(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Ivy, nn will pull her hair n dig her nails in her thigh n scratch when she's angry or throw temper!! Scary! So hard to let her cry herself oso. Sianz. Yuyu accidently or purposely?

ya.. from FB.. haha..
in fact i quite like tavia yeung's acting.. haha.. looks also.. hehe..

ivy, ur girl bang liao never cry ah? my girl also bang a few times coz lost balance.. then she very buey song...haha..
skinnybeenie: wah!! if your bb succeed in transiting from bottle to cup at this age, let me know! lol! My 2 year old daughter still wants milk in her bottle!

Double wah!! your bb crawling from room to room oredi ah? Very advanced leh.
ya.. agree she very chio. prior to that, i also like deng cui wen (since schooling days).. haha.. now still like la.. keke..

i haven't got time to chase any drama... esp HK one.. but recently i watch PS man (taiwanese drama) every sat on starhub channel..

her latest drama is out on tv liao? or in DVD?
Jaclee, I watch online. Either pps or pipi. Still showing in hk nw. Ps man I oso watch abit bt I find tat their storyline all abt the same leh. Somemore I dun like 蓝正龙. One gd guy n one bad guy. One of the guys sure rich de. Then 2 guys like same girl. Blah blah blah. Haha..
Deng cuiwen oso gt a v nice show previously. Forgt the name.. She's the 四奶奶 n Gt the 柴九one..
ainsley, i think she wanna sleep but cannot sleep thus bang head cos angry...

jaclee, she bang tat time not crying. I went to drink water at 6am, then go back to her room then she banging head haha. Cos i know her pattern, sure awake for 1 hr, thus i quickly go pee and drink water.
ainsley: i see.. keke.. no time to watch online too.. think thats the sad part of being FTWM..
Even i watch PSman, also use VOD to watch one. actually i don't like all the characters in the show, except sui tang. haha.. but really bored leh, nothing to watch during weekends one..
hubby using PC most of the times, so a bit difficult to go online and watch..

yes yes, i know that HK show starring deng cui wen.. but i didn't watch.. haha..
i think the last HK drama i watch is the ZHU GUANG BAO QI.. somemore only watch 9 episodes then stop liao.. :p
calamari, currently latch all the time unless his daddy feeding.. so hopefully can skip the bottle stage.. as for myself, my parents let me use bottle till 10 years old!! *blush blush*

he's not crawling from room to room yet.. but today first time he crawled out of his room..
ivy, wah.. bang head to fall asleep.. champion.. hehe... i sometimes also no time to pee, got to lunz until she fall asleep or slightly focus at something before can leave her for a while nia.. else she action fast fast, crawl and start pulling things liao. put her in the cot, she not happy to be trapped inside and start crying soon after..
Wanna ask, any mummies feeding their bbies organic fruits and vegs? Normal vegs will have a lot of pesticides right?
Skinneybeenie, ok, I also have the mag cup set but haven't start using yet.. bb will be 6m next week.. Can start using? Anyway I think I will stock up 2 more milk bottles cos realized I got 2 bottles not bpa-free... Your bb really very amazing leh! Hahha.. Can crawl.. But need to tk extra care to look after him...
weiting, no lah, he's coming 7 mth already, older than most of the babies here.. so seem a bit ahead lah..

yah v scary.. jus 2 weeks after a got a big parklon mat for him, he decides it is too boring for him..

can keep the non bpa free bottles for when baby is older, in case still need.. cuz i read only need to sterilise till 1 yr.. basically if not exposed to high heat, bpa should not be leechning out from the plastic..

ya the mag mag cup set has a big teat which i think can start at 3mth+ and the soft spout at 5mth+.. i also started late.. take a look at the box, it will explain more clearly
sandy, his is not the conventional crawl on hands and knees.. he drags his body along with his hands and basically his body is dragged along the floor.. clothes get a bit dirty.. haha..
jus now he went to sit on floor again..haiz.. made me feel i wasted $180 on the parklon mat..
skinney... ya.. he is dragging now.. still amazing le.. mine ah.. still turning sideway nia.. lolx.. and can't turn back.. .. like tortoise.. will flip up both her hands and legs..
dear mummies, may I know anyone put a cover on top of your stroller's seat? I don't know what is that called but I saw many ppl put that. I realise after sitting for quite sometimes bb feel hot and the seat is hot as well, I guess that cover is made of cotton and will be more cooling? May I know where to get it? Thanks in advance!
sandy before u know it she will start to crawl.. it caomes quite fast too.. like b4 last week my baby hardly sits.. then suddenly one day i saw him in his playpen awake after a nap sitting by himself.. i din even know he knows how to do that! hahaha..

my boy is funny.. he practises the conventional crawl now and then (get into position, tries to move but dunno how, though i keep showing to him) but when he wnats to go and get something, he'll get down in his dragging position which he's more comfortable with and he knows can get him places in a short time!! this baby take short cut..
decmum, u mean a canopy to protect from sun or a cover to put on top directly onto the seat?

the seat cover many places can get.. i saw at tom&amp; steph..
skinney... my bb is trying to lift up herself when we carry her lying... but for dragging.. I think won't be so fast ba.. looking at her now.. still can't flip back.. hehehe...

