(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

maybe i try the steaming method together with the rice one. the website that ivy gave, says nutrients will be lost during steaming leh..

recently i was out of town, only 1 night, she forgot about me and my hubby liao... -_-

jaclee, if no choice steaming is 2nd choice rather than boiling cos nutrients lost more in water. The issue with pumpkin is it contains lots of fluid, so steaming is not as good as baking, cos steam also got water.

Skinney, my girl only reach out for her rubber ducky.

carol, but terence and i go to work, so she see me less leh, cos terence bring her to ifc, bring home, bottle feed her.... she see me not very often...
so steaming is not good? i still thought of buying the avent steamer/blender to solve my 'cooking for bb problem' cos i dont cook at home!
Carol, wow! I would oso b in total shock lor. The bed or cot is so high! Hw to get out? U lower the mattress alr? Think u better do.. Luckily Chloe is fine..

I finally cut my hair!!! Super short. Haha.. I gtta cut 2 times Cos nn cranky! Then the 2nd time I went down, nn cried n scream when they touched my hair. Lol.. Nn super clingy alr..
I know this is wierd....but any mummies wan FBM? I have alot to give away coz my fridge is exploding with milkbags and my hb is complaining that he cant buy food to store. He wants to throw some away but I find it very wasted n heartpain to see my pumping efforts being thrown away. I already use some to wash my face and hands and even tried drinking it..LOL. but i feel gross drinking my own milk. Pls PM me if any of u want...dun worry my milk is clean and v healthy as I have been eating the fish oils,drink anmum lacta, eat calcium pills and fruits.
Carol, nn oso slp v little today leh. Actually it's longer bt I woke her up fr her 1st nap after abt 1+ hr cos time for her lunch. Tot like this can make her take anothe nap on time bt who knows just nw 2nd nap only abt 15mins.. Pray hard she is gg to slp well tonight....

Then v funny, she kept looking at me with my new hairystyle. Think she nt used to it initially n she cried! She looked at mr again n cried!!! =_=' after awhile then she ok... Lol.. I duno wana cry or laugh lor. Lol

i really dun know how she get out le?!somemore on her own!! she's only 6mths lor. last nite straight away put the cot to lowest level liao. cos i dun wan anymore heart attack.
ainsley - u look nice in short hair... and now so hot.. good rite?? mi like short hair!!

carol - that is scary.. tink once bb can crawl.. flip.. can leave him alone even for 1 sec.. beli dangerous..
Carol, think Chloe will b an excellent prob solver in future. Heehee..

Miu, lol.. Thks.. Nv been short hair in my life except baby! It's gonna take me yearssss to grow my long hair bk...
Mummies,do ur babies hav nightmares? Recently my girl start to cry v loud while zzz in e middle of e nite. U can see her sob until v cham that kind,tink she feel scared or something. Have to spend some time to calm her down. I wonder y. Last nite happen twice somemore n i was Zzz beside her.
Ivy, is she overtired? Or she looking for pacifier? Nn today also like this. Eh eh awhile then slp.. Think she wan latch on bt I jus carry her then after tat she cried again when my phone rang, I just pat her in her cot. Luckily she fell aslp.. *phew*
Ainsley, she was wean off pacfier for a month liao so definitely not looking for pacifier. She seems to looking for things to bite. But she also stiffen her back and scream like in pain. My PD do suspect she has mild reflux. She cry almost an hr, terence took over, then i went in again, carry her on my chest, she fell asleep, but not deep sleep, then i put her in the cot, hopefully she will have a good sleep tonight, sigh.
Ivy, ^5. I attended meeting till 1030 then reach home.my hubby told me Jaylen was screaming his lungs out like nobody biz, when I'm nt at home. Till he resorted to walking along the corridor with Jaylen for half an hour n finally he fall asleep on my hubby's shoulder.
ok thanks terence.. noted tt pumpkin advisable to bake than to steam.. hahaha.. =P

damn tired, now still in office.. tomorrow still got to come at 630am for events.. =(
genesis, tink jj got nitemare??

so late u still in office? ot ah?

be a problem solver is good dee..dun gv me problem can liao .but hor, which children dun giv parents problem rite?hehee..

hope yuyu zzz well.
tink its a phase wor, cos chloe n a few other babies oso like tat. i jus put her to zzz too.hope she dun wake up n cry ...
Mornin mummies, yesterday first time in 6 mths experience my boy super cranky since he's birth want to sleep but like cannot sleep keep on cryin n crying dunno for wat... Then nw wake up for milk.... Since 1am till nw I only slept for 5 hours.... Ahhh!!! Super sleepy nw...think later at work sure going to fall asleep liao. N nw I having headache liao....

Prayin hard tonite tolong tolong Jaylen b back to his normal self ah....
yah carol, cos got event ongoing, no choice.. now back to office...

genesis, could it be cos jaylen not feeling well, thats why?
Genesis, oh no. Is jaylen unwell? U must b v tired. Sometimes reali duno wat happens to them lor.

Ivy, Nn woke up 2 times n Finally didn't wake up 5-6am to play last nite.

