(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

ask u all ah, now tt bb is about 6 months, are you all likely to change milk bottles few months down the road? do we need to stock up new milk bottles?

so many mummies intro fM already. Me still total latching...

Mummies who stopped breastfeeding, does the breast looks the same as pre-pregnancy or it will sag? i very giak xin looking at my breast turn from beautiful blossom to current stage *shake head* What a big sacrifice for bf.

Skinneybeenie, ur boy so fast can sit! Well done. He 6 mth or 7 mth now?
wei ting: i have already switched bottles since boy turned 5 months old. Especially so if you are using non-BPA-free bottles, more advisable to switch more frequently.
weiting: u talking to me hor, not manunited right? hahah. Avent last year came out with the BPA-free bottles. So dunno which one u bought leh - BPA-free or non-BPA-free?

genesis: my boobs went bk to normal after i gave up breastfeeding for my no.1 then. Now with no.2, boobs gone case again, so ugly.
Serious ah....calamari....how many cups will it downsize to?
calamari, sorry!!! hahaha.. i was rushing through my work stuff, then thought i saw manunited's name.. cos i was surfing thru my mobile.. oopsy.. sorry!!!

hmm, if that's the case then better if change.. ok thanks!!
he's coming 7 mth old by end of this week. in terms of size he looks like a 4 mth old =p

sigh what to do.. "forcefeed" a lot of solids still the same.. somemore his appetite for solids not small.. but for bm he's v distracted i think only when he's sleepy he fed well..

calamari, huh smaller??!! oh no.. i'm alr v small..hahha
Roxy- tks for asking..now not as black.. Recovering oredi.. Tink reali blue black!!

Genesis- how is jaylen?? better??

Carol- dunno y mi keep reading ur post abt ur bb trying to get up to go to u.. N mi feel like tearing everytime I read.. Sigh!!
skinnybeenie....well done!! he doesnt look like 6 mths... looks like big boy le...

jaclee... after 7mths of tbf, ss cfm nt enuff le, i fed my gal her first fm ydae.. she didnt really like it and kept gagging... im letting her take enfa
calamari hahaha yeah loh!! mine also shrink after stop bf.. so sad!! btw i emailed my gf the pixs and she said she wasnt keen on the bags.. sorry babe

carol, very touching hor... must treasure moments with them now...
Miu, yup Jaylen is better. thks!

Ask u all, do your baby become naughtier once they cross the 6 mths mark? for my case it's like the good boy no longer s good boy. He becomes a terror! Normally at nite he'll latch to sleep n sleep thru the nite. Dunno why is it he sick or wat now finish latchin he super awake n past these few nites it's like back to his first mth keep on waking up every 2 to 3 hours.

Anybody experiencing the same thing? Or it's only me?
Ya ya! Skinneybeanie! Y like tat ah??

Oh my....putting Jaylen to sleep is so now a chore. Juz nw he was screaming his lungs out man....finally I've won the battle! Really pray tat he wouldn't wake up later... If not u will c me here later liao....
Genesis n skinnybeanie- isit cuz bb now zz lesser?? My bb oso!! Lesser naps man!!

Roxy- now rhen let bb drink fm?? Thot u intro long ago man!! Mi oso letting bb drink enfa!!

Any mummies letting bb zz on pillows?
Hi mummies,

I have 3 tins BN Enfapro A+ Stage 2 new improved version to let go at $32 each and 1 tin just open using for 3 scoops at $25. Exp:22dec2011 Made in netherlands.

Will be giving away $5 off 900g Enfapro A+ voucher for the purchase of the above. Exp:22Jun2010

PM or email to [email protected] asap if u are interested can self-collect at yishun mrt
skinneybeenie, oh is it? when can we start using training cups? experienced mummies, when do u all stop bottle feeding?

also, at what age do we stop applying bottom balm?
my BPA free bottle are yellowish color.

i feel so too. Ever since enyu pass the 5plus mths to 6mths mark, she seems to be more cranky, angry and more energy to scream. Sian...
Genesis, mine also like that after reach 6 months. Loves to scream and cry non stop like super 'kelian' like that. :p

Finally, let her try cereals today. She loves it so much that she tried to grab my spoon. :p

Ainsley, I forgot, Dr Lee said how many ml of cereals can we give at 6 months? I gave her 2 teaspoons today and she still wants more. :p
Mornin mummies, I'm back here. Haizz..... My boy turn n flip n wake himself up arggghhh!!!!! Last time use pillow to block the sides can stop him from doing so but now with his strength, he manage to push away! Oh no... How ah....everyday like tat liao le....help!!!
genesis, agree. Gd boy became terror. Mine scream like nobody biz n wants attention at all times. Started 2 sunday ago till now. Last nite putting him to bed was nitemare. Let him cry n my heart really ache when i see him trying to lift his body by pushing his arms up n crawl towards me even he cannot crawl. Think like carol. Really hope that he wld be back to b4 n this is a passing phrase. Looks like a few exp this.
I m gg nuts if I cont to wake up 2 hrly! n wide awake again at dawn!!!!!! Although it's said to b a passing stage, I think I will die b4 it's passed! Really feel like crying Liao. =( desperate~ I think I will jus try n let her cry for few days.

pauline, Cecilia said 3 feeds of 120ml milk n 120-180ml of milk with cereal (2feeds) I think too much le
Morning mummies, been busy with work so seldom post these days, btw do let me know the date if gathering postponed ya.

