(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Karen : ya lor try again. Am comforting myself, that if didn't get pregnant this month, next month or the following month is fine so that my maternity leave will stretch till the following yr. =)

karen - nice! shd be fun working in zoo.

wow, ur hubbies all so sporting! think my hubby will roll eyes and says - dun wan! :p
karen : I wld love to take part together too...;p....let me ask my HB as he always finds Expo too far &amp; dun like to go there as he finds parking there very difficult.....;p
But my bb like to nap between 11-12+pm.....;p
Hi Mummies,

I have a 2-day-old Pigeon Steam Sterilizer to let go at $85. Now kept back to the box in very new condition.

Selling as Mother-in-law who is looking after my baby prefers conventional boiling method.

Please email me if interested thanks!
[email protected]

Canopyhaze, dun stress orh.. Will wait for ur good news! =D

MsTan, Shay nap time is 11am. But i think gotta let her take short nap outside liao. Hehe.. Bad mama! Expo is very far from me too.. I'm staying in cck, so its like one end to the other.

Mtdt, err.. Ppl think working in Zoo is fun, but to me all kinds of job are stressful. Only that mine has animals ard. LOL! When i'm pregnant with that heavy tummy, i still have to walk up and down ard in Zoo. Those who frequent Zoo will know how long distance it is. Very xin ku ley. Plus my tummy damn big! Look..
cala, what happens if there are no more tickets? can cancel the card and don't pay for annual fees?

mstan, i tink u cannot compare sq with nw.. sq is so much more comfy and the plane is boeing-300ER.. the economy seats are so spacious! same as the a380 one
when is the crawling and diaper change competition? at expo?? My hubby change diaper quite fast, but my girl also spin fast haha.
may: haha i asked ANZ the same q. She said there will definitely be enough tickets.

NW is now Delta right? Delta flights kenna very strict checks one, time consuming. Cos most outbound for States.
alicia, you preggy? congrats!!!

bb shae, you work in zoo? i used to work in night safari! but i just work in the restaurant.

canopyhaze, you try for bb? *bb dust to you!

wow.. mummies trying/having another baby, so exciting!
Hi mummies- finally got x come in Liao - wow parenthood fair me going maybe sat afternoon or sun.. Those goin tomorrow share share gt wat good deals ya. Hmm contest is register on the spot de leh .. Bb astri reach 1 yrs yesterday think cannot enter Liao . If not intend to let her join crawling contest..
Canopyhaze, jia you jia you! Hope to hear your good news soon.

ANZ promotion to Japan
Was very tempted but don't know about our holiday plans for June hols yet so cannot book. :p

Akk, can you teach me how to make those music videos for baby? You know those type with some sentimental music then photos and captions of baby? I want to make one for my baby but I'm clueless how to do it. Don't know where to find the music even, and how to edit the music clips. :p
Mtdt, i drive buggy ard the park myself but sometimes some places buggy cant go in, so have to walk with my big tum tum.

Jeanie, oh u work in Ulu? I'm also in F&amp;B (Catering Sales Dept). Ulu's TA reservation is under my care. What u work as? Saw ur fb link to Esther.

Akk, the photo is at my beginning of 3rd trimester.. I got even bigger tummy photo but ugly laa, dun wanna show here. LOL! ;p

Ivy, lets go for the contest together!
Alicia, congrats!

My Jovin celebration on 4-Dec-10 evening 5 - 8pm. How abt ivy &amp; roger? 3 of ours actual born on 6-Dec, both of you will be celebrate on 4-dec or 5-Dec?

I'm gg to the motherhood fair 2morrow early afternoon as I'm on leave.

Jeanie, I also want baby dust (kekeke....)I wish I can hv a bb rabbit.

Menses very irregular difficult to catch timing.

bb shae, my husband 20yrs ago also work in zoo too when he's kid cos got relative working inside. Think station in kisok selling finger food &amp; drink.
May: Anz Tokyo tics not valid for cny period. I shd be gg end feb for hubbys birthday

Mstan: travel must be between Jan to end mar 2011
may: 1 and 2 Feb is considered CNY Period mah, CNY is on 3 and 4 Feb. I think for this kind of cheap deals, your dates must be flexible lor
cala, yah.. i get what you mean. I wanted a not-so-hot period but my hubby wanted cny for my in-laws' sake.. minimal disruption to their business.

ms tan, spring is late march/april. May/june no more sakura.
Sure. I am using the Windows Movie Maker.
There could be other easier or user-friendlier software out there. I am using this because I am rather used to it and it is also free.

When I first learnt about this software (a couple of years back), it is not so user-friendly and a fairly steep learning curve is expected. I believe the newer version got better now.

This is assuming you are not a Mac user.

If you are using XP,
goto http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/updates/moviemaker2.mspx
User Guide

If you are using Vista / Windows 7,
goto http://explore.live.com/windows-live-movie-maker?os=other
User Guide

Your <u>contents</u> should be ready in digital format:
Photos (e.g. .jpg) - if u intend to import photo
Videos (e.g. .wmv) - if u intend to import video clips
Music files (e.g. .mp3) - if u intened to add music

I have seen people using this website to search for mp3, www.sogou.com
This website is in chinese, look and feel is like Google. But I am not sure the source is reliable or not.

