(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

My husband won't let us pick him up even if he cry one lor. So I think my bb also know. Usually he will stop crying quite fast cos he knows no use.

Gg: oh I'm giving belcubes fr laughing cow...
I also wana try gain iq ... U got abbott sample ma? I saw online tt their sample is oos for gain iq..
Actually when can our bb switch to rice? Mine also likes to munch my rice but I only give him a few bites. A bit scared cannot digest well.
Shokel, thanks. U give belcubes as a snack? I v tempted also, just not sure they can start already or not. Now he eat Ko song wholemeal bread breakfast like v poor thing.
shokel, she has 2 pearlies at the bottom but the top 3 have just erupted.
She took about 3-4 tablespoons of rice, the soup contains 1 slice of threadfin, 1 tablespoon of broccoli and 1 tablespoon of small pumpkin pieces, the 1 slice of lean pork (we usually throw away). :p I boil the ingredients soft in water, then put the cooked rice into the soup to cook further so that the rice is a bit softer.

GG, that was my concern too but she's always still very hungry after eating 1 foogo pot of porridge so I've decided to start giving rice after she turned 1 year old. Some jan10 mummies already giving their babies rice at night, not even 1 year old yet. so, should be ok bah.
Gg: I feed as snack or mix w potato or bread. I started him on cheese few mths bk le. He likes it leh.. I also eat w him!! Nice leh! Haah..
Abt switching to rice? Erm, I ve no idea leh... Maybe u try lor.. See if ur bb can take it... ? Maybe ur bb likes it? Haha..
K, I'm very tired liao, gg to slp, chat tomorrow!
shokel, ya lor, I prefer to bring the gals cos 'bu she de' them and I'm still BFing RL but hubby is the one paying so must respect his decision. Got to bring pump and pump lor. Maybe I should have milk bath there. hee.
Shokel, Ains: think I got another Perth coming up. Just got "jio-ed" by my frens to go on a 4 family road trip. Now thinking whether I shd just bring Kayla or both kids there this Mar . Already not bringing the kids to Tokyo in Feb hehe. Think by June, I would hv exhausted half my annual leave!
Calamari - wow! Perth!
actually perth is very very kids frenly. so can bring both kids lah.
usually will
rent car - so travelling not an issue
rent apt - so cooking not an issue
relax place... only see animals/farm/more animals/more farm!
I brought Kayla to Brisbane before when she was 15 months old. I'll bring Kayla to Perth this time but dunno whether to bring Noah. 2 kids v v siong!!! Lol. But then again I got 3 other families to help me muahahahaha!
BB shae and other mummies, your posts makes me very worried!! My Keith has got bruise on both of his shin and new ones keep appearing when old ones haven't disappeared! So it's like on going.. I'm sure he didn't fall or knock or hit something. But recently he's been crawling on four on the floor alot. Does it contributes to the bruise? Early last month when I bring him to GP due to his fever, I told doc he's got some rashes and he say it's normal, then suddenly he point to his bruise at the shin bone and say this kind must be careful. That time I still dun get him.. He's still eating and sleeping well...

Btw, how do you'll entertain your bbs? He's quite clingy in the day and I got difficulty doing housework.. I tried to put him in playpen but he'll gets bored after a while. Keep looking for me and wants to carry. Haiz
Cala, shiok!!! Brg both la. It's ur 1st family trip rht? =)

Btw, Nn's 2 teeth coming out so I was having hell for past 2 nights. My hb wasn't aslp yet n he asked if if nn woke up at least 4 times in 1 hr. Think I really can't Siam this teething thing. =(
any sales updates? :p
carter's sale at Tampines Ind. park no news yet hor?

nn's bdy temp. gets higher aft jab could b due to teething too?
augleo - huh, my info on local sales v bad one leh. i only knows online sales! wahahhha...

yunzz - try her 1st link. it works for me. 2nd link dun work :p
augleo, I duno leh. but actually doc told me fever may come on 5-7 days later for the jab. But nn is fine now so far after that night except cranky at night..

any babies resisting naptime or bedtime? How many naps a day now?
YEAR END &amp; fevties mood

working mummies, busy clearing leave.
rmbr when i'm in workforce, this period lots of makan sessions w/colleagues, plan X'mas parties + gift xchange

hope all enjoy this year end mood.
** WISH ALL had achieved 2010 resolutions/goal/wish **

oversea shopping spree

5-7days aft jab? then i hv to monitor YK too.
Last Thur, YK took his (1yo) pncl jab at p.clinic. nurse told me fvr may come aft 2-3 days.

YK taking 2 naps (ard 9.30am &amp; 2pm)
just to share, p.clinic nurse asked has YK taken 1 whole egg. told her only egg yolk n abit of egg white.
she advises to let YK eats 1 whole egg now, so to know whether YK is allergy to egg white.
** prepare for MMR jab on 15mth.
ic. so fast taken MMR n chixpox? nurses from PD &amp; P.clinic told me chixpox take aft 14mth &amp; MMR on 15mth.
hi mummies and daddies,
Good day!
Yawns, Blue monday
so im here to read and chat!

Ains: Yar, i also find Faith resisting naps and she dun need to nap so often. Sometimes just once a day.

