(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

SHARON - wow... really hardly see u here!
u really gd... still so positive and full of vibes on her surprised bday party!

glad tat ur little one has gain so much in the midst of all the "battle"! she will be a strong one!
congrats alicia! :D

i oso wanna skip dragon bb.. but snake looks too far and rabbit too soon lehz..

haiz.. anyway, still not ready for another one... so i'll just take things easy bahz..
cayenne, I also think like u. want to skip dragon, yet snake is too far and rabbit is too soon. Anyway, I think if i ttc from now till Mar, will still get a bb next Sep to Dec which I think my first one is walking and should be ok...otherwise if got a snake bb then got to 'ba leh' (start over again) then more xian and xiong.
Hi hi, ya...also a bit worried dragon year will be very boomz w bbies...But hor for all of us here is at least bb no 2 liao, so schooling is less of a issue if 1st bb gets into a good school already..

But of course, may still have other things la..like gynae, hospital wards may also be fuller! Actually I think bb gal hor, rabbit like better..
1xmummy- the fever is due to viral infection... Daphne is full of energy on sat n suddenly wake up with fever on Sunday morning... The doctors and my colleagues shared that it's one symptom of viral infection, it's start with fever and follow with vomit. Daphne is overwhelming and think she got a fright when 4 doctors and 4 nurses attended to her at one shot at KK A&amp;E along with High fever, her heartbeats go beyond 200, so she admitted

Mtdt- haha initially I'm very scared and depress to see Daphne being wrapped up and doing the ECG to monitor her heartbeats... Fortunately I have very supportive family members and friend to keep praying for us and thanks to my auntie that encourage to stay positive... Thanks god ;)
Alicia, so.... Happy n excited for u!!!! Congrats congrats!! Part of me feel like trying part of me say no lor.... Feel very tiring.... Haha...

Sharon, no matter wat it's over!

Ms tan u can click on the links tat happy mummy share earlier on the baby terror one has the customized banner
genesis : Thks ! I already went int but my HB was thinking of putting several bb photos into 1 banner. All those banner like can only put 1 photo.....;p
Wa, so many mummies thinking of no. 2 liao. Anyone with 2 kids and thinking of no. 3? kekeke.

MsTan, can they customise the banner with more photos? After all, it's already colour printing so one more photo should not matter right? :p
Hi mummies,
I'm a jan'10 mummy. Am looking for a place to hold my dotter's 1st bd. Can mummies here share where r u going to hold ur Li'l one's bd? Having big headache with the venue . TIA.
Alicia congrats!!!

Pauline I haf two kids.. Wish to go for 3rd one but I wan a gal very badly but scare it will b a boy again..

Serene I b holding mine at downtown east..
Alicia- congrats!! That's fast!! Happie for u!! U Wanna stop at2 or wanna more than 2??

Canopy- hope the next one to share the good news is u!!

Luwen n genesis- ya!! Mi oso tinkng of no 2 but still feel beli tired cuz Hubby is not helping in anything.. Reali tiring.. Sigh..

Luwen- our bb is no longer bb oredi.. They r toddler rite???how time files!!! Still remember when bb was first born!! Just seems like yesterday onli!!

Sharon - nice to c u back n glad that Daphne is oki!! She sure is a strong bb!!
ya Ms Tan, shouldn't be a problem if want add in more photos think just need to top up $$ bah...

yup serene, mine is same like Ivy at Safra Jurong, they have nice bbq pit area n they provide tables n chairs. think at nite also quite romantic hahaha...if you decide to have it there and your turnout is quite big then i would suggest you book 2 pits. : D

ya lor miumiu, tiring hor...now I like no time to do anything for myself...no time to go gym...no time to go massage...no time to go facial...no time to meet friends...haizz haizzz...and what else ah... no time to......hahahah...anybody want to help me to continue the list anot ah.... but then hor think of all these part of me still wan try to have another one....

haizzz...we human so contradicting.... hahaha....
Congrats Alicia! Enjoy the process of pregnancy again..shooshoo ms... M kind of missing the process but don think will have #3 bah... Hao lei wor..but then if another boy will faintz big time, which I suspect it gonna be boy again if really kena... Don know why the boys gene so strong in his family...aiyooo...
Hope its a little kuku for u this time... Hehe.

