(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

congrats, alicia.
actually, kinda miss those preggy days @ times.

so, pauline, tempted to try for #3? :p

gg, dun worry.
my gal is oso a dec baby.
but she managed to catch up with her peers when she's in k1.
in fact, she's doing pretty well in sch.

cayenne &amp; annie, actually 4 yrs' gap is still quite ok.
my #2 &amp; #3 almost 6 yrs' gap.
&amp; cayenne, u, ash &amp; bb #2 can form trilogy, if bb #2 is a snake. ;)

Ling Lee, is it u got 3 kids...cos u typed and your #2 and #3 almost 6yrs' gap....so meaning still got #1.

In fact, personally I think is individual to think how much they can handle be it 1 or 2 kids and the age difference. Most impt I think must have support from either spouse or family. My GP here who is a chinese, 45yrs old male has 6 kids and every time when I go his clinic and see his family photo, always feel so warmth to see him having so many kids around. I hope to have more too...but age is catching up...
Ling lee, thanks! Probably will try catch a rabbit! I think 2 yes gap got it's advantages too, they can b playmates and we are still familiar with motherhood. Too long gap may start fearing starting all over again.
Wall decals, I bought from beautiful decals and happy with the service cos she has ready stock. No need to wait unlike another BP seller.

Karen, nice card. Is it an e-invite?
My hubby doesn't like me to print personalised invites or banners with baby's photo though. He said wait people throw baby's photo away. :p

Linglee, tempted for rabbit baby but hubby not keen. No. 1 until now still not sleeping through and wakes us up a few times a night. Plus if have no. 3, no extra room for baby and car also will be too small cos no space for 2 booster seats, 1 baby capsule and 1 maid at the back. So, end up got to buy new house and new car. How to afford esp with single income? :p
Wow few days never log in Liao, so many posts already, took me awhile to read..

Ainsley - njoy your holidays..

Congrats to Alicia, so happy for you..

Canopyhaze - keep the good news in..

Me n hubby oso planned to try after bb 1st birthday..hopefully to have a at least 2 years gap..will close shop no matter what after 2nd..

Looks like a lot of bbs already celebrate their 1st birthday..happy birthday to all bbs in this forum and mummies and daddies have a great bash with the little one..

Ling lee/Sarah - you r not the only 1, we oso opt for a small private party for cheeky with our immediate parents..I haven't even order the cake yet..
hi mummies , i m wondering hw come pregnant cant breastfeed? anyone knowz where having ediped spree?any mummies at tampines area? feel like meeting up, so far only see grace before...
Hi Lollipop and May, I also asked Alicia why pregnant must stop bfeeding and got her reply from earlier post. She said if she bfeeding and pregnant, maybe not enough nutrients will go to the baby.

Take care.

Rui eats more now?
Yest. YK threw out 1/2 of his dinner

Sale info to share

Clarks Festive Warehouse Clearance for Fabulous Savings

Enjoy up to 70% Savings for selected Clarks shoes this Festive Season!
A wide range of leather shoes and sandals for men, ladies’ and kids…
Come down to Safra Tampines on 27 &amp; 28 November from 10am to 7pm.
There will be free shuttle bus services from Tampines MRT every 30mins from 9.30am to 6.30pm.
Join us to enjoy fantastic festive deals for yourself and your loved ones.
my one also do myself haha, and dunno to print it or not for keeping.

Banner also do liao and dun wanna print anymore, find that print liao dunno hang where -.-
thanks mtdt..
but wat if after we apply, then no more availability then how?
Do we have to pay taxes? or it's totally free?
Karen : How you made the card?? Actually i have send my invites through FB liao le. Jus wanna kp. hee. I also wanna do an invitation card de.. but i duno how to do oopsss..
According to the ANZ lady I spoke to, tickets are definitely available. Only upon booking with their designated agent, then we have to pay the taxes. Taxes and fuel surcharges are about $270 per pax so amount to about $510 per ticket to Tokyo via SQ.
thanks cala.
$510 is considered cheap for not since all air tix so exp!
but compared to last year, $500-600 is normal price to fly to japan!
what is the price for sq to tokyo now? coz after addin the annual fee is $750+ per tix...any idea how much is the savings?
calamari : The ANZ card, u need to pay 4yrs annual fees of $960 then + $270/pax tax = $1500 / 2 tickets = $750/ticket leh.....;p
Not $510/ticket ?
Cheaper a little lar as sometimes NW hv promo for their tokyo air-tickets at ard $599-$699....;p
Hi Qiuye,
did u check out the site that Angkuku previously recommended? www.pingg.com
I tried it and it was easy to use.
They have many nice free templates and designs for u to use.