Re: stage2 milk
Da jie Daphne is drinking similac and friso. Similac is samples from my PD, I find it abit heaty bcos it's kinda of thick. Friso is lighter and Daphne had drank stage1 so I intro stage2. Mummy who wana intro stage2 milk can call them to request for samples.

Ainsley- wah your NN bully u huh?? Nvm I ask Daphne to talk to NN during our gathering, so that they will meet in dreamland ;)
Morning Mummies/Daddies

genesis.. I feel so too .. I think cos the ability to recognise people and places is sronger each day.. thus, they are more cranky..

Like yesterday evening, the whole family went out for dinner, the moment we stepped in the place, my bb started to look around, then start crying.. *faintz*.. her cry is not those soft soft kind.. and quite loud.. so I have to quickly bring her out and walk around.. then tried walk in again... then she started again... faintz... so bobian.. I talked to her.. bring her see the whole place.. then she finally settled down... all the people were looking at me.. *malu*.. lolx..
weiting, i am not sure when exactly can use training cups.. but i got the mag mag cup set from pigeon, they have different accesories for drinking for different stages, from a nipple teat, to soft spout to straw.. now my boy trying the soft spout.. but he doesnt drink properly because ha is still not used to water... haiz..

i dun apply nappy rash cream unless there is rash.. because i believe less is more
lileen, yah i exp this a few weeks back. that time baby's level in his bed was the higher level, he put both his hands up make it so hard for us to implement CIO and ignore him.. cuz its dangerous when he did tt...

so we lowered him all the way down.. bad on my back.. but more peace of mind... even then he manages to rock and shake so violently till the playpen moves with him and only stopped when it hit the wardrobe cuz nowhere else to go..
Ainsley then if nn talking to Daphne in dreamland can they go find enyu at 5am?? She been waking up every 5am n dun wanna sleep till 1hr later. This morning worst, 530, 630, 730...
Nowadays there are many kids on nebulizer.
The last visit I went to my child PD, he was on nebulizer for 2weeks!

And also saw many parents renting the machine back home. : (

Stage 2 Milk Powder: I am into Enfa! But dont intend to start stage 2 until my girl is older. : )
hm.. decided to get s26 for my girl .. since already run out of FM.. so far no phlegm while on s26..

i already shift the playpen and cot bed down to the lowest level already.. but carrying her in and out is a chore..
but she can flip over the cot bed railings and playpen liao... damn scary...so better move down first..
hmm.. i already switch to stage 2 leh.. dunno whether its ok or not.. so many mummies still on stage 1 ah...

actually my PD say infant formula can eat until 9 mths..
Ivy, same la. Nn wakes up ard 5-6 n dun wana slp oso.. Been abt 5 nights alr. I tired to ignore her bt she will start crying n screaming soon. Sigh~ really Duno hw to deal with her. Jiejie so such prob at all.. Think my life shortened by 10yrs le..
ainsley.. u still young la.. i saw u at electrolux sale 2 weekends ago.. :p
but was in the car changing diapers..by the time i get out, you already left.. keke.. didn't manage to get anything?
yeah, i was there.. coz on the way to pick my mum for dinner. hee..

i got a washing machine coz my mum's spoil liao.. front load one.. after adding delivery, its about $530.

my hubby recognise your hubby first.. but i recognise you &amp; nn.. haha..!

wah.. the hairstyle quite short wor... but ok la.. u watched the channel 9pm show.. that evelyn kok also cut very short. shorter than yang yi..
try lor.. hair can grow back one.. hehe.. thats what my hubby always say.. want to cut then cut.. he always encourage me to cut short, but i don't dare.. haha.. because my hair grows very slow.... really slow...
Ainsley u are 27, 10 yrs old 37.. i 33 and 10 yrs older 43... sigh

btw this morning she bang her head a few times on the side of cotbed leh... i dunno why she does that. very heartpain and sian at the same time.

Jaclee, lol.. Nw my hair oso v short le. Last time long long one. I oso find myself v brave to cut. Lol.. I like the tavia yeung's hairstyle bt needs more courage.

Ur hb can recognise my hb? Lol.. Fr fb? He easy to recognise la. Gt the 曾国成look. Haha..
