(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Hi Jeanie,
Wow, i saw your pictures in facebook!
tads a lot of guests and i saw that you had to use the large void deck. That was a good space!
Just curious, did you have to pay a rental for it?
Was the process troublesome?
I like Keith's birthday too! so nice!!
Happy birthday to Keith again!

Now you can focus and enjoy your 2nd pregnancy leh bah?

Annie, the roasted drumstick is for him for the 'game'. as for the mee sua, my mum cooks it. hehe. go round bb's lips? whats the meaning behind it?

Jesline, thanks thanks! the rental is $50. i didn't want to hold at other places cuz i suppose it'll be hassle and inconvenience. imagine gotta lug all the baby's necessaties and baby's routine will be disrupted, plus he'll be fussing all the way. so i reckon holding at own's place will be good. most guests are my dad's and hubby's friends. process is not troublesome. just go town council and book. very easy. :D

cant really focus on 2nd pregnancy cuz lil keith getting naughtier. looking forward to due date. haha

have you planned for bb Faith?
Hi Jeanie,
Thks for sharing, maybe next time i might plan the next party at void deck. keke

By the way, where you buy your goodie bag stuffs?
Are they from the shops at Middle road?
Good stuffs. i wanna get some too for my loot bags.

Yup,at planning stage. Just sent out an email to the PG ppl for the birthday cake today.
Now pending for decorations and goodie bags.
Happy 1st Birthday to all (babies)in this forum!everyone's in celebrating mood ha ha, my colleague was saying actually bb's 1st birthday the most excited ones are the mums! True! ha ha mine will be 15 Dec (I think Lunar is 29th) but I'm celebrating 11 Dec.
Jesline, my goody bags are from babyterroronline and balloon paradise. I got no time and energy to go around so everything got to go online. Have fun planning!

Veronica, so right! Most excited is the mummy. Doubt Lil one knows wads going on. Everyone ask if Keith likes Mickey mouse as I use Mickey theme. I replied it's me who likes it. Lol...

All mummies, Have fun with your precious birthday celebrations!!!!
Hi Jeanie,
Thks for sharing. yea, i had the same preference too. Maybe can use void deck for the next party. =)

Where did you get the goodies for the loot bags from? Are they from the middle road shops?
I wanna get some too.

Faith's party planning is "7788" already. Now left with decorations &amp; goody bags, invitation RSVP. Just emailed PG staffs about the cake also.
Opps.. double post. i tot my entry din go through so i write again. =P

Hi Veronica, same day as Faith's party.Her actual birthdate is 13th dec, Monday and i already took leave,so ready to bring her out =)
Maybe go Polliwogs. Hee

For our child's first birthday party - I treat like our gift for Faith lor - spent so much money/effort on a party tat the birthday star also dunno. Hee...
But i know Im still v happy till this day when I looked back at my 1st birthday party photos- so I guess the same for our babies next time too.
Happy birthdays all princes n princess... !!! I saw a lot of celebration pictures... Suddenly I feel guilty... I'm nt holding any big party for beng. Just a veri small celebration with my family.. Saw so many happy babies I feel beng look so lonely..

Veronica- ur bb n beng birthday fall on the same date!!! But I will celebrate on the 4th instead of 15 coz lunar 29
Samantha, no need give adults goodie bag, just focus on bbs! For me I only give children...up to say about 12 yrs old...Is quite fun actually. Can put some healthy yet interesting munchies, plus some toys, whistles, balloons, yoyos etc! For under 1 year old, I give them a infant toy each. So everyone gets something useful! The mummies get very happy when they see their little bb also have presents
hihi ladies

Gd morning!
Samantha : am oso clueless what to put inside the goodies bags. Have yet to buy the bags itself and all the goodies in them. Can anyone advise where i can get the Elmo goodies bags? Am doing the Elmo Theme.

