(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

skinney, ur baby good routine man. 7am to 7pm... My case is opposite of u. When i am on maternity leave, my girl very good. Wake up 2hrs, sleep 2 hrs, 3 good naps a day, then night time 9pm to 7am. After i go to work, she go infant care, on weekend, she fight to go to sleep. Night time sometimes wake up 430... BUT ifc say she sleep easy leh.. so is it she know we can bully? cos we will carry her??

I really envy those who have babies that can auto-sleep without putting up a fight, scream or cry. My girl really scream cry then can fall asleep. When go out, she will scream cry in her pram... a lot of pple will look but we dunno what to do also. Cos she want to sleep, if carry her out she will stop crying cos kpo see this see that. Then after that even worst cos overtired. sigh...

I make pumpkin puree yesterday night, quite nice leh. Bake a 1/4 butternut pumpkin, flesh face down, skin face up, in a baking tray with 1 inch of water in 200 degrees for 1hr. After that smell nice and taste sweet, my girl seems to like it.

Carol, Chloe sounds like nn. Lol.. My hb tried to carry her when she woke in middle of night once oso.. Then when I went into the room, he told me, she knows it's nt mummy.. Cos still crying. Then I put her bk to slp. I think our bb starts separation anxiety faster cos we latch? I oso knw nn woke up nt bcos of hunger lor. Nt possible so fast hungry mah. Every hour or so. I just duno y.... Bt tonight seems ok. Hope it's gonna b the end of the bad nights for us!!!

Ivy, I Seriouslu duno lor. Bt fun hv anything bulging out fr her gum leh. Her pattern sot sot one lor. Sigh~

Mummies, I hv frens who smoke and wana carry nn after their smoke break n I reali dun like it leh. So smelly.. All smell of cigeratte. Bt i duno hw to reject leh. Wat can I do ah?
tonite seem peaceful so far for me too,hope it last man.as usual she end up latch to zzz....everynite make the fm &amp; throw away. so wasted.my mil try to b farni loh,ask me if dun wana waste can drink it myself!! den will pass thru my bm for chloe!! for ur smoker friends,mayb u can tell dem nn got seperation anxiety? she will scream her lungs out if u let go of her !!lol....tell dem u dun wan to take the chance hehee...

miu, my hub oso said maybe cos bb depend too much on me so tats y she will fuss wen i'm nt ard.

ivy, i made pumpkin puree too today and chloe loves it.but i lazy la, jus boil in little water and mash wiv brown rice powder.
Haizzz...woke up at 1.30 n then nw....my boy woke himself up. By flipping! Arrgggg.... I put pillow by the sides he still manage to flip!haiz!

Any mummies is up or it's only me?...
carol ling lee thanks

genesis maybe coz he not feeling well so cant sleep well? once he gets better maybe will skeep thru again.

ainsley maybe when they try to carry u can say she about to latch then excuse urself for a while. hee then come back say she might throw up so ask them to carry her later?
Carol, mushloom, I told her tat nn nw recognise ppl alr n she still wana carry leh. She's a long time fren then I duno hw to reject. Y some ppl like tat de huh? Inconsiderable lor. Wqna carry bb then dun smoke 1st mah..

Lileen, ^5.... nn really driving me nuts soon!
Morning Mummies / Daddies..

mushloom.. take care. Hope he is better now..

ainsley.. if close friend.. I will said direct in a teasing manner.. that she has no milk smell.. now only cigarette smell.. bb don't like.. and no good for bb..
alicia, yes they change the water after each swim... me not watching world cup, subscription too exp le!!

miu, is tristan ok now? the lips still got black?

shokel, i was using nokia also till the pone burn up on me and i havent bring down to nokia to bang table and bang chair yet heeee im also very happy with her wt gain

carol, i read ur posting my heart also want to break for u... i can imagine the scene!! ur poor baby crawling towards u n trying to get to mummy.. its good she is sticky to u now, next time when they grow up, they dun want mummy le.. so treasure it now
ivy, my boy doesnt sleep well when outside in his pram. almost never fall asleep.. then come back give us hell...

his night time hopefully will continue.. but i think with each devt stage new challenge.. now he hops and can shift his playpen bang into wardrobe.. so worried abt him!

next time when baby can stand i read that it'll be worse.. they'll keep jumping up and down and give their parents a heart attack..

my baby confirm can recog ppl.. cuz he only smiles very readily at me and hubby. he doesn't smile much at strangers now tho just 2 months ago, he's friend friend to every1. my hubby is able to put him to sleep without my help.. usually i latch him at 6 plus he falls asleep after abt 15 mins in his bed.. sometimes cry and cry.. then hubby will go and soothe him...i think they've got a very strong bond
altho he seems to look for me at times when hubby is playing with him
ivy, for the 2 days my boy was at IFC they claimed he slept well.. actually.. maybe its jus my IFC.. but i dun trust them..