Most starts with dragging first ba.. cos the leg and the wrist... probably still not strong enough to lift up.. hands are stronger.. so can drag.. you need to clean the floor clean le.. wahaha.. if not bb will clean for you.. or sawy all the dirt on one side.. hahaha..
i also bought the mag mag cups. my boy can hold the handles but then he cannot lift the cup.. so if put a bit of water, he'll suck in air, if put too much water he has no strength. so still hv to help him abit.. but at least he learns how to hold the cup
sandy put her on floor to play loh.. i read that helps.. not sure what extent but my boy spends ALL his playtime on the mat/floor..

he can lift up the hands and knees.. but dunno how to coordinate,.. i see him like not sure what to do with his legs and hands.. ver comical..

i used to clean his room floor everyday.. now die.. dun tell me whole house need to clean everyday!! haha..i clean more often lah.. but not pisslbe everyday..
My boy also bang his head on the floor. Now new pattern kiss the floor n like to rotate 360 degree on his tummy within 5 seconds!

Funnie lor with bronchitis he is more alert n active than his usual self. PD call him the happy wheezer.
skinnybeenie... his pix so cute heee .. tink if u latch shld be enuff.. me pump n not much time pump at wk so ss drop..

miumiu ive been holding back till my mother scold me.. shesays wait till i no ss then intro fm too late le.. sekali she dun want drink then we all die as i have no more milk hahaha

ainsley i lvoe dat show too! its rosy biz.. one of e best shows ive seen and the fav quote.. ren sen you ji ge shi nian.... tavia yang is also one of my fav
Nn oso duno hw to crawl or drag or sit yet. Just knw hw to turn bk. N it's v funny to see her turn front n bk, front n bk. Lol..
Jaclee, i give up liao loh. sit there she cry, so might as well go toilet 1st then come back with better mood.

Genesis, eh.. i cannot remember i think not very active leh.
chloe gave me another heart attck last nite!!
lets start in the day.she oni took 1 nap lasting 15min...den 5pm i brought her for a swim.tot suppose to let her zzz better,who knows she never even nap lor.at bout 9+pm she start to display signs of tired liao.rub eyes and cranky mode,but still wana play la.so i try put her to zzz by latching.latch till 11+ still awake ,the momoent put er in cot wen she close her eyes, she will auto kick legs and scream n wiggle! i was so fed up i put her inside the cot for time out with the side bar raised up.15min i went bk to chk,still crying her lungs out angrily.i left and came bk 15 min again.tis time i got the shock of my life!!! i opened the door only to see her crying n crawling on the floor!!! how the hell she manage to climb out? i was so worried cos she mus have fell from the cot or my bed. cos my bed is jus nxt to the cot side by side.if she drop on my bed ,den to the floor is not as bad as from the cot directly.me n hub spent the nite monitoring any signs of vomitting or watever. but after i pick her up she can still smile n play wor. i'm so worried about her fall,scared kena internal injuries oso dunno.but my friend say if go doc,doc oso ask to monitor wan. so far she still zzz,eat ,play as usual. really gek sim lor.btw,tink u will look nice wiv short hair.

jo,mus cut the skin wan. for me i lazy to steam.i jus add little water and boil small fire n mash . boil 10-15min can liao ,mus cut in small pieces so easier to cook.

my gal oso can crawl liao le.
genesis....Enyu was very uncomfortable most of the time as she has to use her mouth to breathe as her running nose was so bad....
carol, shit man... if she fall shld have red marks on head. Did she had reddish on head???she crawling fine means no leg or hand injury?
ivy: i don't have oven .. bake also need 45 mins to 1 hr.. thats a lot of time..
oven toaster cannot hor? must be oven hor..?

i was looking at the pumpkin soup, dunno whether its the same as what is served outside in restaurants.. :p

my girl fell from my bed a couple of weeks ago while she is sleeping, but apparently she tossed and turn until she fell from my bed..
she yell the moment she fell. rush into the room, pick her up and saw a red red baluku at her temple. have totally no idea how she fell.. but damn heart pain...
my god carol that must have given u a fright.. sometimes really dunno how babies supposedly so weak can get into all kinds of funny situations..

josephine, if u peel away pumpkin skin, and dice it, u can put a steam plate and steam with ur rice in the rice cooker.. save energy.. after wards jus use a fork and mash, v easy... this is how i prepare my boy's solids... of course some foods v difficult to mash... but pumpkin is easy..
Jaclee, i dun think oven toaster can. Ya i leave it in oven and do other things, smell really good.

Josephine, i really dunno if she recovered leh. Sometimes no running nose, then at night suddenly got... so dunno give medication or not.
carol, mayb dun close door next time.. jus leave the room and peep from outside.. but i know sometimes they are now super alert and can easily spot us..
ivy, i remeber u go to ur pd at united square rite? which clinic ah? do dey accept cda?i tot of bringing my gal der cos closer to my hse.
y dun u try steaming?its faster n easier.

jo, really make my heart fall out to my mouth wen i saw her on the floor!

skinniebeenie, ya now her head will turn in every direction i go. even wen hub carry her, she oso look at me le...faintz....
Jaclee, Carol, wow, dangerous man!! Mine also almost tossed off the bed recently, really must glue our eyes on them!!

Jo, can cut smaller pcs and steam..then blend or mash.
I scared bake may be a bit more heaty old folks thinking)..plus lazy ...so take the easier way. Me using avent steam and blend like some other mummies here
carol, mine too. will turn his head all he way around to see where i am going.. haha...

but he's ok and close with his dad.. sometimes DH says he wants me more.. but i'm a blur mummy.. didn't feel that!!
carol, it is call aglow, at united square 2nd floor. They accept CDA.

recently my girl so weird, i carry then she stop crying, daddy carry cannot stop her from crying... i spend the same amount of time as terence, the only diff is recently night time i bath her more often...
thanks ivy.
my gal oso same dee...my hub carry oso she dun stop crying.mus see my face den she stop , and she will open her arms towards me for bao bao.but tats doesnt mean she dun wan my hubby, only wen she cry ,she only wants me lor.
