liao. if u are ok to give seafood, can also bring those dry scallops to boil in the porridge but soak in hot water for 10-15 mins to get rid of the saltiness. Slow cooker is good in the sense that it won't boil over so you can cook in the morning in the hotel, go out and roam 3-4 hrs then come back to feed Ashton then let him nap. Or you can bring the Tiger travel magic pot, then 'cook' the porridge on the go but then the porridge will be quite watery yet grainy so depends on whether your baby will like it. Mine doesn't. :p

That said, I am only going to TPE with hubby so won't get to cook porridge for Raelynn. :p
Shokel, nn oso cnt.. Shes VERY reliant on latch.. And she can cont screaming for v long.=(

For my experience of traveling with nn, I didn't manage to use the cooker AT ALL! the voltage etc is diff and even I found the transformer, it's no use. Duno somemore wat is diff. My canon Charger, MacBook charger can use thou.

I had been asking hotel to prepare plain porridge with nothing added. If I go breakfast in hotel then take the plain porridge there and add ingredient myself. Eggs, meat, etc

So I would suggest to those traveling with babies Nt to think n worry so much. Cos ah, if go travel still this cannot, that cannot, very xin ku.

For my upcoming Hk trip, I Nt bringing cooker also le.
Ivy: yuyu very guar lor.. I dun think I can let ash cry for tat long too.. Heart pain.. Haiz.. Hope this phase wil b over soon!

Pauline: I'm gg nx mth 19/Jan spring season hope can do strawberry picking at yms cos the last rd I dint go there.
I'm staying Fu hau most prob, not at xmd area more towards tpe main station. I also won't go bk hotel jus to let Ashton nap, will be out whole day ba.. Cos I'm bringing along my mum n grandma so it's tedious to go bk n out ..
Will be getting a taxi to drive us for sight seeing for 2 days then 3 dats we f&amp;e since I've been to tpe before le..
I dun think I wana bring my slow cooker there liao , I will jus take the hotel porridge (plain) ones n add w side dishes lor..
By then Ashton is 1 yr old le, can eat outside food liao, so I dun wan so ma fan...
Anyway, the hotel sure got plain porridge as bfast..
I'm bringing my stroller n carrier there too so Ashton van slp along the way, so still ok..
I'm jus bringing cereal for his bfast ba.. Lunch n dinner porridge to standby otherwise eat outside pasta n all also can...

Ains: ya.. Ashton doesn't need to latch to slp but normally after latching he can slp better. Cheat him w bottle of plain porridge but he reject lor.. So no choice but to latch him a bit..
Ur hk trip no need slow cooker la. U got hse in hk right? Haha.. Can prepare le then go out ba?? Hah..

Cos I'm shd be stopping bf after Ashton turns 1, so I got to bring milk bottles n all! Very mafan!!! Haha..
Shokel, my grandma Hse too small la. So Nt staying there. Hk more convenient. An find porridge everywhere unlike japan. Cnt find porridge at all. Lol..

U stop bf ash after ur trip la. If Nt, v mafan leh. Sterilize, wash, carry, etc..
Ains: hah.. I was thinking of stopping after the trip too but think I will bring milk along too..
Very Tiring too...
a normal adapter do not necessary mean it can convert the 50hz outlet to a 60hz plug. anyway just my guess because i dunno what plug u are using. but if its a 2 pin like japan, i am guessing this is the reason it doesn't work.
Shokel, hehe, if you are ready to let Ashton eat table food when you travel then of course, no need to prepare anything lar. I thought you are asking cos you are worried about food for him.

I don't want to give Raelynn outside food cos I don't know what they add inside. MSG is a no no for me. So that means only plain bread and plain porridge but that won't have much nutrients so I'm prepared to lug my slow cooker/rice cooker along if I bring her travelling now. I tried pigeon food packs for my no. 1 when I brought her to HK in 08 but she doesn't like the texture and I find it too watery, not filling and too salty.

Travelling when on full BF was most convenient, nothing to bring except pump. :p
pauline> erm.. i hvn really let him try table yet as yet but was thinkin if so mafan then might as well jus take hotel plain porridge w side dish...
i got a small slow cooker.. if bring there then hve to bring rice n cook n all..also very tedious..

hah.. i guess a few days of rubbish food outside is ok ba.. lol..
btw, rae stil on BFin by then? u latch n go ?
Shokel, for me, I will 'dump' bb into his cot in his bedroom when it's time to sleep or he is obviously tired. Sometimes he will look v pitiful cos he clings to me struggle not to b put in. But no choice must make it a habit. Sometimes will cry for a min or so, then v he will start talking to himself or his toy and doze off. My husband does not let me pat him to sleep as he feels is impt for him to get used to sleep time.
shokel, keke, yes, up to you. Like Ainsley said, no need to be too fussed if you are travelling with kids, otherwise may not enjoy yourselves. For me, 我过不了自己那关. Cos I did it for no. 1 when we travelled with her to HK at 11.5 months, so I don't want to give no. 2 'rubbish' food yet otherwise I will feel guilty towards her. But it's getting harder and harder to resist everyday, cos she sees what Cheh Cheh is eating and she wants the same thing. :p

Raelynn was still on full BF when I went to Penang in June this year. But we are not bringing the kids to Taipei next week cos MIL doesn't want to go and hubby not keen to look after two gals on our own.

Next trip should be Mar/June, so by then, RL should have at least 8 teeth bah and can take more outside food. Just tried giving her soupy rice today and she loves it. Will monitor her poo poo tom cos I'm afraid it's harder to digest than porridge. But I think we didn't give enough rice (being the first time) cos she woke up after just sleeping for half hour at 10pm. :p She whacked another 80ml of milk before sleeping again. :p
Shokel, you can call the hotel in advance to ask if they have porridge. Make a request to them that the porridge is for baby and ask them not to add any salt or MSG etc. Then you can buy eggs etc and boil yourself. I boiled using the kettle in hotel. lol..
Gg: wah... Ur bb can slp on his own even after u dump him.. Mine can't wor.. He cry n whine then my mum or hubby come n interfere le.. No chance to train.. Hah

Pauline: oh u not bringing kids ar... Enjoying couple time ar.. Shiok..
Ya, I'm not gg to fret much on it le.. Will shui xin ying bian ba.. Hah

Ains: ya, hotel hve plain porridge. The lAst time I went they also hve. Think it's quite standard.. Taiwan usual bfast sure got plain porridge.. Haha...
Oh boil ur eggs in the kettle.. Hah.. Gd idea hor!
Heh!! Mayb can try! Btw, u gv nn egg white le ma?
Cos the nx jab got egg white right? Wat MR jab or something?
Mummies, wat cheese do u feed ur bb? Those kraft cheddar or belcubes ok or not? Or any other recommendation?

Also wanna ask if mummies tried Gain IQ? Good? Wondering if I should switch from Enfa. Gain IQ seems popular.

