(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

i bathe my #1 in my bedrm, the bathtub on a table. so dun need to squat in the bathroom.

for my previous confinement i never add any rice wine in my food, also no DOM and no martel.

GG, the bath mat can help to support the baby when bathing and prevent the baby from slipping into the tub..

oh yah jaclee, my MIL said can buy those portable seat (those provided during buffet) and put the tub on the seat.. u sit at the bed side, then can bath the baby le.. said dun waste $$ buying the stand... tt's why in the end i didnt buy the stand..
Hi all
I want to let go my PIS pump. Only used a few times. It is in good condition.

Original price is PIS-$699, I am letting go at $500.

Interested, pls email me [email protected]
cayenne, is it those can fold and keep one?
coz my mum will be bathing the baby most of the times, i think she will find it troublesome to carry the tub from the bathroom to the bedroom, then i also dun wan her to squat up and down.. tiring leh..
jaclee, nopez... u noe those red or white squarish seat (no backing).. can stack on top of one another one.. sometimes u can find in coffeeshops too.. u can get 2 of those seats, then ur mom put the tub on one of them in the bathroom, then sit on the other to bath the baby..
hmmz.. dunno lehz.. i tot quite feasible.. :p

anyway, see how my MIL handle the bb during my confinement.. if too dangerous, maybe get my hubby to help out during my confinement.. after tt i can take over..
IMO, put on table is easiest cos height just nice, any dining table should be fine. My hubby got a table customised to the right height to match my sofa height to put the bath tub :p
wow... so many shopping going ard here. haha

fun fun huh.

my destiny cream - onyl used half tube so far (my no1 is 3.3yrs liao :p) usu i put dapolene for him.

I wld put the bathtub on my "basin top (like a table)" in the toilet. so dun need to bend too. if not, tink v siong.
hihi all mummies.. i went for my 3D scan today. hehe *happy happy* gynae commented bb is abit fat. now at 28 weeks, ard 1.4+kg. the growth development is like 29+ weeks. ask me to reduce carbo intake. and bb very funny too, he keep moving his mouth and also stick out his tongue.

and i just realise that i've put on a total of 14kg so far.
mi finallu log on liao.. wow.. missed so many thread man..mi bsi packing cuz shifting hse on fri.. sigh.. no choice.. gotta stay wif mil to look after bb..

Einnoic, hope u r oki... scary accident man.. no wisdom tooth extraction allowed for preggie ladies.. mi juz went dentist last week and dentist told mi..

wow.. mummies r buying pump, cream etc.. and mi havent buy ANYTHING yet.. will start after mi settle in my new hse..
Hi, Roxy, have transferred $30. Will arrange for my friend to pick up the 2 tubs of cream together with the pump when goods arrive. Thanks.
Morning Mummies..

Hi jeanietan... Dr Fong est the weight of bb for you? So far, he nvr do that for me nei... hehehe.. mayb I nvr ask ...

Oh you are 28weeks this week... so we are only 1 week difference then.. I am 27weeks this week..
jaclee: Yup, there are 2 A4 sized Xray film of all the organs (our 20 week detailed scan only had printouts).

Difference between 3D and 4D is that 4D is a video so you can actually see the baby's activities. I considered for years and I must say that I really have no regrets doing the scan except that I did not do one for my son.

einnoc: I am also putting off my root canal treatment till I stopped breastfeeding coz I am not sure of the side effects.
hi manunited and pauline
Got your trf le, thanks!!

hi regarding freestyle.. still have 2 slots available for batch 5.. expected date for shipment to reach sing for batch 5 is late oct/first week Nov... do PM me if anyone is keen...took the pump package ydae, not too heavy

Orders placed for calendula cream at drugstore last nite...
morning mummies!

i have received payments from all mummies for the cream as of yesterday, except jeanie tan and einnoc.

thank you for your support! will inform you all once the stuffs are here..

had insomnia for the past few nights, played some mozart music and leave it to auto sleep mode after 30 mins, finally manage to sleep thru the night.. mummies who have trouble sleeping can try try..
think any soothing classical music will do.. hehe..
hi mstan
The binders should be provided by your hospital after you deliver... and they really do help in alleviating the pain and making walking more bearable... it costs abt S$50 - 60 plus and charged to your hospital bill...

thanks joanne, i'll go check later...
jaclee, mine cannot man. If I play music bb becomes excited and kick non stop. Same when I watch TV. Recently been tossing and turning..
mstan8888, u can get binders urself at most of hospitals' pharmacy or mustafa. if u bring urs then hospital will not charge u lor. i brought mine for the nurses to bind for me. think it will be cheaper if u bring urs to the hospital.