Its her resisting of milk that worries me, cos she is too young to stop milk intake now, right? And it pains me to see her looking so thin.Haiz... miss her chubby look lor.
Dunno why suddenly she react to her milk feed as if im feeding her poison! Haiz!!
Only at night when she too tired to resist, she will guai guai finish 90ml of milk from bottle. Sad to say, she still relies on latching to fall asleep. i cannot tahan her cries also.. and the in laws will come and interfere, so sleep training not so soon.
Maybe next yr when we move out mah.
ainsley, can i check with you, wad instant porridge did you give nn? where to buy it?

jesline, my keith sometimes also resist milk. seems drink lesser. i thought by now should increase intake? but i do heard some bb stop milking at 1yo... what's her total intake per day? did she increase her intake on cereal/congee?
may>got direct link? I keep trying but donno why the system won't let me go to the photos on earlier pages. It only shows me pg 11 and 12. Clicking on the << before 11 displays pg 12 instead...
augleo, my p.clinic nurse also ask me to give him whole egg. to prep for mmr jab in 15mth cuz the jab contains egg white. i've tried cracking egg in his congee. so that considered taking egg white liao right?
Can eat whole egg already? So far I still stick to yolk..

My bb also resist milk, prefers solid...now one day he only takes about 500ml whole day...and cannot force him cos he will throw the bottle on the floor lor! But he eats one whole bowl of porridge each for lunch and dinner. Breakfast 1 bowl cereal or 1 bread or 1 whole potato.

These days when he sees mummy munching, he also wans..
I need to change my bb's carseat cos he outgrow it liao. Considering between peg perego and maxi cosi. Any mummies got any advice/recommendation?
Augleo, I think Phoebe oso took her chickenpox at 1 yr old. It's jus 1 jab. Mmr together with chickenpox.

1xmummy, I dun bear to slp train her. she can cry till her voice change for few days. =( faith taking bm?

Jeanie, can Gt at isetan, taka. Bt Nt nice de leh. I think it's to mix with porridge or rice instead. Bt nn didn't like it oso
Hi Mummies,

Monday blues... sianzzz....

Ainsley - I wan a copy, think of going maybe Mar ba... thanks alot. My gal nap 2 times during day time from 10.30am - 12pm wake up eat porridge then 2.30pm - about 4pm not sure if it's normal but it 's getting shorter.

1XMummyjesline - My gal also resist milk but leh if i mix with the honey wheat then she wan.. again cannot bottle feed must feed by spoon then she drink only 120ml wor..

about bruise thingy my girl also gt a few .. but monitor her a these while she is quite ok, then read through the website they reflected got other symtom like.. fever, getting restless very often.. going to show doc when going for her 13mth jap on Jan see wat he say..

Quite a few baby here gt the bruise think it's really common thing ba.. i ask my mil she say it's like that de leh.. but i still dun feel comfy seeing those..
Hi Jeanie:
On the contrary, her milk intake reduced drastically now, and ever since last Thursday.
My record book of her milk intake very blank since..
Faith is taking (Slow cooker) porridge for lunch and dinner.
In between biscuits, fruits. She is greedy girl - always "beoh" at wat the adults are eating.
I can (sadly) say her milk intake for a day barely hit 200ml de.
I wonder if its bcos she been eating more flavourful food so she dislikes her milk..

Ainsley: she latches at night to sleep on my bm - but its poor supply cos i dun feel engorged anymore, but can feel its filled.
If one day i no more bm, i dunno how man!
hi mummies!!!

ains: ashton naps 2x a day. sometimes cranky if he jus nap once..
normally ard 11+ - 1/2+ then 3+ - 4/5+ .. plus minus there cos sometimes later..

my chicken pox jab also togther w pnue n MMR.
u gve NN whole egg le ma?
tt time i gv ashton eat cake.. so i guess hes fine w egg white.. i crack egg yolk into his porridge before.. more or less sure got a bit egg white mixed inside , he also ok, shd be fine.. will let him try whole pc again...

jesline: ashton also drinkin lesser cos me stil latchin but at least he gets his last feed of FM 240ML a day... ashton also greedy, see i eat wat he also eat...
u try to giv faith cheese? can make her put on more weight i think.. hear ppl say one..
i give ashton 1-2 cubes a day.. as snack or w bread or w mash potatoe....

gglee: im using mothercare carseat.. now therees 15% dis off reg items n 5% add off sale items using amex cc.. u can go see...
Gap casting call -vote for zachary huang!

I came up with better instructions now but the system is still not very stable. ;x

1. Go to http://apps.facebook.com/gapcastingcall/?country=3 / Pick “SINGAPORE”
2. Zach’s picture is currently on page 6 >> you can vote for a few children but you can only vote once per child. The system is such that when Gap uploads new pictures, the pictures get bumped off to the later pages. I.e. if you do not see you on page 6 when you log in, his photo's probably on page 7.
3. Click vote on “ZACHARY HUANG”
shokel, ya.. she ate cakes also. and a few times of egg yolk. recently let her eat egg white also. doc say can give her 1 whole egg everyday for more protein..

ash's nap time so good. nn jus now only nap once. ard 2- 3+. but if she naps once, she tends to nap longer. I suppose its ok rht?

pauline, okok.. tmr i forward you..

1xmummy, nn also. sigh.. duno how to wean off her night feeds. Her temper is very scary de..

Hi Mummies &amp; Daddies...

Visited PD on sat morn. PD not leukemia, coz bruise only cannot be leukemia. Leukemia comes with on &amp; off fever / restless / pale / not eating well. Shay only has bruise on arms, PD say its normal for kids to have bruise now coz they cruise ard and easily bump onto things.
Phew, thank god!

Jeanie, PD told me to only get worried when u know that the bruise doesnt comes from bumping ard. Like on the body, chest area, stomach area.. Hands and legs are more prone to hitting on something.

Egg &amp; cheese: I just started giving egg yolk today and she dun like it. She hate cheese too.

Shokel, shay also cannot slp on her own. She need to latch to slp.

Ains, shay naps twice a day. 11am and 3pm, but also have to depend on her mood.

Jesline, i also dun feel engorge anymore. worried that i'll dry up soon. =( How many times do u latch faith a day?