cuz when he went to my nanny's plc when i was clearing my notice she said he sometimes sleeps v litte... yet IFC said he slept well... i doubt their words..
i try to "exhaust" my boy out before eating so that he'll eat better.. like make him crawl after his favorite items..

then when closer to nap time... no more heavy duty activity.. jus sing sing.. give him teether to bite.. dun let him move so much..

this works for now.. but i also hav a hard time every now and then when he has his off days..
Skinney, the log book show very little sleep but to them it's enuff so I dunno where they learn tat bb need so little sleep haha

Ainsley, 6am wake up ok leh. My girl sleep 940 wake up 5am then I latch coax till I migrain now. She only fall back to sleep at 6am. Sigh
my hubby actually a bit sad tt my boy goes to bed at 7 plus cuz he doesnt get to see him on some days.. but we decided this is better for him.. since he wants to go to bed at this time, all the better for us, then we have couple time and can have a nice dinner tog

so, to give him more time with my boy, i ask him to change his diaper when we wake him for dream feed and suggested to him if he has time b4 leaving for work in morning, he can play with him loh
since my boy is early sleeper early riser..
anyone started on stage 2 formula?
what brand you all give ah?

thinking of continuing s26, since they have a new ingredient (lutein) now.. other specs look about the same as other brands. but was wondering why no advert/promo for this brand..keke..dunno whether its good..
some people told me that the brand is an old brand liao, thats why no need for much promo..

other than this brand, i'm looking at enfa, which claims to have more AA and DHA (good for the brain)...
Ivy, I was out for wedding dinner with nn last nite n she was cranky at ard 9 (her usual bedtime) then fell aslp after some coaxing then cont to slp after reach Hm n woke up at ard 4am, latch then slp again till ard 6. At least nt awake every hr or so. Bt hor nt everyday sunday leh.
Took urgent leave tdy to take care of my boy. See his little body wheezing so poor thing... Haizzz.... Miss those SAHM days during maternity. Juz nw he's super cranky want to latch him then don't want keep on crying n arch his body. Hope tat he'll sleep long when he nap so his body can recover,....

Seems like my boy shrink in size since I got back to work... Nw he's 7.36kg seems like the rest of u is above 8 eh....
my girl eh 7.1kg only leh hehe. Dun be too obsess with weight, my PD say healthy weight range is ok. Tat time my girl tio bronchitis too, got to take care of her lungs, not too many days in aircon... next time bring them go exercise. Dun worry k. Just treat the bronchitis well, it wont become asthma.

good mah, my girl tat time at wedding, refuse to sleep.. too many things excites her.
im using S-26 step 2 promil gold... dunno good or not, i find the vitamins level low and minerals level higher than mamil gold.
when will our period come after we stopped bf?
i have stopped bf for 1 mth liao but my period still not here yet leh
Ivy, she was cranky lor. Cry n cry. Gtta brg her outside n coax her to slp. Then left b4 the toast. Bt today she's napping well again. Slp for 1+ hr Liao. When she nap well in noon, she will usually slp well at night. *cross fingers n pray super hard* lol
hi mummies, How do you keep your solid food like cereal warm when feeding bb? I started giving cereal mix with warm ebm, by the end of the feeding (he didnt finish all), i touch the cereal, it is very cold. Can I put the food in the food warmer and scoop the food a bit and feed him?
twinstars i read that its not necessary. in fact if baby is ok with food that is not warm, then it will be easier to bring their solids out and feed them outside...
Ivy, Tat time Enyu take how long to recover from bronchitis? Any food to avoid?

Ainsley, if it's this week dun think will join u mummies coz Jaylen is still sick

mummies, the eu ren shen si shen brown rice is it heaty ah?
genesis: hope jaylen will be fine soon. Yes, the EYS si shen brown rice is heaty. I will only let my boy eat twice a week max.
hi mummies,

calamari, huh EYS si shen is heaty ah, i didn't know leh, have been letting my gal eat every day noon but i mix 1 tablespoon of nestle cereal.
Mummies, do u give ur baby organic fruits and vegetables or give the normal ones?