Yah genesis, contradicting hor... After the 1st, I told myself and my family no more next one cause of the long labour, but after sometimes, still gian to have another. So #2 was made.... :p mine was exactly 2 yrs gap as well. Now it's fun watching both growing up together and have all the boys fun.

Alicia, I don't have a maid too, so long as yr hubby is helping and involving much, u don have to worry about not able to cope. But definitely if financial allows, engaging a weekly part time cleaner will helps alot so both of u can still relax alittle.
Jia you k and have a smooth all the way pregnancy!
Genesis &amp; miumiu- *waves* , long long time no see ;)
Really enjoy reading thru the posts... And learn alot from the sharing... So fast we're in te forum for 1.5yrs Liao....

Re: having no2 child
I also tell my family member, I not going to have another 1 but sometime think about it Daphne alone also quite lonely loh...and if now have another one, my mum still fit to help me take care.... But even planning also not so fast, probably next month getting my new unit key so will be very busy with Reno after that... Btw mummies who brought wall decals for their kid, any recommendation where to buy? Thinking of getting for Daphne's room
genesis28 : heee....will ask my HB to find out from them if can add more photos for banner &amp; how much the cost.....;p

If anyone hv contacts for customised banners, can let me know ? Thks !
sharon : Glad that bb Daphne is well now. Must be excited to be able to renov your new place. =) Am thinking of decorating BB Kiren's room as well. Is there any specialist doing it? Don't think will DIY myself, cos much of hassels to do so.
Sharon....ya, agree w u also...I also a bit worried can take care of 2 or not..but then sometimes not good to wait too long...cannot take for granted by time we wan will sure get. Gynae was sharing bbs are a gift...sometimes if wait too long by time wan also may not have...some of my frens also like dat...thought of waiting till later and by then try and try also no more...
GG Lee, yes, I agree with your statement. Just to share, I have a colleague here....she also wanted a 2nd baby after 1-2 yrs from her 1st one but waited and waited, no news and when she finally get into her 2nd pregnancy, it was 8 years later.
shryn &amp; Alicia : We initially oso don't want to have a maid, we have an excellent part time maid, but realised that BB kiren needs more attention these days now that he is able to walk, hence, a maid will be better to take care of the household chores and meals, and we have more time for our bb. And oso we r planning for #2, it would be advisable to engage one now than when i m pregnent for #2. Hopefully my new maid is gd. Just managed to get my designer to ask his men to paint the maid room for us, and oso fixed up the new bed &amp; wardrode for the maid. =)
Alicia, congrats!!

Canopyhaze, could be implantation for u.. If more than a week, better go check up soon. Do a test first to confirm?
Too much spotting also no good..
Alicia- Congrats !!!!! Didi or Mei Mei.. Think both of u n ur hb aso happy!!!

Luwen- sometimes I feel guilty.. No I Shld say most of time coz weekday work 8 plus 9 pick beng up. Sat haf to work alternate weeks n again he has to stay with my mum... Can't even shower more love for him... Best during time with him i still haf to split myself in hsework/ cooking / washing / taking care of him... Dun even haf 100% of my time for beng...Dat y I envy sahm n respect. Those working mum who can handle both work n Bb..
hey all, thanks for ur wishes!
hb is the most happy one. haha.

I have juz seen my gynae and am 6 wks preggy now. EDD is 17 july '11

janiz: yes, im goin to Dr Ang again...feel comfy with her &amp; dun wish to find a new one again.

I told her I wana try natural birth this time round, she finally said OK but I have to wait for labour to start itself, cant induce if not the % of womb rapture will be high. I said ok, if till edd still not labour, I will then opt for c-sect.
oh ya, she also ask me to stop pumping now, said not fair to the bb inside....she said the milk will slowly deplete once i stop pumping....=(
Alicia: Congrats! It's ok to let yr baby drink formula milk cos u breastfeed for more than 11 months.Also upon 1 yr, yr baby will take more solid food le. Take more calcium and folic acid..

hai... i already have 2. 1 boy, 1 gal should be enough le ba... haha... If i have 3rd one that i can't work anymore as my mum can't cope...
Annie, ya, I got a fren, 1st child 8yrs old liao and try 2nd one for 7 years still yet to have.....and they still trying. And some frens try 5 years for 1st bb also dun have...so is a reminder to us to cherish our bb
ya lor, should be glad that I managed to bf for more than 11 mths...shall wait till her bday 12 dec den intro formula to her. I got samples from Gain IQ so that will be the 1st milk powder I let her try.