i got mine from kkh pharmacy, my friend who is a staff there got it for me at 10% off. i saw similar binders (3 or 4 panels) ones at mustafa
gg_lee: oh.. hehe.. mine also keep turning and kicking throughout the day.. wonder why she never sleep.. :p but i quite like the ticklish feeling, provided she dun kick too hard.. hehe..
GG, when i play music , bb seem like not reacting

seem like all u ladies babies getting more active ...mine seem like not so active ..dun feel frequent movement ....shld i ask gyane how cm baby inactive? i am worry how to monitor movement if baby inactive
Ok Iris, will go pharmacy to take a look?
How much u got yrs b4 disc?
Btw, is there a difference in binders for normal delivery &amp; c-sect ? If c-sect, so must buy those juz for c-sect?
Btw, how to choose the size? Heard there's S, M &amp; L. Do u choose size based on yr waist b4 delivery?
Heee...yuki, my bb also not too active. Sometimes like dun move much &amp; I dunno wat happen? My hubby will get worry if bb dun move much d whole day.
hi mstan
Yes, I tink can get it cheaper elsewhere... but Im abit lazy to search for it... the other time i used the binder and it works well for me, so i will stick to it... hopefully i can use back my old binder, save costs.. but u might not be having csect... so no need the binder?
mummies who have ordered the thermometers from me: i managed to change the order to ship the thermometer earlier..
so we will be expecting the thermometers sooner (around mid oct).
By right we shld monitor bb movement from/after 20th wk, right ? And monitor bb kick when 24wk onwards, right ?
I 24 wk this wk but still dun feel bb kick.
My bb not really active wan....

Dunno is it becos bb is girl ?
Yuki : is yrs a girl too ?
Yuki: I just did the 4D scan last Friday and I was 29 weeks 1 day. If too big then the organs will be hard to scan unless you are just scanning the face.
Roxy : Binders not only used for c-sect, right? If natural also can use, right? Btw, binders got divided into for natural &amp; c-sect?
yuki, as long as it kicks about 10 times a day, it should be fine. else get your gynae to confirm ur bb's status.
i also went to see my gynae, when i can't feel my bb move 2 weeks ago.. so dun worry, go see your gynae if you don't feel right.
if you signed package from your gynae, then can go see your gynae as much as you want, i think.. hehe..
hm.. what is this binder for? is it the same as the binder that is provided by the post natal massage lady?

roxy, how much is the freestyle? comes with the bag? lazy to track back the thread..
Meanwhile, i guess i will have to bear with the toothache. Btw jaclee, which brands have non-alcoholic mouthwash ar? will get my hubby to buy for me since i can't walk much now. Think hubby will transfer $ by noon ba. let u know when he sms me transaction reference no.

miu miu, u better dun shift heavy things wor.
jaclee, initially i tot the binder is for post natal slimming.. seems like it helps to alleviate the pain for csect delivery too?

i signed up package with my gynae.. but she upfront said if additional visits to gynae (not scheduled by gynae) will need to pay.. for Dr WK Tan, think it's 60 bucks per visit.. that's why i try not to go for impromptu visits if possible..
good morning hahaha, long time never go office so early.. bo bian cos meeting at 10am..

the bath tub stand look dangerous.
Cayenne : is the binders for c-sect? U tried b4 for c-sect? Gd/effective? Got size?

There are so many binders ard, dunno which is cheap &amp; gd/effective for c-sect ?
ivy, u mean the one selling at baby kingdom or wat my MIL suggested? i saw one at baby kingdom during my 1st trim, looks ok lehz (they display with the tub).. and not so expensive too.. dunno why the website one so expensive..

hahah.. no wor.. me first time mommy.. i oso dunno can use for csect not.. i always tot the binders for post natal slimming.. :p yah, the lady said got S,M,L.. i can forward u her email if u want...

einnoc, i went to ntuc denticare. the dentist gave me colgate one (something flax). can ask your hubby to look at the bottle, it should state non-alcohol i think. you can try watsons to see whether they have those sample sizes (usually $1.95) for sale, then try whether it feels better before buying the bigger bottle. normally sample sizes can last about 2-3 times only. i use it only once a day before i go to sleep. in fact i only use twice, and the swelling is gone. so i stopped using. hee.. coz i don't like the peppermint taste.
if you have a dentist nearby, suggest you go for a consultation to ensure that its nothing serious, else double pain when you want to deliver leh..

cayenne, oh.. maybe my gynae is more flexible in this case. only visit her once impromptu to check the bb's movement as well as get MC for the day for cramps. But if the reason is not feeling well then also mention about the bb's movement, will he charge u?