By the way, i have started trying for #2, but i have a question, wonder if someone can clear my doubt. My last mense was 27Oct,I BD on 08 &amp; 09Nov, but i have spotting on 12Nov &amp; 13Nov. Is it normal? Does that mean that my TTC plan is wasted again? Please advise. Thanks.
Jesline : Have you went to the middle road party shop? Cos i buying goody bags stuffs online. So i want to compare the prices, if cheap maybe i go there buy also cos i can walk there to buy ..
yoyo.. me reporting!
u know wat, i ended up with a elmo cake (as i like the toppers given!)

now i got to change my items to elmo (initially plan pooh bear!) faintz.
ahhh time flies! I was watching my boy sleep last nite and he isnt like a little baby anymore! sob! they grow up way too fast!

jeanie void deck booking so cheap ah? happy bday to ur lil keith.. wah those malay weddings v economical then! haha..

canopy.. jus bd n haf fun! all the best! i cant find courage for #2 yet. haha.. dunno how to wean off #1!

sera.. beng where got lonely! got mama's love oki
Cala: I love h&amp;m!! Shop till drop whenever I was there!! Hopefully sg prices remain affordable!! Can't wait!!

Canopy: jiayou! Ppl say try everyday sure kana! Lol..
canopy, jia you.
waiting for ur gd news! :p

sarah, i m oso not holding any bday bash for my boy.
feeling guilty too.
but both hubby &amp; myself r lazy to go thru the preparation.
furthermore, time is like not on our side.
seems to hve endless things to do @ work.

so, my boy will juz hve to make do with a simple candle-blowing session with the family.
Canopy! Good luck! Could be implantation bleeding u know? Maybe successful liao leh?

Me and hubby also thinking whether to aim rabbit or dragon. If rabbit then must start trying liao..kekeke! But think this month miss O date already...so got 1 mth to decide....rabbit or dragon!

Good Luck!
Hi mummies,

Can anybody teach me how to put colour for the font?
Its should be \red {xxx} right?
But it doesnt work for me =(

And how to make the font bold?

thank you in advance..
hey mummies,

wow so many birthday celebration...
so nice to see ur babies growing up.

I got gd news to share!

Baby Sophie is gonna have a sibling! hehe...me preggy again! lol. I didnt expect so fast coz I only start trying in Oct and Oct mth menses didnt come....

gosh, very scared the morning sickness feeling starts all over again...

p/s: I'm keeping this pregnancy hush hush from colleagues...so pls do not post anythin relating to that on my FB ok?? shall only tell them after 1st trimester.

Jia You Canopyhaze! hope u r the next one to share gd news =)
thanks Ladies! Can anyone educate me on the implantation bleeding? Read abt it on the net but not very sure abt it cos never encounter it before.

MTDT : Same theme as me leh =) But don't think will decorate the venue cos the function room's ceiling is damn high so no balloons.

Alicia : Congratz!!! So your due date is July?

GG : try lah, let's have a baby together leh =p
Hey Alicia!!
Congrats to you! And congrats to baby Sophie!
Thks for sharing the gd news here with us =) Happie 4 u.
Ok, will keep tis secret for u until your first trimester. Jia you!! =)

Luwen: me also same.. a bit scared to tink of trying another one so soon..
But im happy for those with good news!
Everyday, im weighing the options. Cos time waits for no man..&amp; its only fair to give Faith another siblings.
I envy those with number 2 cos can close factory and focus on other things liao. I still have one more to go..

Im also reminding myself that its better to have another one soon - at least my mum still can do my 2nd confinement for me...
haiz. a lot of coordination for my side. Think i beta go pray abt this first. Hehe!

Now my gynae ask me to stop breastfeeding asap =(
from 3X pumping now I pump once a day only....

she even ask me to use cold cabbage to reduce milk supply but I dun wan...juz wan it to stop naturally...
I haven go middle road yet, but my fren just suggested me to go Hong Lim - SKP to see party favors. So mayb i will go and see see tonight or tml after work.
hehe, I dont know the EDD yet, coz tomr is my gynae's appt only...but I counted, should be end July-early Aug bah...