Otherwise if you have the music in CD, you need other software to "convert/rip" it into mp3 (or other format) that can be imported to this Moview Maker.

After installing the Movie Maker software,
you just need to drap n drop the contents,
add captions (before/after/inside the photo/video) as necessary,
save it into a video and

Have Fun.
Hi mummies, I remember some mummies were discussing on irobot I saw today classfied there is a SITEX fair @ Expo but someone (Robovac) I think Ainsley bought from him. Anyone bought it from him? Is it good?
I also gian to go Tokyo again but my bro not interested. Cos I wana bring my mum n bro along for a family trip. Short getaway.
In the end, choose tpe , leaving in Jan. Sq $3.4k for 4 adults n a infant. Gg only 5 nights. Cos scared Ashton cranky.. So dun wanna stay too long..
Anyone got rec for hotel? I wana hve baby cot one.. Few yrs bk when we went, we stay xmd hotel cheap n gd enuff for singles. Now w family in tow, need a better hotel.. Lol..

Btw, who's gg expo for the fair? I wana buy the mums n banes bath tub! Who can lopamg? Heheee
anyone stayed at the followin hotel in tpe before ma?

Sheraton Taipei
The Sherwood Taipei
Grand Hyatt Taipei
The Westin Taipei
Shangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel
Genesis, ya need to register 1hr before contest.

May, Sitex?? Gosh, then must be damn pack! Sian.

Pauline, same as Akk. I'm using Window Movie Maker as well. Easy to use. To download Chinese songs, u can search in http://www.baidu.com/

Akk, i'm looking for english &amp; kids songs. Any downloading webby to share?

Lynn, 20yrs ago in Kiosk? I'm was there too, and also working in Kiosk! I worked there during my school holidays. U in fb? Wanna see his photo, maybe i know him orh?
hehe, actually I don't download much mp3.

u might want to try to do a search (yes, we can search in English too) in that sogou webbie to see if it has the ones you r looking for. That time I was trying my luck by doing a search in there and it returned a few good hits.
Lynn and GG, baby dust to both!!!

BB shea, I was there even before it renovated to ulu. Work there for 5years as part time service crew lor. Cuz I'm student that time. In fact, I met my hubby there. He used to be zoo banquet staff but later went to safari's kitchen as cook. I know Esther, Christine they'll... both of us left Liao but still in contact with them.
thanks, Akk &amp; Karen for the detailed instructions. I just finished decorating the place for raelynn's party Tom morning. going for dinner now, hope I have time to try out tonight.
Thanks Jeanie!

Recently my bb super sticky to me. Walk away from him only, he cry and cry. Doesn't wan daddy to carry, only wan stick to me. Jia lat man. Wonder y? Separation anxiety? Or boys will just stick mummy?
Ivy, ^5 mine also 5 to 9pm planning cake cutting ard 6 to 7 plus.

BB Shae, my hubby name is Ng Jimmy
Does he looks familiar to you?
Thks Akk, i'll try the "sogou" web. =D

Jeanie, icic.. Christine aka Xiao Xiao? She promoted to A.M u know?

GG Lee, my gal does tat too. But she's ok with daddy carrying her. She will only refuse to let daddy carry when she wants to slp.

Lynn, ehhh... He does look familiar ley!

Parenthood Fair: Wanted to go for the crawling contest, but shay gets cranky and wanna nap before i can step out. Now stuck at home and she's slping. Guess i can only catch the daddy diaper changing. Mummies &amp; Babies taking part, jia you orh!
BB Shae, yups. she is the xiao xiao... promoted liao? wow... that's nice.. i only know she ROM last year. talk bout it, i havent go and see them since i give birth last year.
Shokel, I think the hotel I m staying Nw quite ok except tat it's abit small. It has baby cot n the staff r quite gd in English. The manager helped us get plain porridge fr kitchen n delivered to out room at 7pm thou this I'd Nt available in room service. They helped us prepare cake for nn's birthday Tmr as well. 3mins walk fr ikebukuro station. The hotel I m staying Nw is metropolitan..
Finally finished celebrating Raelynn's birthday with the family. AKK, Karen, thanks, I finally did up a short 3.5min video clip for RL's party though I had to do it from 1am to 4am. :p

Cos I'm very new to the software and didn't have the software to edit music so had to make sure the duration of the photos/video clips fit the music and my laptop hung 3 times before I can save the project. Duh...
Iol.. I'm gg tpe not Tokyo!! Although I really wanted to go Tokyo again! Arggh..
Anyway, happy bday to nn!! Enjoy ur day tomolo!!

seems so happening out there leh..
got mother fair.. barney and hi-5 shows..

shiity lor.. cannot bring the kids..
crippled @ the wrong timing!!