Ainsley, I'm ok if postpone the gathering. recently dunno what happen has been feeling very tired. dunno is it of the bad weather. hot and cold, hot and cold....
same haha. Then recently no more avocado, only cereal, her poo is like cereal.

she was on neubalizer for 5 days, almost 1 week then she become more active. She was so poor thing, and so weak. No food to avoid in terms of western way, but my PD say breastfeed is good lah. But i try not to feed any fruits when she has bronchitis. Also no sleep in aircon, i on the aircon to cool the room 1 hr before, then just on fan to circulate the air. Dun worry ok, its pretty normal nowadays for babies to get bronchitis partly becos of the air is bad.
I just started bb on the brown rice with si shen too, today 5th day.. gave about 1 tbsp per day around noon time.. tomorrow will be trying another different food for 5 day period.. I went to buy the organix cereal at pink of health just now, any one knows if it is sweet? cos tt day i tried the nestle sample rice cereal which was given to me, damn sweet lor!

Ainsley, I also dont mind postponing the gathering if majority of the mummies feel its a better idea..

few weeks back when I brought ryan to wedding dinner also super challenging..he was obviously tired but the noise made him cranky and kept making noise.. dont want sit in pram, brought him down to lobby which was quieter, thought he can sleep but end up he keep looking at the bright chandelier.. faints..

We have to nebulise her for 4 days with every 4hrs internval. She was recovered almost on the 3rd day after taking the nebuliser. She was on BM during that time thus no solid food was introduced then. Hope ur bb is recovering soon.
den we postpone to a later date since now is like flu n virus season. we arrange another suitable time again wiv the rest.haiz,chloe oso woke up 2am, den latch to zzz. den 7.30am woke up,after i change her diaper she dun wan zz till 10.30am lor!!

thanks, i guess any one of u will feel the same way hor. she really touched my heart wen she does tat.

my gak is on s26 since birth,but i find it cause her to hav phlegm le. now stage 2 i change to enfa and so far no phlegm wor... i didnt compare the nutrients inside as i find all most brand will hav add minerals or vitamins. i oso find that s 26 is more thicker wen i prepare while enfa seems more diluted.mayb tats y no phelgm? tink i will stick to enfa since it doesnt make my gal phelghmy.its true s26 is a old n good brand,cos my mum told me i grew up on it hehee..

chloe oso poo wat she ate le. i gave her carrot,she poo carrot. yesterday she ate pumpkin, today she poo pumpkin. den wen i gave her banana,she will b constipated le.she will nt poo for 1-2day. and her poo will b hard like pellets and got black black stuff like the banana seeds!! gross lor.i will mix banana wiv something else nxt time, so she wont b constipated.
Terence, 5 days... cos u insist do one more day just in case....

Weiting, u look at the ingredients. Nestle got sugar one. Organix dun have, just pure rice. At the wedding, twice same thing, 1st wedding at night, terence put her in carrier, she sleep for a while. 2nd wedding, lunch thing, totally cannot sleep so cranky...
Carol!! same, my mom say i drink S-26 haha. I also tot of changing, i find it very thick... Terence say something very true, all this DHA, vitamins, mineral, who can prove does our baby need that much. So i think i will change...

What u all think of mamil gold? anyone on it??
genesis, hope bb jaylen gets well soon.. same goes for all babies here.. =)

yah s-26 old brand haha.. now sponsoring the channel 8 9pm show right? lol..

ivy, try to get the sample from dumex lor.. to try.. i have got sample from nestle &amp; dumex - stage 2 formula.. 400g tin one.. I havent let bb take stage 2 fm yet, will probably take when he's 7 months bah..
I also thought of intro Stage 2 when she is slightly older.. cos still have one last tin..

Now introducing cereal this week le.. don't know how she will react.
how to test out the brand? example she on S-26 now, i give her 1 feed only a day, the 3rd feed, then if wanna change brand, just switch right?
for me, i jus use up the old brand and switch le.
cos i think its jus milk lor,somemore dey on solids liao nt solely on milk .if not suitable for baby, 1st time will have reaction liao . but if baby is fussy bout the taste den its a differenr story. for me i find enfa not bad. nt too sweet and dont cause phelgm. i still hav a tin of similac n mamil. all is sample. u request for sample n try which wan yu yu likes:>
wah.. alot of mummies on s26.. hee..
i think if based on s26 infant formula to say its thick, think not so fair. coz i find that stage 2 is less oily compare to infant formula for most brands. so far i tried similac and NAN.. the bottles don't turn out to be as oily as when i feed my girl the infant formula.

so far, only similac and s26 uses 1 scoop to 60ml, the others are all 1 scoop to 30ml.
the similac person even say i can mix similac and s26 together leh.. 1 scoop this 1 scoop that. coz my girl drink 120ml now.

ivy, i think can just switch if its only 1 feed.
else i will alternate feed for a week, before switching.
S26 ask me dun mix powder, she say if got issue, u would know is it the new milk powder or its due to mixing.