Weiting, u super bz wor.. Take more rest when possible..
after yuyu cry for 1hr plus from 9-ish, she finally slept at 10:30. Then we try dreamfeed her at 11:30, wah she scream n arch her back. She refuse even though she seems not totally waken n no choice we drop her to bed. She woke up 5:57, I latch her 6:05, she fall back asleep till 7:45. But think she got slice fever, dunno is it teething but no teeth leh.
Ivy, genesis, mayb they r teething? Gum swollen? I think it's b4 the teeth erupt that caused the uncomfortable. Chk n see its swollen
Thks mummies. Duno is it due to bronchitis anot tat cause him to b so cranky. Or is it teethin I dunno leh... Super tired nw at work my eyes want to close liao...

Scary leh yesterday dunno y he cry for nothing want to latch him then he arch his back n scream with his eyes close n keep on pushin me away n struggle struggle when I carry him sitting down. Can c he's tired n want to sleep but keep on making noise....n cry cry cry.... Haizzz.... Feel so helpless dunno wat he wants. Haizzz.... Duno tdy is there another episode anot if these goes on my dark rings will get darker n darker liao....
mummies who wish to make some puree to store... can use those glass bottles and caps that TMC gave.. i used them they worked fine.. only thing is u need a small spoon to get the food out and in.. other than that the food can move quite easily since we only make the veg puree to store.. without the rice cereal they are not that sticky..

lucky i made enough for this week.. this week's weather is so bad i cannot go and buy food for my boy..luckily...haiz. me sian. dunno what to eat.. the chance i get to go out i am going to stock on food!!!
genesis, perhaps u r stressed and tired he can feel it. i dunno why, but when i am in a bad mood, or tired, my boy seems espcially more difficult to handle.. when i am more relaxed, he seems more easy too..

try to take turns to rest if u can..
re: pigeon mag mag..

i bought the pigeon set too when my ger is 3 mths old. I dont want to buy a small milk bottle just for water so i bought the whole set.

But...she refused to drink from the nipple head. After trying for some time, i gave her the spout head, still refused to drink from that. Bite on it like it's poison. Kept trying still the same, only drink water from spoon.

Then i let her tried the straw when she was almost 6 mths and she drank! has been using straw for water. She can suck up but sometimes dont know how to swallow everything, will bu out some water. I'm fine with that..just take out the straw after she suck once then support her chin. Hope she will know how to coordinate soon.

maybe mummies can try straw mug now if you have not buy. i 'wasted' money on the nipple &amp; spout head.
moscato, thanks for sharing.. perhaps i will try the straw too. my boy uses the soft spout and sometimes bu out water when he sucked in too much.. but i think, I THINK, i heard swallowing sounds when he sucks so hopefully he's drinking water..
genesis...enyu was behaving the same. she scream n scream ...arch back...cry cry cry..almost 1hrs plus...then fall asleep...wanna dreamfeed her at ard 11.30pm also wake up screaming...dunno wat happen sia so end up didnt dreamfeed her....dunno wat happen sia...
genesis28, u can bring Jaylen to Yu Guo at Kembangan for tui-na. It's opp the MRT station if i'm not wrong. My friend brings her kids there.

Sms me if you want the details.
Genesis…that’s what happen to my girl recently…suddenly in the middle of the nite start to cry with her eyes closed and will cry loud loud for a while, machiam had a bad nitemare or something…need some time to calm her down…this happened for a few times already and its not becoz she’s hungry or diaper wet or what lor…after she’s calmed down liao she will fall back to zzz

Skinnybeenie…thanks for the idea…I was still thinkin of getting a Tupperware or what to freeze the puree…btw for frozen puree, how long can it be kept? I tot fresh-made ones are better?
janiz, i read that can be stored for a month for most veg.. but maybe can googlee?

i will only store for following week, make in weekend

cuz now i'm trying to give my boy 2* rice cereal+veg.. quite tiring.. fresh definitely better..but frozen can be used if your backup, e.g. hubby (haha) cant cook or u want to go out
skinneybeenie, when i 1st let her try the straw, she will bite on it, no sucking. then i get a straw and demo to her but she still can't suck.

So i let her tried drinking from my straw, she managed to suck up. Think because the straw is much softer than the mag mag, that's why can suck up easily. After few tries, then i gave her the mag mag straw. Fill up more water so that lesser effort is required to suck up.
janiz, alternatively u can get the rubber ice tray from ikea..to store frozen puree.. always see that in those ang moh baby weaning book.. but the glass bottles in a way its better, cuz glass shd be cleaner, and can be sterilised b4 use
any of your babies on milk strike again? My girl has been like that for the past 3 days. Per day less than 400ml.

1st &amp; last feed ok. Day feed is a challenge.

she doesn't seem to be teething. Gums not swollen, no drooling. Maybe she prefers solids over milk now?

hi mummies,

how come babies wake up in the night and cry? omg.. are they feeling unwell?

carol, your incident gimme heart attack when i read it. reminds me to be extra caution cuz im blur lately. so far, there's twice when he almost roll off..

moscato, did your girl poo well? very unlikely to prefer solids then milk..

for mummies giving fm, how many feeds do you give per day? fm plus solids..

skinneybeanie, my boy likes to touch his privates when i bathe him. once, he scratch till there's a wound, bled abit. scary.. now i try to pull his hand away.

angkuku, i saw your pic on the bay eating the cables. i've actually tape plastic over all the cables that is reachable. hehe