GG: c-sect very PAIN!!! heal very slow too &amp; cannot walk properly for 1 week. I dun wan it...haha.
Sales : Shiseido Sales, 24 &amp; 25 Nov, 10am to 8pm, 1 Grange Road, Orchard Building, #12-01

Payment can be made in cash, nets or credit card (Visa/Master). All sales are final. There will be no exchange and/or refund. Each customer is limited to a max purchase of 6 pieces per item/per colour (applicable to Cle De Peau Beaute, Shiseido &amp; Ettusais only). A bag deposit area will be provided as no handbags/bags will be allowed into the event. No children below the age of 12 are allowed.
Alicia, I didn't know C-sect is so bad. Mine was natural and my gynae quite good surgicial skill, the stitch has no pain and recovery was good. If C-sect is really so pain then true lah, better try to opt for natural.
Alicia : Congrats ! BF for >11mths is very gd liao....

C-sect very pain ??? I dun feel pain at all ! True that cant really walk properly for abt a wk but maybe that becos I put binder on everyday for almost 24hrs.....;p
Mtdt, err.. Cant take pic of the loot bag, my hubby sealed it in carton box.

Loot bag is Elmo, but inside no elmo stuff.. I got the Elmo loot bag from Shokel &amp; Pauline's spree.

Things inside loot bag:
Pencil, Ruler, Stickers, Gummy sweets, London choco roll, Wafer, Lolipops, Jellies. (The kids parents will hate me, coz so much JUNKS! ;p)

Birthday prep:
Photographer, Venue, Cake, Buffet, Balloon deco, Balloon sculpture, Photo banner, Goodie bags, Invites, all other party decor stuff, Shay's bday dress, My dress.. Phew! I promise myself, no more big events! Siong ah...

Planning for #2:
I would love to have #2, but dun think i'll be able to cope with a "high need baby" now. Shay still wakes up many many times in the nite, dun think i can take it if i'm pregnant. Plus, just like Luwen.. Duno how to wean off breast, coz shay rely on breast to slp and for comfort. I dun think i can handle two kids alone, i will go crazy.. Duno when will i have #2. Sigh..

Cant share loot bags pic, so i share my invites pic.

Congrats! Wow, you're very courageous to try for #2 at this stage! May you have a smooth pregnancy.

Don't worry, take yr time to have #2. No hurry if you're not ready. Enjoy your #1's babyhood as much as possible first

I agree with you, good to opt for natural if it's possible. My gynae was also good - no pain during stiching and walking was no problem at all. I'm very thankful that I didn't tear or needed to sit on any buoy.
Hello hello...hope all are well and surviving planning bb's 1st birthday

Btw anyone taking up the ANZ promo to Tokyo? I just took up the promo.

MTDT: did u eventually take that promo up? eheheheh

jenny: how was your ps?

canopy: good luck

sharon_shaine: long time no see ...
Ivy, by hearing "very very heart cringe", i cant bear to wean off liao.

Smalldreams, ya.. Shay wants mummy to focus on loving her only.. Haha!
ya haha. When i change to bottle hor, i cry in another room haha. But i did not have a choice lah, cos going back to work. But i got frens telling me that when they are older, they just drink from cup. My gf breastfed her daughter till 1.5yrs old, after that drink from cup and cry 2 nights for breast and over liao haha. Just give hugs and cuddles.
hello mummies, long time never log in too.. so busy!! congrats Alicia!!

nice &amp; cute card you have there, karen.. =)

cala, the anz promo worth it? need to have constant spending right? i read about that too..

Ivy, oh my.. Cry in another room, i can imagine.. Sure, very heart pain. Sigh, dun think i'm ready for the heartache yet. Haha!

WT, thks! I anyhow create a simple one myself. Hehe.. ;p