I did one for Faith's Save the Date invite &amp; liked it. keke.
Pauline, yup.. I sent my invites thru email &amp; fb.
No point printing coz like wat ur hb said, ppl will throw it away. Wasted!

Ivy, package i took from babyterroronline includes banner.. So i'm printing one Elmo &amp; Shay photo banner. ;p After bday maybe hang in her room for awhile, shiok liao then take out keep in store. Haha!
Saw ur fb photo, u brought yuyu to Zoo? Haha! Shay wore the same set of clothes to Zoo too.. But that was sometime back. Oh, did i mention i work in Zoo while pregnant with Shay? Yeah.. And i quit right after my maternity leave. So bad right? I cant bear to leave Shay with others, so i decided to say bye bye to Zoo.

Happymummy, i use "PAINT" to create the card. Draw myself, then cut Shay's photo and insert in. Easier way, u can use the link which Akk mention previously. That one, just choose a template and insert ur bb photo in.

Yvonne, u can look for my fren Sindy. She specialist in taking kids photo
Tell her Karen intro, she'll give good price.
I like her phototaking skills and i dun earn anything from her. Just sharing.
may> i used comgateway amex hor, express shippin takes hw long to reach u ar?
it stated 2 biz days in the webby.. but mine is 3rd day liao, stil hven reach.
i used normal standard shippin under comgateway takes 4 days nia...
i find amex one no diff lei...
Karen &amp; Jesline : Thanks thanks.. Im celebrating on 11 dec also.
Like Karen, more or less have settled all the stuffs liao le, but i tink i spend too much liao le wahahaaaa
hey, yesterday was the day I stop pumping. My gynae insist tat I dont pump anymore, if not unfair to baby inside. Now breast hard but luckily not pain so still can endure till milk deplete....need to wait till next yr den can bf again....

btw, i juz join july'2011 thread haha....now we r pro can advice those 1st time mummies liao. haha!
Mstan: errrrr you calculate sala la haha

Pay annual fee 1 year = $240, gives you 1 SQ return ticket to Tokyo
+ taxes and fuel surcharges top up $270 = $510 technically per ticket

Pay annual fee 2 years = $480, gives you 2 SQ return tickets to Tokyo
+ taxes and fuel surcharges top up ($270 x 2) = $540 = $1,020 technically for 2 tickets

Pay annual fee 3 years = $720, gives you 3 SQ return tickets to Tokyo
+ taxes and fuel surcharges top up ($270 x 3) = $810 = $1,530 technically for 3 tickets

Pay annual fee 4 years = $960, gives you 4 SQ return tickets to Tokyo
+ taxes and fuel surcharges top up ($270 x 4) = $1,080 = $2,040 technically for 4 tickets
cala, that's a very good deal. will go check it out.. hee

shokel, i got it within 3biz days.. did u check where the parcel is now?
Yea Karen,

We chose the party on Sat so more ppl can make it lor.

Hey, work in the zoo sounds fun leh. What were u doing? can share cos im curious too =)
Can see u are an animal lover. But of course between Zoo and Shay, Shay wins. keke..
din know u work for the zoo. My fren sherman use to volunteer in zoo. I quite like snakes and wanted to volunteer too but just too lazy and now got yuyu. Our priority is our baby, so whichever arrangement that you are happy and shay is happy can liao hehe.
Yvonne, yup.. Thats me!

MsTan, I'm going on sat. Intend to take part in Crawling contest and Daddy diaper changing contest. Hehe!

Jesline, i choose sat too.. But on 18th.

Mtdt, Ivy, Jesline: No laa.. I'm not handling the animals, i do events in Zoo. Weddings, Birthdays, Corporate Events, Halloween, Xmas, CNY, blar blar.. But i do work closely with the animals coz i need them in my events.
Yea, i'm a crazy animal lover! Hehe..

Canopyhaze, Try again. Jia you &amp; good luck!!
karenkkl : oh....my bb bday will also be held on 18th too.....;p
U register the contests on the spot ?
What time is the Crawling contest and Daddy diaper changing contest ? Maybe I can ask my HB if he keen ? Heee....;p

MsTan, yes sign up 1hr before the contest starts. Crawling is at 12pm and Daddy diaper change at 2pm. U going on Sat too? Come come, we take part together! =D