My mum &amp; sis all v shocked but they think tat 2 yrs apart is good &amp; rabbit yr is good too...

ya, now need to do alot of planning, the car seat, buy extra cot bed? sophie to give up her room for didi/meimei or?
Alicia, I am just curious, why need to stop bfeeding asap? so u got a girl already, do u have a gender preference for the 2nd one. I seem to be excited for u too.
happymummy: I hope for didi this time coz got a gal already mah...but if I got a gal again I will still be happy, all the clothes can reuse. haha. I've got a feeling it will be a gal again coz I duno did i do it on O date...haha.

Annie: coz gynae said the baby inside will need all my nutrients, and if I continue to bf, nutrients will need to split, not enough for baby inside.
Now need to relay on FBM, n once she turn 1 y.o, I gotta let her try formula milk already...
Alicia, ya, if pregnant, better stop bf.

Canopy...kekeke....ok, see how ya...yesterday was my O day...but I wan gal leh...if strike yesterday most likely boy
So now must think really wan rabbit then try next mth le..even if strike will be a Sept bb...actually am thinking maybe a 1st qtr bb better...cos dat day I saw my fren's bb...wahlau, same year as mine but he is Jan bb, already can walk so well and so big and ours still sucking thumb learning to walk. And they are going to be starting school same time wor!!
GG : oic, i oso wanna try in dec or early next yr cos wanna have a rabbit bb, but afraid that i might missed the boat then kenna dragon bb.
The anticipation is killing me, so went to GP to get a blood test just now, will know the result tomorrow. But seriously doubtful that i m pregnant.
GG Lee, I understand what you mean. I also kind of think early months babies like those born in Jan-Feb has added advantages in term of growth. I am a Jan born baby but in term of academic results, I think my peers, who are born in oct or later months seems to be cleverer than me. ha ha...but I hope to siam dragon year cos dragon year should be baby boom.
GG: I feel when they all start schooling, its all the same, they grow together n learn together. Its only th 1st 2 years where we can see the difference in growth between jan &amp; Dec baby.

Canopyhaze: if this mth neva kena, can always try again next mth...dun b too stress about it. Stress makes it worse i think....
Ladies : if this month din kenna, will rest for a while till, and try again in Jan, very bz these dayz and my new maid is finally coming this saturday just in time for bb kiren's birthday party on sunday.
Hello mummies!! Been a long long time since I posted ya... Anybody miss me? Haha... Been very busy with work and attending friend's wedding, baby's birthday, full months etc during weekend too...
Talking about birthday... For those who's in facebook will be aware that my "smart" Daphne book a 3d2n stay at KK "hotel" on her birthday eve without advance inform to hubby and myself... Hence her 1st birthday is spend at KK "hotel" with very nice doctors and nurses... Thanks god and many thanks to mummies who help to pray for her speedy recovery... She is now recovering well from her fever...
Anyway glad that she is one bar " stronger" in term of her immune system and one bar "smarter" after this stay... Probably a blessing in disguise ;)

Alicia- Congrats on the good news!! Do take care and rest well ya!!

Jeanie- you take good care of yourself too and do update us as often as you can!!

1xmummy- Hope BB Faith will enjoy her upcoming birthday bash ya...

Hi there Sharon,
Missing you wor! Hee!
yar, can see u very busy. So read ya updates from FB. hee..
Glad that Daphne is recovering.

Is it convenient to share what caused her to be warded?
Cos it happened so suddenly and it seems unlike a normal fever cos you mentioned about her heart beat slowing down too. And she started out with vomitting..
Was it a virus?

Alicia, congratz! I want #2 too.. But not prep yet coz soooo tiring to takecare of shay, how to have #2? Salute those mummy with more than 1.

Elmo theme party: I'm having elmo theme too! Done with my 40 elmo goodie bags. Phew!
