(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

i got aia starshield which cover children accident, HMFD, food poisoning dengue. This is good esp when they attend school.
I bought a endownment too for her, and Prushield that covers hospitalization using my hubby cpf. Hospital must get riders, and get early before anything. Arbo later they wont cover those illness that they kanna before. Never declare bronchitis if never admit hospital.

shokel: that was way before he was born right when u were working right? cos its like 04 and he was born in 09. i was told newborn cannot buy so we put it off till she is 1.

may: we are looking at 1 life policy with critical illness, 1 accident policy, 1 hospitalisation and 1 ilp for education savings.
einnoc: manulife is a big company in canada. bought over john hancock couple years back. their office is in river valley. i feel all companies are similar. gotta really look at the details of the plans.

ivy: we got her starshield s well as flexi personal accident. now looking at a life plan and a investment plan.
yes.. before i was pregg.. i left after 3 yrs..
no la, bb after 1 mth old can buy ins liao.. im a FP before so i knw the impt of insurance.. but of cos, buy within ur limits...
i got a ILP cum life .. accident n hosp also hve.. comprehensive plan la..
endowment returns very little unless buy high SA.. otherwise, IPL is the best.. keke...

ya, manulife is big..

may/cala: ya ya.. buy early cos kiasu.. hehe..
Roger- no la.. Usually after one mth..u can buy for the kid oredi.. Mayb shd buy critical illness plan n hospitalization plan is also good..
Yes.. Most Ins companies hav similar plans.. Not much major diff..
dunno leh. someone told my wife after 1yr old then can buy. so we waited till now. oh well.
haha.. is ok... u SAVED 1 yr premium lor!!!! hhahaha

miu: ya.. all ins coy almost the same... only agents is diff... lol
Calamari, Tks!

On insurance, can buy once bb reaches 15 days old. Aviva also gives free child insurance if both under their plans. I bot fr income.
Roger, B sure to find a gd agent oso cos afterall, it's the agent who helps u claim so impt to find a responsible n helpful agent. Some ah, v gd when u Wana buy Bt claim, drag n drag.
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Anyway if u all invested in investing like the ILP, better to go without the insurance component cos they will deduct charges every month for the insurance component. This is what happened to me when i bought the Prulink Assurance plan 4 yrs ago...

Interested in pure investment but still go by monthly, i can recommend my friend.
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halo everyone..
duno why im so excited for tml bday bash..

Hope my gals have an enjoyable party.

Anyone knows where to get pinata??
Miu: ya, premium more ex if buy now! Haha..

Roger: ya.. Hehe..

Happymummy: think those online Shops got pinatas.. Wah, u really hven finish buying hor.. Lol
Shokel : shops don't have wor?? Aiya cos
The design I wanted is oos. So I thinking I want
to check if shops gt sell a nt hee..
happy mummy, i was also bery excited abt my boy's bday party though i was having bad stomach flu for that two days.... It miraculously recover during the party.. hehehe

btw i saw pinatas at skp too. ltd choices though
Yiqi, saw ur princess bday pic, she look so pretty and sweet!! So how was the party?

I'm attending evon's renee bday tml, so looking forward to the party! Other babies celebrating their bday, justalamb's clio, liling's braydon, happymummy's cassiel... Happy birthday babies!! Grow healthy &amp; smart! Did i miss out on anyone?

Counting down to Shay's bday.. Weee!!!
May, we'll be celebrating Shay's bday on the 18. So excited!!

Mummies &amp; daddies, how long do u usually take to put ur bb to slp?

Anyone wants to get Mums &amp; Babes, Flexi Bath? BNIB, i'm letting go at $50. Bought it and realize that the instruction says cannot use bath oil in the tub, may damage the plastic if used. Bath oil is a must for Shay.
Halo Mummies &amp; daddies,

hope everyone doing great. insurance agent, i do have a gd one fr AIA. The last time my eldest had a fall, claim was settle within 2 weeks after he pick-up all the documents fr me and infact, he pop by my office within 2 days after i called him.

pm me if you want his contact.
may: s95 and lx5 are great compacts. probably the 2 i will pick from if i buy a compact now. ep2 is abit bigger than those and not considered to be a compact.

karen: i think we take abt 5 mins unless she doesn't want to sleep then its impossible. lol. now and then we just leave abbey alone for her to fall asleep by herself.

been bringing abbey to baby playgrounds to work off excess energy and socialise.

she is a terror on wheels.

hi gals...

finally zayden's party over! totally KO yesterday after the party! :p

Karen - Zayden also sleeps by himself on his mattress... roll here/there, eh eh eh... usually 5-10mins will KO.

Wow.. ABBY really looks like a potential F1 driver! haha
Roger, 5mins?!! How u do it man? I take at least 30mins or even hrs to put her to bed. Sigh.. I start to have phobia of putting her to bed.
Mtdt, oh no.. Now i really think its me who spoilt her. Sigh.. But Shay needs to be latch to slp, i doubt she'll slp if i leave her alone ley.

Roger &amp; Mtdt, wat time Abby &amp; Zavier slp?
Karen - last time we also "rock" him to sleep. then ard 9mths old, we start to "train" him to sleep without carrying for nap first. nap ok liao, then I proceed to train for nite sleep.

Zayden usually sleeps ard 10pm with his bro. if we dun sleeps, he wld also KPO and wont want to sleep!

slowly lah.. sooner or later will know.

oh, when 1st started, he wld sleep on my arm. then i slowly even arm also dun give him! then just pat bum... then slowly patting also stop now.
lsntyl: thanks! but the trike belongs to the playground. haha.

mtdt: her face quite scary! lol

karen: its just a matter of habit i guess. we know what her nap time is so normally she is tired by then. it is easier when she is tired vs she is not. she sleeps around 11-12 and 4-5. then all the way till 10 unless she is tired.
roger - which playground were u at? why hv trike so nice! :p is it the rochester playground?

Agree, must hv a schedule... easier for the kids to get into habit.
Shae, as usual, I understand u best!! Lol... Nn oso v dependent on latch. Carry oso dun wan. She can suddenly screen for latch in middle of the night. Like demanding like tat. I tried Nt latching Bt carry Bt she cried n screa
till her voice change for few days. Super heartache n I Nv try Liao. =(

I am looking for:


Please email me if you have 2nd hand jumperoo &amp; Brill kids flash cards for sale. thanks.
mtdt, nn is a disaster when it comes to sleeo, where gt cute? I super envy you and cala lor... sigh.. I tried sleep training when she was younger and now when she is older.. I can't bear the cries still.
Ains, thats wat happen to shay too.. I tried carrying her but she just cant fall aslp and will scream and struggle until i give up.. How long do u take to put nn to bed when u latch her? I latch shay but she also take a longggggg time to fall aslp ley.

Shay still wake up at least 3times in e mid of the nite to latch back to Zzz.

Envy those bb that can Zzz on their own.

WT, i'm gg down to their retail store to buy diaper later. Hee..

Alamak.. on and off.. can go in..

An update..

Balance shoes are here..

Will be sending them out soon...

Those orders that I have sent... have mummies/daddies receive?

Pls update me too hor so that I know..

Gam sia..

Shae, it really depends. Sometimes latch her oso dun wan slp. Will suddenly Gt up and look ard n Wana latch again.. Can take an hour to Gt her to bed. Sometimes 30mins can Liao. Tat consider v gd le. Haha

I oso Duno wat to do with her. She jus doesn't like to slp. Like Nw, morning till Nw Hvnt nap... Sigh
